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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. New SARS Virus Attacks Arabs Created by Israeli and British Bio-Weapons Lab http://occupycorporatism.com/new-sars-virus-attacks-arabs-created-by-israeli-and-british-bio-weapons-lab/ (LINK HAS WORDS TO CLICK FOR REFERENCES) The World Health Organization has identified a new SARS-like virus that attacks people of Middle Eastern decent and appears to be race-specific; just as the original SARS that was released in Hong Kong and caused numerous deaths. SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome. The new SARS is 99.9% similar to the original SARS. WHO has officially stated: “Given that this is a novel coronavirus, WHO is currently in the process of obtaining further information to determine the public health implications of these two confirmed cases.” Gregory Hartl, WHO spokesperson said: “At the moment we have two sporadic cases and there are still a lot of holes to be filled in.” Hartl admitted that it is unclear as to how the new SARS is spread and there is a lack of evidence of human-to-human transmission. “All possible avenues of infection are being explored right now.” The first record occurrence of this new SARS was found in Qatar earlier this month. The victim of this bio-weapon was transferred to a hospital in the UK for controlled monitoring and samples were submitted to the Health Protection Agency (HPA) for further laboratory testing. HPA confirmed that this never-before-seen coronavirus was structurally similar to SARS. The HPA asserts that there is no immediate “cause for concern” however they admit that “this new virus … is different from any that have previously been identified in humans.” A Saudi-born woman also has died from the new SARS which has been overtaken and investigated by the UK health authorities. Peter Openshaw, professor and director of the Centre for Respiratory Infection at Imperial College London, stated that UK health officials must be aware of “any evidence of human to human transmission causing severe disease would be very worrying and would raise the specter of a new SARS-like outbreak. The hope for now is that these cases are just highly unusual presentations of a generally mild infection, and that viral surveillance and detection is now so good that we are picking up cases that would not have been found in previous times.” Andrew Easton, a virologist at Britain’s University of Warwick, claims that two cases of this new SARS makes the investigation difficult and the identification of a global threat impossible. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that encompass even the common cold. The original SARS was identified as a coronavirus, as is suspected of the new SARS virus. WHO is determining, through information provided by the UK health officials, how much of a threat the new SARS will become. According to the UK government, the indicators of the new SARS are fever, cough and other respiratory symptoms. This actually leaves the door open for any display to be an indicator of the new SARS, which will pave the way for public confusion. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), SARS suddenly appeared between November 2002 and July 2003. An estimated 8,098 people of Asian descent were infected and 774 of them succumbed to the race-specific virus. SARS, being a respiratory illness, was able to “seed” and spread quite quickly from China to Hong Kong beginning with Carlo Urbani , who discovered the strange virus and later died from it. Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of preventative medicine at Vanderbilt University, explained: “It took the outbreak in Hong Kong and subsequent spread to bring that to our attention. The surveillance for viruses that cause disease, particularly respiratory viruses, has improved enormously over the last 10 years worldwide. What happened here demonstrates that.” The original SARS was clearly a genetically created bioweapon. It had spliced elements of human, cow and mouse viruses which is not possible in nature. Coronaviruses do not jump species – like infecting animals and spreading to humans. Another tell-tale sign is that the original SARS did not match any known virus. At first officials claimed it was an A virus, then a B virus. The Zionist-controlled Israeli government has been trying to identify specific genes carried by human of Arab descent in order to create a race-specific bioweapon that would covertly be exposed to Arab populations in order to commit a massive ethnic cleansing. Anonymous Israeli and US intelligence sources claimed that a genetically modified bacterium/virus was being developed as a bio-weapon that could be spread through the air or water supply. The focus would be certain Arab communities. Dedi Zucker, Israeli parliament member explained: “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied.” Israeli Defense, working with a British defense facility at Porton Down asserts that that this race-specific bio-weapon is possible. And considering the new SARS virus which was discovered to have effected two people of Arabic descent who were taken to the UK for further analysis, it appears that this bio-weapon is a reality.
  2. YAWN .........handkerchief very low tech. http://www.salon.com/2004/10/09/bulge/ NYT / WashPO SHOWS BIAS AGAIN http://www.fair.org/...x.php?page=2012 “A lot of hoops” While the New York Times seems to have been the only newspaper to write an investigative story on the Bush bulge and then kill it, it was not the only paper to duck the story about the bulge and its dramatic confirmation and delineation by Nelson. In addition to the L. A. Times and the two local papers that showed no interest, Nelson says that the same day he learned that his story had been killed at the Times, October 28, he received a phone call from Washington Post assistant managing editor Bob Woodward, famous for his investigative reports on Watergate. "Woodward said he’d heard the Times had killed the story and asked me if I could send the photos to him," says Nelson. The JPL scientist did so immediately, via email, noting that he had also been in touch with Salon magazine. He says Woodward then sent his photographs over to a photo analyst at the paper to check them for authenticity, which Nelson says was confirmed. A day later, realizing time was getting short, Nelson called Woodward back. Recalls Nelson: "He told me, 'Look, I’m going to have to go through a lot of hoops to get this story published. You’re already talking to Salon. Why don’t you work with them?'" (Several emails to Woodward asking him about Nelson's account have gone unanswered.) At that point Nelson, despairing of getting the pictures in a major publication, went with the online magazine Salon. This reporter subsequently asked Nelson to do a similar photo analysis of digital images of Bush’s back taken from the tapes of the second and third presidential debates. The resulting photos, which also clearly show the cuing device and magnetic loop harness under his jacket on both occasions, were posted, together with Nelson’s images from the first debate, on the news website of Mother Jones magazine (10/30/04). What should affect elections? Ben Bagdikian, retired dean of U.C. Berkeley's journalism school, held Woodward's current position at the Washington Post during the time of the Pentagon Papers. Informed of the fate of the bulge story and Nelson's photos at the three newspapers, he said: I cannot imagine a paper I worked for turning down a story like this before an election. This was credible photographic evidence not about breaking the rules, but of a total lack of integrity on the part of the president, evidence that he'd cheated in the debate, and also of a lack of confidence in his ability on the part of his campaign. I'm shocked to hear top management decided not to run such a story. Could the last-minute decision by the New York Times not to run the Nelson photos story, or the decision by the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times not even to pursue it, have affected the outcome of the recent presidential race? There is no question that if such a story had run in any one of those major venues, instead of just in two online publications, Bulgegate would have been a major issue in the waning days of the campaign.
  3. Which segues into wondering why you seem to think Asperger's rules out use as an agent... especially when it could not be diagnosed in the 1950s because it was not recognized in the US? // END PARKER ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Asperger’s Syndrome History Asperger's Disorder was first described in the 1940s by Viennese pediatrician Hans Asperger who observed autistic-like behaviors and difficulties with social and communication skills in boys who had normal intelligence and language development. Many professionals felt Asperger's Disorder was simply a milder form of autism and used the term "high-functioning autism" to describe these individuals. Professor Uta Frith, with the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience of University College London and author of Autism and Asperger Syndrome, describes individuals with Asperger's Disorder as "having a dash of Autism." Asperger's Disorder was added to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) in 1994 as a separate disorder from autism. However, there are still many professionals who consider Asperger's Disorder a less severe form of autism. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Uta Frith from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Guardian piece ran as follows: A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allows them to look deep inside a person’s brain and read their intentions before they act. The research breaks controversial new ground in scientists’ ability to probe people’s minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raises serious ethical issues over how brain-reading technology may be used in the future. ‘Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and read out something that from the outside there's no way you could possibly tell is in there. It's like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a wall,’ said John-Dylan Haynes at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany, who led the study with colleagues at University College London and Oxford University.
  4. COLBY blindly accepts LaDouches MSM pronouncements on just about every thing. COLBY OUT OF TREND U.S. Distrust in Media Hits New High Submitted by Orangutan. on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 4:40am Gallup Poll media by Lymari Morales - Gallup.com WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' distrust in the media hit a new high this year, with 60% saying they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly. Distrust is up from the past few years, when Americans were already more negative about the media than they had been in years prior to 2004. The record distrust in the media, based on a survey conducted Sept. 6-9, 2012, also means that negativity toward the media is at an all-time high for a presidential election year. This reflects the continuation of a pattern in which negativity increases every election year compared with the year prior. The current gap between negative and positive views -- 20 percentage points -- is by far the highest Gallup has recorded since it began regularly asking the question in the 1990s. Trust in the media was much higher, and more positive than negative, in the years prior to 2004 -- as high as 72% when Gallup asked this question three times in the 1970s. This year's decline in media trust is driven by independents and Republicans. The 31% and 26%, respectively, who express a great deal or fair amount of trust are record lows and are down significantly from last year. Republicans' level of trust this year is similar to what they expressed in the fall of 2008, implying that they are especially critical of election coverage. Independents are sharply more negative compared with 2008, suggesting the group that is most closely divided between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney is quite dissatisfied with its ability to get fair and accurate news coverage of this election. More broadly, Republicans continue to express the least trust in the media, while Democrats express the most. Independents' trust fell below the majority level in 2004 and has continued to steadily decline. Attention Paid to Political News Lower Than in 2008 Americans tend to pay more attention to political news in presidential election years, and that is the case in 2012. However, Americans are less likely this year to be paying close attention to news about national politics than they were in 2008. The 39% who say they are paying close attention is up from last year -- when Americans were paying a high level of attention compared with other non-election years -- but down from 43% in September 2008. Despite their record-low trust in media, Republicans are the partisan group most likely to be paying close attention to news about national politics, with the 48% who are doing so similar to the 50% in 2008 and up significantly from 38% in 2004. Independents and Democrats are less likely than Republicans to be paying close attention, with their levels of attention similar to 2008 and 2004. Implications Americans are clearly down on the news media this election year, with a record-high six in 10 expressing little or no trust in the mass media's ability to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly. This likely reflects the continuation of the trend seen in recent years, combined with the increased negativity toward the media that election years tend to bring. This is particularly consequential at a time when Americans need to rely on the media to learn about the platforms and perspectives of the two candidates vying to lead the country for the next four years. The lower level of interest in news about national politics during this election year may also reflect the level of interest in the presidential election specifically. This survey was conducted immediately after the conclusion of both political conventions and thus may indicate the level of attention paid to those events in particular. Since this survey was conducted, Democrats' enthusiasm about voting has swelled nationally and in swing states. On a broad level, Americans' high level of distrust in the media poses a challenge to democracy and to creating a fully engaged citizenry. Media sources must clearly do more to earn the trust of Americans, the majority of whom see the media as biased one way or the other. At the same time, there is an opportunity for others outside the "mass media" to serve as information sources that Americans do trust. Survey Methods Results are based on telephone interviews conducted Sept. 6-9, 2012, with a random sample of 1,017 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the margin of error is ±4 percentage points. Interviews are conducted with respondents on landline telephones and cellular phones, with interviews conducted in Spanish for respondents who are primarily Spanish-speaking. Each sample includes a minimum quota of 400 cell phone respondents and 600 landline respondents per 1,000 national adults, with additional minimum quotas among landline respondents by region. Landline telephone numbers are chosen at random among listed telephone numbers. Cell phone numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods. Landline respondents are chosen at random within each household on the basis of which member had the most recent birthday. Samples are weighted by gender, age, race, Hispanic ethnicity, education, region, adults in the household, and phone status (cell phone only/landline only/both, cell phone mostly, and having an unlisted landline number). Demographic weighting targets are based on the March 2011 Current Population Survey figures for the aged 18 and older non-institutionalized population living in U.S. telephone households. All reported margins of sampling error include the computed design effects for weighting and sample design. In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls. View methodology, full question results, and trend data. For more details on Gallup's polling methodology, visit www.gallup.com.
  5. It is a real syndrome which affects real people. Most people recognize Oswald had a condition of some sort and Asperger's explains his foreign language ability and his occasional "funny" accent. It explains why, as a 15 year old, he memorized the Marine Manual. It explains why he had trouble looking people in the eye; his curious half smile, his sometimes awkward posture. It even explains his stance on social issues, his poor handwriting, his tendency toward occasional solitude and so many other things. http://www.tonyattwo...d=62&Itemid=176 ###################################### Oh, he isnt a Intell Asset.Hes the LONE ASPERGER GUNMAN...... ASPERGER'S DISORDER: A POSSIBLE EXPLANATION FOR BEHAVIOR OF SUBGROUP OF SERIAL KILLERS? A series of papers by J. Arturo Silva and colleagues suggests that some serial killers—including Jeffrey Dahmer and Theodore Kaczynski (the "Unabomber")—exhibit evidence of Asperger's disorder (AD), a variant of autism. Autism is a neurological disorder that severely affects communication, social skills, behavior, and learning. Individuals with AD are far less impaired mentally and socially than other autistic individuals, and often are highly intelligent. Unlike people with autism, individuals with AD exhibit normal language development, although their speech tends to be somewhat eccentric. While very few people with AD are violent, studies do suggest that the prevalence of AD may be elevated in violent criminal populations. Silva et al. say that Dahmer, convicted of serially killing and cannibalizing young boys, exhibited signs of AD from his earliest years. As a child, he exhibited poor eye contact, displayed facial expressions "devoid of emotional glow," had a rigid body posture and gait, and was isolated, socially inept, and "emotionally disconnected." He also strongly disliked change and was highly ritualistic and obsessive (with his obsessions including the collection of bones and dead animal bodies). All of these traits can be signs of AD. Silver et al. argue that Dahmer's creation, collection, and utilization of cadavers can be viewed as "a sexualized form of the repetitive behavioral patterns typically encountered in AD." Dahmer's treatment of his victims, they say, is consistent with the fact that individuals with AD have trouble both in "theory of mind" (the understanding that other people have thoughts and feelings) and in distinguishing between people and objects. Similar patterns, Silva and colleagues say, appear in the history of Kaczynski, who killed three people and wounded dozens by sending them mail bombs. Silva et al. note that Kaczynski was aloof and could not understand the feelings of others. He also exhibited an aversion to being touched and experienced extreme distress when exposed to noise, both common reactions in children with autism. A neighbor described the young Kaczynski as "a child who was an old man before his time," consistent with Hans Asperger's description of his young patients with AD as "little professors," and as an adult, Kaczynski was extremely impaired in social relationships. Kaczynski's preoccupations with bomb-making and the perceived evils of technology, the authors say, can be viewed as typical of the obsessive interests of a person with AD. Silva et al. say their characterization of a subset of serial killers as having high-functioning autism could lead to a greater understanding of the etiology of both serial homicide and autism. "Psychological phenomena of central importance to understanding serial killers such as deficits in empathy have frequently been explained as originating from a psychopathic core," they say, "thereby missing the possibility that deficits in empathy may also be due to autistic psychopathology." ----- "A neuropsychiatric developmental model of serial homicidal behavior," J. Arturo Silva, Gregory B. Leong, and Michelle M. Ferrari, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Vol. 22, 2004, 787-99; and "The case of Jeffrey Dahmer: Sexual serial homicide from a neuropsychiatric developmental perspective," J. Arturo Silva, Michelle M. Ferrari, and Gregory B. Leong, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 47, No. 6, 2002, 1-13; and "Asperger's disorder and the origins of the Unabomber," J. Arturo Silva, Michelle M. Ferrari, and Gregory B. Leong, American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2003, 5-43. Address for all: J. Arturo Silva, P.O. Box 20928, San Jose, CA 95160, silvapsychcorp@earthlink.net.
  6. [Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr.] explained to me that, “many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because the ‘higher-ups’ forbid discussion of this fact.” Paul further elaborated that former CIA director Robert Woolsey, as the Fire Department’s Anti-terrorism Consultant, is sending a gag order down the ranks. “There were definitely bombs in those buildings,” he told me. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Witnesses from the 82nd floor talk about making their way down WTC 2 building to exit after the plane hit. Once they reach the 4th floor they experience a big explosion from the lobby. THIS MUST TAKE A LONG TIME,JUST ISNT FIREBALL FROM PLANE DOWN THE SHAFT. ########################################## WTC Firefighters Tape: Explosions and Aftermath Edited wma file of 9/11 firefighters' transmissions The above wma file is edited from the 9/11 radio transmissions of North Brunswick Volunteer Fire/Ladder Company #3. The file begins with the collapse of the WTC 2, @3:23 there are three beeps - this signifies a ~20 minute tape edit, and time has moved on to the collapse of WTC 1. Numerous explosions are reported by firefighters in the transmissions... "Tower two has had major explosion and what appears to be a complete collapse" "...those involved in the secondary explosion at tower 1, 'kay, I've got five patients..." "We have got numerous people covered in dust from the secondary explosion..." "We've got another explosion at the tower..." Video Evidence of an Explosion at the Base of WTC 1 ...maybe that's why the OEM issued a World Trade Center collapse warning. Why were only a select few warned? Listen to the firefighters transmissions and ask yourself that question. See also: 9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTCThe 9/11 WTC Collapses: An Audio-Video Analysis
  7. HUMAN NATURE is unfortunately too sophisticated and complex for Colby ############################################################ TO SIMPLIFY FOR Colby relevant in RED "Badlands" Bruce Springsteen Lights out tonight, Trouble in the heartland, Got a head on collision, Smashin' in my guts, man, I'm caught in a cross fire, That I don't understand, I don't give a damn, for the same old played out scenes, I don't give a damn, for just the in betweens, Honey, I want the heart, I want the soul, I want control right now Talk about a dream, try to make it real You wake up in the night, with a fear so real, Spend your life waiting, for a moment that just don't come, Well, don't waste your time waiting, Badlands, you gotta live it everyday, Let the broken hearts stand As the price you've gotta pay, We'll keep pushin' till it's understood, and these badlands start treating us good. Workin' in the fields till you get your back burned, Workin' 'neath the wheel till you get your facts learned, Baby, I got my facts learned real good right now, Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, And a king ain't satisfied, till he rules everything , I wanna go out tonight, I wanna find out what I got I believe in the love that you gave me, I believe in the hope that can save me, I believe in the faith and I pray, that someday it may raise me, Above these badlands Badlands, you gotta live it everyday, Let the broken hearts stand As the price you've gotta pay, We'll keep pushin' till it's understood, and these badlands start treating us good. For the ones who had a notion, A notion deep inside, That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive I wanna find one face that ain't looking through me I wanna find one place, I wanna spit in the face of these badlands Badlands, you gotta live it everyday, Let the broken hearts stand As the price you've gotta pay, We'll keep pushin' till it's understood, and these badlands start treating us good.
  9. "client-academics" as part of a "cover up" of the deaths that Other Losses alleged occurred.[12] ##################################### PLEASE NOTE RED/BOLD BELOW Gee Colby's main ref a Army hack who writes fantasy .........yup real solid historian ....no AXE to grind re army ...... now thats fantasy Albert E. Cowdrey Albert E. Cowdrey is an American fantasy and science fiction author. He has published the science fiction novel Crux and a number of short stories. Much of his short fiction has appeared in Fantasy and Science Fiction and centers on his love for New Orleans. He was Chief of the Special History Branch in the U.S. Army, and wrote a number of nonfiction books about the history of the medical branches of the army. In 2003 Cowdrey's short story "Queen for a Day" won the World Fantasy Award. His novella "The Overseer" received a nomination in the 2009 World Fantasy Awards. _____________________________ American USSR An Extensive Archive of America's Hundreds of Lies, Treacheries, Wars, False Operations, Torture, and Murders American USSR:World War Two War Crimes By Americans And Allies WORLD WAR TWO WAR CRIMES BY AMERICAN FORCES Canicattì massacre: killing of Italian civilians by Lieutenant Colonel McCaffrey. A confidential inquiry was made, but McCaffrey was never charged with an offence relating to the incident. He died in 1954. This incident remained virtually unknown until Joseph S. Salemi of New York University, whose father witnessed it, publicized it. BIBLIOGRAPHY Giovanni Bartolone, Le altre stragi: Le stragi alleate e tedesche nella Sicilia del 1943–1944 George Duncan, Massacres and Atrocities of World War II in the Axis Countries The Dachau massacre: killing of German prisoners of war and surrendering SS soldiers at the Dachau concentration camp. BIBLIOGRAPHY Albert Panebianco (ed). Dachau its liberation 57th Infantry Association, Felix L. Sparks, Secretary 15 June 1989 In the Biscari massacre, which consist of two instances of mass murders, U.S. troops of the 45th Infantry Division killed roughly 75 prisoners of war, mostly Italian. BIBLIOGRAPHY Weingartner, James (November 1989). "Massacre at Biscari: Patton and An American War Crime". The Historian LII (1): 24–39. Operation Teardrop: Eight of the surviving, captured crewmen from the sunk German submarine U-546 are tortured by US military personnel. Historian Philip K. Lundeberg has written that the beating and torture of U-546's survivors was a singular atrocity motivated by the interrogators' need to quickly get information on what the US believed were potential missile attacks on the continental US by German submarines. BIBLIOGRAPHY Lundeberg, Philip K. (1994). "Operation Teardrop Revisited". In Runyan, Timothy J. and Copes, Jan M. To Die Gallantly : The Battle of the Atlantic. Boulder: Westview Press. ISBN 0813388155. , pp. 221–226; Blair, Clay (1998). Hitler's U-Boat War. The Hunted, 1942–1945 (Modern Library ed.). New York: Random House. ISBN 0679640339. , p. 687. EISENHOWER MURDERS ONE MILLION GERMAN WAR PRISONERS VIA EXPOSURE TO WINTER RAINS, STARVATION, AND DISEASE AMERICAN CAMPS - 2.5 MILLION GERMAN PRISONERS EXPOSED NO CLOTHING, BEDDING, HOUSING & 300 CALORIES RATION EISENHOWER'S GERMAN PRISONER DEATH CAMP VIDEO Other Losses is a 1989 book by Canadian writer James Bacque, in which Bacque alleges that U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower intentionally caused the deaths by starvation or exposure of around a million German prisoners of war held in Western internment camps briefly after the Second World War. Other Losses charges that hundreds of thousands of German prisoners that had fled the Eastern front were designated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" in order to avoid recognition under the third Geneva Convention, for the purpose of carrying out their deaths through disease or slow starvation. Other Losses cites documents in the U.S. National Archives and interviews with people who stated they witnessed the events. The book claims that there was a "method of genocide" in the banning of Red Cross inspectors, the returning of food aid, the policy regarding shelter building, and soldier ration policy. U.S. Army military historian Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who wrote the book's foreword, argues that the claims are accurate. Other Losses The title of Other Losses derives from a column of figures in weekly U.S. Army reports that Bacque states actually reflects a body count of German prisoners that died of slow starvation or diseases. The book states that Colonel Philip Lauben, chief of German Affairs Branch at SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force), confirmed that "other losses" meant deaths and escapes, with escapes being a minor part.[1] Bacque dismisses claims from his opponents that "other losses" meant transfers or discharges, as these are accounted for in other columns in the same tables. Furthermore, there is no separate column in which deaths were recorded. The book refers to the Army Chief Historians report that was published in 1947; in the 20 pages dealing with the capture, transfer and discharge of prisoners, the report makes no mention of releasing prisoners without formal discharge. Furthermore, Bacque cites Army orders from Eisenhower himself (Disbandment Directive No. 1) stating that every prisoner leaving captivity had to have discharge papers.[2] Disarmed Enemy Forces designation Other Losses states that Eisenhower sought to sidestep the requirements of the Geneva Convention through the designation of these prisoners as Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEF), specifically stating that "in March, as Germany was being cracked ... a message was being signed and initialed by Eisenhower proposed a startling departure from the Geneva Convention (GC) — the creation of a new class of prisoners who would not be fed by the Army after the surrender of Germany."[3] The book states that, against the orders of his superiors, Eisenhower took 2 million additional prisoners after Germany's surrender that fell under the DEF designation.[4] Other Losses states that the million soldiers it alleges died had fled the Eastern front and most likely ended up in Rheinwiesenlager prisoner transit camps run by United States and French forces where many such prisoners died of disease or starvation under the cover of the DEF designation. The book cites orders from Eisenhower which stipulated that the Germans would be solely responsible for feeding and maintaining the DEFs, however he then prevented any aid from reaching them.[5] Number of prisoners who died Other Losses claims that nearly one million German prisoners died while being held by United States and French forces at the end of World War II. Specifically, it claims: "The victims undoubtedly number over 800,000, almost certainly over 900,000 and quite likely over a million. Their deaths were knowingly caused by army officers who had sufficient resources to keep the prisoners alive."[1] Other Losses contains an analysis of a medical record that it states supports the conclusion of a prisoner death rate of 30%.[6] Bacque also referred to a 1950 report from the German Red Cross which stated that 1.5 million former German POWs were still officially listed as missing, fate unknown. When the KGB opened its archives in the 1990s, Bacque's estimates for the number of missing POWs that died in Soviet camps was found to be correct. The book claims that approximately 15% of the deaths in the U.S. camps were from starvation or dehydration and that most deaths were caused by dysentery, pneumonia, or septicaemia, as a result of the unsanitary conditions and lack of medicine.[7] Other Losses further claims that officers from the U.S. Medical Corps reported death rates far higher than they had ever seen before.[8] The book further states that Eisenhower's staff was complicit in the scheme.[9] Other Losses also states that, in order to carry out his scheme, Eisenhower kept these prisoners in camps far longer than it was necessary[10] It claims that, by the end of 1945, only 40% of prisoners had been released.[11] Other Losses further characterizes the 22-volume German Maschke Commission report investigating the deaths of German prisoners as written by "client-academics" as part of a "cover up" of the deaths that Other Losses alleged occurred.[12] Treatment of prisoners Other Losses claims that the U.S. dismantled the German welfare agencies, including the German Red Cross, then dismissed the Swiss Government from its role as Protecting Power. No agencies were allowed to visit the camps or provide any assistance to the prisoners,[13] including delegates from ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), which was a violation of the Geneva Convention.[14] It further states that the only notable protest against this was from William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada.[15] Bacque states that the press was also prevented from visiting the camps, and therefore was unable to report on the state of the camps and the condition of the prisoners. The book states that many of the U.S. camps consisted of open fields surrounded by barbed wire, with no shelter or toilet facilities. In these camps prisoners were forced to sleep on the ground in the open, though it claims that the U.S. Army had plenty of surplus tents which could have been issued.[16] No supplies such as blankets were supplied to the prisoners, even though these were in good supply at various locations such as the depot at Naples. In a letter General Everett Hughes stated that there were "more stocks than we can ever use; stretch as far as eye can see."[17] The book quotes Dr. Konrad Adenauer (later Chancellor of Germany) stating that "The German prisoners have been penned up for weeks without any protection from the weather, without drinking water, without medical care. They are being held in a manner contrary to all humanitarian principles and flagrantly contrary to the Hague and Geneva Conventions."[18] Both J. P. Pradervand (ICRC French Delegation) and Henry Dunning (American Red Cross) sent letters to the State Department condemning the poor treatment of the German prisoners.[19] Colonel Philip Lauben stated that "The Vosges was just one big death camp."[20] Prisoner totals The book claims that the U.S. Army employed a number of methods to reduce the number of prisoners officially on hand. One method was to accuse the Russians of taking far more prisoners than they reported.[21] Another was the "midnight shift", whereby the opening balance of a given week was less than the closing balance of the previous week.[22] The book claims that a "Missing Million" prisoners exist in the difference in totals between two U.S. army reports (the last of the daily reports and the first of the weekly reports) issued on June 2, 1945.[23] As a consequence of this, according to Quartermaster's reports the number of rations issued to the camps was reduced by 900,000.[24] After visiting many of the camps in August 1945, Other Losses states that General Robert Littlejohn (Quartermaster of the ETO) concluded that the U.S. Army was reporting 3.7 million prisoners while it actually possessed 5.2 million, thereby corroborating the conclusions made in a report three months earlier from General J. Lee (in charge of logistics for the ETO), which he had sent to SHAEF headquarters.[25] Other Losses states that Littlejohn subsequently wrote in a report to Washington that because requisitions for supplies were based on these faulty numbers, 1.5 million prisoners were getting no food.[26] Other Losses states that, three years later, in 1948 the ICRC formally requested documents confirming the total number of prisoners in the U.S. Zone and was eventually told that 3.5 million were there, which omitted approximately 1.7 million from the actual number of 5,224,000.[27][28] Food shortage Other Losses explicates the 1944–1949 German food crisis to support the claims for a high mortality rate.[29] Other Losses concludes that the 1945 food crisis in Europe was contrived by Allied forces by the use of restrictive food import policy, including restrictions on Red Cross food deliveries, and other means.[30] It claims that Eisenhower purposefully starved German prisoners given that "[t]here was a lot more wheat available in the combined areas of western Germany, France, Britain, Canada and the USA than there had been in the same year in 1939."[31] Other Losses states that, in May 1945, the ICRC had 100,000 tons of food in storage warehouses in Switzerland.[32] The book claims that, when they tried to send train loads of this food into the U.S. Zone, the U.S. Army sent the trains back, saying their own warehouses were full. Other Losses states that this prompted Max Huber, head of the ICRC, to send a strong letter of protest to the State Department, in which he described the difficulties placed by SHAEF in the way of the ICRC efforts to provide aid. He said "Our responsibility for the proper use of relief supplies placed in our care is incompatible with a restriction to the fulfillment of orders which render us powerless to furnish relief which we ourselves judge necessary."[33] U.S. Army warehouses had 13.5 million Red Cross food parcels taken from the ICRC, which were never distributed.[34] The book also states that German civilians were prevented from bringing food to the camps,[35] and that Red Cross food parcels were confiscated by SHAEF, and the War Department banned them from being given to the men in the camps.[36] The book states that Bacque found no evidence of a drastic food shortage in the U.S. Army — "We had so much food we didn’t know what to do with it." — Colonel Henry Settle, 106th division. "We are not in any desperate need of extra food." — Lt Colonel Bailey, SHAEF. "There is in this Theater a substantial excess of subsistence ... over 3,000,000 rations a day less than those requisitioned were issued." — General Robert Littlejohn, Quartermaster of the ETO.[37] Ambrose, Stephen (1992), "Eisenhower and the Germans", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Ambrose, Stephen (February 24, 1991), "Ike and the Disappearing Atrocities", The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/11/22/specials/ambrose-atrocities.html Bacque, James (1989), Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners of War at the Hands of the French and Americans After World War II Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen (1992), "Introduction", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Bischoff, Gunter (1992), "Bacque and Historical Evidence", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Bischof, Gunter; Villa, Brian Loring (2003), Was Ike Responsible for the Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of German POW's? Pro and Con, History News Network, http://hnn.us/articles/1266.html Bohme, Kurt W. (1973), Die detschen Kriegsgefangemen in In amerikanischer Hand: Europa Cowdrey, Albert E. (1992), "A Question of Numbers", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Lousiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Ferguson, Niall (2004), "Prisoner Taking and Prisoner Killing in the Age of Total War: Towards a Political Economy of Military Defeat", War in History 11 (2) Overmans, Rudiger (1992), "German Histiography, the War Losses, and the Prisoners of War", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Peterson, Edward N. (1977), The American Occupation of Germany: Retreat to Victory Peterson, Edward N. (1990), The Many Faces of Defeat: The German People's Experience in 1945 Ratza, Werner (1973), "Die deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in der Sowjetunion", in Maschke, Erich, Zur Geschichtte der deutschen Kriegsgefangenen des Zweiten Weltkrieges Steininger, Rolf (1992), "Some Reflections on the Maschke Commission", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Streit, Charles (1986), "The German Army and the Policies of Genocide", in Hirschfeld, Gerhard, Jew and Soviet Prisoners of War in Nazy Germany Tent, James F. (1992), "Food Shortages in Germany and Europe 1945-1948", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Villa, Brian Loring (1992), "The diplomatic and Political Context of the POW Camps Tragedy", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0807117587 Primary James Bacque, Other Losses 1991 edition, Prima Publishing, ISBN 1-55958-099-2 James Bacque, Other Losses revised edition 1999, Little Brown and Company, Boston, New York, Toronto, London ISBN 1-55168-191-9 James Bacque. Crimes and Mercies: The Fate Of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 Little Brown & Company; ISBN 0-7515-2277-5; (August 1997) Gunter Bischof and Stephen E. Ambrose. Eisenhower and the German Pows: Facts Against Falsehood (1992) Secondary Richard Dominic Wiggers, The United States and the Refusal to Feed German Civilians after World War II pp. 274–288, In Várdy, Steven Béla and Tooly, T. Hunt (Eds.) Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe (year) ISBN John Dietrich, The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy Algora Publishing, New York (2002) ISBN 1-892941-90-2 On-Line Resources Other Losses online ebook. Lecture by James Bacque about Other Losses. Did the Allies Starve Millions of Germans? — This James Bacque article seems to be the main source for the genocide accusation New York Times Book Review of Other Losses (or here) by historian Stephen Ambrose. Bacque and U.S. Army historian Fisher's reply to Ambrose MORE ON WAR CRIMES AGAINST GERMAN SOLDIERS BY U.S. TROOPS In the aftermath of the Malmedy massacre a written order from the HQ of the 328th US Army Infantry Regiment, dated December 21, 1944, stated: No SS troops or paratroopers will be taken prisoner but will be shot on sight.[33] Major-General Raymond Hufft (U.S. Army) gave instructions to his troops not to take prisoners when they crossed the Rhine in 1945. "After the war, when he reflected on the war crimes he authorized, he admitted, 'if the Germans had won, I would have been on trial at Nuremberg instead of them.'"[34] Stephen Ambrose related: "I've interviewed well over 1000 combat veterans. Only one of them said he shot a prisoner... Perhaps as many as one-third of the veterans...however, related incidents in which they saw other GIs shooting unarmed German prisoners who had their hands up."[35] Near the French village of Audouville-la-Hubert 30 German Wehrmacht prisoners were massacred by U.S. paratroopers.[36] Historian Peter Lieb has found that many US and Canadian units were ordered to not take prisoners during the D-Day landings in Normandy. If this view is correct it may explain the fate of 64 German prisoners (out of 130 captured) who did not make it to the POW collecting point on Omaha Beach on D-Day.[37] According to an article in Der Spiegel by Klaus Wiegrefe, many personal memoirs of Allied soldiers have been willfully ignored by historians until now because they were at odds with the "Greatest Generation" mythology surrounding WWII, but this has recently started to change with books such as "The Day of Battle" by Rick Atkinson where he describes Allied war crimes in Italy, and "D-Day: The Battle for Normandy," by Anthony Beevor.[37] Beevor's latest work is currently discussed by scholars, and should some of them be proven right that means that Allied war crimes in Normandy were much more extensive "than was previously realized".[36]A PECULIAR CRUSADE American Massacres and War Crimes Against Germans Rivaling Malmedy's Massacre of Americans. This is a copy of relevant pages of this book on Google Books... http://books.google.com/books?id=7HhkSGLdMpAC&pg=PA118#v=onepage&q&f=false
  10. LEN COLBY =MSM supporter This equation is not desperation or an irrelevancy ,but a truism supported by years and thousands of posts by said LEN COLBY. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ . AUG 16 HAARETZ Poll: Most Israelis oppose attack on Iran nuclear facilities Survery conducted by Israel Democracy Institute and TAU Mediation and Conflict Resolution program finds only 27% of Jewish Israeli support strike, and most think it's unlikely Israel will soon attack. A majority of Jewish Israelis oppose an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities without U.S. cooperation, and think it is unlikely Israel will soon launch a unilateral strike against the Islamic Republic, a poll released Thursday has found. Some 61 per cent of those questioned oppose an Israeli strike, compared to 27 per cent in favor, the poll by the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University's Evens Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution found. In addition, 56 per cent think the chances are low that Israel would launch such a strike unilaterally, compared to 33 per cent who assume Israel will go ahead anyway. The poll, conducted last week, interviewed 516 respondents and had a 4.5 per cent margin of error. Speculation, fueled by a flurry of reports and analysis in Israeli media, has snowballed in recent days that a unilateral Israeli attack on Iran is only a matter of months, or even weeks. Israel sees a nuclear-armed Iran as an existential threat, pointing to repeated statements by Iranian leaders that the Jewish state should be wiped off the map. ++++++++++++++ FOR THOSE WHO WANT BACKGROUND ON ISSUE http://en.wikipedia....i/Neturei_Karta
  11. Polls Show Widespread Doubt About Official Explanations The results of polls on peoples’ beliefs about 9/11 around the world might surprise you: In its January 2011 issue, the popular German magazine “Welt der Wunder” published the results of a poll conducted by the Emnid institute on 1005 respondents. The poll indicated that nearly 90% percent of Germans are convinced that the government of the United States is not telling the whole truth about the September 11 attacks A new poll conducted in England by ICM shows that more UK residents agree than disagree that the official account of what happened on 9/11 might turn out to be wrong in important respects. Only 8% strongly agree that they have been told the full story of the 9/11 attacks A new poll conducted in France by HEC Paris shows that 58% of French people doubt the official version of 9/11, and 49% believe the U.S. government might have intentionally allowed the attacks to happen A Zogby poll conducted in August 2007 found that 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding the 9/11 attacks, two-thirds (67%) of Americans say the 9/11 Commission should have investigated the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 A poll conducted by CNN-IBN in August 2007 found that only 2 out of 5 of those polled in India – the world’s second most populous country – believe that al-Qaeda is responsible for the 9/11 attacks Indeed, a poll taken by World Public Opinion, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, College Park, polled 16,063 people in 17 nations outside of the United States during the summer of 2008. They found that majorities in only 9 of the 17 countries believe Al Qaeda carried out the attacks. The poll showed that in the world’s most populous country – China – only 32% believed that Al Qaeda carried out the attacks.
  12. Lets do timeline Stephen Ambrose gets job Eisenhower Center,then helps edit book critical of Eisenhower, OOPPS !!!!, ( $$$$$ AMBROSE WALLET MIGHT TAKE A HIT) then he sets up commission/panel to Attack book he help edit.(?? WEIRD) This is revisionism Colby supports. COLBY'S BIGGEST COUNTER CLAIM TO OTHER LOSSES IS Stephen Ambrose and his panel. Colby's arguments are thus a house built on sand. Stephen Ambrose a man with more than one ethical problem (SEE below). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Criticism Plagiarism controversy In 2002, Ambrose was accused, by Sally Richardson and others, of plagiarizing several passages in his book, The Wild Blue.[22][23] Fred Barnes reported in The Weekly Standard that Ambrose had taken passages from Wings of Morning: The Story of the Last American Bomber Shot Down over Germany in World War II, by Thomas Childers, a history professor at the University of Pennsylvania.[24] Ambrose had footnoted sources, but had not enclosed in quotation marks, numerous passages from Childers' book.[23][25] Ambrose and his publisher, Simon and Schuster, released an apology as a result.[citation needed] Ambrose asserted that only a few sentences in all his numerous books were the work of other authors. He offered this defense: I tell stories. I don't discuss my documents. I discuss the story. It almost gets to the point where, how much is the reader going to take? I am not writing a Ph.D. dissertation. I wish I had put the quotation marks in, but I didn't. I am not out there stealing other people's writings. If I am writing up a passage and it is a story I went to tell and this story fits and a part of it is from other people's writing, I just type it up that way and put it in a footnote. I just want to know where the hell it came from.[23] A Forbes investigation of his work found cases of plagiarism involving passages in at least six books, with a similar pattern going all the way back to his doctoral thesis.[26] The History News Network lists seven of Ambrose's works--The Wild Blue, Undaunted Courage, Nothing Like It In the World, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, Citizen Soldiers, The Supreme Commander, and Crazy Horse and Custer--that copied twelve authors.[25] Factual errors and disputed characterizations WWII In the 1973 ITV television series, The World at War, episode 35, From War to Peace, Ambrose made basic factual errors. He said: "Manpower losses were almost insignificant; compared to the other combatants, insignificant. Only slightly more than a quarter of a million Americans died during the war. America was the least mobilized of all the nations, of all the major combatants in World War II. Altogether, we had an army and navy and air force of 12 million men out of a total population of 170 million. And of that 12 million, probably less than six million ever got overseas."[27] The population of the United States during the war was 131 million, of which nearly 16.6 million served in the armed forces during World War II, including 241,093 in the Coast Guard, and 243,000 in the Merchant Marine. Military deaths were 405,399, the most of any Allied country except the British Commonwealth, the Soviet Union and China.[28] According to U.S. census data, 73 percent of military personnel served abroad during World War II.[29][citation needed] Veterans of troop carrier units, who transported paratroopers in the American airborne landings in Normandy, have severely criticized Ambrose for portraying them as unqualified and cowardly in several of his works, including Band of Brothers and D-Day.[citation needed] Among the numerous errors he asserts in an open letter posted on the War Chronicle website, Randy Hils notes that Ambrose did not interview a single troop carrier pilot. This becomes highly relevant in light of Ambrose's assertion that the pilots sped up while the paratroopers were trying to jump. Hils hypothesizes that if Ambrose's only sources were inexpert witnesses whose only indication of airspeed were the sound of the engines, the maneuver of using the propellers as an airbrake would have sounded like power being applied.[30] In the HBO series, Band of Brothers, as well as Ambrose's book, a certain Private Albert Blithe is said to have been shot in the neck while scouting a farmhouse. Ambrose states that Blithe never recovered from his wound and died in 1948, when in actuality, Blithe recovered from a wound to his right shoulder and rejoined Easy Company for Operation Market Garden. Blithe appears to have left Europe shortly after that due to his wound but later continued a career in the Army until his death in 1967.[31][improper synthesis?] Two Ambrose accounts in D-Day, of alleged cowardice by British coxswains, have also been challenged as inaccurate. One, in which Sgt. Willard Northfleet is portrayed as drawing his gun on a coxswain when he tried to offload the men 400 yards from shore,[32] is corroborated by Sgt. John Slaughter (who was on the boat) in a C-SPAN video recording veterans' D-Day experiences.[33] It was disputed by Kevan Elsby, however,[34] on the basis of a contemporary debriefing which stated: "Four hundred yards from shore the British coxswain insisted that he could take the craft no farther so the men must swim for it. He started to lower the ramp but Platoon Sgt. Willard R. Norfleet blocked the mechanism and insisted that the boat was going farther."[35] The other, in which Capt. Ettore V. Zappacosta was portrayed as drawing his gun on a coxswain to make him go in when he protested he could not see the landmarks, was challenged by Pvt. Bob Sales as untrue.[36] Both Ambrose and Sales assert that Sales was the only survivor from that landing craft.[37] Ambrose asserts, in several works, that the German Panther tank used an 88mm gun. In fact, it used a 75mm gun. The German Tiger I and King Tiger tanks used the 88mm gun as did the Jagdpanther ("Hunting Panther"), a turretless tank destroyer version of the Panther.[citation needed][improper synthesis?] Pacific Railroad A front page article published in The Sacramento (CA) Bee on January 1, 2001, entitled Area Historians Rail Against Inaccuracies in Book,[38] listed more than sixty instances identified as "significant errors, misstatements, and made-up quotes" in Nothing Like It in the World: The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad, 1863-1869, Ambrose's non-academic popular history about the construction of the Pacific Railroad between Council Bluffs, Iowa/Omaha, Nebraska and the San Francisco Bay at Alameda/Oakland via Sacramento, California, which was published in August, 2000. The discrepancies were documented in a detailed "fact-checking" paper compiled in December, 2000 by three Western US railroad historians who are also experienced researchers, consultants, and collectors specializing in the Pacific Railroad and related topics.[25][39][40] On January 11, 2001, Washington Post columnist Lloyd Grove reported in his column, The Reliable Source, that a co-worker had found a "serious historical error" in the same book that "a chastened Ambrose" promised to correct in future editions.[41] A number of journal reviews also sharply criticized the research and fact checking in the book. Reviewer Walter Nugent observed that it contained "annoying slips" such as mislabeled maps, inaccurate dates, geographical errors, and misidentified word origins,[42] while Don L. Hofsommer agreed that the book "confuses facts" and that "The research might best be characterized as 'once over lightly'."[43] The Eisenhower controversy In the introduction to Ambrose's biography of Eisenhower he claims that Eisenhower approached him after having read his previous biography of Henry Halleck, but Tim Rives, Deputy Director of the Eisenhower Presidential Center, says it was Ambrose who contacted Eisenhower and suggested the project,[44][45] as shown by a letter from Ambrose found in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum.[46] After Eisenhower's death in 1969, Ambrose made repeated claims to have had a unique and extraordinarily close relationship with him over the final five years of the former President's life. In an extensive 1998 interview, for instance, Ambrose stated that he spent "a lot of time with Ike, really a lot, hundreds and hundreds of hours" interviewing Eisenhower on a wide range of subjects, and that he had been with him "on a daily basis for a couple years" before his death "doing interviews and talking about his life."[7] Rives has stated, however, that a number of the interview dates Ambrose cites in his 1970 book, The Supreme Commander, cannot be reconciled with Eisenhower's personal schedule. The former president's diary and telephone show that the pair met only three times, for a total of less than five hours.[16][44] Later, Ambrose was less specific when citing dates of interviews with Eisenhower.[44][45] see wiki Stephen Ambrose ####################Bacque took on the record of a beloved USA hero Eisenhower. If one had a pecuniary motovation to write a book ,even you (Colby) would admit that there would be eaiser book topics to take persue. ##############
  13. More 9/11 News Videos Reporting World Trade Center Explosions "At that point, a debate began to rage because. . . many people had felt that possibly explosives had taken out 2 World Trade, and officers were gathering companies together and the officers were debating whether or not to go immediately back in or to see what was going to happen with 1 World Trade at that point. The debate ended pretty quickly because 1 World Trade came down." [ Christopher Fenyo - Firefighter] "I said, ‘Chief, they're evacuating the other building; right?’ He said, ‘No.’ . . . I said, ‘Why not? They blew up the other one.’ I thought they blew it up with a bomb. I said, ‘If they blew up the one, you know they're gonna blow up the other one.’ He said, ‘No, they're not.’ I said, ‘Well, you gotta tell them to evacuate it, because it's gonna fall down and you gotta get the guys out.’ He said, ‘I'm just the Battalion Chief. I can't order that.’ . . . I said, ‘You got a xxxxing radio and you got a xxxxing mouth. Use the xxxxing things. Empty this xxxxing building.’ Again he said, ‘I'm just a Battalion Chief. I can't do that.’ . . . Eventually this other chief came back and said, ‘They are evacuating this tower.’ . . . And sometime after that . . . I watched the north tower fall." [William Reynolds - Firefighter] "We saw some kind of explosion ... a lot of smoke come out of the top of the tower and then it collapsed down onto the streets below, much like we saw the first tower about half hour ago." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfiUOlYYcRc&feature=player_embedded [Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr.] explained to me that, “many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because the ‘higher-ups’ forbid discussion of this fact.” Paul further elaborated that former CIA director Robert Woolsey, as the Fire Department’s Anti-terrorism Consultant, is sending a gag order down the ranks. “There were definitely bombs in those buildings,” he told me. [ Prison Planet] WTC Firefighters Tape: Explosions and Aftermath "Tower two has had major explosion and what appears to be a complete collapse" ... "...those involved in the secondary explosion at tower 1, 'kay, I've got five patients..." ... "We have got numerous people covered in dust from the secondary explosion..." ... "We've got another explosion at the tower..."
  14. 9/11 EyeWitnesses To WTC Lobby Explosion - NIST FOIA « on: October 18, 2010, 09:49:22 PM » POSTER Oh CANADA Witnesses from the 82nd floor talk about making their way down WTC 2 building to exit after the plane hit. Once they reach the 4th floor they experience a big explosion from the lobby. "Next thing we know we had to get out of the building. We were stuck on the stairs for a while, we finally got down to the lobby, then when we get to the lobby there was this big explosion."
  15. History of ‘human nature’ reveals that man desires Power, Control, and Rulership July 19, 2011 What is happening on this planet and why all the control and manipulation? My theory of human nature is based on our 6000 year history as a civilization. Men have desired to gain knowledge and then power so that they can accomplish their goals of conquest, control, and manipulation. If we assume that Adam and Eve were the first two persons to tangle, we can then look at their character and progeny for lessons on the nature of man. The first two son’s of our common ancestors were given the names of Cain and Able. These two individuals could not see eye-to-eye and this resulted in Cain killing Able. This began the story of man and his desire for conquest, control, and deception. The ego of man seems to desire to play God! From this beginning we can discern the character of man as an ego centered individual who desired knowledge of reality so that he could further his dominance over any counterparty or enemy. If we fast forward to our current times, we can witness this same character within all POWER centers on this planet. Political leaders seek knowledge so they can further their goals of conquest over their enemies or counterparties. Religious leaders seek knowledge and understanding so they can preach their view of God’s reality to their followers (usually called the sheep) for the ultimate goal of attaining power and control. And business leaders use their knowledge of money and economics and the rules of commerce to gain their positions of power and control. Basically, the entire human race (now some 6.9 billion) is under the manipulation and control of individuals who have acquired positions of power and control within the systems created for this purpose. We all have a measure of freedom and independence as long as we bow to those who have these positions of power and control over us. Today, the super power on this planet is the United States of America. The U.S.A has some 800 military bases on this planet to maintain their positions of power and control over billions. What is the goal of this super power (called by many The American Empire)? What is the United States of America attempting to accomplish with all their military might and economic hegemony? With their foreign policy? With their political philosophy? See this website for some details: http://www.globalpolicy.org/empire/intervention/index.htm. Could we be attempting to control and foist our values and traditions on all people’s on this planet? Are we attempting to play God on this planet? Just what is our history and behavior over the past 235 years? We started our journey back in the 1600′s and this evolved into some 13 colonies and then 13 states. We then declared our independence from our Mother country, Britain, and fought a revolutionary war to gain our independence and freedom. We then formed a United States of America from these 13 states and set in motion a government for these 13 states. This led to an expansion westward for some 150 years which led to the addition of another 37 new states. We have added all kinds of additional land areas to these 50 states. We seem to be involved in the affairs of all people’s on this planet in some manner or form…for some purpose or goal. We have developed our resources, economic power, and political power so that we could advance our control over other nations and people’s on this planet. After winning WWII, we became the financial and political power on this planet and our currency became the Reserve Currency for the entire planet. With this favorable situation we could consume goods and services from all who accepted our currency and eventually our credit card (practically every country on this planet). We became the richest and most favored nation on this planet. Our Gross Domestic Product now shows the extent of our consumption from this favored status. Some 25% of the planet’s production has been consumed by Americans (1950 – 2011) and we have gained the attention of the entire world with our political and economic hegemony. We are now in the year 2011… and our Empire of power and control is starting to crumble. Just what have we desired these past 235 years that is driving us to this Empire status? What is our mission and goal going forward? Do we want to convert the entire planet to our view of reality and traditions? Do we want to use our military might to kill every enemy which challenges our position of power and control? Are we out to change the entire planet so that we control all people’s with our political rules, laws, and ideas? Do we desire to create freedom and liberty via this strategy of Empire building, war, manipulation, and control? Just what are we doing on this planet and what is our mission and objective? Let’s imagine that we gain the control over all people’s on this planet with our military might and our political/religious ideas? What then? Are we going to force every person to adopt our values, ideas, laws, rules, policies, and philosophy? Is this going to lead to a positive ending? Can we create HEAVEN on this planet via our methods and strategies? Who will rule all these people (now some 6.9 billion)? Could a person like Obama or similar RULE over the entire human race with effectiveness and agreement? Let’s think about what we are DOING on this planet (now) and let’s think about whether our goals and objectives are achievable? Who should RULE this planet? Does any person have the intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to RULE over all people’s on this planet? If so, who? If not, then what are we trying to accomplish with our 800 military bases and our entangled foreign policy? Does anyone understand these questions? Help me understand what we are attempting to accomplish and why this is necessary or desirable? Give this missive some thought and then provide me with your comments and suggestions. Enjoy this day and let’s keep learning and growing.
  16. COLBY blindly accepts LaDouches MSM pronouncements on just about every thing. 9/11 official story doubts becoming more mainstream ===================================================== NY Times lies about popularity of 9/11 Truth Submitted by simuvac on Sat, 09/25/2010 - 9:09pm http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/23/911-conspiracy-theory-not-as... I n what must be a case of deliberate distortion, the NY Times attacked Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's claim that “the majority of the American people, as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree” that “some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated” the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The Times writes, "The most comprehensive international poll on the subject was carried out in 2008 by WorldPublicOpinion.org, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, which asked more residents of 17 countries the question, “Who do you think was behind the 9/11 attacks?” Their answers were grouped into four categories: Al Qaeda; the U.S. government; Israel; other. When the poll findings were published, Reuters reported, “the survey of 16,063 people in 17 nations found majorities in only nine countries believe Al Qaeda was behind the attacks.” But there were also no countries in which a majority blamed the American government. The researchers found the most support for the idea that the U.S. government was responsible for the attacks in Turkey and Mexico — but just 36 percent of Turks and 30 percent of Mexicans endorsed the theory." What the Times ignores is the following: A Zogby poll in May 2006 showed 42% of Americans believe "that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks." A Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll in August 2006 showed 36% of Americans believe their government was in some manner complicit with the 9/11 attacks. A New York Times/CBS News poll from October 2006 showed only 16% of Americans believe members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth about pre-9/11 intelligence, while 81% believe the government is either "hiding something" or "mostly lying." A September 2007 Zogby poll found 51% of Americans want Congress to probe the actions of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney regarding their "actions before, during and after the 9/11 attacks."
  17. “Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water” Link: #!“HEALTH EFFECTS: Fluoride & the Pineal Gland” Link: http://www.fluoridea.../health/pineal/ “Toxic Chemicals In Your Water – Fluoride” Link: http://ccpurewater.org/Fluoride.html “How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body” Link: http://www.naturalne...ides_detox.html Fluoride water 'causes cancer' Boys at risk from bone tumours, shock research reveals. Link: http://www.guardian....ndhealth.gender... “Indian Children Blinded, Crippled By Fluoride In Water” Link: http://www.prisonpla...ppled-by-fluori... “Poisoned Water, Fluoride” Link: http://www.sott.net/...-Poisoned-Water “U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Drinking Unsafe Water” Link: http://kabulpress.or...hp?article11445 “Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay” Link: http://worldental.or...-that-fluoridat... “TIME Magazine Lists Flouride as “Environmental Toxin”” Link: http://www.prisonpla...e-as-environmen... “Fluoride is a Deadly Killer” Link: http://www.bushstole...ride_deadly.htm “Fluoridation Increases Infant Death Rates” Link: http://www.voxy.co.n...nfant-death-rat... “U.S. Pharmaceutical Factories Dumping Huge Quantities of Drugs Into Public Sewers, Rivers and Waterways” Link: http://www.naturalne...ugs_rivers.html “Fluoride Linked to Arthritis, Study Shows” Link: http://www.prisonpla...tudy-shows.html “Reuters: Another Study Links Fluoride to Bone Cancer” Link: http://www.federalja...tudy-links-fluo... "The Consequences of Using Fluoride” Link: http://www.naturalne...ter_health.html “Professionals' Statement Calling for an End to Water Fluoridation” Link: http://www.fluoridea...ugust.2007.html “Fluoride: Worse than We Thought” Link: http://www.westonapr...s/fluoride.html “Fluoride: Over 1,560 Professionals Call for an End to Fluoridation of Drinking Water - As Of 6th March 2008” Link: http://www.loveforli...om.au/node/4262 “Fluoride - How Does Govt Help Big Industry Get Rid of Millions of Tons of Toxic Waste? Easy. They Add It To Your drinking Water!” Link: http://www.loveforlife.com.au/node/764 “Aluminum Brain Disease, Fluoride, Salt, Morgellon's, Cell Phones by Passer By'er 23rd July 2008 FluorideAlert.org” Link: http://www.loveforli...om.au/node/5624
  18. IMHO Depopulation wont occur until a Western elite quisling is in place in Russia 2) India leadership is bribed / bought off to quisling status and 3) a secret deal is made with the Chinese leaders for depopulation. Said changes: Russia 2024 to 2030,India 2030 to 2036 and China 2036 to 2040. Depopulation wont occur until at least the 2037 to 2041. IMHO. Depopulation as an idea forms a contextual basis for issues such as : sterilizing people / killing people /centralization (Agenda 21) / decreasing their reproduction potentiality (economic restraints/illness). Thus what makes people sick is also part of the plan , thus ancillary issues of depopulation are : bad vaccines,GMOs,fracking water,water shortages ,bad pharmaceuticals ,endles war,ect. ##################################### An example of a ancillary issue. (elites want you sick or dead) Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal Harvard University researchers' review of fluoride/brain studies concludes "our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children's neurodevelopment." It was published online July 20 in Environmental Health Perspectives, a US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences' journal (1), reports the NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF) "The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas," write Choi et al. Further, the EPA says fluoride is a chemical "with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity." =================================================== Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. is a retired neurosurgeon and author whose trailblazing research has tirelessly documented the fact that there is an epidemic of neurological disorders in the western world which are directly connected to toxins in our environment, and how this relates to the larger global eugenics program behind population reduction. In this fascinating interview, Blaylock reveals how depopulation programs forged by the Rockefeller foundation in association with the Nazis were the basis of modern day incarnations of eugenics like fluoride poisoning and vaccinations. Blaylock explains how the eugenics movement began in America through Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie funding and what originated as The Science of Man project, which was an effort to socially engineer humanity to weed out those deemed "undesirable" to the elite. Rockefeller funding via major universities then bankrolled eugenics programs for the next several years, information about which was gleaned and exchanged with the Nazis in Hitler's Germany. Once eugenics had attracted the negative connotations of racial superiority and genocide, the pseudo-science was reborn under the umbrella of molecular biology and DNA. The goal is to alter behavior by chemically changing the way in which the brain functions. One of the primary methods through which this is achieved is by fluoridating water and food supplies. Blaylock explains how fluoride opportunists seized upon falls in dental cavities, which were occurring naturally as a result of increased calcium intake and better diets in the west, to claim that mass fluoridation was the answer, while burying a plethora of studies that proved adding fluoride to water did not reduce cavities at all and in fact in several instances increased dental cavities. “Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret 1/5” Link: #!“Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret 2/5” Link: “Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret 3/5” Link: “Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret 4/5” Link: “Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret 5/5” Link: ====================== “
  19. Stephen Ambrose picks 7 other quisling historians to help him after he makes error of supporting/editing book that attacks his center at U of Orleans. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ BUT === Stephen Ambrose liked this book,above post . Gee Stephen Ambrose only dislikes Baque's work only when he gets close to Ambrose's wallet.....GEE Colby fights tooth and nail to defend CIA......
  20. PEOPLE WHO SPEAK TRUTH ARE LEADERS.......desperation is for any who disagree with this truism. LEN =MSM supporter Russia Today exposes CNN http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=67d_1349230061
  21. 911 NYPD Chopper NUMEROUS EXPLOSIONS - CONTINUOUS EXPLOSIONS Video revolutionarypolitics.tv 11th Sep 10 CENSORED VIDEO ?? ITS A TREND ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One way around youtube censorship | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED just make a video about where your other video that got censored is on vimeo like this. Submitted by dawson on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 06:22. Tags: 911 ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/content/one-way-around-youtube-censorship - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Home - WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE. This is the now-famous video that was censored by YouTube. It shows Whole Foods employees LYING about the GMOs ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/ja - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight ENTERTAINMENT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED Since it first circulated a trailer on the web; it has been heavily censored and cyber attacked. You Tube has removed it at intermittent intervals and MTV (which is ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/category/entertainment - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight CONSUMER RIGHTS / PRODUCT REPORTS | WHAT REALLY ... KingCast asks: Is YouTube censoring the Civil Rights channel of a former state attorney? As noted in yesterday's journal entry showing how Michael Holman is ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/category/consumer_rights - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight ARTS | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED Since it first circulated a trailer on the web; it has been heavily censored and cyber attacked. You Tube has removed it at intermittent intervals and MTV (which is ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/category/arts - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight The Israeli Spy Ring | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ... OF FOX NEWS. However, you can still view them at YouTube! .... clean off my desk." -- Unnamed reporter as quoted in American Media Censorship and Israel ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/spyring.php - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight CONSUMER RIGHTS / PRODUCT REPORTS | WHAT REALLY ... Open letter to YouTube lawyers: Censorship of Civil Rights channel? ... KingCast asks: Is YouTube censoring the Civil Rights channel of a former state attorney? www.whatreallyhappened.com/ru/category/consumer_rights - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Home> USHackers, Possibly From Middle East, Block US Banks ... Open letter to YouTube lawyers: Censorship of Civil Rights channel? ... KingCast asks: Is YouTube censoring the Civil Rights channel of a former state attorney? www.whatreallyhappened.com/ko - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government ... Fresh From World wide Blockage from the You tube Nazi's is ABC, CBS, FOX, ... The video footage, which was posted on the video-sharing website YouTube, ... www.whatreallyhappened.com - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight CLIMATEGATE | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED You Tube Now Banning Videos Critical Of Global Warming Alarmism ... YouTube has censored a video critical of a global warming alarmists, who says global ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/category/climategate - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight 911 | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED Fresh From World wide Blockage from the You tube Nazi's is ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, ..... just make a video about where your other video that got censored is on ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/category/911 - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight American Racism, Kent State Cover-up, Israel Propaganda ... Sep 23, 2012 ... BTS talks to Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, about the ... Reality Check : Muslim Protests Have Nothing To Do With A Youtube Video? www.whatreallyhappened.com/ content/ american-racism-kent-state-cover-israel-propaganda-breaking-set - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight An American Coup d'État? An attempted coup d'etat censored out of our history books, courtesy of corporate America, but not supported by the military, so European fascism didn't happen ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/coup.html?q=coup.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight know - What Really Happened One way around youtube censorship. By: dawson. Tags: 911. just make a video about where your other video that got censored is on vimeo like this. Sep 24 06: ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/node?page=6 - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight Seekin' that Ol' 911 Truth ... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=related&search_query= ..... film outlining many disturbing and heavily censored facts associated with the worst ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/seekin.php - View by Ixquick Proxy -
  22. History and Forgetting Chapter VIII of James Bacque's Crimes and Mercies For most of my life I hardly thought about the flaws in our democratic system. I thought things were bumping along not too badly until I encountered the crimes of Eisenhower and De Gaulle. Even then, I did not imagine that these crimes revealed anything important about our society today because, after all, they occurred almost half a century ago, under the tremendous force of hatred caused by war. It was only when I interviewed Drew Middleton, a star reporter for the New York Times, that I began to see how events of long ago were affecting our lives today. In Middleton's office in New York in 1988, I told him I had discovered that the US and French armies had committed enormous atrocities in Europe in 1945. Because he had written stories in 1945 denying this following his visits to the prison camps, I wanted his reaction. Middleton said, 'I'm not surprised that you were able to dig up some bad things from that time.' He then admitted that he had never visited a prison camp. He did not want to read my manuscript. What Middleton told me basically was that, yes, he had lied in 1945 and no, it did not matter to him or the New York Times if I exposed this. I was deeply impressed by Middleton's indifference. He didn't want to read my manuscript, nor did he threaten me with a libel action, or bring one after the book came out. He was calm in the face of what I had thought for him would be a disaster. I began to see then that the New York Times is so powerful it does not need to threaten people even when it is facing exposure. Middleton's sense of security, his sense of the New York Times' power, took my breath away. But worse than that, Middleton did not care about this atrocity. He did not care in 1945; he did not care in 1988. As we now know, hundreds of thousands of prisoners had died at the hands of his government in one of the worst atrocities in Western history, the New York Times witnessed it, then denied that it had happened. And has gone on denying it into the 1990s. This seemed to me to be more than a routine journalistic slip. And to be worth some reflection, in the great tradition to which the New York Times aspires. In the opinion of nearly everybody in the West, the Second World War was a good war. It was necessary to defeat the utter evil of the dictators. If anyone in the post-war years doubted this, they were reminded of the pictures of emaciated bodies in Hitler's death camps. Lofty were the aims of the Allies, noble were their ideals, eloquent the expression of these ideals in such documents as the Geneva Convention, the Atlantic Charter, and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. All these were in the tradition of the liberal reforms which had succeeded in the West for many years, yet all these noble declarations were being broken by one branch of government while they were being written by another. Or, like the Geneva Convention, they were broken as soon as they became applicable. People who say anarchy is impractical are ignoring modern government where anarchy is normal, in the sense that government is constantly changing course, covering up, contradicting and reversing itself and doing these things simultaneously. The Allies clearly did not intend to keep their word in the 1940s. Why not? And why give it? The answer to the first question is of course that people often don't keep their word, because normal human frailties prevail over the noble resolve to correct them. The more interesting question is, why make such declarations? For one thing, it is reassuring to hear them. And probably it is fun to make them. Think of the well-dressed gentlemen, arriving by limousine in English castle, French chateau or American office block with polished secretaries to sit about a gleaming table making high-toned statements about lofty purposes until lunch. Surely, to a kind of mind that is quite common, this is highly important. But there is another reason, maintained by a delusion prevalent in the West. That delusion is that the 'good war' led to a good peace: after a 'period of adjustment', Germany was 'put back on her feet' by the Marshall Plan, so she could become a servant of the West during the Cold War. She was, however, not to be trusted because she was still deeply guilty, as she remains today. According to the delusion, the discovery of the death camps had converted Nazi war guilt to collective German guilt. This is not the record. The record shows very clearly that the Allies were planning a devastating treatment for Germany before Nazi racist crimes were fully comprehended in the West. The Allied policy of starving the Germans was in fact decades old — in 1918/19, after the First World War, the Allies had maintained the sea-blockade, causing the deaths of close to a million Germans. Even the threat of unconditional surrender was not new: the commander of the American armies in France, General Pershing, had advocated imposing unconditional surrender on the failing Germans on 30 October 1918.1 One of President Wilson's closest advisers told him at the same time that 'he would disappoint his own people if he accepted less than unconditional surrender'.2 While the death camps were still mainly a horrifying rumour in the West, in 1943 the Allies were discussing at Washington and Tehran annexation of the eastern quarter of Germany, which, as the Allies well knew, would produce starvation conditions. The Morgenthau Plan was devised and signed in August-September 1944, long before the full horror of the camps was visible to reporters and soldiers. But historians wishing to question the evidence of Allied atrocities keep citing the camps. Stephen Ambrose has recently written: 'Clearly Eisenhower was appalled by what he saw' at several camps.3 He goes on to exculpate Eisenhower for the mass crimes committed in the American POW camps. Where the German death camps had most influence was clearly not in the planning but in the execution of plans. The war criminals would be tried regardless of what horrors were actually uncovered in the camps. But the possibility of mitigation of Allied war hatred resulting from the work of leaders who actually practiced the noble ideals — Herbert Hoover, Victor Gollancz, the Bishop Of Chichester, Norman Robertson, Rabbi Baeck, Robert Patterson — was postponed by the astounded revulsion felt throughout the West — and in Germany — against the slaughter in Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau and Auschwitz. This revulsion turned into the sense of collective German guilt, which is still very powerful today. As late as 1996, a book by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen accusing Germans of total collective guilt for war crimes was causing a sensation throughout Western countries.4 Certainly Germans en masse were collectively guilty for some Nazi crimes because they gave Hitler a plurality of votes in the last election before he became Chancellor. They were collectively guilty of vicious crimes of aggression against countries who had given them no casus belli, such as Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, Greece and the Soviet Union. How many Germans were guilty of racist crimes is in dispute, but one thing is for sure: as a people represented by their national government, they have collectively accepted this guilt, and this is recognized throughout Germany and the world. They have paid enormous compensation to the victims, offered humble apologies to the survivors, condemned the crimes in many books, films, ceremonies and monuments. This sense of collective German guilt is useful in a specially morbid way to her former enemies because it effectively seals off all discussions about the mistreatment of Germans in 1945. Time and again, when anyone reproaches the Allies for their treatment of German women and children in 1945, the reply is heard, 'But look what the Germans did.' This is a common refrain today in Germany itself. But for much of the war and a long time after, it was actually forbidden in the American press to mention the German resistance. President Roosevelt forbade the press to print news of the German resistance, a directive that was enforced even after the war by the American occupation authorities.5 Guilt pervades Germany like a religion. It is the 'Canossa Republic', penitent in pain before its judges.* Guilt is so powerful that it has caused the Canossa Republic repeatedly to deny any intention of reclaiming sovereignty over the eastern lands, although it is a well-established UN principle that no government has the right to waive the claims of individuals to their property. Nor may it impede their right of return to their former homeland. There was wisdom in this renunciation, because the decline of nationalism in Europe has meant the opening of borders to trade, travel, culture and friendship. But that decline of nationalism, like the renunciation, affects the Canossa Republic more than anyone else. Poles and Czechs make it difficult or impossible for individual Germans to buy back their ancient lands. Even Václav Havel, willing to apologize for Czech crimes, cannot contemplate reparations or restoration of stolen property. The Canossa Republic leads the way, but it is hard to discern anyone following it on the path of reconciliation. It is especially shocking that for many decades the Canossa Republic has failed to ensure historical recognition of the expellees' suffering, as if to prevent future generations from knowing anything at all about the true history of their forebears and their country. It is true that for a few years, under Adenauer and soon after, the West German government helped with the publication of documents on the expulsion, but for many years now German schoolchildren have been taught little or nothing of their ancestors' tragic sufferings after the war. The Allies' war aims, which included the right of self-determination for all peoples, apparently guaranteed the homelands of the eastern Germans. But all the Allies actually did was to include a phrase in Article XIII of the Potsdam Protocol stipulating that the 'population transfers' should occur under 'humane and orderly conditions'. As the phrase was being typed into the Potsdam agreement, its nauseating hypocrisy was visible to all: millions of miserable, dying expellees were crowding into the remainder of Germany, but the Western Allies were actually preventing help from reaching them. As we have seen, the ICRC, the Quakers, the Mennonites, the Lutherans and many others were not allowed to operate in Germany until many months later. In a memorable phrase, Conor Cruise O'Brien described this sort of thing as a slick coating of the 'hypocrisy and cultivated inattention' that our leaders apply to reduce the friction between our admirable principles and our self-interest. The quote is worth expanding: 'The traditional [Western] ethic will require larger and larger doses of its traditional built-in antidotes — the forces of hypocrisy and cultivated inattention combined with a certain minimum of alms.' 6 Robert Murphy protested eloquently in a Memorandum to the State Department in October 1945, months after Potsdam: 'In the Lehrter Railroad station in Berlin alone our medical authorities state an average of ten have been dying daily from exhaustion, malnutrition and illness. In viewing the distress and despair of these wretches, in smelling the odor of their filthy condition, the mind reverts instantly to Dachau and Buchenwald. Here is retribution on a large scale, practiced not on the Parteibonzen [party big-wigs], but on women and children, the poor, the infirm ...' 7 Article XIII made no difference at all, other than to history. But history is not idle — in other words, the expellees will not go away. On 26 August 1994, the UN Sub-Commission on Human Rights adopted Resolution 1994/24 re-affirming 'the right of refugees and displaced persons to return in safety and dignity to their country of origin and/or within it, to their place of origin or choice ...' The language plainly covers the rights of the dispossessed Germans. Nevertheless, in agreement with the Allies in 1990, the Canossa Republic recognized the Oder-Neisse frontier, as part of the final settlement to free Germany of the Allied presence. In the words of Alfred de Zayas, the German government 'yielded to international pressure and relinquished its legal claims to the centuries-old homeland. These were claims that for decades after the war had been reaffirmed both inside Germany, and to the rest of the world. But that was the old German generation speaking, through earlier governments that still felt morally obliged to the expelled and the dispossessed. Forty years of re-education have resulted in a different perspective. Renunciation was to be expected. Today, the West either ignores the historical record, or accepts the euphemisms about the expulsions propounded by Polish and German apologists.' 8 This 1990 agreement itself may have been illegal, or ultra vires, since it is clear from many UN resolutions that a crime or abrogation of rights is not made legal even if approved or committed by a government against its own citizens. Such arguments might be seen as 'only legalistic', but the creation of the Israeli state and the modern North American aboriginal land claims were at the beginning more de jure than de facto. When the state of Israel was founded in 1947, all of the Jewish occupants under the Romans had been dead for almost two thousand years. In North America, not a single Iroquois, Chiapas, Sioux or Cree is left alive of those who were the defeated or defrauded original occupants. Is it legal and just for the German government to banish the claims of living citizens who had been expelled and despoiled? And to do this without even trying to obtain compensation or recognition? Germany in its guilt and poverty found it possible to make apologies and to pay billions of dollars in reparations to the Allies, plus a hundred billion Deutschmarks in restitutions to victims of Nazi atrocities, as well as giving up all claim to some 25 per cent of their national territory, not to mention all the personal goods, land title, factories, schools, houses, farms and so on pertaining to those lands. Millions of German victims of Potsdam have made enormous reparations and humble apologies. They have all been deprived of their human rights, of the right to be judged as individuals, of their right to dignity and equality, of their private land and personal possessions. As it was in the beginning in 1945, so it was at the end in 1990, our governments and their clients dealt away rights that normally we expect them to uphold. Hardly anyone in the Western democracies even noticed what was being done. Here was German guilt sealing off discussion of the issues of the expellees and other Allied crimes. The only government that could protect their rights signed them away. We see today great institutions of public opinion — among them Le Monde and the New York Times — feverishly denying the Western Allied atrocities of the post-war period against Germany. For most people in the West, the denials rest on delusion, not evidence. The question never even becomes, 'Did the Allies do such things?' because the answer has been planted in everyone's heads already. 'NO, the Allies did not, because they could not.' For instance, the eminent British historian Michael Howard, reviewing for the Times Literary Supplement a book about Allied atrocities against Germans, admitted that although he was 'an innumerate historian' unqualified to judge the crucial statistics in the book, he could 'apply the criterion of inherent probability' to refute the book. 9 The French press and TV rose with rhetoric uncomplicated by evidence to denounce recent allegations that mass crimes were committed by the French army against the Germans. Stephen Ambrose also attacked a book about allied misdeeds by concluding that 'when scholars do the necessary research they will find [this book] to be worse than worthless'. 10 The answer is known before the evidence is consulted. In other words, belief is everything, evidence means nothing. Count Nikolai Tolstoy, the renowned English writer, has been driven bankrupt and forbidden to publish on the subject of British treatment of prisoners of war under Lord Aldington. His books have been withdrawn from British libraries. His attempts at redress in British courts have been constantly frustrated in the UK, although the denial of his rights has been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg. The alleged libel against Lord Aldington was converted by the courts and government into a libel against the history of the state. Against which there is no appeal. The books of former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark have revealed tremendous civilian deaths in Iraq during the Gulf War which have never been admitted by any of the Allies who caused them. 11 No major publisher in the English-speaking world has dared to bring them out. My fellow author Alfred de Zayas, a graduate of Harvard and of Göttingen, spent years researching and writing his book Nemesis at Potsdam, about the expulsions from the east of Germany. And then he had to spend ten years sending it round to almost a hundred publishers in the West before the manuscript was finally accepted. The president of one of the biggest houses in New York returned the manuscript with the note that he would never publish a book sympathetic to the Germans. It is no good to respond that all these authors got published, and so freedom of discussion exists. The full weight of official disapproval has stifled the discussion by shrinking the audience. And once that happens the authors may be silenced by financial distress. There is an astonishing contrast right now between Russia and the West. We condemned them for many decades precisely because they denied democracy and suppressed discussion. Now, they have demolished suppression, opened their archives, and published the truth about their crimes. They have even admitted that some allegations of German crimes were never true. Public discourse is free and informed on all those topics. And we say, 'Good for you, democracy now has a chance with you.' But in the West, the archives are very often managed in order to present a view of history acceptable to the established authority. Photographs and documents of Allied atrocities have 'disappeared' from archives, and this goes on to the present day. 'In my thirty years as a scholar of American history,' said one American professor, 'I have never known the archives to appear to be so much of a political agency of the executive branch as it is now. One used to think of the Archivist of the United States as a professional scholar. Now he has become someone who fills a political bill.' 12 Many people who have cast doubt on German crimes have been fired from their jobs, vilified, deported, jailed or censored, while anyone who denies our post-war crimes against the Germans is published and praised by press, academe, army and government. Freedom is diminished when discussion is suppressed, dissidents are jailed, when in fact history is genetically altered, as Stalin showed every time he hid public documents or altered history in the books. If we are to regain the freedoms that we fought for in the war, the official sanctioning against authors must stop, the arrogant abuse of public trust in the archives must end, and full disclosure prevail. Democracy is generally believed to be the best government because it expresses the public opinion that is normally free, wise and kind. If this were not so, who would defend democracy? If the general belief were that public opinion were normally slavish, stupid and cruel, no one would think democracy was worth defending. And without that faith, democracy dies. Hitler's brilliant propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels said of the German people, 'You can't change the masses. They will always be the same: dumb, gluttonous and forgetful.' Contemptuous of their forgetfulness, he said anything he liked because he believed they were always unaware of what he had said before. 13 We shudder to think that Goebbels' observation might be even slightly true in the Western democracies; on the other hand, our pleasing assumption about democratic public opinion has never been tested. Public opinion can be discerned but dimly, in primitive jousts such as elections, in referendums or in the tiny samplings passing grandly as public opinion polls. None of these has ever tested us for our freedom, wisdom or kindness. The goodness of public opinion is by and large an article of faith. But it is a faith that was justified in 1946. Herbert Hoover made many public appeals by radio to the decency, compassion and common sense of the American and Canadian people and was never disappointed. Can anyone in his right mind imagine Henry Morgenthau going on radio with a forthright appeal to the viciousness, vengefulness and hatred of the American people? To do their good deeds in the post-war period, men like Marshall and Hoover, Gollancz and Mackenzie King walked in the open, but their opposites like Morgenthau, Buisson and Eisenhower had to operate under camouflage. Surely this can only be because the widely-based institutions of Western democracy — parliament, literate education, a free press, the rule of law — foster the normal human sympathies that make mass crimes abhorrent. This is why freedom of discussion in democracy is so important; it is a constant corrective to the cruel tendencies in people. Without freedom of discussion, democracy first grows arrogant, then brutal. And the discussion of Allied war crimes has been circumscribed by lies, propaganda and suppression for fifty years. On no subject is the Western cover-up more profound and tragic than the refusal of Western public opinion-makers to incorporate the fate of the German expellees into the history of the Second World War and its consequences. This of course effectively denies redress not just to the German state, but especially to the millions of robbed and maimed individuals who are still alive. The cover-up is definitely part of that series of misdeeds which Adenauer condemned roundly in 1949, and which continue to haunt 'the uneasy conscience of the West'. Speaking to the Swiss Parliament in Bern, Switzerland, in March 1949, Adenauer compared the expulsions to the misdeeds of the Nazis, and concluded, 'The expulsions resulted from the Potsdam Agreement of 2 August 1945. I am convinced that one day world history will pronounce a very harsh verdict on this document.' 14 *At Canossa in 1077, King Henry IV knelt in the snow for three days as he begged Pope Gregory to release him from excommunication. The phrase was first used by Paul Boytinck in conversation with the author in 1995. Numbered Footnotes <a name="fn1">1. Klaus Schwabe, Woodrow Wilson, Revolutionary Germany and Peacemaking, 1918-1919 (Chaptel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press), p.89. 2. Joseph Tumulty to Wilson: Arthur Walworth, Woodrow Wilson (Boston: Houghton Mifflin), Vol. II, p.187. 3. See Bischof and Ambrowse, Eisenhower and the German POWs. 4. The book making the charge was Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (London: Little, Brown, 1996) by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, which in its first year of publication had sold 20,000 copies in Britain. 5. Klemens von Kemperer, German Resistance Against Hitler (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992), p.386. 6. Conor Cruise O'Brien, quoting an earlier essay, in his book On the Eve of the Millennium, p.141. 7. Murphy to State, 12 October 1945, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945, Vol. 2, pp. 1290-2. Quoted in De Zayas, Nemesis at Potsdam, p. 115. Bertrand Russell in England wrote strong letters of protest to The Times and the New Leader. De Zayas, op. cit., pp. 108-9. 8. De Zayas to the author, January 1995. 9. Times Literary Supplement, 14-20 September 1990. 10. New York Times Book Review, 25 February 1991, p. 1. 11. See Ramsey Clark, The Fire This Time: US War Crimes in the Gulf 12. Stanley Kutler, Professor of History and Law, University of Wisconsin, in the New Yorker, 14 December 1992, p. 91. 13. David Irving, Goebbels, p. 418. 14. Konrad Adenauer, Memoirs, 1945-1953, p. 148. James Bacque's Crimes and Mercies can be ordered online from British Books, Der Buchwurm and also directly from the author at his website World War 2 Books.
  23. in true CDs loud explosions and visible flashes precede initiation of collapse the numerous videos of the collapses didn't register either. END COLBY I heard explosions on the many ,many videos. ___________________ . Yawn, the lobby/elevator shaft explosions are old hat they were discussed in both the 9/11 Commission and NIST reports. // END COLBY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ non-contiguous elevator shafts cannot transmit explosive force to lobby from any explosions above their tops where the exlposions occured (see just below red link) ################o################ As with so many of the official explanations for unexplained anomalies in the 9/11 narrative, this elevator shaft theory is ridiculous. And surely it is just idle, noise-filling fluff. Something to sound vaguely intelligible to the general public. Because five minutes of research will show that the WTC Towers' elevators and shafts were not stacked vertically one on top of the other. "Instead of building enough elevators to move everybody from the ground floor to their destination, (the designers) decided to split the trip to the upper floors between multiple elevators. If people wanted to get from the ground to the top floor, they would need to jump from elevator to elevator, in the same way you might switch cars on a subway system." http://science.howstuffworks.com/engineering/structural/wtc2.htm Underground Explosions One of the oft-repeated arguments against the intentional demolition hypothesis is that the buildings tumbled from the top down - not from the bottom first. Usually, in a classic demolition, a building is 'pulled' from the core with massive underground explosions and allowed to fall in on itself. Defenders of the 'official story' state that there were no underground explosions 'confirmed' in the lead up to the collapse of the Towers. This is a bizarre argument, and wholly untrue. Because any thorough review of the initial 9/11 reports and footage before the official story was consecrated detail much evidence and eyewitness reports specifically referring to massive underground explosions, secondary explosive devices, beams ejecting themselves from the tops of the buildings, etc. in the lead up to the collapse. All of which wholly support the controlled demolition hypothesis. The first 5 minutes of this clip show some examples of these initial reports. Watch VideoSeptember 11 revisited Here are 2 more compilations of early eye-witness testimony: First link Second link When presented with this evidence, Popular Mechanics, NIST, and other defenders of the 'official' story scramble to keep their narrative alive, stating that eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable, confused, and misrepresentative of what actually happened. Curiously, one could make the exact opposite argument; i.e. that initial eyewitness reports are clear, coherent, fresh accounts of what actually did happen before the witnesses were told how to re-interpret their memory to fit the neater narrative of the 'official' story. Moreover, and most significantly, eyewitness testimony and initial reports are what solve the vast majority of crimes committed in this country. And if eyewitness evidence is considered sound, tried, and tested in the court of law in other cases, then surely it is sound in the case of 9/11 as well. Besides, there are still photos and video evidence showing massive underground explosions and huge puffs of smoke ascending from the base of both towers before the start of collapse, supporting the volume of eyewitness testimony and the hypothesis of intentional demolition. Here is a still photo. And here is video evidence. Watch low at the base of the Tower for the smoke rising from the street just before collapse. And for in-depth footage and analysis, fast-forward to the 13:25 point of this clip. Perhaps the strongest evidence of pre-collapse underground explosions lay within the lobby of the North Tower itself, which sustained massive damage some 900 feet below the impact of the airplane. Much of the damage can be seen in this video clip. Ever persistent, the defenders of the 'official story' have blamed the towers' elevator shafts for the lobby's damage. The idea is that the explosion from the impact of the airplanes created huge fireballs of energy which funneled down through the buildings via the elevator shafts, eventually exploding out into the lobby and creating the visible damage and destruction. As with so many of the official explanations for unexplained anomalies in the 9/11 narrative, this elevator shaft theory is ridiculous. And surely it is just idle, noise-filling fluff. Something to sound vaguely intelligible to the general public. Because five minutes of research will show that the WTC Towers' elevators and shafts were not stacked vertically one on top of the other. "Instead of building enough elevators to move everybody from the ground floor to their destination, (the designers) decided to split the trip to the upper floors between multiple elevators. If people wanted to get from the ground to the top floor, they would need to jump from elevator to elevator, in the same way you might switch cars on a subway system." So this means that the fireballs from the impact of the airplanes, to account for the damage to the Towers' lobbies in the way the official story tells us, would have had to travel down the first elevator shaft that was connected to the impact floor, exit the doors at that shaft's terminus, amble down the hall, re-enter the next shaft, travel down to that shaft's terminus, exit the doors and repeat this leapfrogging pattern a number of times to find their way down to said lobby. An absurd narrative that defenders of the official story perhaps just throw out once again in an attempt to sound informed and intelligible, hoping that no one actually looks into the veracity of what they are saying. For it is clear that many of them have not spent even the most cursory time investigating the data, and considering their own logic. (Note: If you view the diagram of the elevator shafts on the above website, you will see that there is one shaft that goes from bottom to top. But surely no one is arguing that one single shaft could have caused the widespread destruction scattered throughout the whole lobby.) Further evidence that supports early eyewitness testimony and reports of massive underground explosions taking place before the onset of the Towers' collapse can also be found in the recorded seismic activity in and around Manhattan on the morning of 9/11. A comprehensive analysis of this seismic activity can be found in Volume 3 of this online scientific journal. Despite all this strong, compelling evidence of massive underground explosions that supports the theory of controlled demolition, there was no mention, nor discussion of these underground explosions in any of the 'official' reports or investigations. Why? There were eyewitness reports, seismic recordings, and unmistakable video evidence showing massive underground explosions and huge puffs of smoke ascending from the base of both the towers just before they started to collapse. Yet no official mention, nor investigation, was made of the evidence detailing these explosions and their possible relationship to the onset and behavior of the collapse of the Towers. Why? back to topcontinue reading »
  24. My interpretation of the Book of Revelation has similarites to their idea about the nation of Israel. They represent between 800-1200 by my estimates (combining two sects who advocate said Idea Messiah/Israel). BUT I HAVE A DIFFERENT WORLD VIEW THAN YOU. One on God’s side is a majority. That’s why John Knox’s words, inscribed on the Reformation monument in Geneva, say, “A man with God is always in the majority.” To me they are leaders because they have the right idea. One on God’s side is a majority.
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