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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv* ====================================================================* No one says that global warming means that temperatures will constantly increase from one year to another. END Colby (but the article talks about a high 13 years ago in temp. A 13 year trend NOT ONE YEAR) ---------------------------------oooovvvvvvvvoooo--------------------------------- http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100133247/children-just-arent-going-to-know-what-sun-is/ James Delingpole is a writer, journalist and broadcaster who is right about everything. He is the author of numerous fantastically entertaining books including 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy, Welcome To Obamaland: I've Seen Your Future And It Doesn't Work, How To Be Right, and the Coward series of WWII adventure novels. His website is www.jamesdelingpole.com. ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Children just aren't going to know what sun is By James Delingpole Politics Last updated: January 29th, 2012 ooooooooooooooooooooovvvvooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Enjoy it while it lasts There's a great piece by David Rose in the Mail On Sunday http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2093264/Forget-global-warming--Cycle-25-need-worry-NASA-scientists-right-Thames-freezing-again.html nicely summing up what a lot of us here knew already: that the thing we really need to fear right now is not global warming but global cooling. And that, on current evidence, it's global cooling we're going to get. The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years. The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century. Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997. Rose's piece comes hot on the heels of an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal ( see above link this THREAD wsj) signed by 16 distinguished scientists (proper ones: not "climate" "scientists") noting the continuing absence of ManBearPig: Perhaps the most inconvenient fact is the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now. This is known to the warming establishment, as one can see from the 2009 "Climategate" email of climate scientist Kevin Trenberth: "The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." But the warming is only missing if one believes computer models where so-called feedbacks involving water vapor and clouds greatly amplify the small effect of CO2. The lack of warming for more than a decade—indeed, the smaller-than-predicted warming over the 22 years since the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began issuing projections—suggests that computer models have greatly exaggerated how much warming additional CO2 can cause. Faced with this embarrassment, those promoting alarm have shifted their drumbeat from warming to weather extremes, to enable anything unusual that happens in our chaotic climate to be ascribed to CO2. The fact is that CO2 is not a pollutant. CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas, exhaled at high concentrations by each of us, and a key component of the biosphere's life cycle. Plants do so much better with more CO2 that greenhouse operators often increase the CO2 concentrations by factors of three or four to get better growth. This is no surprise since plants and animals evolved when CO2 concentrations were about 10 times larger than they are today. Better plant varieties, chemical fertilizers and agricultural management contributed to the great increase in agricultural yields of the past century, but part of the increase almost certainly came from additional CO2 in the atmosphere. All true, of course. All very, very true. Which does rather invite the question: when's the scam going to end? When are all those "climate" "scientists" at institutions like the University of Easy Access finally going to eat crow? Actually this question is entirely rhetorical since I already know the answer: when hell freezes over. Consider, for example, the fate of Dr David Viner – the University of Easy Access climatologist responsible for the most-read-ever story in the Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/snowfalls-are-now-just-a-thing-of-the-past-724017.html when, in 2000, he famously deployed his meteorological expertise to tell us: "Children just aren't going to know what snow is." And where did "Nostradamus" Viner go? Well, for a time he was in charge of disseminating climate change propaganda at taxpayers' expense for the British Council. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/7231466/British-Council-gets-in-on-the-climate-act.html More than £3.5 million has gone on recruiting a worldwide network of young "climate activists" in over 70 countries to engage in climate change propaganda – what Marxists used to call agitprop – and to pressure their politicians to join the worldwide struggle. Under a programme called Challenge Europe, £1.1 million has been paid out to fund young "climate advocates" in 17 countries across Europe, including Britain itself. But £2.5 million has been spent on a more ambitious project to recruit a global network of 100,000 activists in 60 countries across the world, led by 1,300 young "International Climate Champions", to participate in "international peer networks, both in person and online, to share ideas, projects and experiences". Of this sum, £303,093.24 went to China; £71,262.91 to Brazil; £53,006.25 to Japan; £70,132.88 to India (including £11,000 to Dr Pachauri's Teri institute); £77,507.89 to oil-rich Qatar; and £50,000 to the US. There was £120,000 for a dozen different countries in Africa, including £14,000 to fund climate champions in starving Zimbabwe. So, to recap: a scientist from arguably Britain's most discredited university department – the Climatic Research Unit at the UEA – made a fool of himself and his employer by feeding to a newspaper wrongheaded disaster scenarios based on woefully inaccurate computer projections, thus lending spurious credibility to a massive media scaremongering campaign which has led to the squandering of billions of pounds on an entirely unnecessary scheme to "decarbonise" the UK economy. His reward for this was to be granted a taxpayer-funded salary to go round the world spreading more abject nonsense about a mostly non-existent threat called "climate change." Viner is not the exception: he is the rule. We have a right, I think, to start getting very angry indeed. ####################################################### +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ####################################################### Related re ESTABLISHMENT Science ---------------------------------------Public release date: 18-Feb-2007 Contact: Dawn Levy dawnlevy@stanford.edu Stanford University Tobacco companies obstructed science, history professor says ====================o===================o================ "Doubt is our product," stated a tobacco industry memo from 1969. For half a century, the tobacco industry tried to muddy the link between smoking and cancer. Now, with that effort long since failed, cigarette producers facing dozens of potentially ruinous lawsuits are once again attempting to manufacture doubt. "The tobacco industry is now trying to win their cases by rewriting history, saying that everyone knew but no one had proof," said Robert N. Proctor, a professor of history at Stanford. "What they're saying is that everyone always knew it was bad for you. So if you started smoking in 1962 or 1972 and later got lung cancer, you have only yourself to blame." Proctor will speak Feb. 18 during a symposium-"The Sociopolitical Manufacturing of Scientific Ignorance"-at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Francisco. Proctor claims that by the middle of the 1950s there was a scientific consensus that smoking caused lung cancer. But the tobacco industry fought that finding, both in the public eye and within the scientific community. Tobacco companies funded skeptics, started health reassurance campaigns, ran advertisements in medical journals and researched alternate explanations for lung cancer, such as pollution, asbestos and even the keeping of birds. Denying the case against tobacco was "closed," they called for more research as a tactic to delay regulation. Drawing from his experiences as an expert witness in tobacco litigation cases, Proctor says that industry lawyers often claim that "government propaganda," such as warnings from the Surgeon General, was so overwhelming that the risks of smoking were universally known. But they excuse the industry's own counter-propaganda by arguing that the scientific community was unable to prove a link between smoking and lung cancer until relatively recently. If true, this lack of proof would absolve the tobacco companies of any blame for deaths caused by smoking and any charges of fraud for their campaign against the link between cancer and cigarettes. "But if they were lying and if people actually believed their lies," Proctor said, "then the industry can be held liable because they were manufacturing a defective and fraudulent product." Proctor has used poll results stretching back to the 1940s to show that in fact some people were ignorant of the risks. "Millions of people in the '60s, '70s and '80s didn't know that tobacco caused lung cancer or heart disease," Proctor said. "An increasing number knew, but not everyone knew. And not everyone knew because the industry was manufacturing doubt, fomenting ignorance. Industry executives created a climate of untruth that people bought into and died from." Proctor also has delved into the phone logs and correspondence records of tobacco companies to look at what consumers were thinking. "Even in the 1970s and '80s, lots of people are writing letters to the industry saying, 'The government is brainwashing me into thinking tobacco is bad, whereas I have a grandmother who lived to be 82 and she smokes, and I've smoked for years and I'm still healthy."' In an age when nearly everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, it might not seem important to study the ways the tobacco companies sowed doubt. But Big Tobacco's methods have since been exported to other industries. At the same symposium, University of California-San Diego history and science studies Professor Naomi Oreskes will discuss a similar topic in a talk titled "Confounding Science: The Tobacco Road to Global Warming," and journalist Paul Thacker will give a talk titled "Thank You for Polluting: How Campaigns to Create Scientific Confusion Kill Product Regulation." How can tactics like these undermine the work of so many scientists? Proctor said: "There's a saying in the PR business that for every PhD there's an equal and opposite PhD. And if there's not one then you can create one through funding. And if you put a lot of money into manufacturing ignorance, it can actually work. "We saw this in tobacco, and we've seen it in polluting industries and global warming," he added. "There are lots of people out there who'd rather have you not know what's really going on." ### COMMENT: Robert Proctor, History: (650) 723-0232, rproctor@stanford.edu EDITORS NOTE: Science-writing intern Rahul Kanakia wrote this release. A photo of Proctor is available on the web at http://newsphotos.stanford.edu/. RELEVANT WEB URLS: ROBERT N. PROCTOR HOMEPAGE http://www.stanford.edu/dept/history/Faculty/proctor.html AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE http://aaas.org/ EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE until Sunday, Feb. 18, at 1:15 p.m. Pacific Time News Service website: http://www.stanford.edu/news/
  2. 16 scientists, only half of who seem to have experience in relevant fields, don't think we need to worry about climate change on the other hand thousands of climate scientists beg to differ. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXooooooooVVVVVVVVooooooooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Scientific truth is not about the number who believe an idea. Case in point. link http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/galileo/galileo.html =========================================================================== It is more than 16. Now 31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs link http://www.petitionproject.org/ ============================================================================= I wish all reading this post go here to this link below. I dont think its 'radical' but reasonable as the link URL implies. link http://reasonabledoubtclimate.wordpress.com/ ============================================================================= THIS JUST IN (world wide climate data) link http://times247.com/articles/global-warming-trend-ended-in-1997-new-data-shows
  3. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXooooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if at first you dont succeed,lie,lie again ....... link http://www.dailytech.com/Climatologists+Trade+Tips+on+Destroying+Evidence+Evangelizing+Warming/article23368.htm VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVooooooooVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV =========================================================== Al Gore lies about ClimateGate on CNN and MSNBC - "the most recent one(email) is like 10 years ago" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2011 not warmer......... link http://reasonabledoubtclimate.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/2011-nearly-a-degree-cooler-than-1999-in-the-us/ ############################################################# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvOOOOOOOOvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv NO NEED TO PANIC link http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204301404577171531838421366.html?mod=rss_opinion_main
  4. ==========================oooo=========================== No,sorry for the misunderstanding. It does reflect my views. I corrected the above post with this from blogger blessings2you at http://www.christianblog.com/ thanks sg
  5. I don’t think you understood what you read the guy is an arch-neoliberal proposing virtual elimination of the public sector he even lives in (or at least own property in) an Ayn Rand inspired compound in Argentina. Nothing in his brief bio suggests he has any relevant expertise and didn’t cite any evidence. I have no idea how this is connected to Darpa other than the author's reasonable complaints about defense spending ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I don’t think you understood what you read (first stone?) didn’t cite any evidence (thought I saw a chart ?) I have no idea how this is connected to Darpa (DARPA=WAR=militarism(spreading to schools) ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? from blogger blessings2you at http://www.christianblog.com/ The natural man has a huge problem For those of us who are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, spiritual matters can be understood. Through instruction, study and application, the ways of God make sense and represent what is right, just and loving. With the help of the Holy Spirit to guide us, we can indeed know God. For those who are not born again and thus not filled with the Holy Spirit, spiritual matters are either a mystery or pure foolishness. Without the Holy Spirit to guide them into an understanding, there is no way to fully appreciate or grasp what the words in the Word of God mean. As the Apostle Paul attempted to instruct the Corinthian believers on these matters, he laid out a very important truth in 1 Corinthians 2:14: "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned ." To discern spiritual matters, one must have the Spirit of God within. The "natural man" (not born again and filled with the Spirit of God) cannot receive the things relating to the Spirit of God for they are spiritually discerned and he does not have the Spirit. Jesus said that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled. Thus, if a natural man is hungry to know the truth and understand the things of God, it is available for him to be filled. Once a person is saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, then they can begin to understand who God is, what He has done for us in Jesus Christ and what is available to us as children of God. As believers, we look at situations through the eyes of Christ within us. We see things as God sees them. The unbeliever cannot do this and sees things only through the eyes of the five senses. This sense knowledge cannot see the hand of God at work or what the spiritual causes or effects really are. We must always remember that those who are not saved cannot have the same attitude toward spiritual matters as we do. We must always remember that it is not possible for the natural man to understand the things of God and thus they are foolishness unto him. What seems so simple to understand to us is pure fantasy to a person who does not have the Spirit of God to guide him. The natural man makes fun of God's righteousness, master plan of redemption and love. The natural man looks at what is in the Bible as lies, myths and fabrications of truth. The natural man laughs at spiritual warnings and refuses to believe there is anything wrong with his thinking or lifestyle. Thank God we have the ability to understand spiritual matters because we have the Spirit of God within us. We are not to judge the natural man but rather reach out to him with God's love. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXooooooooOOOOOOOOooooooooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ========================================================================== XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Militarism up ====== middle class down ==== military in schools http://www.shadowstats.com/ "middle class down" ======================================================== http://www.propublica.org/article/drive-by-scanning-officials-expand-use-and-dose-of-radiation-for-security-s "absurd security measures=militarism" ---------------------------------------------------------oooovvvvoooo--------------------------------------------------------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_Against_Militarism_in_Our_Schools "militarism in schools,like DARPA" United States Militarism John Roberts 11/24/03 (ICH) Unlike British, American militarism only dates back a couple of centuries. But as in other revolutionary regimes, there was, from its inception, an assumption that violence would be successful in the birth of the state. Since that was allied to the practical and continuing subjection of a slave population, the hierarchical nature of US society was emphasised from the outset and the conquest of the indigenous native population over the next century merely confirmed the importance of the military in controlling and dominating the formative years of the republic. The lesson of the civil war was that the republic could be very militaristic. After all, it achieved the first modern war, with railway transport as the key to final success and casualties on a truly industrial scale. Even if successful generals might take care to retire, as Washington had done in an example praised and highly regarded, the military traditions were reborn and in the army and navy were treasured and eulogised. The republic kept an honoured place for its office class, already an elite that would wax through successive campaigns. By the time that overseas imperial expansion began in 1898 this was already clear. However, the dynamic of democracy during years of peace was adequate to reduce the military to a subordinate position for the first two centuries. Not until the Second World War did the tendency to rely upon military models and heroes as a guide to political choice become fully significant. The election of a pacific general - Eisenhower - as president was a sign of the changing times but the dismissal of another commanding general - MacArthur - by a civilian president had already quelled fears of a militaristic take-over. And of course, the popular self-deception that imperialism was something for other nations and could only be abhorred by Americans, permitted the military to bask in democratic approval as being other than militaristic. Bur the pattern of economic and military domination was laid down too clear to ignore or avoid. By 1951 the US had built up a nuclear weapon stock capable of destroying all civilisation several times over and with a hundred military bases in dozens of countries, the influence of the military grew year by year. The military-industrial-scientific-bureaucratic complex became steadily more important and the role of democratic politicians was correspondingly reduced and corrupted. This occurred inexorably and was commented upon, but since its deep-rooted causes were being fed continuously by the expansion of American commerce and industry nothing could seriously challenge it. The changes went hand in hand with the shift in social attitudes, from a democratic spirit that had been kept alive by the individualism of small communities and social groups to an acceptance of large-scale and hierarchical business and politics. The susceptibility of the American public to the appeal of wealth and power became steadily more apparent. The old-style small-town model was replaced by the propaganda of giant corporations. Vast urban sprawls ensured also millionaire leaders (soon to be billionaires), chosen from a ruling class that either required great wealth to get on the ladder to the top, or who could enrich themselves on the way. This changed pattern fitted much better with a hierarchical society that suited militaristic attitudes. At the same time, the growing proportion of public wealth devoted to the military also ensured that the armaments industry, wrapped up with the nuclear and airplane corporations would become increasingly important. The influence and overwhelming power of these groups ensured that they would play a greater and greater part in political life, perhaps culminating in the corrupt presidential election of 2000, when the oil industry and its Republican allies effected a take-over which led directly to a war both entered into mendaciously and illegal with a delusory "war on terrorism" that will be an excuse and a struggle that can last for decades. Huey Long was reported as saying that fascism could come in the United States, but it ''will have to be called anti-Fascism' and the current militarism has be disguised as a drive to protect freedom, which is precisely what the present administration is about with its Patriot and other Acts. The assault on Iraq to take over its oil-fields, slenderly disgused as an attack on the dictator who was a favoured purchaser of American equipment until he failed to observe all the US requirement, may be in trouble, but it is part of the American corporations' drive to take over more of the world.That will require an intensificaiton of the militarisation of American society. The future of American democracy will be in as much peril as was the Iraqi dictator. ========================================================================================================================= The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War As Andrew Bacevich notes in the introductory section of The New American Militarism, most critics of militarism's influence on U.S. foreign and defense policy have their roots in the progressive or center-left portions of the ideological spectrum. Bacevich's roots clearly are in the traditional conservative to libertarian end of that spectrum. A graduate of West Point, he earned a Ph.D. at Princeton University. After a military career, he became a professor at Boston University. This background reinforces his credibility in critiquing how and why militarism became a major factor shaping U.S. policy. The author also of a previous, well-received book, American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), Bacevich has become an established critic of U.S. policy. His excellent analysis of American militarism reinforces that stature. The essence of his views is encapsulated by statements at the beginning and end of the book: "Today as never before in their history Americans are enthralled with military power" (p. 1); and "America will surely share the fate of all those who in ages past have looked to war and military power to fulfill their destiny. We will rob future generations of their rightful inheritance. We will wreak havoc abroad. We will endanger our security at home. We will risk the forfeiture of all that we prize" (p. 225). After referring to "America's marriage of a militaristic cast of mind with utopian ends," Bacevich declares that his goal is to examine "the origins and implications of this union and [to propose] its annulment" (p. 3). As a devout Roman Catholic, he avoids the term divorce, but in this case an annulment would be a de facto divorce. For conservatives who might be uneasy about this objective, Bacevich sets the tone for the book by quoting James Madison: "Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded.... No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." He then states, "The purpose of this book is to invite Americans to consider the relevance of Madison's warning to our own time and circumstances" (p. 7). Thus, Bacevich seeks to refocus Americans' attention on how the United States has gone astray from its founders' principles. Despite the title's emphasis on "new American militarism," most of the book deals with how and why "present-day American militarism has deep roots in the American past" (p. 5) by assessing that history and its policy implications then and now. The successive chapters provide provocatively conveyed insights into various aspects of that long-term evolution. Bacevich sets the stage with a critique of Wilsonian interventionism and its legacy to date. This analysis is balanced in its criticism of various administrations. At the core of its salience for militarism are observations about "the demise of the ancient American tradition of the citizen-soldier" (p. 26) and the claim that "the outsourcing of defense to a professional military elite, the erosion of civilian control—distorts if it does not altogether nullify important elements of the American birthright" (p. 32). Against that background, Bacevich carefully analyzes how the cultivation of military professionalism, an inadvertent by-product of Wilsonianism, assumed self-regenerating momentum. This discussion contains many insights drawn from Bacevich's background in both military and policy analysis. Readers who lack any military background should benefit from it, but some may find it arcane if they fail to grasp its nuances. The chapter titled "Left, Right, Left" will have much broader appeal to all but the neoconservatives whom it thoroughly evaluates and whose flawed conservative credentials it closely examines. Bacevich contends that neoconservatives "laid the intellectual foundation of the new American militarism" (p. 72), and he analyzes the elements of that foundation and how they evolved from the views of dissenting leftists to those of supposed conservatives. In assessing these pseudoconservative issues, he skillfully critiques the roles of the Weekly Standard, many of its prominent writers, "the fellow-traveling American Enterprise Institute," and "the agitprop of the Project for the New American Century" (p. 89). Genuine conservatives will enjoy the following two chapters less. One chapter deals with the legacy of Ronald Reagan's role in "conjuring up the myths that nurtured and sustain present-day American militarism" (p. 99) and how that legacy helped shape successive administrations. As controversial as that analysis will be in some circles, the other chapter's focus on the religious right's alleged roles in reinforcing the values behind militarism will be even more provocative. Bacevich maintains that "militant evangelicals imparted religious sanction to the militarization of U.S. policy and helped imbue the resulting military activism with an aura of moral legitimacy" (p. 124). The content and title of this chapter, "Onward" (as in "onward Christian soldiers"), is likely to make it the most controversial in the book among today's Republican base. The chapter titled "War Club" is much less likely than "Onward" to provoke controversy, but it does deal with a sensitive issue: the institutionalization of the doctrines that foster militarism in the current Bush administration. Bacevich examines the analysts in academe and think tanks, especially RAND, who contributed to what became a quest for a perpetual "revolution in military affairs" (RMA) designed to keep the United States poised for deterrence in ways that eventually led to the Bush doctrine's focus on military preemption. At the core of this development was an evolving "national-security elite" that Bacevich labels a "priesthood." (p. 151). Although the purposes behind the RMA concept can have merit, it proved to have troubling implications. As Bacevich states, "although the Revolution in Military Affairs offered a way of reconceptualizing warfare, its importance extended well beyond that sphere. In fact, the RMA was one expression of a larger effort to formulate a new vision of the world itself and of America's proper place in (and astride) that world" (p. 170). In short, he concludes, "the priesthood had turned out to be a war club" (p. 174). Bacevich explores how U.S. policies toward the Middle East over several decades have been shaped and distorted by oil and by radical Muslim reactions, including terrorism, in response to those policies. In this context, he refers to the Cold War as "what it really was: World War III" and to the post–9/11 war on terrorism as "World War IV" (p. 175). Although many readers will disagree with that analytical categorization because of its reliance on a neocon perspective, Bacevich uses that paradigm to provide insights into where and how presidents from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush have used interventionist policies to impose American objectives on the Middle East, based on U.S. dependency on petroleum stability and U.S. ties with Israel, in order to transform countries that were not in harmony with U.S. interests. In one of his blunter assessments, Bacevich states: "Bush and members of his inner circle conceived of this [aggressive interventionism] as a great crusade" (p. 202) in part because "they had drunk deeply of the waters that sustained the new American militarism" (p. 203). In concluding, Bacevich expounds on ten principles that can reduce U.S. tendencies toward militarism: pay attention to the nation's founders, bolster the separation of powers, treat the use of armed force solely as a last resort, strengthen U.S. self-sufficiency, emphasize national defense, control defense spending, use more soft power, emphasize citizen-soldiers, use the National Guard and reserves properly, and improve U.S. civil-military relations. Were the United States to pursue these goals, including greater reliance on civilian education for U.S. military officers, Americans would benefit from the demilitarization of U.S. policy and the U.S. role in world affairs. These recommendations are sound. If implemented, they would reduce militarism sharply within U.S. society and in U.S. policymaking and help to stop the policy shift toward the maintenance of a de facto empire. As I noted earlier, a number of liberal-progressive analysts have criticized militarism in the United States. However, Bacevich's criticism and recommendations, voiced by a conservative with military credentials, are important for people across the entire U.S. spectrum to read and heed. Liberals may be pleasantly surprised. Although some conservatives may be taken aback, they too will benefit, as will anyone in the civilian or military departments of the U.S. government regardless of his ideological inclinations. Edward A. Olsen Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California
  6. ===========================o=================================== GEE BILL,Goldman manipulates/hurts Greece finance and then guy connected to Goldman Sachs becomes Greece head. (see Kos site blog at bottom) =============== Screw up in eye of beholder,bankers will get more power (post MEXICO ,see starting post),is the bottom line ordo ab chao (one of the oldest mottos of Craft Freemasonry) link http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/history/masonic_mottoes.html ================================oooo==================================== Orwell Today website has a good summary The puppetmasters create "dis order" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. Orwell Today will list some historical and present-day examples of chaotic events that achieve the aims desired by the powers-that-be. This list is by no means complete but should give people the general idea. The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of deception and manipulation. It's the meaning behind the Latin motto: ORDO AB CHAO meaning ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. It's also referred to as the Hegelian Dialect after the philosopher Georg Hegel who wrote about its effectiveness. He described it as: THESIS -- ANTI-THESIS -- SYN-THESIS. Others have described it as: PROBLEM -- REACTION -- SOLUTION in that firstly you create the problem; then secondly you fan the flames to get a reaction; then thirdly (like Johnny-on-the-spot) you provide a solution. The solution is what you were wanting to achieve in the first place, but wouldn't have been able to achieve under normal circumstances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vvvvvvvv-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOS site However, Greece has uncovered that the current speculation in the bond market is primarily being done by Goldman itself and 4 Hedge Funds. Big pocketed banks and funds like these can do significant damage to a small country, especially in collusion. The groups attacking Greece like a pinata have much more economic power than Greece. They are frontrunning trades in order to panic investors in Greek bonds, and thereby profit from it. I somehow doubt that they think they will cause a default and reap profits that way, but GS surely knows exactly what kind of exposure exists in Greece. After all, they sold the credit default contracts on the Greek currency swap deal to the National Bank of Greece. Now, those guys are some Greeks that you can blame. Unfortunately, calls for austerity measures in Greece will surely impact the ability of average Greeks to repay their loans to this huge bank, and that itself may create a run on the bank. If that bank defaults, we have problems everywhere, as the NBG has huge exposure in Eastern Europe, mainly together with Austria in new EU markets. But besides the NBG, who else dealt in insurance against Greek default? The Swiss are hugely exposed. The Germans too. One German Bank, Hypostate–owned by the German State currently–has $100 billion in exposure. Let’s think about this folks: how does any bank have $100 billion in exposure to a foreign country whose total debt is $300 billion? Do you think Hypostate lent Greece 1/3rd of its money? Or is it much likelier that Hypostate got involved with these exotic instruments sold to it by bankers far afield? In other words, the main thesis of this diary is that Greece is like the people who took subprime loans in the USA and who couldn’t meet their debt burden. Fine, in the USA, the subprime mess totaled about $200 to $400 billion. And we blame those people for taking those loans. But the people buying insurance contracts on those loans many times over were in debt in the range of many many trillions–perhaps hundreds of trillions–of dollars. That’s the real trouble. In fact, the original GS-Greece loan matters little when you put it up against the derivatives mess created by a potential Greek default, and none of that is really Greece’s fault or business (i.e. Greece has nothing to do with Goldman Sachs selling insurance on its debt). Beyond that, GS’s speculative attacks on Greece foster an environment for GS to not only make huge profits on trading in bonds, but it causes panic and drives Greece toward a default that will give GS a huge payday. It will spread like a contagion.
  7. UPDATE THE BANKS MARCH ON ====== ---------------------------------------- ===========================XXXXooooXXXX========================= ===========================XXXXooooXXXX========================= What Caroll Quigley predicted all coming true right before your eyes. See below Bob Chapman update ....(.which they plan to pass on January 30th in Mexico City) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20 see links below a short and long summary of Quigley's Tragedy and Hope link http://www.wanttokno...g_money_history (long summary Tragedy and Hope) link http://www.wanttokno...g_money_history (short summary Tragedy and Hope) --------- the whole book also can be purchased online -------------------- oXXX===============================================XXXo The Demise of State Sovereignty: Pressures on the Euro Amidst Rising Debt Levels by Bob Chapman link http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=28857 While Greece is headed to the dustbin the European one-worlders are fighting for an ESM, European Exchange Mechanism, which they plan to pass on January 30th in Mexico City. This would put the ESM online in July with a treasure chest of $650 billion, which may be increased. Where all the funds will come from remains to be seen and wait until the voters in each country discover they have been sold out again, and that their sovereignty is gone and with it their freedom and liberty. The banks do not have any transparency on the issue, so the public is essentially in the dark. That is the way the elitists like to work, secretly behind the scenes because you do not have a need to know. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The term ESM explained link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Stability_Mechanism ============================oooooooo=============
  8. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In my mind this is related http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/01/20/1530244/darpa--makers--school--the-future-of-innovation
  9. ===================++++++++========================== oooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo link http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=28742 Stan Freeberg had a 1958 song. ====================oooooooo================================ A Captive Nation: Economic and Social Crisis at Home Equals Wars Abroad? by William Bowles (1/21/12) There are more young people of working age out of work than at any time in recorded British history according to the latest government figures. I started the current version of my online presence as it were in March of 2003 and have managed somehow to continue writing ever since, though I've had my share of blank spots along the way. Writing on a regular basis used to be fairly easy for me but as the years have worn on and no doubt me wearing out, it gets more and more difficult for me to face up to a world that has gone from bad to worse to downright dire in the course of my lifetime. Thus these days, I'm more often reading and thinking about events than writing about them, in an attempt to get a handle on why we inhabitants of Empire are standing by as we watch our leaders head straight for disaster yet again as they try vainly to keep the 'good ship capitalism' afloat. The myopia of the media is palpable in the face of the disaster that unfolds around us. "Sir Halford J Mackinder (1861-1947)�was a member of the 'Coefficients Dining Club' established by members of the ['socialist'] Fabian Society in 1902. The continuity of the policies of the elite is indicated by the fact Brzezinski starts from Mackinder's thesis first propounded in 1904: "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland: Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island: who commands the World-Island commands the world."" -- The Elite, the �Great Game� and World War III By Prof. Mujahid Kamran Eric Walberg's otherwise excellent book 'Post modern imperialism geopolitics and the great games' also utilizes Mackinder's metaphor of the 'The Great Game' to great effect, to map out what he describes as three distinct 'games played', the days of Mackinder's British Empire being 'Game 1'. But I fear that the use of this metaphor, handy though it is in shorthanding the machinations of imperialism brings with it the danger of a kind of fatalism, reducing us to mere pawns on Brzezinski's 'Grand Chessboard'. A view I might add, that reinforces our fatalism as it transforms sociopaths like Brzezinski into a character out of an Ayn Rand novel, possessed of super powers and the natural inheritor of Mackinder's haughty and arrogant view of the world. In turn, I think it reinforces the totally false belief that there is no alternative to capitalism no matter that it's proved itself to be a complete disaster for the planet. A kind of collective acceptance of the status quo that is reinforced by the MSM that will not entertain any kind of rational debate about the alternatives. Not surprisingly, this 'Superman' belief concerning the 'inevitability' of capitalism is the bedrock of the neoliberal view of how things work, harking back as it does to the days of Mackinder when a handful of men effectively ruled an Empire without challenge, divvying up an occupied world according to an imperial pecking order of power. Meanwhile we get fed a diet of little more than mysticism and wishful thinking from the media pundits and when that doesn't work the subject is simply ignored. How the MSM manages the task of totally obscuring the reality of the way capitalism actually functions can only be accomplished by constructing an entirely false reality, one that omits certain fundamental facts about the nature of capitalism, especially its history. Thus WWI was the result of a spat between aristocrats somewhere in the Balkans and WWII was started by a deranged megalomaniac and the destruction of Iraq the result of 'faulty intelligence'. And each time we let them get away with it, they become more emboldened, more brazen in their predations knowing full well that it will get no real opposition from its captive public. Meanwhile Our busted economy is simply the result of 'us' spending too much, thus justifying the need to have 'our belts tightened'. Note that for the rich 1% 'belt tightening' is obviously not a problem nor have any of the previous crises of capitalism and the resultant 'belt tightening' experienced by the rest of us affected the 1%. 'Boom and bust' no matter what the pundits say, is built into the very nature of capitalism. At best 'tinkering' with it brings a temporary reprieve from the inevitable and even the 'tinkering' is the result of working class intervention into the affairs of capitalism eg, the 'welfare state'. Ultimately, the outcome every time is war and the bigger the better to chow all that surplus capital in an orgy of destruction such as we are currently witnessing. Each 'small' war leading inevitably to bigger and bigger wars. Meanwhile SCROOGE AND CHORUS: Christmas comes but once a year, So you better cash in, While the spirit lingers, It's slipping through your fingers, Boy! Don't you realize Christmas can be such a Monetary joy! /../ CHORUS: On the first day of Christmas, The advertising's there, with Newspaper ads, Billboards too, Business Christmas cards, And commercials on a pear tree. . . Jingles here, jingles there, Jingles all the way. Dashing through the snow, In a fifty-foot coup-e O'er the fields we go, Selling all the way. . . Deck the halls with advertising, What's the use of compromising, Fa la la la la la la la la. -- Green Christmas by Stan Freeberg Freeberg's cutting song on the commercialization of Christmas hit the stores in 1958. So how does our corporate media handle the paradox of Christian 'giving' with the making of money? Even more important, how does the MSM handle boosting Christmas sales with the fact that it's also boosting the myth that we 'all' have to tighten our belts in these 'times of austerity'? It really is a case of squaring the circle but how does the MSM achieve this miraculous result? Every Christmas/New Year the MSM carries a slew of stories about the economy, prefacing every comment on the hoped for orgy of consumption, that retailers make 80% of their profits over the holiday period. Is this meant to make us feel bad if we don't consume the required amount of tat? So all the while as thousands lose their jobs, homes and social rights, the MSM is punting the idea that basically everything is okay, a temporary blip in the upward curve of capitalist 'growth'. Spend and everything will come right? Right? The UK economy will remain weak for the foreseeable future, but recession is not inevitable, according to a survey by the British Chambers of Commerce. -- 'UK recession 'not yet inevitable', BBC News 10/01/2012 Thus we are exhorted to spend, spend, spend- without producing anything of substance. Even the much-touted digital revolution which would have turned the populace into 'new media' entrepreneurs if you listened to how the pundits describe it, relies on surplus cash to exist. Three hundred quid on a piece of electronic junk that will be 'obsolete' this time next year when you can't pay the mortgage? What it does reveal is the MSM has to avoid revealing the paradox of austerity and conspicuous consumption coexisting and the reason's pretty obvious: the UK doesn't produce much of anything anymore, relying instead on consumption (and its supporting infrastructure) and of course the financial sector, the mainstay of what passes for a British economy. The end-product is a parasitical economy, the result of maintaining the rate of profit by exporting production to low-wage countries and relying on debt-fueled consumption to turn over the local economy but an economy that has become less and less relevant to international finance capital. So kiss the 'good times' goodbye. Any 'recovery', should it happen will be at a lower level of employment, with fewer real jobs, more temporary, deskilled labour, to serve a shrunken 'middle class' and the elite. Social support will be cut to the absolute minimum the state can get away with. Resistance will be met with the full force of the corporate/security state with the Summer '11 riots serving as an example of what happens when you deliberately allow 'them' to get on with the lootin' anna burnin'. And so far, organized labour's response has been half-hearted and sporadic without any clear direction of what to offer as an alternative tied as it is to the Labour Party's coattails. What's left of the local economy will be hi-tech, information-based research and production as part of a global corporate, military-financial-media complex over which we have absolutely no control. The situation is unique in the history of capitalism. The formerly Great Britain, 'workshop to the world', the greatest Empire the world had ever seen, the home of the Industrial Revolution, deliberately de-industrializes its economy and relies instead on its control of the global circuit of capital to produce 'growth' in the form of ficticious money that in turn it lent to its captive consumers at enormous rates of compound interest. The 'wealth' created from the interest charged on the loans was then used to create an even greater pile of ficticious wealth by manipulating the markets on a global scale through the creation of equally ficticious financial 'instruments'. Great fun while it lasted. Piles of dosh, in fact far too much capital and all of it ficticious, sloshing about in a system that has literally eaten itself alive. The genesis of the current crisis can in part be traced back to Thatcher's original decision to turn the UK into a 'property-owning democracy' by selling off publicly-owned housing. A decision that transformed the populace into a nation of debtors' and most importantly, it locked them in debt for life (and beyond); a house being the single biggest investment people ever make. At the same time, entire industries were closed down and their coherent, class-conscious communities destroyed. An entire epoch wiped out in a stroke. Enter the Age of Credit. Trapped on a treadmill of debt is it any wonder that no one wants to 'rock the boat'? This might sound somewhat melodramatic but it would appear that only a wholesale collapse of the economy will produce the right conditions for the potential for revolutionary change to begin. But is this what we want to happen? Meanwhile, given the the dire state of things, just as it did in the 1930s, the Empire ratchets up the case for war but war of a different kind having learned a brutal lesson from media coverage of the Vietnam War that thousands of Imperial troops dying in front of you, live on your television screens was extremely bad for business. Just as the Imperial blueprints have made plain, the Empire, using a combination of media manipulation, hi-tech weapons and its stranglehold on international finance, can wage war 'at a distance' from its domestic populations. Using a professional army plus of course its mercenary minions to crush all resistance with barely a murmur from the metropolis. Imperial deaths, such as they are, are given full state/media funerals, after all one imperial death must be worth at least 100 (fill in the country) deaths. Economic/political crisis at home equals wars abroad, it's that simple. Is the Empire insane enough to start a nuclear war? Well as they've done it before, they must think they can--in their terms--get away with it again. It would certainly divert our attentions away from our domestic woes- for a time. The 'collateral damage' would be too immense to calculate let alone contemplate thus such things are not touched upon when the MSM talks of the West 'losing patience with Iran' echoing the Empire's threats of 'taking out' Iran's nuclear facilities if it doesn't behave itself and do as its told. It's also difficult to contemplate what the international repercussions of a 'surgical nuclear strike' on Iran would be. I find it inconceivable that the Russians and possibly the Chinese would not know about it in advance. The Empire, in spite of its power, can't just go lobbing nuclear weapons about willy-nilly (and by Empire I include Israel, it's mini-assassin) although the use of 'Depleted Uranium' has barely caused a ripple of discontent in the populace, no doubt it's not dramatic enough. The name by the way, doesn't mean it ain't radioactive, just less radioactive than its lethal parent U-235. And just as importantly, it's a test of Russia's resolve just as in 1990 when the Empire decided that Saddam Hussein's regime had lived past its sell-by date. What would the Russians do if the US encroached on what been traditionally, Russia's patch? Well we know the answer to that but what of the present? Once again is it to be left to a reluctant Russia to stare down the Empire whilst we stand by, passive observers of our own, and others, fate? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Billy Joel =====o=====o=== Well we're living here in Allentown And they're closing all the factories down Out in Bethlehem they're killing time Filling out forms Standing in line Well our fathers fought the Second World War Spent their weekends on the Jersey Shore Met our mothers in the USO Asked them to dance Danced with them slow And we're living here in Allentown But the restlessness was handed down And it's getting very hard to stay Well we're waiting here in Allentown For the Pennsylvania we never found For the promises our teachers gave If we worked hard If we behaved So the graduations hang on the wall But they never really helped us at all No they never taught us what was real Iron and coke And chromium steel And we're waiting here in Allentown But they've taken all the coal from the ground And the union people crawled away Every child has a pretty good shot To get at least as far as their old man got But something happened on the way to that place They threw an American flag in our place Well I'm living here in Allentown And it's hard to keep a good man down But I won't be getting very hard to stay And we're living here in Allentown
  10. *******************vvvvvvvv************************ =================================================== --------------------------------------------------- Golly the POTUS is looking into the issue....and when I said its 'nothing to worry about'. Gee the POTUS just wont listen to me. =================oooooooovoooooooo===================== Obama's Office, CIA repeatedly accessed CLG H5N1 'secret lab' article January 16, 2012 by legitgov ----------------------ovo------------------------ Obama's Office, CIA repeatedly accessed CLG H5N1 'secret lab' article Posted by Lori Price, www.legitgov.org 17 Jan 2012 Executive Office of the President, U.S. government agencies and 'friends' such as The Boeing Co., have accessed CLG's post, "Kobe University lab creates 'novel' H5N1 in 'secret' lab" by Robert S. Finnegan. Barack Obama's Office accessed the article multiple times, according to CLG website logs.
  11. ==================================================== John look, Len Colby 'talk': Idiot (69 times),moron (24 times), stupid (129 times), LOL (countless). He said I am obese and then stated from his knowledge,"obese people are malodorous." John yes, between you me and the tree there is a foul odor at this Forum. As I see it, the issues revolves on what is on line and what is not. If you read of my volunteer efforts above I dont have the time for 'off line research'. To me the issue of my fantasy (as Colby calls it) is closed. THANKS SG
  12. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lets do reseach thats 'on line" step by step. =================================================== Bilderberg Group the bottom line.............................................. =================oooooooo=============== http://kleinonline.wnd.com/2012/01/18/obama-donor-scytl/ http://e-lectoral.com/en/investors-p-227.html OK,NEXT lets look here Spinnaker SCR. ################oooooooovoooooooo######################## http://www.rivaygarcia.es/en/private_equity/principales_inversores (then click on main investors) European Investment Bank European Investment Fund More information EIF is Europe's leading developer of risk financing for entrepreneurship and innovation. It is owned by the European Investment Bank (EIB) (64%) and the European Community, through the European Commission (27%). OK,NEXT lets look here European Investment Bank ... OK , NEXT Lets look here http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?aid=13738&context=va Among the members of the Bilderberg Group are various European ... Governor of the Bank of Italy, President of the European Investment Bank ... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bilderberg Group the bottom line..............................................
  13. Which makes it even harder to believe what Gaal alleged was true. If such claims had been made every defense lawyer at every trial he testified at would have asked him, "is it true that you...?" GAAL I forgot to add the proviso that any info posted first by others won't count towards your prize. ********************************************************************* Matthew 25:40 New International Version (NIV) 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today I went to my Church to get Religious material to put with food I purchase with my own money and give out to the homeless. Then I obtained donated medical supplies from a private person . I then took in my car these supplies to two homes of chronically ill people in need of these supplies. I then started to arrange a meeting with my pastor to increase the outreach of our Church to the local high school. This is my day off and all this done by my effort with no remuneration for myself. Why dont you "DONATE" 2000$ to the homeless of Recife Brazil ?? Tracking down Ray Briem seems a million miles from my mind.....and anyway if he recalls as I do the sex allegations...Well what you will say ,"Yeah he is 82."? THINKING CAP QUESTIONS Gee, why didnt subsequent defense attorneys accuse him of racism......? every defense lawyer at every trial he testified at would have asked him, "is it true that you...?" http://www.newspaperarchive.com/SiteMap/FreePdfPreview.aspx?img=110661292 Golly, if this is what the establishment stated (drug intoxication/death threats/dreams of mass death) what did the OFF BEAT Putnam,Briem accuse him of.......? ======================================================= oooooooooooooooooo PLEASE NOTE: SEVEN PIGS EARS BELOW ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The Telegraph By John Preston 5:54PM BST 10 Sep 2009 As you talk to Thomas Noguchi, it’s hard not to glance down at his hands. He has long, delicate fingers and as he talks he folds them together. When he closes his eyes, it looks as if he is in prayer. And what a strange, often terrible, story these hands have to tell. Perhaps none stranger than what happened on the morning of Sunday, August 4 1962 when Noguchi, then a junior medical examiner, reported for work at the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office. As soon as he arrived, he was told that the Chief Medical Examiner wanted him to perform an autopsy on a young woman. She had been found eight hours earlier in a small house in Brentwood – the victim, it appeared, of a drugs overdose. There was, Noguchi was warned, a good deal of press interest in the case. He was, he says, rather taken aback by the request. In prominent cases, the Chief Medical Examiner, Dr Theodore Curphey, invariably conducted the autopsy himself. But for reasons that still puzzle him, this did not happen. When Noguchi looked at the police report, he saw that the dead woman was 5ft 4in tall and weighed just over 10 stone. Various bottles of pills, including an empty bottle of the sleeping pill Nembutal, had been found close to her body. Her name meant nothing to him. It was only after he had read the report that someone told him that she was better known as Marilyn Monroe. ‘Even then,’ says Noguchi, ‘I didn’t think for a moment he meant the movie star. I just assumed it was someone else who had the same name.’ But when he walked into the autopsy room and lifted up the sheet that had been placed over the naked body, any doubts were swept away. When he’s asked how Marilyn Monroe looked in death, Noguchi, who has a fondness for poetry, quotes the Latin poet, Petrarch: ‘It’s folly to shrink in fear, if this is dying. For death looked lovely in her lovely face.’ At the time, though, it’s safe to assume that Petrarch was not uppermost on his mind. ‘Of course, I felt pressure, but I remember thinking very clearly that I must make sure I was not distracted by who she was.’ First of all, Noguchi did what he always did. He took out his magnifying glass and examined every inch of the dead woman’s body. ‘When you are a coroner, you start from the assumption that every body you examine might be a murder victim.’ He was looking, principally, for needle marks in case she had been injected with drugs. Also, of course, for marks indicating physical violence. Noguchi found no needle marks, but just above Monroe’s left hip, he did find a dark reddish-blue bruise. Judging by its colour, the bruise was fresh rather than old. Under the External Examination section of his autopsy report, Noguchi noted: ‘The unembalmed body is that of a 36-year-old, well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female… the scalp is covered with bleach blonde hair… a slight ecchymotic area is noted on the left hip and left side of lower back.’ He then began the internal examination. It was this that has given future generations of conspiracy theorists sufficient room in which to exercise their imaginations. In Monroe’s stomach, Noguchi found no visual evidence of any pills. Nor was there any sign of the yellow dye with which Nembutal capsules were coated – and which might have been expected to stain her stomach lining. All he found was what he describes as ‘a milky substance – there were no food particles or anything like that’. Along with samples of blood, the internal organs were sent off for toxicology tests. Several hours after he had completed the autopsy, Noguchi received the toxicology report. The tests on the blood showed 8.0 mg per cent of chloral hydrate – another sleeping pill – while the liver tests revealed 13.0 mg per cent of pentobarbital (or Nembutal). Both of these were well above the fatal dose. However, Noguchi admits he made a mistake at this point. The toxicology tests had only been performed on the blood and the liver – not on the other internal organs. He should, he feels now, have insisted that all the organs were examined. ‘I am sure that this could have cleared up a lot of the subsequent controversy, but I didn’t follow through as I should have.’ As a junior member of staff, he says, he didn’t want to risk displeasing anyone. At a press conference later that day, his boss, Dr Curphey, announced that Monroe had committed suicide. Noguchi did not disagree with his conclusion. None the less, he was sufficiently troubled by the oversight to go back to the toxicology lab a few weeks later and ask if they could test the other organs that he’d sent over. But when he did, he was told that the organs had already been disposed of as the case had been marked as closed. ‘I think that was a great shame,’ he says, speaking very deliberately. ‘Not suspicious. I’m not saying that; it was a perfectly normal procedure. But still a shame.’ Noguchi’s autopsy was widely derided when it was published. The journalist Anthony Scaduto called it ‘one of the weirdest autopsy reports ever confected’, while Norman Mailer in his 1973 book, Marilyn: A Novel Biography, openly questioned Noguchi's motives. ‘The word was out to keep this thing a suicide, not to make it a murder… If you’re the coroner and you feel the official mood is to find evidence of a suicide, you wouldn’t want to come in with murder.’ Almost 60 years on, Noguchi, now 82, sits in his salmon pink mock Tudor house in Los Angeles and all this talk of his having come under pressure makes him wave his hands dismissively. He believes now – as he believed then – that Monroe’s death was suicide. As for the purportedly suspicious aspects to her death, he carefully picks them off one by one. There was, he says, nothing strange about the fact that no pills were found in Monroe’s stomach. A habitual pill user – which she was – would have had no problem digesting both the Nembutal and the chloral hydrate. As a result, he wouldn’t have expected to have found them in her stomach – they would have been pumped straight through into the intestine. What’s more, anyone familiar with Nembutal would know that the yellow dye on the pills doesn’t run when it is swallowed. As for the bruise on her hip, the cause of that remains a mystery – albeit one that may well have a perfectly innocent explanation. And what about Dr Curphey’s insistence that Noguchi perform the autopsy? ‘That is something I still don’t understand,’ he admits. ‘I have thought about it a lot over the years. Maybe he just thought that I would do a good job.’ But for all that, it’s plain that Noguchi has a weirdly ambivalent attitude towards Monroe’s death. On two occasions, he’s called for the case to be reopened – a bit odd for someone who insists there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding it. Perhaps he just misses the attention that the case – along with several other almost equally high-profile ones – brought him. After Monroe’s death, Noguchi went on to become the Chief Medical Examiner for Los Angeles – a position he held from 1967 to 1982. He was also the inspiration for the hit television series Quincy. As the Chief Medical Examiner, Noguchi was to prove a controversial figure, frequently accused of being a keen – even slavish – publicity hound. In 1983 he published a biography, Coroner to the Stars. But what no one – not even his many detractors – can deny is that during his time at the top, Noguchi presided over a kind of Dark Age of Hollywood homicide. Six years after Monroe’s death came the murder of her alleged lover, Robert F Kennedy. The moment when Noguchi heard the words ‘Kennedy’s been shot!’ left him, he says, more shaken than at any other time in his career. But this time he was more experienced, more determined not to get anything wrong. ‘I knew that all kinds of mistakes had been made with the autopsy on John F Kennedy and I wanted to make sure everything was absolutely right.’ At 8.30pm on June 5 1968, 22 hours after Kennedy had been shot, the phone rang in his office. When Noguchi picked it up, he was told, ‘Senator Kennedy’s brain waves have gone flat.’ The first question Noguchi asked when he was shown Kennedy’s body was, ‘Where are the hair shavings?’ The surgeons who had operated on Kennedy had partially shaved his head and Noguchi knew, or suspected, these hair shavings could contain critical evidence. When he came to start the autopsy, he did something he had never done before: he asked for Kennedy’s face to be covered with a towel. ‘I had such admiration for him, such hope that he would become President, that I did not want to be influenced by my feelings.’ Noguchi discovered that one bullet had passed through Kennedy’s right armpit, another – which he recovered – had lodged in his spinal column, while a third – the one that killed him – had penetrated his skull just to the left of his right ear and subsequently shattered. A day after he’d done the autopsy, Noguchi was called by a criminalist at the LAPD who said that soot had been found in the hair shavings. ‘I really sat up in my chair when I heard that. This was a very important discovery because all the witnesses had reported that the gunman [sirhan Sirhan] had been at least a yard away from Kennedy when he shot him. But soot meant that a gun had been discharged from a much closer range.’ To the surprise of his colleagues, Noguchi asked if he could be provided with seven pigs’ ears. Once these had been fetched from a local butcher, he took them to the Police Academy for ballistics tests. The patterns of soot on the pigs’ ears suggested that the shot that killed Kennedy had been fired from just three inches away. Either all the witnesses had been wrong, or else there had been more than one gunman. Even now, Noguchi is unsure what really happened. His professional instinct, he says, tells him that Sirhan Sirhan carried out the assassination on his own. ‘Based on the available information, I’m certain there was just one gunman, but I’m also aware that, like theories of the universe, things keep changing.’ Less than a year later, on August 9 1969, Noguchi was called to 10050 Cielo Drive, an isolated house in Bel Air, where three bodies had been found. Among them was that of the actress Sharon Tate. One man, Voyteck Frykowski, had been stabbed 51 times, clubbed with a blunt instrument 13 times and shot twice. ‘I have never seen such savagery applied to one person.’ On the bottom of the front door, scrawled in blood, Noguchi found the single word, ‘Pig’. The LAPD were convinced that this was a drugs-related murder, possibly executed by the Mafia. Noguchi, however, wasn’t so sure. ‘My experience with Mafia killings was that they are done very quickly – the killers don’t hang around. But in this case, they must have been in the house for about two hours. Also, the repeated stabbings to the bodies, even after death, suggested that the murderers may well have been high on amphetamines. I wondered if some pseudo-religious group had been responsible. I also thought it was possible they might strike again.’ The next day, a married couple, Leno and Rosemary La Bianca, were found dead in the Los Feliz district of LA. They too had been stabbed repeatedly. Written in blood on the fridge door were the words, ‘Helter Skelter’. Despite the similarities, the LAPD refused to believe that the murders were related. Together with a psychiatrist, Dr Frederick Hacker, Noguchi was convinced they were. On August 16 Charles Manson was arrested as part of an investigation into a stolen car ring. Subsequently released, he was then rearrested in mid-October following the discovery of evidence linking him and his ‘family’ of dope-addled acolytes to both sets of killings. Over the next few years, Noguchi performed autopsies on Janis Joplin (heroin overdose, 1970), Natalie Wood (drowned, 1981), William Holden (fell over while drunk, 1981) and John Belushi (heroin overdose, 1982). Today, Noguchi pads around his office in his stockinged feet, a small bespectacled man with grey eyes and trousers hitched high up his waist. All around the walls are framed certificates testifying to his eminence as a coroner. But having spent so long in the presence of death, he has no intention of submitting to it until the last possible moment. ‘I intend to live to 100,’ he says. As to what – if anything – comes afterwards, Noguchi is keeping his options open. ‘For someone who originally comes from Japan, it is not difficult to believe in a departed person living somewhere else. It’s a comforting thought anyway.’ But is it a comforting thought that you actually believe in, or just hope for? He smiles. ‘I think more like a hope.’ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Colby's day, more confrontational internet nonsense.
  14. Why dont you try and contacting Mr. Briem. He seems to be alive. KABC radio states that this might be the best way via AFTRA. Los Angeles office best. Ray Briem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Los Angeles 5757 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Fl. = Los Angeles CA 90036-0800 Tel: 323-634-8100 = Fax: 323-634-8194
  15. COLBY =Yes, that’s your fantasy, but the facts don’t...COLBY We’ve been over the “false claim in your signature" before END COLBY. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well this is the history I remember. This is reminiscent of the work of Communist commissars,telling you what reality was. "We've been over",is that the ROYAL we or some judgemental pedantry on your part ?? Now not everything is on line as I STATED NOT ON LINE BELOW +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The big Right wing media Los Angeles circa late 1960's onward:Briem,Putnam,and LA Examiner. These three attacked Noguchi. Seems Los_Angeles_Herald-Examiner which is not online. http://en.wikipedia....Herald-Examiner (archives at USC) http://en.wikipedia....utnam_(newsman) on TV program http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Briem on radio program ---------------------------ooo------------------------- (((were the capital letters NOT ON LINE hard to read ?))) -------------------------------------------------------- IT WOULD BE GOOD OF YOU TO CONTACT Jim DiEugenio. Im sure he can confirm Briem,Putman,LA Examiner 'were' the right wing media of LA. LEN COLBY please be ......ALERTED....things can happen and there not online !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------oooooooooooooooo------------------ of note As Sirhan Sirhan's former investigator Lynn Mangan found out, Coroner Thomas Noguchi turned a copy of this exhibit over to Robert Joling in 1969. This is when much pressure was being applied over his autopsy findings in the RFK case. O'Sullivan reveals that fact to the public here (p. 349).Shane O'Sullivan's book, entitled Who Killed Bobby? ------------------------------------------------------------------- =============Now you say it was an administrative dispute with Noguchi. Golly, you imply that there was a "C" (by agreement with 18 inch/6 inch bullet/gun discrepancy) But you dont think the firing was part of the (after) plot. FEB 22 Noguchi ends testimony/March 16th FIRED......Gee I think it is reasonable to conclude they are connected. This is important,were talking murder..not some COLBY/Gaal dispute. If one guy gets discredited to protect the plot..so be it. ================ ALERT !! LEN COLBY ...somethings are not online PART TWO Re: Nation/CIA/CANCER From: The Nation Customer Service <thenationcs@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:33 AM Subject: Re: C. I. A.: Carcinogen article To: Hello-- I handle technical assistance for the Nation. Unfortunately, there is no one here on our small staff to answer research questions. Despite the claims on our website, not every article is included in the archive. In some cases, entire issues are missing as we were not able to find them in libraries or personal collections. In other cases, some of the over 70,000 articles, letters and poems published since 1865 were accidentally omitted from the online archive when the issues were digitalized. Most of the puzzles are missing, and last but not least, the search engine is not "powerful" and articles are not easily "searchable by word or phrase," which is why I don't have time to assist you. However, the author's name, the issue date and title of the article supplied by Steven Gaal are all correct. All of this information is a matter of public record. I believe Mr. Gaal even included the text of the article. If this is a matter of serious importance, you might try contacting the author of the piece who later cited this same article in the footnotes of his book. Since the article was written 30 years ago, I cannot provide contact information for him. We are planning to change the format of the archive to make articles easier to find. This update will probably take place in 2012. At that point, the article may prove easier to locate. Kind regards, Habiba Alcindor ++++++++++++++++ GOLLY,GOLLY...even if it says its online...it is'nt and ALERTING LEN COLBY......not everything "is" online.......So I'm in fantasy/false memory/not telling truth....and you wonder why I state you insult people on this forum.....WOW !!
  16. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THANKS HARRY, I will get CROSSTRAILS. There was a JBS plot ? YES ? Sg
  17. link http://watch-unto-prayer.org/belmont.html (JBS created by elites) then read http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKSinvestBirch.htm I disagree with the below(from first link). The CFR is helping to create a federation of central banks to control the governments of the world. HOWEVER,the analysis that elites formed the JBS to 'trick' people is 100 % correct IMHO. Its the Brotherhood not the Sisterhood. The JBS Gabaladon was a side plot. The CIA knew of it and could have used these low level JBS operatives to be fall guys for its central role in Dallas. The Murchisons had elite connections and helped in the coverup. Jack Crichton and Clay Shaw had elite connections. Thus elites were part of operation and then part of coverup. The CIA was central,but not total in the JFK coup. SG === Dissagree with end sentence below. ===============================oooooooo========================= So McMillan, who was by the way present in Indianapolis for the founding of the Society and was the first Life Member of the Society -- see pages 258 and 274 of the LIFE AND WORDS OF ROBERT WELCH by G. Edward Griffin) was a member of what Dan Smoot has called the "Invisible Government." Any informed Bircher knows that the CFR is a subversive clique preparing to merge us into a Communist one-world Government. Read None Dare Call It Conspiracy for the full story. ---------------------====oooooooo====---------------------- Harry J. Dean was born in Canada in 1927. At the age of fifteen Dean moved to Michigan. He took a keen interest in politics and in 1958 he became a member of the 26th of July Movement, a group led by Fidel Castro. Dean also formed a chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committe in Chicago. In 1960 Dean was threatened with being "indicted as an unregistered agent of a foriegn government". As a result Dean agreed to enter Cuba in order to gather information for U.S. Intelligence. Later, when being debriefed by the Central Intellegiance Agency, Dean told them that "the Cuban people would rise against Castro during an invasion by the U.S." In 1962 Dean joined the John Birch Society. He later discovered that the society hired two gunman, Eladio del Valle and Loran Hall, to kill President John F. Kennedy in Mexico City in June, 1962. Dean claims that in late August, 1963, Harry Gabaldon had a meeting with General Edwin Walker and John Rousselot where talks took place about plans to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. In the book, Alias Oswald, Dean explained why Oswald was not listed in the FBI Security Index: "Oswald wasn't in the Security Index because the FBI officials knew that he was working to preserve security, not hinder it." Disturbed by these events, in September, 1963, Dean began supplying information on the activities of the John Birch Society to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Dean claimed that "Lee Harvey Oswald was not involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Like myself, he worked for the FBI and the CIA.. Oswald was an undercover agent working for the security services... Oswald was framed by Walker and other conspirators of the Kennedy assassination plot. Walker and two of his Army sharpshooters met regularly to discuss the plans for the actual shooting of Kennedy." Dean added that the original plan was to kill John F. Kennedy at the Trade Mart. This information was passed on to the FBI. The plan was changed at the last moment and Lee Harvey Oswald, who Edwin Walker, suspected was a spy, was caught by surprise and fled the scene of the crime.
  18. Recipe for Vote Fraud: Global Internet Voting Firm Buys U.S. Election Results Reporting Firm January 15th, 2012 Bev Harris Black Box Voting January 15, 2012 In a major step towards global centralization of election processes, the world’s dominant Internet voting company has purchased the USA’s dominant election results reporting company. When you view your local or state election results on the Internet, on portals which often appear to be owned by the county elections division, in over 525 US jurisdictions you are actually redirected to a private corporate site controlled by SOE software, which operates under the name ClarityElections.com. The good news is that this firm promptly reports precinct-level detail in downloadable spreadsheet format. As reported by BlackBoxVoting.org in 2008, the bad news is that this centralizes one middleman access point for over 525 jurisdictions in AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. And growing. As local election results funnel through SOE’s servers (typically before they reach the public elsewhere), those who run the computer servers for SOE essentially get “first look” at results and the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA. In 2004, many Americans were justifiably concerned when, days before the presidential election, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell redirected Ohio election night results through the Tennessee-based server for several national Republican Party operations. This is worse: This redirects results reporting to a centralized privately held server which is not just for Ohio, but national; not just USA-based, but global. A mitigation against fraud by SOE insiders has been the separation of voting machine systems from the SOE results reports. Because most US jurisdictions require posting evidence of results from each voting machine at the precinct, public citizens can organize to examine these results to compare with SOE results. Black Box Voting spearheaded a national citizen action to videotape / photograph these poll tapes in 2008. With the merger of SOE and SCYTL, that won’t work (if SCYTL’s voting system is used). When there are two truly independent sources of information, the public can perform its own “audit” by matching one number against the other. These two independent sources, however, will now be merged into one single source: an Internet voting system controlled by SCYTL, with a results reporting system also controlled by SCYTL. With SCYTL internet voting, there will be no ballots. No physical evidence. No chain of custody. No way for the public to authenticate who actually cast the votes, chain of custody, or the count. SCYTL is moving into or already running elections in: the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Norway, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, India and Australia. SCYTL is based in Barcelona; its funding comes from international venture capital funds including Nauta Capital, Balderton Capital and Spinnaker. Here is the link to the press release regarding SYCTL’s acquisition of SOE: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/scytl-acquires-soe-software-becoming-the-leading-election-software-provider-2012-01-11
  19. Yes , COLBY ="LOL" this person,"LOL" that person.....over twenty people or so over the years on this forum.....This, IMHO, is classical abusiveness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychologist Jennifer Freyd writes: ...I have observed that actual abusers threaten, bully and make a nightmare for anyone who holds them accountable or asks them to change their abusive behavior. This attack, intended to chill and terrify, typically includes threats of law suits, overt and covert attacks on the whistle-blower's credibility, and so on. The attack will often take the form of focusing on ridiculing the person who attempts to hold the offender accountable. [...] [T]he offender rapidly creates the impression that the abuser is the wronged one, while the victim or concerned observer is the offender. Figure and ground are completely reversed. [...] The offender is on the offense and the person attempting to hold the offender accountable is put on the defense. .Freyd, J.J. (1997) Violations of power, adaptive blindness, and betrayal trauma theory. Feminism & Psychology, 7, 22–32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gee,since I started my conspiracy travels because of RFK ,'ya think I dont know he was prosecution witness ??????' Gee pal years of study..... HOWEVER, HOWEVER to educate..... ========================== I was at the Ambassador before the RFK assassination, I really started my studies of CT after this.. I am very pro-Noguchi since he stated there are powder burns on RFK's neck/head area. The gun of Sirhan was never closer than 18 inches and the powder burns of Noguchi had to be made less (less) than six inches. Noguchi didnt change his mind. Sirhan's attorney didnt pick up on this....but the conspirators did. ...(the conspirators did ,cause-below happened).......then....... Some info on attack on him that is online. http://books.google.com/books?id=QZg6Ft_jvJ0C&lpg=PA75&ots=XkS37JJNp3&dq=hawaii%20%22Thomas%20Noguchi%22&pg=PA75#v=onepage&q=hawaii%20%22Thomas%20Noguchi%22&f=false ======================================== NOT ON LINE BELOW +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The big Right wing media Los Angeles circa late 1960's onward:Briem,Putnam,and LA Examiner. These three attacked Noguchi. Seems Los_Angeles_Herald-Examiner which is not online. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Herald-Examiner (archives at USC) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Putnam_(newsman) on TV program http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Briem on radio program http://www.ibiblio.org/slanews/internet/archives.html (list USA newspapers on line,seems it not online) #############################################oooo#################################################### ======================================================================================== vvvvvvvv= Great profundity and depth in the Bible. =vvvvvvvv 1 Corinthians 13 1 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. see also ( link http://www.tmclark.com/JP/biblereadings.html ) ----------------------------------------------oooooooovoooooooo-------------------------------------------------- 1 Corinthians 13 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia =================o====================== Chapter 13 of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, written by Paul the apostle[1] covers the subject of love, principally the love that Christians should have for everyone. In the original Greek, the word αγαπη agape is used throughout. This is translated into English as charity in the King James version; but the word love is preferred by most other translations, both earlier and more recent. ---------------------- Historical and literary context 1 Corinthians illuminates the early church's efforts to define itself, not only in terms of doctrine, but also allegiance to spiritual leaders such as Peter, Paul, Apollos and Jesus A significant portion of the preceding chapter (1 Corinthians 12:1-10) focuses on the issue of spiritual gifts, and there appear to have been interpersonal conflicts based upon the possession of such gifts, including speaking in tongues or prophecy. Paul tells his audience that they may have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but unless they first have love, these gifts mean nothing: 1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing. (King James version with "charity" rendered as "love") Description of agape A description of agape forms a major passage in 1 Corinthians 13, running from verse 4 to the end. 4 Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8 Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 13 And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (King James version with "charity" rendered as "love") According to the author, agape: (verse 4) is long suffering (i.e. tolerant, patient) is kind is free of jealousy, envy and pride (verse 5) does not display unseemly behavior is unselfish is not touchy, fretful or resentful takes no account of the evil done to it [outwardly ignores a suffered wrong] (verse 6) hates evil is associated with honesty (verse 7) protects trusts [implying faith in God and trusting in righteousness] hopes perseveres (verse 8) triumphs (verse 13) is greater than either faith or hope "Through a glass, darkly" 1 Corinthians 13:12 contains the phrase βλεπομεν γαρ αρτι δι εσοπτρου εν αινιγματι (blepomen gar arti di esoptrou en ainigmati), which is rendered in the KJV as "For now we see through a glass, darkly." This passage has inspired the titles of many works. The word εσοπτρου ("esoptrou", from εσοπτροv, "esoptron") here translated glass is ambiguous, possibly referring to a mirror or a lens. Influenced by Strong's Concordance, many modern translations conclude that this word refers specifically to a mirror. Example English language translations include: Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror (New International Version) What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror (Good News Bible) Paul's usage is in keeping with rabbinic use of the term אספקלריה (aspaklaria), a borrowing from the Latin specularia. This has the same ambiguous meaning, although Adam Clarke concluded that it was a reference to specularibus lapidibus, clear polished stones used as lenses or windows. One way to preserve this ambiguity is to use the English cognate, speculum. Rabbi Judah ben Ilai (2nd century) was quoted as saying "All the prophets had a vision of God as He appeared through nine specula" while "Moses saw God through one speculum." The Babylonian Talmud states similarly "All the prophets gazed through a speculum that does not shine, while Moses our teacher gazed through a speculum that shines." Other notable passages There are two other passages from 1 Corinthians 13 which have been notably influential. Firstly, verse 11: "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things" (KJV). U.S. President Barack Obama referenced verse 11 in his inaugural address to the nation on January 20, 2009. Secondly, verse 13, in praise of the Theological virtues: νυνι δε μενει πιστις ελπις αγαπη τα τρια ταυτα μειζων δε τουτων η αγαπη "And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love." (NRSV) British Prime Minister Tony Blair read 1 Corinthians 13 at the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997
  20. Kobe University lab creates 'novel' H5N1 in 'secret' lab -------------------------ooooooooo----------------------- January 16, 2012 by legitgov Kobe University lab creates 'novel' H5N1 in 'secret' lab --Emails from Kobe virologist and H5N1-H1N1 virus creator, Teridah Ernala Ginting --Story in e-mails: Kobe University PhD student Teridah Ernala confesses to creating H1N1-H5N1 "novel" viruses; Kawaoka's virus thief Akiko Makino lies to Indonesian authorities to avoid arrest for attempted smuggling of H5N1 out of Indonesia, gives authorities another university as research facility she works for By Robert S. Finnegan 05 Jan 2012 This young Indonesian "scientist" through the years of our contact revealed to me the inner-workings of her "secret" lab at Kobe University and a new BSL-4 in Tokyo that was working on H5N1 and H1N1 viruses, among others. Kobe University does NOT officially have a BSL-4 lab, and yet this microbiologist was assigned by her professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka to work on recombinant H5N1 and H1N1 in a "secret" (her words) lab at their facility. How and why was this allowed to transpire? I have kept our association secret for years, however now that this individual has gone over to the "dark side," and I have decided to reveal everything we discussed in the hope it may stop this ghastly, man-made weaponized virus that is capable of killing millions of innocent people across the world. Kobe University virologists Kawaoka and his PhD student Terida Ernala The Japanese "professors" and "directors" of these nefarious projects preyed upon a young, incredibly naive and inexperienced Indonesian virologists to do their dirty-work. There may be a few repeats, however they are worth noting again as they comprise separate keys to the entire story which is now unfolding and being watched nervously by the world at large. The e-mails will not be corrected for spelling, punctuation or format - and are republished in the original. The graphs and charts accompanied Ernala's e-mails, that are annotated are in bold. Content that was clearly personal was redacted as it does not apply to the case. On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Ida - Teridah Ernala <ida_lutu@redacted.com> wrote: Hello Bob, I'm fine thank you. I have returned to the work again.. Have a trouble here. My supervisor tried to smuggle human samples from Indonesia. The carrier got caught in Surabaya airport without any supporting documents. They marked the sample tubes with 'zoonotic material', but actually it was human RNA. I wanna give up this project if they keep doing illegal things. Somehow I agree with Obama's statement, about swine flu vacination. People should choose whether they want to be vaccinated or not. Vaccine has lot of side effect, lot of death reported because of vaccination. Especially, this vaccine is a new thing, lack of tests and trials. If I had a kid, I wouldn't give my kid swine flu vaccination. Someone can also spread disease by mandatory vaccination. If it happens, this can eliminate US population. Ida ---- Original Message ----- From: Ida - Teridah Ernala To: C. A. Nidom Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 2:59 AM Subject: Re: Apa kabar? 1. The material you handed to Dr Masaoki Yamaoka on August 5th 2009, and then kept in ITD, should have been reported previously to us (at least to the head of ITD). In particular, if the material preceded using ITD's material and equipment. 2. The materials been brought by Ms. Makino without any supporting document from you, so that Ms Makino and materials could not depart to Japan. Because Ms Makino declared that the materials derived from Airlangga University, she was not arrested and allowed to embark. However the materials are still kept in Juanda airport. 3. We regret the statement of Ms Makino mentioned that the materials came from Airlangga University, and described as zoonotic material. In fact, written statement from Dr Shinya and you mentioned that they were human samples. 4. Regarding to the points above, we require you to come to Surabaya as soon as possible to solve this problem. This is a serious illegal practice related to MTA. Regarding to your fax, dated 7 September 2009 to the President of Airlangga University, about your materials for cytokine profiling in healthy people study: They have samples actually, but no recent human samples since MOH banned the material transfer to other countries. That's why this is very illegal. I told everything I know to the head of avian influenza lab in TDC Airlangga University, dr Nidom. After this incident, the relationship between my professor and dr Nidom went bad. When got caught, the carrier mentioned that the samples were belonging of Airlangga University, but actually no one knew about that. Now, Indonesia govt blames dr Nidom as the sample 'dealer', condition is not really good for him now. Inn Japan, my professor's telling everyone that dr Nidom tried to trap them at the airport. I heard lot of things in Japan contrary to what I heard from dr Nidom. Because of this we're exchanging information through mail. My professor doesn't know that we're mailing to each other, we're keeping things this way. After the incident, my professor became very nice at me. Of course, because they know that I know what's going on exactly. Few days later, they asked me to sign a document, mentioning that I'm a researcher belonging to my supervisor, and every matters between my supervisor and I should be kept confidential. I didn't have any reason not to sign it. If you want to, I will forward the conversation between Dr Nidom and I. It's in Bahasa Indonesia, but that's the actual story. It's a very long mail, maybe it's pretty difficult for you to understand the whole story but just keep it for your reference. From: Ida - Teridah Ernala <ida_lutu@redacted.com> Subject: Re: About Alaska 1997 H5N1 To: seanews1@redacted.com Date: Thursday, 7 May, 2009, 2:38 AM The accident report said that they used common lab H3N2 virus with 'some' H5N1 gene. Common lab H3N2 probably the old human H3N2 with is known circulting in pigs for 20 years (check the Genotype map). But 'some' H5N1 gene is vauge. If you check the genotype map again, you'll see two gene NA and M (indicated by pink) are special. Those gene look like suddenly jumped into the whole virus. Compare with other genes which are reassortant and already established before. Those NA and M recognized as Eurasian avian type, means originated from Europe or Asian avian strains. They compare the whole gene with H1N1 only, noone tried to compare it with H5N1. I will try to do it, but it takes time I think. I only have free analysis software which is very slow so that sometimes manual analysis is faster ). But I will try. Ida From: Ida - Teridah Ernala <ida_lutu@redacted.com> Subject: Re: About Alaska 1997 H5N1 To: seanews1@redacted.com Date: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009, 5:52 AM I made several mutation in HA gene and one mutation in NA gene. Then made several virus combinations of those two genes. From all combinations, they are growing effectively in MDCK (Madin Darby Canine Kidney) cell culture. I failed to grow one virus, I have tried three times but still failing. I assume this one may not able to grow in nature. To know if it's transmitted to human, I will use human trachea cell line later and ferret (usually used for studying influenza transmission in human). So I don't know if it's transmissible to human yet. I'm working in BSL-2 laboratory, that's the requirement from the government because the original virus was only common H1N1. For H5N1 virus, I'm working in BSL-3 laboratory. My experiment is confidential (please keep this only for you), noone except my professor and I know this (even we keep it secret from other lab members). Especially after the H1N1 emerged, my work will cause lot of trouble. We will go to the public after everything is set up. Ida The University of Kobe has not returned repeated requests for comment and has been offered access to all documentation should they wish to perform an internal investigation. To be continued. Robert S. Finnegan is a retired investigative reporter, journalism professor and U.S. Marine Corps NCO based in Jakarta, Indonesia. He has been working this case since 1997. Originally published at The 5th Estate. Published by Citizens for Legitimate Government with permission. CLG has redacted the email addresses from Mr. Finnegan's original article. See also: CLG's Flu 'Odditi
  21. "but (Greg Parker) at times he has misunderstood what he read and/or reached conclusions based on shaky evidence." END COLBY QUOTE. Greg is misunderstanding evidence and you are understanding evidence. Greg cant think well in comparison to you......ego problem ??????? =================================================================================== "You even include a false claim in your signature" END COLBY QUOTE. Steve is thus false claimer in comparison to true claimer Colby..........ego problem ??? I know of no false claim in my signature...can you prove Ive made false claim,untruth ?? ============================================================================ Below to help you.- -------------------------oooooooooooooooo--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNMASKING HIDDEN PRIDE By Alfred H. Ells Hubris (pride) was the character flaw that caused many to fail in Greek mythology. In my counseling practice I have noticed that it is also the stumbling block for many ministers. The wisdom of Proverbs declares in verse 11:2 that "when pride comes, then comes dishonor," and in verse 16:18 "Pride goes before destruction. And a haughty spirit before stumbling." Remember the Biblical story of Nebuchadnezzar, the king, who was made to live and eat with the beasts of the field and wild donkeys because of his pride? Daniel 5:21 declares that he was "given grass to eat like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until he recognized that the Most High God is ruler over the realm of mankind and that He sets over it whomever He wishes." God truly places those in authority over His church as he sees fit and also removes whomever He chooses. Pride is probably the major reason for a lack of favor with God and therefore lack of success in ministry. It is also the major root issue in failure. As James 4:6 declares " . . . God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Though this failure principle is commonly known in ministry circles, few of us readily admit to having pride and still fewer seem to actively repent. Because pride can be very subtle in its manifestations, many do not know the telltale signs of pride. Consider the following characteristics of hidden pride and see if God reveals any indications of pride in your life. Be brave. Ask those who know you well if they see any of these characteristics in your life. SIGNS OF PRIDE 1. Insecurity. Research reveals clergy as one of the most insecure of all professional groups. Insecurity is the root of many unhealthy and ungodly behaviors. It provokes us to want the lavish praise and attention of others too much. Much of pride is motivated out of one’s unmet need for self-worth. Finding one’s identity and security in Christ is a must to avoid pride. 2. The need to be right. Ever encounter someone who has a hard time being wrong? This is a symptom of pride. The need to be right prevents one from appropriately evaluating issues as well as themselves (Galatians 6:3). A person who needs to be right has an exalted investment in himself or herself and thinks that he/she knows better than others. In religious circles, the need to be right is frequently manifested through always saying ‘God told me’ or ‘God showed me’. 3. Being argumentative. Individuals, who argue their point of view, especially to those in authority over them, are allowing pride to get the best of them. At the root of their argument is a belief that they are right and the other is wrong and that their will should prevail. It is appropriate to advocate for a point of view or position but not to do so in such a manner that you are more invested in your opinion than in arriving at a mutual understanding. 4. More invested in being heard than in hearing. When someone develops a pattern of needing others to listen to them rather than first hearing others, pride is motivating the need. The need to be heard is common among clergy who are insecure. Oftentimes, the individual does not feel loved or valued unless people "hear them out." In truth, this is often just an expression of insecurity and pride. 5. Anger. Anger is a self-justifying emotion. This means that the nature of anger is to prompt us to justify our position and blame another for the wrongdoing. Justification of self leads to denial of our own complicity or wrongdoing. The scripture warns that the "anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God." (James 1:20). An individual who is angry a lot is suffering from pride. 6. Irritability and impatience. Even though I am a counselor, it was only recently that I learned that the root of impatience in my life is anger and therefore pride. When we are unable to be patient with another and are irritated, it demonstrates a haughty view of self. We feel that our views, time or needs are more important than the other persons. This again is more an indication of our pride than someone else’s slow movement or imperfection. 7. Lack of submissive attitude. Submission is the voluntary placement of oneself under the influence, control or authority of another. When an individual pledges their submission to you or another, yet is critical or argumentative of that authority, then pride is the hidden issue. The test of humility and submission is being able to say ‘yes’, maintain a positive attitude and trust God, especially when the decision of your authority goes against your grain or better judgment. 8. Not easily corrected. Ever work or live with someone who won’t receive any negative or corrective feedback? This too is pride. Before he died, a pastor in the East Valley was noted for being easily entreated and able to receive corrective feedback from others. He would thank the person for the negative feedback and commit to pray about it, seek counsel and get back to the person with what conclusions he came to. He was a role model for many of us. 9. Receiving correction but not changing. I worked with a man who often would receive my correction and say thank you for the feedback, but would never change. This too is a form of pride. The individual was placating me and people-pleasing me, telling me what I wanted to hear but not really taking the feedback to heart. His insecurity and fear prevented him from truly changing. 10. Needing others to take your advice. Counselors, such as myself, easily fall into the trap of having to have others take their advice. Advice should always be offered without strings attached. If you find yourself resenting the fact that your advice is not followed, look deeper at the motivating issues in your life. 11. Needing to proclaim your title or degrees. A good friend of mine requires everyone to call him ‘pastor’, saying that he has deservedly earned the title. Demanding that others call you ‘doctor’ or ‘pastor’ or ‘bishop’ is usually a way of making you ‘one up’ and them ‘one down’. Once again, pride is fueling the requirement. 12. Being stubborn. Webster’s dictionary defines stubbornness as "unduly determined to exert one’s own will, not easily persuaded and difficult to handle or work, resistant." The root issue of stubbornness is willfulness, which is ‘I want what I want when I want it’. Another name for pride. 13. Comparisons and competition. 2 Corinthians 10:12 makes it clear that comparing oneself with others is unwise. Comparison is a form of competition. It is often overt. For example, emphasizing the size of one’s church, the number of converts, etc. However, it can also be the subtle sin of heart that inwardly grieves when another is more successful or rejoices when another pastor’s ministry enters hard times. The motive of heart is pride. This article was taken from the Counselor's Corner, Volume II, Issue 11, published by Counselor's Corner. Used With Permission. Alfred Ells is a senior therapist with New Life Clinic, a Christ-centered counseling and educational ministry. He is a gifted marriage and family counselor, seminar speaker and author of several best-selling books, including One Way Relationships, Released to Love and Family Love. Al has been counseling and consulting with churches, organizations and individuals for over twenty years. He earned his Masters of Counseling degree at Arizona State University. He founded "House of Hope Counseling"; assisted in the establishment of "Hope Community (Rapha-Hope)" in Scottsdale, a Christ -centered residential addictions treatment facility; "Remuda Ranch", a Christ centered program for women with anorexia or bulimia, located in Wickenburg, Arizona, and "Life Gate", a residential treatment facility for adolescents and their families. Al resides in Mesa, Arizona with his wife Susan. They have four children. E-mail Al at: clergycare@earthlink.net or write to: Alfred H. Ells, M.C., Counselor's Corner, 2855 East Brown Road, Suite 3, Mesa, Arizona 85213, U.S.A. Phone:(480) 325-9350. This article was taken from the Overcoming Life Digest (Jan/Feb 2000 Issue);
  22. Eye of the beholder Bill...glass half empty or half filled ??? http://rt.com/news/tunisia-anniversary-037/ http://rt.com/news/university-ennahda-niqab-tunisia-777/ GENE SHARP INTERVIEW FEW DAYS AGO
  23. I know, but that fact doesn't support your contention that the first self-immolation, by Mohamid Bouazizi was instigated by the CIA, the Endowelment for Democracy or global imperialist Jews. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ End Bill Kelly Quote PLEASE ,polite ,OK ?? Never said they instigated incident. I have shown they were in place BEFORE, BEFORE incident. Two years before Egypt,which means in Tunisia before vendor self alighted. The people already in place said,"how can we use this incident?". Now the slap story of the woman was false ,it was an added (false) detail. In the ARAB world a woman hitting a man is a very big NO NO . BILL that should have been a clue that something was wrong about this. Doesnt it remind you of false CIA stories re JFK ???? THINKING CAP PLEASE. ++++++++++++++++++++++++oooooooo= As to China......yes the WEST (banks) wants to take over China. see http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=listByCountry&country=China and http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/fethullah-gulen/page/2/
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