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New witness found on Oswald's activities in New Orleans

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From an email announcement received May 23, 2007:

Dreamland: Jim Marrs Guest Hosts a Free Blockbuster Conspiracy Show

Ed Haslam was a dynamite Dreamland guest on on May 7, 2005 (interview available to our paid subscribers)and now he's back with phenomenal new material about how the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and the horrific epidemics of cancer and bizarre diseases that now haunt our world.

The last time we talked to Ed, his only missing piece was a key witness. HE HAS FOUND THAT WITNESS.

And who better to conduct this interview that one of the world's greatest authorities on JFK, our own guest host Jim Marrs, upholding Dreamland's exclusive tradition of having EXPERTS interview EXPERTS.

It doesn't get better than this, so DON'T MISS DREAMLAND this weekend. The show can be accessed free of charge beginning on Saturday, May 26.

To listen, click on "Listen Now" on the right side of the Unknowncountry.com masthead. If you can't listen, please click on our "Listening Problems" FAQ.

Click on Ed's picture to explore his website.

Get Ed's new book with a foreword by Jim Marrs from our Amazon.com store!


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From an email announcement received May 23, 2007:

Dreamland: Jim Marrs Guest Hosts a Free Blockbuster Conspiracy Show

Ed Haslam was a dynamite Dreamland guest on on May 7, 2005 (interview available to our paid subscribers)and now he's back with phenomenal new material about how the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and the horrific epidemics of cancer and bizarre diseases that now haunt our world.

The last time we talked to Ed, his only missing piece was a key witness. HE HAS FOUND THAT WITNESS.

And who better to conduct this interview that one of the world's greatest authorities on JFK, our own guest host Jim Marrs, upholding Dreamland's exclusive tradition of having EXPERTS interview EXPERTS.

It doesn't get better than this, so DON'T MISS DREAMLAND this weekend. The show can be accessed free of charge beginning on Saturday, May 26.

To listen, click on "Listen Now" on the right side of the Unknowncountry.com masthead. If you can't listen, please click on our "Listening Problems" FAQ.

Click on Ed's picture to explore his website.

Get Ed's new book with a foreword by Jim Marrs from our Amazon.com store!


I have just received my copy of Edward Haslam's new book, "Dr. Mary's Monkey". It covers the activities of Dr. Mary Sherman and Dr. Alton Ochsner in New Orleans and the connections between this and the JFK assassination. I am in email contact with Ed and intend to ask him to discuss the book on the forum.



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From an email announcement received May 23, 2007:

Dreamland: Jim Marrs Guest Hosts a Free Blockbuster Conspiracy Show

Ed Haslam was a dynamite Dreamland guest on on May 7, 2005 (interview available to our paid subscribers)and now he's back with phenomenal new material about how the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and the horrific epidemics of cancer and bizarre diseases that now haunt our world.

The last time we talked to Ed, his only missing piece was a key witness. HE HAS FOUND THAT WITNESS.

And who better to conduct this interview that one of the world's greatest authorities on JFK, our own guest host Jim Marrs, upholding Dreamland's exclusive tradition of having EXPERTS interview EXPERTS.

It doesn't get better than this, so DON'T MISS DREAMLAND this weekend. The show can be accessed free of charge beginning on Saturday, May 26.

To listen, click on "Listen Now" on the right side of the Unknowncountry.com masthead. If you can't listen, please click on our "Listening Problems" FAQ.

Click on Ed's picture to explore his website.

Get Ed's new book with a foreword by Jim Marrs from our Amazon.com store!


I could be wrong, but I believe Haslam's new witness is Judyth Baker.

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The "new" Haslam book is, of course, a significantly updated version of his self-published "Mary, Ferrie, and the Monkey Virus" (1995).

That book actually appeared in at least three variations: a conventionally bound paperback and two spiral-bound revised editions.

I too suspect that the eagerly anticipated witness will be the aforementioned Ms. Baker. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly recommend the currently available version of research that we ignore at our peril.


Edited by Charles Drago
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... And who better to conduct this interview that one of the world's greatest authorities on JFK, our own guest host Jim Marrs, upholding Dreamland's exclusive tradition of having EXPERTS interview EXPERTS. ....

If that's the case, what's Marrs going to be doing? :):lol:

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From an email announcement received May 23, 2007:

Dreamland: Jim Marrs Guest Hosts a Free Blockbuster Conspiracy Show

Ed Haslam was a dynamite Dreamland guest on on May 7, 2005 (interview available to our paid subscribers)and now he's back with phenomenal new material about how the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and the horrific epidemics of cancer and bizarre diseases that now haunt our world.

The last time we talked to Ed, his only missing piece was a key witness. HE HAS FOUND THAT WITNESS.

And who better to conduct this interview that one of the world's greatest authorities on JFK, our own guest host Jim Marrs, upholding Dreamland's exclusive tradition of having EXPERTS interview EXPERTS.

It doesn't get better than this, so DON'T MISS DREAMLAND this weekend. The show can be accessed free of charge beginning on Saturday, May 26.

To listen, click on "Listen Now" on the right side of the Unknowncountry.com masthead. If you can't listen, please click on our "Listening Problems" FAQ.

Click on Ed's picture to explore his website.

Get Ed's new book with a foreword by Jim Marrs from our Amazon.com store!


I could be wrong, but I believe Haslam's new witness is Judyth Baker.

I just finished listening to the interview on Dreamland with Ed Haslam. You are correct: his new witness is indeed Judyth Baker. In any event the interview is informative and fascinating and time well spent.

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Ed Haslem's latest book, Dr. Mary's Monkey has been out for about two months. After many delays, I finally received it and read it, at least a month ago. I did enjoy reading Ed's first book, Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus, but did not much like this latest one.

Yes, this book has a lot to do with Judyth Baker's claims....but I do not now, nor have I ever believed Judyth Baker. I have followed her saga closely since 1999 and believe her claims are only in her mind! The only thing I believe is that she most likely did work at Riley Coffee Co. when Osqald was working there. She is unable to prove she ever even spoke to him, much less all the rest.

She also apparently excelled in Science as a Highschool student and received recognition. She nay have had a couple of years of college, before moving to New Orleans. She got married there and worked for a short time at Riley and that is all she can prove.

Why Ed Haslam chose to go with Judyth's fantasy claims is beyond me. Although, I do know that some believe all her claims, but most do not. Ed changed his whole theory of Dr. Mary Sherman to go along with Judyth. I feel that his first theory made m9re sense. It also does not make any sense to me, that he met a woman in the 70's named Judy Vary Baker, who he says was an imposter. Now how does he know this current one is not the imposter? I could believe he met a Judy Baker, but not a Judy Vary Baker.

These are my own beliefs based on several years of following Judyth. Of course, no one has to agree with me.



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Hi There Dix:

As you are well aware I agree with you, :rolleyes: having followed along since 2000.

In the past Ed has said that he was invited to a party by, a Judy Baker....in 72 in N.O.

along with his girlfriend, BTW I would like to hear her recall...??

Tonight on the radio show he says he was invited to a party by a Judyth Vary Baker..

Not a Judy Baker nor a Judy Vary Baker, but by a Judyth Vary Baker.....

Yes I have read the newest book also...

and imo , he has changed his theory to go along with Judyths...

But of course no one has to agree with me either. :blink:


Edited by Bernice Moore
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Hi Dixie and Bernice,

I think I know the reason for the emergence of JVB.

After reading Adele Edisen's story in a Third/Foruth Decade article, which began with her meeting the Bathesda based doctor - Dr. Jose Rivera (Col., USAR) who granted her a National Institute of Health NIH - research grant at a NIH conference in Atlantic City, I began checking out her story.

Dr. Rivera had his research assistant stop in DC before her return to New Orleans, and gave her a tour of the NIH in Bathesda, Md., made mention of the death of JFK's son, Caroline's horse Mararoni, and expressed foreknowledge of JFK's assassination. He also gave her the phone number of Oswald's Mercedies street apartment in New Orleans before Oswald himself knew he would be living there.

Before and after the assassination Adele contacted and talked with Secret Service Special Agent in Charge of the New Orleans office John Rice. The only book published reference I can find to this John Rice is in Pat Lampert's book. Rice was never questoned by any official or unofficial investigator.

Since I was in Atlantic City, I checked the Atlantic City Convention Authority and confirmed that there was indeed a NIH conference in Atlantic City in April, 1963, and from there confirmed many aspects of her story.

I wrote an article that was posted on line as "A New Oswald Witness Goes Public," not a title I chose.

I now believe that the role Adele played in the lead up to the assassination was to test the Secret Service response, to see what John Rice would do and how the New Orleans office would respond to her alerts, and they held water, didn't leak.

It was shortly after my article was posted on the internet that I began to hear about this other science researcher from New Orleans, and now JVB is being refered to in the same way "New New Orleans Witness." But unlike Adele, very little of what this "new witness" says leads to any additional evidence or new witnesses.

Just as David Phillip's friend Joe Goulden and Mockingbird asset Hugh Aynesworth "Made up" Oswald's FBI undercover informant number, and Gregory Douglas' "Zipper" CIA did it bogus documents have predispossed Oswald from being an FBI informant or the CIA being responsible for the assassination, it is clear that Judyth Baker's story is not only easily discredited, but was meant to discredit others (ie. AE) with a similar story, however true it is.

Hopefully Adele can remain under the radar of those whose intent is taint witnesses and evidence until a proper venue can be found for it to be legally presented.

One thing Adele and Ed Haslam seem to have discovered, which I have yet to confirm, is the Magazine Street apartment where Oswald lived, (whose phone number was known to Rivera in DC before Oswald moved in), was owned by William McLaney.

If this can be confirmed, it would be very significant, since William McLaney also owned the Lake Pontchartrain training camp and his brother co-owned the National Casino in Havana with LBJ's pal Carroll Rossenbloom.


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Hi Bill...

You said..."One thing Adele and Ed Haslam seem to have discovered, which I have yet to confirm, is the Magazine Street apartment where Oswald lived, (whose phone number was known to Rivera in DC before Oswald moved in), was owned by William McLaney."

Ed Haslem did have a thought in his book, that is a possibility, in regard to Dr Rivera. Supposing that Oswald was sent to NO. Perhaps it was also pre-arranged where he would be living. Adele told me that the phone number was of the Apartment Manager. Ed says this was a known rental unit usually used by (medical) students, where the Manager's phone number would already be known.

Howver, I suppose this info could also have been known through the NcLaney sources too.



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Hi Bill...

You said..."One thing Adele and Ed Haslam seem to have discovered, which I have yet to confirm, is the Magazine Street apartment where Oswald lived, (whose phone number was known to Rivera in DC before Oswald moved in), was owned by William McLaney."

Ed Haslem did have a thought in his book, that is a possibility, in regard to Dr Rivera. Supposing that Oswald was sent to NO. Perhaps it was also pre-arranged where he would be living. Adele told me that the phone number was of the Apartment Manager. Ed says this was a known rental unit usually used by (medical) students, where the Manager's phone number would already be known.

Howver, I suppose this info could also have been known through the NcLaney sources too.



Hi Dix,

I would like to know what Ed Haslem says in his book about Rivera, the apartment manager and McLaney.

It's not so suspicious that Rivera, who taught nurses in New Orleans for years, would know the phone number of the apartment manger, it is suspicious that he would give the number to Adele and tell her to call Oswald there before Oswald himself knew he would be living there.

McLaney's ownership of the building would certainly explain some things.


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Here you go Bill.....

But, there is no mention of Mclaney in Ed's book. I have no idea what is fact or not, I am just going to give you what is in Ed's book, about Oswalds Apartment.

Ed actually did quite well and was even somewhat plausible, until he decided to change his whole direction and climbed into the ring with Judyth. He said that he talked with her and saw her Mementoes and then verified her Newspaper clippings of her Highschool Science Achievments and awards. However, there has never been a question of those clippings nor that she worked at Riley's for a short time.



Dr Mary's Monkey by Edward T. Haslam

Forward by Jim Marrs (2007)

Chapter 11

Page 267

In Warren Commission Volume 19

The FBI went to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital on 11/25/63 (8) looking for evidence of either Lee Harvey Oswald or A.J. Hidell (9). They went back a second time on 1/26. (10).

The FBI was looking for Oswald at the US Public Health Hospital! I could hardly believe my ears. "Why?"

(Told to Ed) "According to the Dallas Police, Oswald had a vaccination card issued to him by the U.S. Public Health Service on 6/8/63, when he lived at 4907 Magazine Street in New Orleans. It was issued to Lee Harvey Oswald, and signed by "Dr. A.J. Hidell."

Had Lee Harvey Oswald been on the grounds of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital at the time the linear particle accelerator was there?

Take a look at the map (map shown in book). Does it strike you as unusual that both Lee Harvey Oswald and Dr. Alton Ochsner lived within one mile of the most secret government laboratory in America?

Here one should also consder the testimony of Dr. Adele Edisen, a Ph.D.neurologist, to the Assassinations Records Review Board in the 1990's. She stated that she had been given Lee Harvey Oswald's name and his New Orleans phone number in mid-April 1963. approximately three weeks before Oswald moved to New Orleans. (11) To me, her 21 page narrative strongly suggests that the location of Oswald's apartment was not accidental, and that it had been selected in advance for some reason. Was this reason it's close proximity to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital? Had Lee Harvey Oswald been sent to New Orleans to spy on the secret experiments at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital?

Footnotes page 271

(8) 11/25/63 was the Monsay following the JFK Assassaination (Friday 22, 1963)

(9) A.J. Hidell was an alias that Lee Harvewy Oswald used during his first month in New Orleans.

(10) Warren Commission Volime XIX, Exhibit #2012, memos from the New Orleans FBI Office. Also HSCA, Cadigan 23 & 24.

(11) DR. Edisen said she was given Oswald's phone number by Jose A. Rivera, M.D., Ph.D., a Director of NIH's Institute for Nerurological Diseases and Blindness. Subsequent research proved Dr Rivera to be Col. Jose A. Rivera of the U.S. Army's biowarfare unit and that he had lived in uptown New Orleans during 1960-61, a fact which he later concealed from the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Rivera may have been involved in the secret experiments at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital.

(12) Oswald's 4907 Magazine St. apartment was a small flat usually rented by Tulane or Loyola students. The phone number given to Edisen belonged to the building's landlord. Like the other tenants, the Oswalds borrowed their lansdlord's phone and never had a phone of their own. Dr Edisen eventually called the phone number and spoke to Oswald himself. She was surprised to hear Oswald say that he did not know Dr. Rivera, and cautioned him. "Well he sure knows who you are."


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Here you go Bill.....

But, there is no mention of Mclaney in Ed's book. I have no idea what is fact or not, I am just going to give you what is in Ed's book, about Oswalds Apartment.

Ed actually did quite well and was even somewhat plausible, until he decided to change his whole direction and climbed into the ring with Judyth. He said that he talked with her and saw her Mementoes and then verified her Newspaper clippings of her Highschool Science Achievments and awards. However, there has never been a question of those clippings nor that she worked at Riley's for a short time.



Hi Dixie,

Thanks for the quotes.

I see Ed has just joined the forum so maybe he will give us some more information.


Dr Mary's Monkey by Edward T. Haslam

Forward by Jim Marrs (2007)

Chapter 11

Page 267

In Warren Commission Volume 19

The FBI went to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital on 11/25/63 (8) looking for evidence of either Lee Harvey Oswald or A.J. Hidell (9). They went back a second time on 1/26. (10).

The FBI was looking for Oswald at the US Public Health Hospital! I could hardly believe my ears. "Why?"

(Told to Ed) "According to the Dallas Police, Oswald had a vaccination card issued to him by the U.S. Public Health Service on 6/8/63, when he lived at 4907 Magazine Street in New Orleans. It was issued to Lee Harvey Oswald, and signed by "Dr. A.J. Hidell."

Had Lee Harvey Oswald been on the grounds of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital at the time the linear particle accelerator was there?

Take a look at the map (map shown in book). Does it strike you as unusual that both Lee Harvey Oswald and Dr. Alton Ochsner lived within one mile of the most secret government laboratory in America?

Here one should also consder the testimony of Dr. Adele Edisen, a Ph.D.neurologist, to the Assassinations Records Review Board in the 1990's. She stated that she had been given Lee Harvey Oswald's name and his New Orleans phone number in mid-April 1963. approximately three weeks before Oswald moved to New Orleans. (11) To me, her 21 page narrative strongly suggests that the location of Oswald's apartment was not accidental, and that it had been selected in advance for some reason. Was this reason it's close proximity to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital? Had Lee Harvey Oswald been sent to New Orleans to spy on the secret experiments at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital?

Footnotes page 271

(8) 11/25/63 was the Monsay following the JFK Assassaination (Friday 22, 1963)

(9) A.J. Hidell was an alias that Lee Harvewy Oswald used during his first month in New Orleans.

(10) Warren Commission Volime XIX, Exhibit #2012, memos from the New Orleans FBI Office. Also HSCA, Cadigan 23 & 24.

(11) DR. Edisen said she was given Oswald's phone number by Jose A. Rivera, M.D., Ph.D., a Director of NIH's Institute for Nerurological Diseases and Blindness. Subsequent research proved Dr Rivera to be Col. Jose A. Rivera of the U.S. Army's biowarfare unit and that he had lived in uptown New Orleans during 1960-61, a fact which he later concealed from the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Rivera may have been involved in the secret experiments at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital.

(12) Oswald's 4907 Magazine St. apartment was a small flat usually rented by Tulane or Loyola students. The phone number given to Edisen belonged to the building's landlord. Like the other tenants, the Oswalds borrowed their lansdlord's phone and never had a phone of their own. Dr Edisen eventually called the phone number and spoke to Oswald himself. She was surprised to hear Oswald say that he did not know Dr. Rivera, and cautioned him. "Well he sure knows who you are."


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One thing Adele and Ed Haslam seem to have discovered, which I have yet to confirm, is the Magazine Street apartment where Oswald lived, (whose phone number was known to Rivera in DC before Oswald moved in), was owned by William McLaney.

If this can be confirmed, it would be very significant, since William McLaney also owned the Lake Pontchartrain training camp and his brother co-owned the National Casino in Havana with LBJ's pal Carroll Rossenbloom.


Bill, the apartments were owned by Isabella Gregory. See CE 2349. Her husband at that time was Blaine Gregory. At some stage, she was also known as Isabella Dawson (probably either maiden name or name of second husband after Blaine died in '81).

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One thing Adele and Ed Haslam seem to have discovered, which I have yet to confirm, is the Magazine Street apartment where Oswald lived, (whose phone number was known to Rivera in DC before Oswald moved in), was owned by William McLaney.

If this can be confirmed, it would be very significant, since William McLaney also owned the Lake Pontchartrain training camp and his brother co-owned the National Casino in Havana with LBJ's pal Carroll Rossenbloom.


Bill, the apartments were owned by Isabella Gregory. See CE 2349. Her husband at that time was Blaine Gregory. At some stage, she was also known as Isabella Dawson (probably either maiden name or name of second husband after Blaine died in '81).

Hi Greg,

Thanks, for that.

Didn't Dawson cash an Oswald check?

Also, it's possible McLaney owned the property before Gregory.

There's an old neighborhood bar called Gregory's near the Quarter.

Wonder if they're same family?


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