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My Brother never went to Egypt.

Guest Stephen Turner

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Hot dang!!! My thread's back!!!!! :rolleyes:

This is the only thread in the world where I would be referred to as a disinfo agent.. :D

Tell me Kathy, if thats your real name, just how much are the CIA paying you to disrupt this important research?

I have some further revelations to reveal about my cousins supposed trip to Paris, this is Earth shattering stuff, and will blow apart your cosy/rosy World view..........

I think you may be on to something here Stephen. What are the FRENCH doing building pyramids in the middle of Paris??? Out of GLASS for goodness sakes? Everyone knows that glass is very delicate and fragile, and could not possibly withstand the immense internal forces put on it caused by the simple rotation of the earth. It would simply fly apart - any fool can tell that just by looking at it.


I look forward to further revelations in Stephen's throughly researched investigation on Paris.

And yes Kathy, you ARE indeed a disinfo agent, proven beyond ANY doubt by your continued denial! Playing dumb are we? Hmmm?

Edited by Dave Greer
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Guest Stephen Turner

Hot dang!!! My thread's back!!!!! :rolleyes:

This is the only thread in the world where I would be referred to as a disinfo agent.. :D

Tell me Kathy, if thats your real name, just how much are the CIA paying you to disrupt this important research?

I have some further revelations to reveal about my cousins supposed trip to Paris, this is Earth shattering stuff, and will blow apart your cosy/rosy World view..........

I think you may be on to something here Stephen. What are the FRENCH doing building pyramids in the middle of Paris??? Out of GLASS for goodness sakes? Everyone knows that glass is very delicate and fragile, and could not possibly withstand the immense internal forces put on it caused by the simple rotation of the earth. It would simply sly apart - any fool can tell that just by looking at it.


I look forward to further revelations in Stephen's throughly researched investigation on Paris.

And yes Kathy, you ARE indeed a disinfo agent, proven beyond ANY doubt by your continued denial! Playing dumb are we? Hmmm?

Dave, I have stood next to this "Pyramid" It is supposed to be the entrance to the Lourve PAH!! Its illuminatti symbolism alone gives the game away. As the Sheeple move through it to gain access to the Museum, little do they know about whats going on directly below their feet, a series of tunnels runs as far as the place de la Concorde, with one that terminates directly below a street that Nostradamus used to stay in when he was in Paris. I further suspect that the "Pyramid" is also a gigantic HAARP ray weapon, used to disrupt thought processes, when I was in its vicinity I felt far more stupid than I usually do, what more proof could you require? I shall shortly put forth my stunning research concerning my Cousins so called trip to Paris, what really happened, and what significance it has for your Yarmouth research. Dave its a stunner!!!!!!

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Have a look at the two "spot lights" in the reflected image. Compare them to the REAL glass pyramid.


This whole image was faked in a studio. That being said, I don't necessarily deny the existence of a country call France, a city called Paris, or that people may have visited those 'locations'; the image, however, ifs faked.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Hot damn Evan your right, its a fake, a studio mock up, dear Lord the implications. this can only mean one of two things.

1, When I stood next to it I was either (a) experencing strong outside hypnotic mind control, or it is a projection of some kind beamed, no doubt,from an Illuminatti base on the Moon. OR.

2, It really does exist, but for some reason the photo has still been faked, probably to conceal something, or is being used by a whistleblower to expose this fraud.

Looking at the photo again,can anyone see what appears to be a UFO, low on the far left by the Pyra-not, or is it the beginings of a chem trail

Edited by Stephen Turner
If I told you i'd have to kill you...
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Hot damn Evan your right, its a fake, a studio mock up, dear Lord the implications. this can only mean one of two things.

1, When I stood next to it I was either (a) experencing strong outside hypnotic mind control, or it is a projection of some kind beamed, no doubt,from an Illuminatti base on the Moon. OR.

2, It really does exist, but for some reason the photo has still been faked, probably to conceal something, or is being used by a whistleblower to expose this fraud.

Looking at the photo again,can anyone see what appears to be a UFO, low on the far left by the Pyra-not, or is it the beginings of a chem trail

You are most definitely on to something here. I've found another image of the mysterious glass pyra-not in Paris. Disinformationists will claim that this shows a lightning strike, but we know that lightning never strikes the same place twice, so what are the chances that someone just happened to take this photo at the same time? Billions to one? This is actually proof of some kind of energy weapon emanating FROM the top of the pyra-not. What is it's purpose? Mass mind control, as suggested by Stephen? By his own admission he felt more stupid than usual when he was near it. I defy anyone to look at that photo and not feel a little bit stupid.

The mystery deepens.


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I looked at that photo, and I'm getting wiser by the minute!!!

You are WRONG, Mr Greer. That is a lightning strike, and it CAN strike the same place twice!

Who is the disinformation agent NOW? Not everyone is falling for your dribble!!!

Kathy Beckett

Oh purlease! That's quite obviously a faked video, made quite easily by copying and pasting segments of the same lightning strike several times. Here's PROOF that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice - quite clearly there are FOUR different lightning strikes in the same photo.


Lee Trevino was hit by lightning ONCE in his golfing career - if lightning could strike the same place more than once, why hasn't he been hit since?

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Guest Stephen Turner



Kathy, just to get it straight, are you claiming that the Paris Pyra-not isn't a vastly technologically advanced(utilising alien tech recovered from Roswell) form of mind controlling HAARP ray devise? If you are I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my life!!

Edited by Stephen Turner
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I suspect that the wool is being pulled over peoples eyes in this topic.

Most people have feet that have a concave underside. This is a clear indication that the earth is round. However, amongst the population there are a number who have flat feet. These people show there is in fact two earths, one flat and one round. The pyranots are the gateways between these two dimensions. The myth that Egypt (and Canada) exist is based on fact. The third, intermediary plane, represented by the pyranots, hides in the open, that in fact ONLY Egypt and Canady exist. One either lives in Canada or in Egypt. Throughout history, humanity has, through the contradictions arising from the flat and the round, developed a kind of blindness that by its very nature resolves the contradiction, ie: Egypt and Canada do not exist (exept as a recurring theme in books) and the rest is 'reality'.

The truth, that only Canada and Egypt exists, if it was to become widely known, would cause a kind of 'sensory implosion' (see Ragnar B. Bleuth's monologue on "This, That & the Other") and consequently create an imbalance that makes the earth a knobbly, wobbling, glutinous mass that would result in people not being able to stand up any more. (There are indications that this has happened in the past. Fat Boy Slim alludes to this in his unknown poetic work "The Big Butt* & Why it's There".)

I realise that revealing this information at this stage may cause some 60's* disco music being played, but the truth must be told.

*actually, as many can attest, the sixties themselves was just an illusion and the music of that era is just a kind of collective hallucination caused by flouridated water, but that's another story.

EDIT:: * B-ass*** - think about it: the pyranot is the intermediary between the round and the flat! An essential element in the balance of the cosmos, or as the Elders (those who once were) would have it : maintenance of 'the music of the spheres'.

(Galileo knew all about this and see where that got him.)

***Gary : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/t...x-Bass_Logo.png

As usual, the truth of the matter is studiously ignored.

Dave: "MILLIONS of people know that Egypt, Canada, Yarmouth and Ireland are at the heart of the worldwide pyra-not scandle.(sic)"

True, however that Yarmouth and Ireland are part of it is news to me. That's possibly the key to the whole thing. They are in fact the 'representatives' of the truth, IOW the 'false interface' set up to hide the fact that ONLY Canada and Egypt exist.

Edited by John Dolva
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Quite an attempt at obfuscation here Kathy! I won't allow you to get away with your mind games though. Let's just see how many of the "25 ways to suppress the truth" you have demonstrated here shall we?

Dave is saying the Lightning film--the Lfilm-- has been altered! :D

2. Become incredulous and indignant

the above statement shows the deteriorated mindset of Dave Greer, for one can just as easily say that if the film is not altered, then everything Dave has said is nonsense anyway!
4. Use a straw man

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling, ridicule

18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad

He like to start with a conclusion and work his way backwards. How else does one make such mistakes like he has over missing Rugby leprechauns,emeralds, potato eating "Pyranot" makers, allegedly missing double lightning strikes which are actually seen in frames where Dave isn't looking and so on.

17. Change the subject

Anything Dave doesn't understand becomes proof of photo and film alteration in his mind. The thing to do is not to try and make Dave understand anything, but rather to address those people who can still follow along and reason through the evidence presented to them.
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad

24. Silence critics

As for Mr. Trevino, it was said that he wore a BandAid on his arm for a very long time, so much so that after being kidded about it for awhile, he finally removed it. THAT, sir, was the BandAid covering the wound of the 2nd lightning strike!!! But I suppose, Mr. Greer, you are going to tell me something inane like it was used to cover up a tattoo with the name of his first wife! :lol:

2. Become incredulous and indignant

4. Use a straw man

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling, ridicule

13. Alice in Wonderland Logic

15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions

18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad

22. Manufacture a new truth

In one short post you are guilty of TEN of the 25 ways to suppress the truth. I suppose the government pays you on a commission basis does it? Well, it's too late I'm afraid - you can tap dance as much as you like, but thanks to the efforts of truthseekers like Stephen, MILLIONS of people around the world are aware of this scam, regardless of the pathetic and futile attempts at covering up the truth by you and your ilk.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Can I add here that through diligent, and extensive research(twenty minutes googling "Mars" & "Pryramids") I can now reveal that the famous face on the surface of the red planet is not a face at all, but rather a HUGH Pyramid, erected by Illuminatti/alien hybrids, probably the same lot that crashed at Roswell, Source-David Ike.

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Guest David Guyatt

Yarmouth is a Satanic nest! Ask anyone.

Ergo, anyone promoting or hailing from Yarmouth is part of the worldwide satanic conspiracy.

The word SATAN is sometimes spelled LUCIFER and Lucifer, as anyone from Yarmouth knows, means light-bringer --- “illumination”.

Ergo, Satanists are the Illuminati. Ask anyone.

Especially anyone from Yarmouth. All of whom are MI6. See the following MI6 Illuminati logo for proof:


Logic being what it is, it stands to reason that the satanic infection seeping out of Yarmouth has, by now, almost encompassed the whole world.

It has to be stopped.

There are a number of powerful satanic words like “Abracadabra” that are vibrated to cause widespread disturbance to radio and TV signals emanated for the common good. Especially Radio 4 and Radio 2’s early morning Terry Wogan show. Without these daily emanations the world is in spiritual peril.

Another magical word is A-NADA. But it is intoned with a “C”. Because it is magical. A-NADA is a dimensional place not of this world. I say that with great fondness for Newfoundland, which is of this world but has no known dimensions whatsoever.

Another satanic word is “Rance” but it is really, really, really secret and only the highest initiates know it has the “F” word in front of it. indeed, the same word is also descriptively placed in front of the inhabitants who slumber in that region.

There is no powerful magical word emanating from Ireland, although “Bejaysus” comes close. Despite disinformation to the contrary, emeralds are sometimes found there. These emeralds fell from the sky untold millennia ago. Untold until now that is.

It is well known that an emerald from Satan’s crown was dislodged when he was cast out of heaven and thence fell to earth.

And landed in… Yarmouth, the Satanic nest. Ask anyone.


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Guest Stephen Turner
And Stephen, denial if futile.

Lowestoft is SEVEN miles from Yarmouth and everyone knows that SEVEN is a magical number....

And that before infesting the world, THE DARKNESS arose in Lowestoft.

(see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/norfolk/music/celebri...nterview.shtml)


well David, see what you make of this, Both My Brother and I were born, and raised in GREAT YARMOUTH!!!!! I later escaped to the land of the never ending School run (Cambridge) But my Brother, thats the Brother who did not go to Egypt, Land of the never ending Pyra-nots, still lives there. :unsure::huh::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::rolleyes:

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Dave Greer:

"Oh purlease! That's quite obviously a faked video, made quite easily by copying and pasting segments of the same lightning strike several times.'

Unlike you, sir, I have been doing SERIOUS RESEARCH. Does the phrase PRIMARY SOURCE mean anything to you, or are are you merely an armchair researcher, content to dream up huge conspiracies, and see if they fly with a poor, unsuspecting, trusting public? The LURKERS deserve better than what you've been dishin' out!

I sent an email to the the person who put up the film for viewing with a few questions. Here are the questions, and his reply:

1.Is the Lfilm authentic?

2.Is the LFilm altered?

3.Who filmed it?

4.How long before it was publicly aired?

5.Are there any Pyramids in China.?

1.Yes, both films are 100% authentic. There is a 3rd version which has been cut to show screen captures and go more directly to the lightning strike on one occasion based on requests from the you-tubers.

2.The 2 original videos are not spliced or altered in any way. At that point I was new to you tube and had no idea how to do it to be honest. The 3rd copy I tried but as you can see it didnt work too well, so I left the others original on purpose.

3.I filmed it and continue to do so. Shenzhen China has incredible thunderstorms and I am continuing my quest to get yet another strike on that same building.

4.not much of a wait. maybe a few hours really. Not long at all.

5.As for Chinese pyramids, there are many documented cases of real pyramids all over the world and China is no exception. I have not yet been to see them here mind you, but tons of photos and info online about them.


What say you now??????

(Note to Dunn: stay out of it, Joyce.)

Kathy Beckett

SERIOUS RESEARCH!!! LMAO!!! I bet you've never even HEARD of Google. Or my mate Bob from down the pub, there's nothing he isn't an expert on. He can even fiddle an electricity meter so that they end up owing YOU money - since when did you do something constructive in your life? We'll both have a good laugh at your expense when his parole comes through.

Oh, I have no doubt whatsoever that you spoke to your "friend" on Youtube, after all you disinformationists are renowned for working as a tag-team (the 4th trait of a disinformationist). Or maybe you made this person up.

Or maybe it's you.


I mean, it does all sound a bit unlikely, why would someone want to go around filming lightning and putting it on Youtube? Unless they had a secret government agenda? I notice you've done a grand job of steering the subject away from the great pyran-not scandal and onto videos of lightning on Youtube.

This photo was sent to me by a diligent researcher inspired by this thread. It clearly shows a pyra-not being used as a mind-control device as early as 1979. 1979 is almost an exact anagram of 1947, which is the year Roswell happened. Coincidence? I think not!

Let the insults begin.


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Guest David Guyatt

I knew it! Satanists both! Damien I & II.

Were you aware that the now infamous and satanic "Roseline" of Da Vinci code fame, runs from Rennes le Chateau, through St. Sulpice in Paris and on to Lowestoft! This is rarely discussed in Priory of Sion literature.

For proof see: http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l30/sere...th-roseline.gif


PS, I'm more of a Dunwich/Southwold man myself. There's a better class of beer down that way... and a complete absence of evil Doner Kebab outlets masquerading a fast food shops.

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