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Biography: Vince Palamara

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A native of Pittsburgh, PA, Vince Palamara graduated from Duquesne University in 1988 with a degree in Sociology. Although not even born when President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated, Vince brings fresh eyes to an old case. In fact, Vince would go on to study the largely overlooked actions - and inactions - of the United States Secret Service in unprecedented detail, as well as achieving a world's record in the process, having interviewed and corresponded with over SEVENTY former agents (the HSCA had the old record of 46 with a 6 million dollar budget and supboena power from Congress), not to mention many surviving family members, White House aides, and even quite a few Parkland and Bethesda medical witnesses for a corresponding project. The result was "Survivor's Guilt; The Secret Service & The Failure To Protect The President", a very successful self-published book that sold thousands of copies in the 1990's before becoming a free online e-book in



In addition, the aforementioned corresponding project on the JFK assassination medical evidence, "JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference", Vince's second book, although almost an afterthought to Vince's main area of research, still sold hundreds of copies and was favorably mentioned in books by William Law, R. Andrew Kiel, Prof. James Fetzer, and even Vince Bugliosi. Like his first book, Vince's medical evidence tome became a free online e-book in 2006:


All told, Vince has been favorably mentioned in over 42 JFK and Secret Service related books to date (including two whole chapters in "Murder In Dealey Plaza", "The Secret Service: The Hidden History Of An Enigmatic Agency" by Prof. Philip Melanson, and the Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board, among many others), often at length, in the bibliographies, and in the Secret Service - and even medical evidence - areas of these works. Vince has appeared on the History Channel, local cable access television, YouTube, radio, newspapers, print journals, at national conferences, and all over the internet. Also, Vince's original research materials, or copies of said materials, are stored in the National Archives (by request under Deed Of Gift by the ARRB), the JFK Library, Harvard University, the AARC, and the Dallas Public Library. In that time, Vince Palamara has become known (as he was dubbed by the History Channel in 2003) "the Secret Service expert." As former JFK Secret Service agent Joe Paolella proclaimed: "You seem to know a lot about the Secret Service, maybe even more than I do," while fellow JFK Secret Service agent Chuck Zboril stated" "You might be helpful to the official Secret Service historian who works out of Washington!"

Here are some other important links (ALSO: my [edited] 5-part 3/22/07 major presentation from Slippery Rock University, as well as my 2003 History Channel appearance, is available online via YouTube; the links are included):

















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