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Close-up of Duncan MacRae's Knoll shooter

Guest Eugene B. Connolly

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Correct. Hoffman's men were by the signal boxes near the train tracks.

Bowers' men were by the fence behind the pergola...maybe 150-200 feet farther away.

Not the same men.


One thing this thread should have done was show people how witnesses statements can and have been distorted to take on whole new meanings which could eventually be used against their credibility. How can one really fault Ed and the way he communicated his story to interpreters when normal people without disabilities cannot restate the record correctly. In an another thread it was posted that Ed saw the RR worker place the gun in a signal box - Ed actually said that the gun was broken down near a signal box and placed in a bag and carried off.

Now it is being said that Ed's men were by the signal box. Ed clearly demonstrated the location at the fence where he saw the man with the rifle and Ed then turned and walked down the fence to where the steam pipe used to be and in the direction of the signal boxes. We should really try and keep what Ed said straight or else a whole other version of Ed's story will have been given birth to.


Edited by Bill Miller
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Guest Eugene B. Connolly

Actually Eugene a few of us think he's vieing for a position at the TSBD! Imagine that, if you will. I graciously noted to Bill Miller some time ago, that I'd write him a letter of recommendation concerning his graphics and composing abilities. I haven't heard back, yet. [sigh]


He's definitely vying for something. Perhaps Assistant

Grassy Knoll Grass Cutter (With Special Responsibilities for Weeds)

and Graffiti.

He'll never get a position at the TSBD.

Ok, they just might give him

the position of Oswald's Dummy.


I am not sure what the response above was supposed to show other than why you don't understand 'perspective'.

I am always amazed at the amount of time you waste on foolishness

compared to actually trying to better educate yourself so to

better be able to interpret the photographic record of JFK's assassination.


So, you're not sure what my response was supposed to show?

Really? Are you unable to understand English?

Perhaps, if I were to write in Swahili? Would this help?

Miller, how do you conclude that I do not understand perspective?

Can you elaborate on this conclusion?

This would seem to be a departure from your initial

position ie from (your) being unable to understand my possible trajectory line

images you are now saying I do not understand perspective.

By what form of your renowned systematic

and logical investigation techniques

have you arrived at this new position?

Just to enlighten you, Miller, my above post shows that you really are a dummy.

Your pompous arrogant reply claiming you were not sure what my post

was supposed to show, reinforces the fact that you really

are a clown and an inarticulate illiterate cretin.

I am always amazed at the amount of time you waste on foolishness

compared to actually trying to better educate you so to

better be able to interpret the photographic record of JFK's assassination.

You are always amazed?! Just what I should expect

from an unimaginative dullard like you,Miller.

Miller, I assume that you think you have tried to educate yourself better

so to be better able to interpret the photographic record of JFK's assassination?

Miller, if the way you write English is a sign of how well you have educated yourself

to interpret the photographic record of JFK's assassination or of anything else

then I suggest you go back to school.


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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EBC said:

"Just to enlighten you, Miller, my above post shows that you really are a dummy.

Your pompous arrogant reply claiming you were not sure what my post

was supposed to show, reinforces the fact that you really

are a clown and an inarticulate illiterate cretin."

Warning: Exposing "Miller" will draw the wrath of "moderators". You must

document your accusations.

Jack :lol:

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Eugene B. Connolly wrote:


You total waste of space! Why do you continue to expose

your absolute stupidity and total lack of intelligence?

Are you some sort of masochist or what?




Actually Eugene a few of us think he's vieing for a position at the TSBD! Imagine that, if you will. I graciously noted to Bill Miller some time ago, that I'd write him a letter of recommendation concerning his graphics and composing abilities. I haven't heard back, yet. [sigh]

Also, a few years back I told Bill I 'd recommend him for a job with ADOBE (you know, the Photoshop folks), I did some on-camera work with John Warnock, CEO and founder Adobe, Inc., way back in the early Adobe ILLUSTRATOR (Adobe's first image software package) days, what 20 years ago, maybe more.... I could hook him up, alas -- he refused! My good will has run the limit, and I see yours has too!


David Healy

David & Eugene, (Eugene, check your PMs)

Many thanks for your interesting & valuable contributions to this, Eugene's, topic thread.

I can state to you that I, for one ( and I dare say I can speak also for Duncan & many, many members who read, but don't post),... that I invariably profit & learn from your posts.

I'd like to go on record that I completely agree with you with respect to the constant, unremitting pompous drivel which is odiously infused into this thread & other forum threads by Bill Miller.

Miller is a disgrace to himself & the standards of decency established for the Forum by its leader John Simkin. I can tell you that, like you, I have received many complaints from Forum members & guests (whom I have invited to visit the forum with a view toward toward their joining) that they are repelled & saddened by the spectacle Miller makes of himself & by the black eye Miller gives to what could be & should be a respected & quality oriented academic forum for serious & responsible contributors to & students of the field of research.

Miller stands out as a blight on the Forum.

Even as long ago as three years Tosh Plumlee, an actual witness (!), was assaulted viciously by Miller & Tosh was so intimidated & disgusted that he shrank from further robust Forum contributions, to the detriment of researchers who had high hopes for Tosh's "on-the-spot" testimony & evidence. This was a great & enduring loss to the Forum.

Oct. 2004, this is Tosh's reply to Miller's personal attack:

You have heard from others as to what they have said I said. I have never changed my statements as to where I was standing, to you are anyone. In fact I have never talked to you or told you anything about that day or where I was or doing. You assumed from others that I have changed my position and now your trying to imply I am dishonest and dis-information. I have dealt with your kind before. I am on record for many years stating where Sergio and I were located at the time the shots were fired. If you choose to listen to others telling you what they say I said, and now present what you have heardt as fact, then that tells me a lot about your qualifications as a researcher.

I have tried to be fair with you and all forum members. In my opinon, it is researchers like you with closed minds and preconcieved concepts based on your own ego and concieted self worth that make it hard for the hard working honest researchers to do their job. I'm sorry for you. Think what you want. But, as far as I am concern.., go peddle concepts somewhere else.. With all due respect. I mean that in the most positive way. Tosh Plumlee

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EBC said:

"Just to enlighten you, Miller, my above post shows that you really are a dummy.

Your pompous arrogant reply claiming you were not sure what my post

was supposed to show, reinforces the fact that you really

are a clown and an inarticulate illiterate cretin."

Warning: Exposing "Miller" will draw the wrath of "moderators". You must

document your accusations.

Jack :ph34r:


Thanks for your warning to Eugene. Do you agree that I have documented my contentions? :)

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EBC said:

"Just to enlighten you, Miller, my above post shows that you really are a dummy.

Your pompous arrogant reply claiming you were not sure what my post

was supposed to show, reinforces the fact that you really

are a clown and an inarticulate illiterate cretin."

Warning: Exposing "Miller" will draw the wrath of "moderators". You must

document your accusations.

Jack :)


Thanks for your warning to Eugene. Do you agree that I have documented my contentions? :)


If you really have a problem with 'Miller", I think I can help.

On your profile page, go down the list on the left on your control panel and it will have a phrase MANAGE IGNORED USERS--click on this , and you can put his name in and then you will not be able to read his posts. Problem solved.

This does not solve the problem, at all, or in any way, for the simple reason that if a member is posting to a thread while reading other member's posts but not Miller's posts, then obviously if a given member happens to reply to Miller without quoting Miller, then the member who is blocking Miller's posts will become confused as to what is or is not being said. This is a de facto totally unfair penalisation of members who are merely, honestly trying to contribute & learn without shackles being placed on them by moderators whose motives have been construed as questionable because they excuse repeat-offenders such as Miller while coming up with penalties for non-offenders such as everyone else.

Also, I want all of you to know that PMs are easily seen, at the top of your page that tells you to view new posts, etc. They are also announced by email, and thus there is no reason to use up forum space asking someone to pm you, or to tell some one to check theirs.

Excuse me, but this is non-sense. I have been having trouble using the PM utility to reach Eugene & also he has been having difficulty reaching me as well. The Forum PM utility seems to be buggy & not working as it has not worked in the past. In such circumstances, it should be perfectly allowable to test the utility by asking a member if they received an attempted PM or, for that matter, an e-mail alert of a PM.

Ler's get back on topic, OK?

Finally, I'd like to point out that unfortunately Miller's insulting & disrupting Forum behaviour has, as can be easily seen by the moderators who carefully examine all posts, that Miller's forum behavior has usurped this thread's proper topic (Eugene's topic!) so that the topic of this thread has perversely become MILLER! :ph34r: This is such an obvious example of what constantly happens to threads which Miller invades, that it puts the question vividly:

What ARE the moderators actually seeing? It cannot be this thread!


Edited by Miles Scull
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I'd like to remind the active poster's of this thread that insults and smart remarks do very little in terms of advancing research and cooperation. Ms. Beckett explained to you what the PM function does and how it works normally. Those of you experiencing trouble with this function may want to ensure that the system you are using is functioning properly. From what I understand, the PM functions normally with most members computers.

Some things are better said in PM's than on the open Forum.

I will be monitoring this thread closely for the next couple of days to make sure posts are appropriate.

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Guest Eugene B. Connolly


Here are a few images of the view Bowers

might have had of the Picket fence area from

his elevated vantage point.

I think you'll agree they are a vast improvement (and still accurate!)

on the feeble efforts posted by Miller.

Enjoy the perspective!

Btw, Duncan, did you ever get the

elusive better copy of the Moorman image?

Please note not all images show possible view from Bowers' position.


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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Here are a few images of the view Bowers

might have had of the Picket fence area from

his elevated vantage point.

I think you'll agree they are a vast improvement (and still accurate!)

on the feeble efforts posted by Miller.

Enjoy the perspective!

Btw, Duncan, did you ever get the

elusive better copy of the Moorman image?

Please note not all images show possible view from Bowers' position.


Great work EBC!. Did you receive a PM from me sent yesterday?


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Here are a few images of the view Bowers

might have had of the Picket fence area from

his elevated vantage point.

I think you'll agree they are a vast improvement (and still accurate!)

on the feeble efforts posted by Miller.

Enjoy the perspective!

Btw, Duncan, did you ever get the

elusive better copy of the Moorman image?

Please note not all images show possible view from Bowers' position.


Great work EBC!. Did you receive a PM from me sent yesterday?


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Guest Eugene B. Connolly
EBC said:

"Just to enlighten you, Miller, my above post shows that you really are a dummy.

Your pompous arrogant reply claiming you were not sure what my post

was supposed to show, reinforces the fact that you really

are a clown and an inarticulate illiterate cretin."

Warning: Exposing "Miller" will draw the wrath of "moderators". You must

document your accusations.

Jack :)


Thanks for your words.

If you want 'documentation' of my accusations then read Miller's posts to me.

I am merely answering the fool's posts.

I will continue to rebut, refute, repudiate and expose Miller at every opportunity

the fool Miller affords me.


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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Guest Eugene B. Connolly

Great work EBC!. Did you receive a PM from me sent yesterday?


Thanks and yes, Miles.

Check your e mail.


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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