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Castro on the JFK Assassination

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So the logic is this:

In the early sixties the CIA attempted to assassinate foreign leaders including Castro.

President Bush approved the attempted assassination of Sadam Hussein.

Therefore, the US is still trying to kill Castro.

Sorry, John, that logic does not cut it either.

Without researching it I believe there is statutory US law prohibiting assassinations in most cases but allowing them with express presidential authority.

Even if POTUS had authorized an attempted assassination of Sadam Hussein that does not mean we are still trying to kill Castro. As I said before, if we are the only people who know that are not talking!

IMO, over 90% of the posts here are nothing but speculation.

It is true that most of the posts on this forum are “speculative”. Nearly all your posts, including this one, are speculative. That is the nature of trying to write about illegal activities. All you can do is make as much use of the information that is made available to the general public or is leaked by those involved in these events.

I do think it is illogical for Charles Black to suspect that the CIA might still be trying to assassinate Castro. We know they have done it in the past and that the CIA continue to use this strategy today. I think it is unlikely that Castro is still a target. I think it would be bad politics to assassinate him now when he is unlikely to live very long. Better to let him die in his bed than turn him into a martyr. I am sure Castro would like to be killed in this way (he has always been jealous of Che dying as a true revolutionary).

I think Charles is wrong but clearly he is not being illogical considering the evidence that is available.

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Castro may have 'poor health', but he does enjoy the benefits of a world class public health system (unusual in Northern America).

It's true that hurricanes have become more frequent in Cuba thanks to gas-guzzling gringos, but Cuba's emergency response system is also state-of-the-art (not the toy system that ordinary US citizens are expected to survive).

Finally, although Fidel gave up Cuban cigars a few decades later than JFK, his health remains much better than the latter's.

So fanatical Castro-haters may be disappointed if they think he's just about to meet his maker. He might outlive another generation of would-be assassins. That must annoy them intensely.

But are Castro-haters influential in the CIA these days?

Personally, I thought that hexing Fidel Castro is low down on the CIA's priority list in this brave new era. This is, after all, the first decade of the well-advertised 100 Years Terror Wars against a different class of dusky-skinned enemy. The main thing today is to blat Islamofascists anywhere and everywhere, just in case anyone hadn't heard.

In 2007, Uncle Sam and the bossy little nephew round his neck have many more juicy fish to fry than a bony old Caribbean revolutionary from a by-gone era.

Truth is, I suspect, they always did.

Edited by Sid Walker
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Hello Tim

If my very short entry is re-read, you will find that I in no way implied that any U.S. Intelligence Agency is or is not engaged in assassination plans against Castro or anyone else....as I obviously have no way of knowing. Even those who are employed by such agencies would have no such information unless they were directly involved in such an operation. I feel that you know that as well as much more regarding agencies "compartmentalization" !

I say much that may be criticized because I feel that I speak with a very open mind, and often make arguments, which I forewarn, are "my opinion only".

However I, as most on this forum, do not take lightly to being "purposely" misinterpreted.

Tim, I feel that you should take greater care as you seem to be more "combative" than your abilities allow you to be "competitive"! This often takes one "in harms way".

One should never enter a gunfight if armed only with a primitive club!

Charles Black

Edited by Charles Black
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I've taken the liberty of copying below my earlier post to the "Bugliosi Conspiracy Leads" thread.

I preface my hypothesis by noting that it goes far toward explaining why so many "serious" hit attempts against Castro seemed to have been blown from the inside.


To the prime movers of the JFK murder, Castro is vastly more valuable alive and in power than dead and gone.

My choice of tense in the previous sentence is correct.

Even today.

As a justification for Cold War excesses, a cash and recruiting magnet for conservative political interests and the secret war's sapper squads, and a false sponsor/patsy-in-waiting for any number of atrocities originating closer to home and around the globe, nothing in this hemisphere surpasses the Bearded Bogey-Man just 90 miles from Collins Avenue.

And "The Understudy" (interesting title for a bio, don't you think) Hugo Chavez is waiting in the wings.

Yes, what I'm suggesting is that the previously referenced "prime movers" manipulated their underlings -- up to and including certain flag rank military officers and civilian powerhouses -- with a promise to patsy and remove Fidel that in fact they never had the slightest intention to keep.

War = profits = power.

Destroy the enemies and the war is over.

Who the hell wants that?

Relax, Osama. Your understudy Iran is still in make-up.


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