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Is navy intelligence more closely related to JFK assassination then other MI?

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It seems like when navy intelligence is mentioned in the context of the assassination of President Kennedy (virtual) eyebrows go up, more so than when other military intelligence is mentioned. Is that my imagination? If not, why is navy intelligence considered significant?

Also, the Suite 8F group had a few members in the Secretary of Navy slot: John Connally, Fred Korth, Robert B. Anderson...

John has made the understandable point that "It was always important for the Suite 8F Group to have their man as Secretary of the Navy. Not only did he influence federal contracts for aircraft, ships, etc. he was also responsible for the purchase of oil for the American naval fleet."


But why did they always target the navy? Don't the army and air force have budgets to pilfer?

Does the navy have a bigger budget to spend with corporations?

Does TX have a lot of naval ship yards?

In summation, does the navy warrant more scrutiny than other armed forces in relation to the JFK murder?

If so, why?

Curtis LeMay was the most rabid & suspect of the Chiefs of Staff and he was air force.

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  • 1 year later...

The HSCA discovered that the USMC/ONI conducted a private investigation into Oswald and the assassination, flying a team of investigators to San Diego and Japan, and wrote a report that concluded that Oswald could not have acomplished the assassination alone. No official record of this document has been released.

The Office of Naval Intelligence - ONI is one of the oldest and most secret of all US government intelligence agencies. A New York ONI unit - arranged for the release of Lucky Luciano after the success of Operation Lucky - the invasion of Sicily.

According to an unofficial history (by Dorwart), they were proficient domestic black bag operators.

Waldron and Hartmann have numerous confidential sources, one of whom they identify as a former ONI officer.

(p. 164)

"...Our confidential Naval Intelligence source - who had helped to compile the reports resulting from the 'tight surveillance' of Oswald since his return to this US from Russia - said that 'on the day of the assassination,' he and a coworker 'were called back to their office in Washington.' After receiving the orders from their commander, they 'destroyed and sanitized lots of the Oswald file.' 41 Confirmation for such document destriction comes from FBI memos, which describe their own interviews with Marines who had served with Oswald. However, the FBI agents discovered that some of the Marines had earlier been interviewed by Navy Intelligence - but those Naval Intelligence reports are all missing, leading an FBI agent to say in a memo, 'Perhaps they have been destroyed.'" 42

"The Naval Intelligence file our source handled in the fall of 1963 concerned only the close surveillance of Oswald, not any operational duties Oswald might have had. Those were apparently being handled by, or coordinated with, the CIA. Our source said there was 'a note on the top of the file jacket [that] said to contact the CIA if Oswald was arrested or got into trouble. There was a name and some sort of code given for someone at the CIA.' 43. The one person at the CIA who is alleged to have been in contact with Oswald is David Atlee Phillip. In his later autobiographical novel outline, Phillips wrote that Oswald was part of the effort to assassinate Castro and had 'used [against JFK] precisely the plan we had devised against Castro." 44.

"Naval Intelligence and its close counterpart, Marine Intelligence (G-2) were components of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) headed by General Joseph Carroll. A journalist told former Senate investigator Bernard Fensterwald that 'Oswald had connections to an 'intelligence service...called the Defense Intelligence Agency...The General who...supposedly made the arrangements [was] General Joe Carroll, founder of the DIA...The Arm was going nuts over OSwald's part in the assassination.' 43. Army Intelligence destroyed its entire Oswald file in 1973." 46

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The HSCA discovered that the USMC/ONI conducted a private investigation into Oswald and the assassination, flying a team of investigators to San Diego and Japan, and wrote a report that concluded that Oswald could not have acomplished the assassination alone. No official record of this document has been released.

I've raised the alleged USMC flight to Atsugi previously here and elsewhere, and will delve into it more fully on www.deeppoliticsforum.com

For some time I've suspected that a core of loyal officers have attempted to work from within the system to combat its hijackers. When I broached this hypothesis to a JFK researcher/author -- and a former MI operative -- he became dismissive, evasive, and otherwise uncharacteristically uncooperative.

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AI had started its intelligence domestically in the sixties and supposed to have stopped when revelations surfaced, and 73 is a time when a turn was seriously happening re the hawks v doves re vietnam. Nixon was falling apart. (Holmes - ONI? Peter?)

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AI had started its intelligence domestically in the sixties and supposed to have stopped when revelations surfaced, and 73 is a time when a turn was seriously happening re the hawks v doves re vietnam. Nixon was falling apart. (Holmes - ONI? Peter?)

Well, I don't think it is very hard for anyone who has read the record to figure out that US Army Intelligence, once it was given domestic enforcement of civil rights laws by JFK, something it did not want to do, developed a very efficient domestic intelligence network throughout the USA via USArmy Reserve soldiers working in law enforcement in the major cities, including Dallas.

We know who in the Dallas PD were in the US Army Reserve and we know how their network operated locally, with special emphesis on Sgt. Gannaway (sp.?) and Jack Revell, of the DPD intelligence unit.

We also know that Col. Jose Rivera, United States Army Reserve, in April 1963, had expressed forekowledge of the assassination, Oswald's role and suspect status in the Walker shooting, something the DPD didn't know until after the assassination.

I would venture that we can also assume the USArmy Intl. operated in the same fashion with New Orleans PD, utilizing active Army Reservists to keep them informed of any subversive activity.

It also helps to understand how ONI and Army Intelligence got along with each other when meshed under the umbrella of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

For some reason I have a hunch that things will become much more clear once we learn what Project Four Leaves was all about.


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  • 2 years later...

The HSCA discovered that the USMC/ONI conducted a private investigation into Oswald and the assassination, flying a team of investigators to San Diego and Japan, and wrote a report that concluded that Oswald could not have acomplished the assassination alone. No official record of this document has been released.

The Office of Naval Intelligence - ONI is one of the oldest and most secret of all US government intelligence agencies. A New York ONI unit - arranged for the release of Lucky Luciano after the success of Operation Lucky - the invasion of Sicily.

According to an unofficial history (by Dorwart), they were proficient domestic black bag operators.

Waldron and Hartmann have numerous confidential sources, one of whom they identify as a former ONI officer.

(p. 164)

"...Our confidential Naval Intelligence source - who had helped to compile the reports resulting from the 'tight surveillance' of Oswald since his return to this US from Russia - said that 'on the day of the assassination,' he and a coworker 'were called back to their office in Washington.' After receiving the orders from their commander, they 'destroyed and sanitized lots of the Oswald file.' 41 Confirmation for such document destriction comes from FBI memos, which describe their own interviews with Marines who had served with Oswald. However, the FBI agents discovered that some of the Marines had earlier been interviewed by Navy Intelligence - but those Naval Intelligence reports are all missing, leading an FBI agent to say in a memo, 'Perhaps they have been destroyed.'" 42

"The Naval Intelligence file our source handled in the fall of 1963 concerned only the close surveillance of Oswald, not any operational duties Oswald might have had. Those were apparently being handled by, or coordinated with, the CIA. Our source said there was 'a note on the top of the file jacket [that] said to contact the CIA if Oswald was arrested or got into trouble. There was a name and some sort of code given for someone at the CIA.' 43. The one person at the CIA who is alleged to have been in contact with Oswald is David Atlee Phillip. In his later autobiographical novel outline, Phillips wrote that Oswald was part of the effort to assassinate Castro and had 'used [against JFK] precisely the plan we had devised against Castro." 44.

"Naval Intelligence and its close counterpart, Marine Intelligence (G-2) were components of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) headed by General Joseph Carroll. A journalist told former Senate investigator Bernard Fensterwald that 'Oswald had connections to an 'intelligence service...called the Defense Intelligence Agency...The General who...supposedly made the arrangements [was] General Joe Carroll, founder of the DIA...The Arm was going nuts over OSwald's part in the assassination.' 43. Army Intelligence destroyed its entire Oswald file in 1973." 46

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Funny this subject should come up, IMO after talking to those men in Miami, all of them said, they were Ft. Binning graduates, talk about an eye brow rising experience.

After the Bay of Pigs, the Dept. of Defense was tasked with any and all similar para-military operations, and the CIA reverted to its covert - plausibly deniable routines - and all Bay of Pigs veterans who wanted to were brought into the regular US Army and trained at Ft. Benning, which many of them did, believing that they would get a chance to fight in Cuba.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny this subject should come up, IMO after talking to those men in Miami, all of them said, they were Ft. Binning graduates, talk about an eye brow rising experience.

After the Bay of Pigs, the Dept. of Defense was tasked with any and all similar para-military operations, and the CIA reverted to its covert - plausibly deniable routines - and all Bay of Pigs veterans who wanted to were brought into the regular US Army and trained at Ft. Benning, which many of them did, believing that they would get a chance to fight in Cuba.

Since the thread title is, "Is Navy Intelligence more closely related to [the] JFK Assassination than other MI"

You can put me down for a big fat qualified yes.....

The latest distorted statement proven to not be true, by the other side is the HSCA Final Report, ONI records regarding the Kennedy assassination were destroyed or words to that effect.

Now we find out that Terry Pike, had located those "unable to locate" ONI records and in the spirit of openness in government, was put through a living hell, it seems. What a shock......

As with everything else in the true story of the who, when, how and why of the JFK assassination,

The devil is in the details, and the payoff for researchers, is those who are willing to do the grunt

work, get to know all those dark corners intimately, while everyone else is stuck on stupid or has

to have someone tell them what happened........

Edited by Robert Howard
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Naval intelligence is considered, by me, to be significant ( + I concur with Robert ), by considering the sea interface with the outside world and unlike compartmentalised interfaces like the post comes in many and voluminous formats that allows dissemination and any attempt to track whatever is disseminated is a massive undertaking. There are a number of persons of interest that in some way were necessarily linked to shipping, civil and military.

edit add I used shipping rather than naval because it is considered an obsolete definition in terms of things pertaining to ships and shipping. Maybe it has some relevance to then or the genesis and history of the USofA's Naval Intelligence?

Edited by John Dolva
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