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National Television Appearance Cancelled

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Twice over the last three weeks I have been booked to appear on national television to discuss history teaching on a popular chat show. Of course, I intended to raise the issue of teaching about subjects like the JFK assassination. In both cases, it was decided to cancel my booking the day before it was due to take place. Both times they gave good reasons why the decision was taken (another more news worthy story was to replace the planned item) but it makes you think.

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that's a shame but can't say I'm surprised. Which chat show was it?

Richard & Judy. However, the producer seems interested in what I have to say and so it is still possible that I will appear at a future date. By the way, it will be replaced by a debate on the missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann.

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that's a shame but can't say I'm surprised. Which chat show was it?

Richard & Judy (C4). However, the producer seems interested in what I have to say and so it is still possible that I will appear at a future date. By the way, it will be replaced by a debate on the missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann.

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that's a shame but can't say I'm surprised. Which chat show was it?

Richard & Judy (C4). However, the producer seems interested in what I have to say and so it is still possible that I will appear at a future date. By the way, it will be replaced by a debate on the missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann.

If it happened once I could maybe buy their explanation.

Twice makes it unlikely that it's valid.

Producers are the actual news people, and it sounds like this one wants to pursue something their boss don't much like.

Is the story about Madeleine McCann emergent, or is it an ongoing situation that could be reported on just as well a day or so later?

Do you recall the replacement story the first time they bumped you?

Just curious John, have you done TV interviews before?

Reason I'm asking is, are you ready for the tricks they often use against those they want to discredit?

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Sorry to hear that John. Is there any chance of appearing at another point?

The producer of the show contacted me about four weeks ago. My name and telephone number had been given to her by the Guardian, a newspaper I have written for in the past. She was keen to do an item about the use of Our Island's Story in the history classroom. The Daily Telegraph is funding free copies of this book for British Primary Schools through an 3rd party organisation, Civitas (a right-wing pressure group). When the book was originally produced it attempted to turn young people into British nationalists. The producer wanted me to debate the use of this book with someone from Civitas. However, the day before the item was due to appear she decided to drop the debate.


This week the producer contacted me about another item about history teaching. This time about how it was taught in schools and the fact that it is an optional subject between 14 and 16. Once again, the day before the item was due to go out, it was pulled. The show has only one serious discussion on the programme and it was decided to feature the Madeleine McCann story. I suspect her parents will be appearing on the programme.

They obviously feel guilty about letting me down twice. I have the producer's email address and I might be contacting her and suggesting future items on the show.

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