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VIDEO - Hargis: "That guy slowed down"

Gil Jesus

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Dallas motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis, who rode at the rear of JFK's limo during the Dallas motorcade, says that when the shooting started, limo driver William Greer "slowed down..almost to a stop."


This is a case in point where you can even believe that Oswald did it and all eyes still point to the Secret Service behavior.

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Dallas motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis, who rode at the rear of JFK's limo during the Dallas motorcade, says that when the shooting started, limo driver William Greer "slowed down..almost to a stop."


This is a case in point where you can even believe that Oswald did it and all eyes still point to the Secret Service behavior.

That is very well said Peter.

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Dallas motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis, who rode at the rear of JFK's limo during the Dallas motorcade, says that when the shooting started, limo driver William Greer "slowed down..almost to a stop."



First off, one merely has to observe the Nix film in order to see that either the Presidential Limo slowed down, or eles the motorcycle escort speeded up.

And, since the "running/jumping" man managed to outrun the motorcycle escorts as well as catch the Presidential limo, even my good friend and double=first cousin "Jethro" could figure this one out.

It is especially obvious when one takes into consideration the testimony/statement of Clint Hill and compares it with what can clearly be observed in the Nix film.

Mr. SPECTER. And what is your best estimate as to the speed of the President's car at the time it made the right-and turn onto Houston Street?

Mr. HILL. In the curve?

Mr. SPECTER. The speed--in the curve itself; yes.

Mr. HILL. We were running generally 12 to 15 miles per hour. I would say that in the curve we perhaps slowed to maybe 10 miles per hour.

Mr. SPECTER. Now, what is your best estimate of the speed of the President's automobile as it turned left off of Houston onto Elm Street?

Mr. HILL. We were running still 12 to 15 miles per hour, but in the curve I believe we slowed down maybe to 10, maybe to 9.

Mr. HILL. I put my right foot, I believe it was, on the left rear step of the automobile, and I had a hold of the handgrip with my hand, when the car lurched forward. I lost my footing and I had to run about three or four more steps before I could get back up in the car.

Mr. SPECTER. When, in relationship to the second shot, did the car accelerate that is, the President's car?

Mr. HILL. Almost simultaneously.


From established points in working with the WC Survey Plat as well as the Drommer Survey Plat, the Presidential Limo had gotten up to speeds of slightly over 12 mph until the time of the first shot.

Thereafter, the limo began to progressively decrease in speed, and by the time of the second shot at Z313, the Limo was travelling at at rate of speed which had decreased to approximately 8.99 mph between Z295 and Z312.


Thereafter, as can be easily seen in the Nix fillm, either the Presidential limo slowed down even more, or else the motorcycle escorts speeded up, and Clint Hill should be in the Olympic races.

Lastly! Since the great majority of witnesses accurately stated how the Presidential Limo "slowed" down, even to the extent that some thought that it came to a complete stop, and we know that the brake lights came on, on the vehicle, this should leave little doubt as to which happened.

From the time of the first shot until the impact of the second shot at Z313, the Presidential Limo progressively slowed from around 12 mph to a speed of approximately 9mph at the time of impact of the shot to the head of JFK.

Thereafter, the limo, as clearly demonstrated in the Nix film, continued to slow even more, until the time of impact of the third/last/final shot down in front of James Altgens position.

Therein lies the "Survivor's Guilt"!

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