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The Gordon Arnold Competition

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Did you mention chill pills?

Lighten up Bill and take some chill pills. Accept it for what it is, a bit of light relief humour in a crazy thread.


Maybe Bill doesn't have any?

Better get some in the mail.

I'm working on some new scaling problems.

Should have some results soon.



It is good that you are working on your scaling problems ... that should keep you busy for years. However, the questions I put to you had not a thing to do with scaling problems, but rather to the evidence that you cited to this forum once again that was incorrect ... not to mention what should have been known to be incorrect even by the novice researcher. So once again I will post the questions and await an answer ...

The questions were as follows: Miles, do you have a different version of Gordon Arnold's interview from the MWKK series than the rest of us? It seems that you constantly cite things as fact, such as in this case, and it is not even close to what was actually said by the witness. So in front of all the members here - CITE WHERE YOU GOT THE INFORMATION PERTAINING TO ARNOLD? For instance, where in the MWKK interview did Gordon Arnold ever say he was "SCALDED"? You also stated that it was proven that at the time Arnold walked into the RR yard - that there was not an open navigational pathway. I know of no photos showing the west stretch of fence just prior or immediately after the assassination and before any vehicles had been moved, and I am sure that you do not know of any either, which brings us to your motive for saying otherwise. As I recall, Gordon Arnold said he did walk the fence line looking for a place to get a view so to film the parade.

Edited by Bill Miller
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I'm working on some new scaling problems.

Should have some results soon.



It is good that you are working on your scaling problems ... that should keep you busy for years.

As you can see:

I'm working on some new scaling problems.

You even said that it was good that I was doing so.

Remember the stated topic of this thread?

Aug 19 2007, 10:13 PM

The topic is.

Is Gordon Arnold an illusion in Moorman?


I'm busy working on topic related issues.

Are you not? :rolleyes:

I seem to remember that you were going to produce some scaling for Duncan.

Where is it?

What puzzles me is the strange fact that while you know that I am busy doing topic related work, which you say is good for me to do,

you, nevertheless, seek to divert me from this very work & by doing so you seem to be trying to divert this thread away from its proper topic.

Why? :unsure:

As politely as possible as it is to be, may I suggest that you get back on topic and quit trying to divert this thread.

Get back on topic & stay there. Thanks.

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I'm working on some new scaling problems.

Should have some results soon.



It is good that you are working on your scaling problems ... that should keep you busy for years.

As you can see:

I'm working on some new scaling problems.

You even said that it was good that I was doing so.

Remember the stated topic of this thread?

Aug 19 2007, 10:13 PM

The topic is.

Is Gordon Arnold an illusion in Moorman?


I'm busy working on topic related issues.

Are you not? :rolleyes:

I seem to remember that you were going to produce some scaling for Duncan.

Where is it?

What puzzles me is the strange fact that while you know that I am busy doing topic related work, which you say is good for me to do,

you, nevertheless, seek to divert me from this very work & by doing so you seem to be trying to divert this thread away from its proper topic.

Why? :unsure:

As politely as possible as it is to be, may I suggest that you get back on topic and quit trying to divert this thread.

Get back on topic & stay there. Thanks.


I am not going to allow you to make erroneous statements as fact and get away with it, especially when I believe that you are doing it on purpose. Keep in mind about staying on thread topic - IT WAS YOU WHO ADDED THOSE ALLEGED STATEMENTS OF FACT TO THE THREAD - NOT I! So what it appears you are doing now that you have been called on this little game you've been running is to say you haven't the time to reply to those simple questions I asked pertaining to your remarks. You have the time to work your way through the part of my post that didn't need an answer, but the part where you misstated the facts ... you managed to not find time to address the important stuff. I am getting the impression that you don't have any evidence that Gordon Arnold claimed to have scalded himself or had trouble walking the fence line, but rather you just said what you wanted the less knowledgeable students to hear regardless of it being accurate or not.

I have done the scaling of the Arnold image compared to Duncan's soldier man. I have not posted it because I was wanting to show it with the aspect ratios corrected, which while I don't believe it effects the vertical scaling of the two Arnold's - it will prevent someone like yourself from trying to divert attention from the outcome that will once again show that you applauded a previous illustration that was no more accurate than the two differently scaled and aligned Badge Man images that you tried to slip into this thread. If my window of time runs out before having to take a few weeks off ... I will post the images anyway because it was the vertical scaling that was important.

Instead of posting another say-nothing/address nothing response that you seem to take the time to do ... just answer the questions I put to you earlier and we can move on. Seeing how you must have had that inform ation at your disposal when you posted that nonsense ... it should be no trouble referencing it now.

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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I'm working on some new scaling problems.

Should have some results soon.



It is good that you are working on your scaling problems ... that should keep you busy for years.

As you can see:

I'm working on some new scaling problems.

You even said that it was good that I was doing so.

Remember the stated topic of this thread?

Aug 19 2007, 10:13 PM

The topic is.

Is Gordon Arnold an illusion in Moorman?


I'm busy working on topic related issues.

Are you not? :rolleyes:

I seem to remember that you were going to produce some scaling for Duncan.

Where is it?

What puzzles me is the strange fact that while you know that I am busy doing topic related work, which you say is good for me to do,

you, nevertheless, seek to divert me from this very work & by doing so you seem to be trying to divert this thread away from its proper topic.

Why? :unsure:

As politely as possible as it is to be, may I suggest that you get back on topic and quit trying to divert this thread.

Get back on topic & stay there. Thanks.


I am not going to allow you

Bill Miller

Nice try, but no dice.

As Antti has very recently requested on this thread, I'm not going to engage in a hysterical screaming squabble with you who obviously are trying to disrupt this thread or even trying to get it stopped by moderators.

If you are that interested in my position re: Arnie, you can simply look up my posts from the past posted on various threads here on the forum. Easy to do.

Now, if you will pardon the exercise of freedom on my part, I will now resume on topic scaling activities.

I advise you to do the same.

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More unseen footage Miles, which proves Arnold was indeed scorched.



On a serious note.

Bill....Don't post your results until you are completely satisfied with the resolution issue. I've no problems about any delays. It's the end result which counts, not the speed of producing it.



Score one for Rangers!

That's what I call vindicated in the end.


Edited by Kathy Beckett
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Score one for Rangers!

That's what I call vindicated in the end.


What's that, Miles ... three or four silly say-nothing jack-around responses in a row and yet no time to answer a few simple questions as to your earlier posting of erroneous information pertaining to Gordon Arnold. What gets me is that you claim not to be trolling and a serious researcher, but yet you spend so much time doing stupid stuff instead of addressing the post being presented to you. You do understand that regardless of how you spin it to the forum about you taking this subject seriously - your responses are archived and a testimonial to the quality of your time spent here. So as long as you keep screwing around and making a mockery of this forum - expect to be called on it over and over again.

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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Score one for Rangers!

That's what I call vindicated in the end.


What's that, Miles ... three or four silly say-nothing jack-around responses in a row and yet no time to answer a few simple questions as to your earlier posting of erroneous information pertaining to Gordon Arnold. What gets me is that you claim not to be trolling and a serious researcher, but yet you spend so much time doing stupid stuff instead of addressing the post being presented to you. You do understand that regardless of how you spin it to the forum about you taking this subject seriously - your responses are archived and a testimonial to the quality of your time spent here. So as long as you keep screwing around and making a mockery of this forum - expect to be called on it over and over again.

Bill Miller



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Just goes to how much you really care about the purpose of the forum. Let your constant screw-offs and waste of forum space be testimonial to your lack of respect for John F. Kennedy's memory. I think you've reached a point whereas even Duncan isn't going to respect your actions.

Bill Miller

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Nice try, but no dice.

As Antti has very recently requested on this thread, I'm not going to engage in a hysterical screaming squabble with you who obviously are trying to disrupt this thread or even trying to get it stopped by moderators.

If you are that interested in my position re: Arnie, you can simply look up my posts from the past posted on various threads here on the forum. Easy to do.

Now, if you will pardon the exercise of freedom on my part, I will now resume on topic scaling activities.

I advise you to do the same.


No squabble is required, nor is being asked of you. You posted some information as fact and you have been asked for the source of that information. Photos of the RR yard along the fence at the time of the assassination do not exist. I called Gary Mack at the 6th floor Museum and asked if he knew of any such photos or films showing the area along the fence in question before the cars were moved following the assassination and he could not name any such sources. The same thing with the Arnold getting scalded claim. So not only I, but the 6th Floor Museum, and possibly even Antti would like to know where you got the information about Gordon Arnold scaling himself and we'd like to see the photos of the stretch along the fence taken immediately before, during, or after the assassination before cars had started moving in and out of the RR yard???

The bottom line is that the information you posted was made up by YOU for what ever reason you had for doing it. That when you got called on it - you tried to screw around by making jokes, saying that you didn't have time to answer the question despite obviously having time for really foolish responses designed to evade the questions and disrupt the thread, and now you have said that the information I seek can be found in earlier post you have made and I am saying that what you are saying in not accurate. The squabble nonsense is just that ... all that was required of you is that you merely cite your source for the information you posted as fact. John Kennedy's murder was a terrible turning point for not only the U.S., but for the world as well, and when someone attempts to make a mockery of his memory by trolling a forum in an effort to disrupt its purpose, then it is my opinion that they should be ashamed of themselves. So send John Simkin a thank you for his tolerance for if it was up to me, I'd kick someone's behind so far off this forum that a GPS and a road map wouldn't help them find their way back. So before you post anything else designed to merely run up this thread with more stupid smileys and repetitive idiotic gifs showing Gordon Arnold doing high kicks and birds with hats on peoples shoulders ... the rest of the world who gives a damned about what happen in Dallas on November 22, 1963 wants to know if the information you posted is accurate or not!!! Every member of this forum who has studied the evidence has a right to know where you obtained the information you cited as if it were fact.

Bill Miller

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I think you overlooked something.[/size][/color][/b]

What was overlooked, Miles ... a cartoon image of an empty RR yard from ground level??? I think I'd prefer to see the foliage as it existed at the time of the assassination and from 14' in the air.

Bill Miller

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More unseen footage Miles, which proves Arnold was indeed scorched.



On a serious note.

Bill....Don't post your results until you are completely satisfied with the resolution issue. I've no problems about any delays. It's the end result which counts, not the speed of producing it.



Well, Well

Finally finished my GI Joe scaling.

It's a lock.

Arnie as GI Joe is dead in the water.

No human figure in Moorman behind the wall.

I'll post my results after Miller posts his efforts. Like you I can wait. No hurry at all.

Then, we shall see. ;)

Meanwhile, as a precursor vision, note & recall this:


Edited by Kathy Beckett
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Well, Well

Finally finished my GI Joe scaling.

It's a lock.

Arnie as GI Joe is dead in the water.

No human figure in Moorman behind the wall.

I'll post my results after Miller posts his efforts. Like you I can wait. No hurry at all.

Then, we shall see. ;)

Meanwhile, as a precursor vision, note & recall this:



Duncan has already understood the importance of using Arnold to scale Arnold. You are playing to crowd of only yourself. By the way, did you keep your aspect ratios the same? It doesn't look like it. But after that ridiculous Badge Man head comparison you did ... I don't really expect you to be serious about this either. The stupid ape reference is just one example. It is a known fact that the body proportions of an ape are not the same as a mans. Their heads sit down into the shoulders making them appear to not have a neck - their forearms are longer than a mans - and their legs are shorter in relation to their upper body proportions ... just to name a few. Your behavior in persisting to play games for no apparent reason other than to make an "asp" out of yourself has succeeded IMO.

Bill Miller

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I don't mind the discussion, but let's not make fun of Gordon Arnold. It's getting old, and does not further any research.

I would like to see the pictures making a mockery of him disappear.

If you folks are tired of trying to get your point across, maybe everyone should just be done with this subject.


Oh but Kathy ... now that Miles has finished his remarkable scaling work ... don't you want to hear his source for Arnold claiming to have been scalded in trying to go over the steam pipe? He's got time to address my previous questions now.


Edited by Bill Miller
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Well, Well

Finally finished my GI Joe scaling.

It's a lock.

Arnie as GI Joe is dead in the water.

No human figure in Moorman behind the wall.

I'll post my results after Miller posts his efforts. Like you I can wait. No hurry at all.

Then, we shall see. ;)

Meanwhile, as a precursor vision, note & recall this:



Duncan has already understood the importance of using Arnold to scale Arnold. You are playing to crowd of only yourself. By the way, did you keep your aspect ratios the same? It doesn't look like it. But after that ridiculous Badge Man head comparison you did ... I don't really expect you to be serious about this either. The stupid ape reference is just one example. It is a known fact that the body proportions of an ape are not the same as a mans. Their heads sit down into the shoulders making them appear to not have a neck - their forearms are longer than a mans - and their legs are shorter in relation to their upper body proportions ... just to name a few. Your behavior in persisting to play games for no apparent reason other than to make an "asp" out of yourself has succeeded IMO.

Bill Miller


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