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Tim Gratz

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Duke, help? Help?

That is IMO a great contribution to our knowledge about the Tippit slaying.

I agree with your analysis of the facts that Tippit was probably shot between 1:09 and 1:08, which of course corresponds with Mrs. Markham's account.

Is Mr. Bowley still alive? If so, I think it would be excellent to preserve his story by a videotape interview. I'd even have it done before a notary so he could be sworn.

I appreciate your great contribution to this thread. I am sure all other members do as well.

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Duke, help? Help?

That is IMO a great contribution to our knowledge about the Tippit slaying.

I agree with your analysis of the facts that Tippit was probably shot between 1:09 and 1:08, which of course corresponds with Mrs. Markham's account.

... I appreciate your great contribution to this thread. I am sure all other members do as well.

It's actually pretty ho-hum stuff, been around for years; the only problem is that it never seems to make it into the mainstream of information. Everyone's still fixated on LHO being able to make it to 10&P by 1:16 without giving any consideration whatsoever that led up to the particular event of a radio call.

Most people are willing to attribute the call to Donny Benavides than to Tom Bowley, simply because Donny testified and Tom didn't. I guess. No "hard questions" were asked anyway.

Who was it that called this killing "the Rosetta Stone of the assassination?" David Belin, I think? The original Rosetta Stone was something that allowed language scholars to decrypt older documents, based on the fact that there were five ways of saying the same thing on the stones, two or three of which scholars then knew, the others that they didn't.

Being able to translate two or three of them - and them saying all the same thing - they were able to make sense of the others, and thence use the glyphs to make sense of other documents. A=E, C=Z, that sort of thing; a "decoder-ring" on a different historical scale.

A "Rosetta stone," therefore, is not a "QED" or "proof," but rather a means to decipher something. When Belin said that the Tippit killing was "the Rosetta Stone of the assassination," what he was saying is not that the supposition that Oswald killed Tippit "proves" that Oswald killed Kennedy, but rathat that "if you understand the Tippit murder, you'll understand how Kennedy was killed." Whatever he said beyond those words is merely butt-covering.

If you then take that proposition into consideration, some of the questions posed to - for example - Harry Olsen ("Do you know this guy? That guy?" ... none of whom figured into the assassination proper, or even gave statements) or counsel's calling Pat Dean a "g--- xxxx" on record (and his issues about it) take on a different light, or several other things gain a different perspective.

David Belin was by no means stupid. He did not choose the words "Rosetta Stone" by happenstance or in error: he knew of what he spoke, without actually speaking it. Few if any of us have chosen to heed his words. Until we do, we'll never understand the rest of the heiroglyphs.

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