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A little something I came acrsss, recently...

Terry Mauro

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Kennedy Murder Conspiracy Case Out Into Open.


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Kennedy Murder Conspiracy Case Out Into Open.


Thanks for that one Terry,

I forgot about those guys.



You're welcome, Billy. I'm just glad that you and John Judge are around to help us get on with our mission.


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Well, it provided a few good laughs!


Well, that's because you're our resident wit, and comedian, T.G.

You always seem to know how to pick out the positive, upbeat, and sunny side of life, even in a horror story.

That's what I admire and love about you.


Femme Nikita

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Terry, I love you too, but my side almost split with laughter when I read that the first mistake the WC made was not opening the files on the Lincoln assassination!

All those bright minds serving on the WC, and not a single one thought of that!

And one should remember that there is NO connection with John Wilkes and Clare Boothe Luce. John's last name did not have an "e" at the end!

Edited by Tim Gratz
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Terry, I love you too, but my side almost split with laughter when I read that the first mistake the WC made was not opening the files on the Lincoln assassination!

All those bright minds serving on the WC, and not a single one thought of that!

And one should remember that there is NO connection with John Wilkes and Clare Boothe Luce. John's last name did not have an "e" at the end!


"And one should remember that there is NO connection with John Wilkes and Clare Boothe Luce. John's last name did not have an "e" at the end!"

Quite rightly. But, many people have changed the spelling of their name, over time, in order to distance themselves from unsavory relatives with skeletons in their closets.

Similar to that old disclaimer, "The basis of the story is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent." As well as the not-so-innocent, or those with more to hide than that which first meets the eye.

I'm so glad I was able to bring some laughter and gaiety into you day, my dear!


Femme Nikita

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Well, it provided a few good laughs!


"Well, it provided a few good laughs!"

Try this one on your "funny-bone" for size, my beloved infidel.


Anton Chaitkin is a member of this forum, as well.


Femme Nikita

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Well, it provided a few good laughs!


"Well, it provided a few good laughs!"

Try this one on your "funny-bone" for size, my beloved infidel.


Anton Chaitkin is a member of this forum, as well.


Femme Nikita

Over the years I have received telephone calls from Anton, who asked for information that I might have on specific topics. I always found that he had diligently done his research beforehand on the topics, with the net result being that he provided me with valuable insights to which I otherwise would not have been privy.

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Well, it provided a few good laughs!


"Well, it provided a few good laughs!"

Try this one on your "funny-bone" for size, my beloved infidel.


Anton Chaitkin is a member of this forum, as well.


Femme Nikita

Over the years I have received telephone calls from Anton, who asked for information that I might have on specific topics. I always found that he had diligently done his research beforehand on the topics, with the net result being that he provided me with valuable insights to which I otherwise would not have been privy.


Thank you for your comments, Mr. Caddy.

I have the highest and utmost respect for Anton and his work.

You might say that I've been somewhat of a student of his, since first being introduced to his articles in 1994.

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Well, If I read this article in 1978, forsure I'd laugh. More, I could think the author is a dis-informator or a totally crazy man.

But, 30 years later, some points in the article are really interesting.

A---- we have an international link of Permindex that I read for the first time.

B---- he cited "Giannettini", an italian journalist/SID agent (SID was the successor of SIFAR after the alleged coup of 1964): actually he was behind Ordine Nero, a right wing italian organization responsible of terrorists action during 70's in Italy. And Ordine Nero was part on an international federation of fascists groups - main base in Lisbon, where the judges found documentation related.

C---- After his meeting with Kissinger in Usa, Aldo Moro was really upset, and wanted to leave politics. In the meeting, Kissinger strongly opposed "the opening to the left" of Moro (a "grosse koalition" governement with the democristians (DC) and italian communist party (PCI). We know this since 2006.

D---- Find interesting all this stuff on Italy in the Jfk case: not because material is pertinent, but 'coz we discover a great role of Italy in many aspects of the assassination (not just the rifle of course) in the later years.

So, I ask again anyone who can do this, to publish ALL the documentation pertaining PERMINDEX and SIFAR that someone seems to have, but it is now destroyed,

If the reader of this post has a contact with "first generation researchers", or people like mr. Evica, you can do this.



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Well, If I read this article in 1978, forsure I'd laugh. More, I could think the author is a dis-informator or a totally crazy man.

But, 30 years later, some points in the article are really interesting.

A---- we have an international link of Permindex that I read for the first time.

B---- he cited "Giannettini", an italian journalist/SID agent (SID was the successor of SIFAR after the alleged coup of 1964): actually he was behind Ordine Nero, a right wing italian organization responsible of terrorists action during 70's in Italy. And Ordine Nero was part on an international federation of fascists groups - main base in Lisbon, where the judges found documentation related.

C---- After his meeting with Kissinger in Usa, Aldo Moro was really upset, and wanted to leave politics. In the meeting, Kissinger strongly opposed "the opening to the left" of Moro (a "grosse koalition" governement with the democristians (DC) and italian communist party (PCI). We know this since 2006.

D---- Find interesting all this stuff on Italy in the Jfk case: not because material is pertinent, but 'coz we discover a great role of Italy in many aspects of the assassination (not just the rifle of course) in the later years.

So, I ask again anyone who can do this, to publish ALL the documentation pertaining PERMINDEX and SIFAR that someone seems to have, but it is now destroyed,

If the reader of this post has a contact with "first generation researchers", or people like mr. Evica, you can do this.




You can reach me at my personal e-mail address: tmauro@pacbell.net, whereby I might be able to send you more information directly, via your own personal e-mail, by-passing the forum.

Then, you'd be better able to decide for yourself what makes the most sense, and might even be put in contact with my own personal study group of researchers and students, if you'd like.

That's basically how I've been operating in my studies regarding the assassinations, by collaborating with those who've been mentors, to me.

You can learn quite a bit by taking that route.

Take care,


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