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An answer for Ashton re Tom's SF experience

Pat Speer

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Evidently, Ashton has been asking Tom over and over whether or not he received training in brainwashing techniques while serving as an officer in Special Forces (Green Berets).

Well, one of my oldest and closest friends is a Major in Special Forces, so I asked him the same question. Here is his response:

"I don't know of any training in brainwashing and coercive persuasion techniques, including but not limited to familiarity with works referenced in the CIA manual "KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation," as it relates to becoming an SF qualified NCO or officer.

---However, that being said, the CIA used to "sheep-dip" SF guys during Vietnam, ...on a regular basis... so some guys may have had such specific training. Sounds to me like the first guy (antagonist) is trying to bait the second guy (SF guy), and the SF guy is just trying to keep the jerk guessing, by just stringing him along."

So, either Tom's SF experience was a shield for his actual status a CIA operative, or he's just stringing Ashton along. Everyone should feel free to make their own determination.

Edited by Pat Speer
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Evidently, Ashton has been asking Tom over and over whether or not he received training in brainwashing techniques while serving as an officer in Special Forces (Green Berets).

Well, one of my oldest and closest friends is a Major in Special Forces, so I asked him the same question. Here is his response:

"I don't know of any training in brainwashing and coercive persuasion techniques, including but not limited to familiarity with works referenced in the CIA manual "KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation," as it relates to becoming an SF qualified NCO or officer.

---However, that being said, the CIA used to "sheep-dip" SF guys during Vietnam, ...on a regular basis... so some guys may have had such specific training. Sounds to me like the first guy (antagonist) is trying to bait the second guy (SF guy), and the SF guy is just trying to keep the jerk guessing, by just stringing him along."

So, either Tom's SF experience was a shield for his actual status a CIA operative, or he's just stringing Ashton along. Everyone should feel free to make their own determination.

How about that Tom merely does not consider his training of any essential element of resolving the facts related to the JFK assassination, as well as it being none of anyone's business as to what other types of training he may or may not have had.

In that regards, the "teaching" or implementation training of brainwashing/coercive persuasion/aka physical and/or mental torture is (was) forbidden within the United States.

One would have to go to, say Panama, and attend such trainings, were they to exist.

Tom Purvis--Jungle Warfare Expert

Graduate, School of the America's

Panama, Canal Zone

SF guy is just trying to keep the jerk guessing

I like the guy that had this to say!

Tell he he can see a photo of the "SF Guy" alongside Apollo XIII Astronaut Jim Lovell in a recent issue of VERITAS which has an article on the history of the SFUWO School in Key West, FL.

Correction! The Special Forces Underwater Operations Course is/was most assuredly physical as well as mental torture!

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I considered basic* to be "cruel and unusual punishment". Gawd-knows how many laps of the quarterdeck with an SLR at the high port arms. bah!

* Actually called Basic Aircrew Training Course (BATC or "Bat Corps"), as distinct from Army 'basic'... but you get my drift.

Edited by Evan Burton
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