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Who is this official?

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From "ID this man" topic:

List of those on record as present at time of Oswald being murdered.

L. H. Oswald, Jack Ruby,


Dep. Ch. G. L. Lumpkin, Asst. Ch. Charles Batchelor, Dep. Ch. M. W. Stevenson,


J. W. Fritz, (Sup) O. A. Jones, (Sup.) G. D. King, F. W. Martin, C. E. Talbert,


(Sup) George Butler, R.S. Pierce, W. Wiggins, V. S. Smart, R. E. Swain,


J.A. Putnam, P. T. Dean, B. J. Maxey,


D. R. Archer, C. W. Brown, B. L. Beatty, E. R. Beck, D. G. Brantley,, D. L. Burgess, A. W. Capps, W. E. Chambera, B. S. Clardy, B. H. Combest, W. J. Cutchshaw, Harold Dawson, L. C. Graves, C. A. Greeson, O. W. Harrison, J. D. Hutchinson R. L. Lowery, T. D. McMillon, L D. Miller, L. D. Montgomery, J. K. Ramsey, H.(N) B. R(N)eynolds, I. R. Stephens, I. F. VanCleave, R. C. Wagner, J. C. Watson,


R. E. Vaughn, N. J. Daniels,


W. J. Harrison, W. B. Slack, L. E. Jez, (jail elevator) C. G. Lewis, R. C. Nelson, D. L. Pate, B. G. Patterson, L. C. Taylor, R. A. Watkins,


Cap. C. O. Arnett, Officer Sgt. K. Croy, Officer W. J. Newman, A. R. Brock, J. D. Brockaway, R. A. Cox, A. B. Craig, J. R. Hopkins, J. Kasten, H. M. Kriss, J. C. McCain, G. E. Worley

still to be sorted

C. Goolsby, C. N. Dhority, J. R. Leavell, Sup. V. C. Campbell,,


John Alexander, Hank Machiarelli, (*Tom Petit) Tom Pettit, George Phenix, Mike Smith (*Mike Smith), Milt Sosin, Jim Standard, Unknown Japanese Reporter, (*?) Unknown Reporter, Paul Cisco, Oliver Oakes, Bert Reinhart, Robert S. Huffaker, Jack Beers, J. R. Davidson, J. B. English, Warren Ferguson, Bob Fenley, R. Hankal, Robert Jackson, F. B. Johns(t)on, Seth Kantor, Ike Pappas, Francois Pelou, Warren Richey, Johnny Smith, John Tankersly, Robert Thornton, David Timmons, Jimmy Turner, Homer Venso, I. N. Walker,


J. F. Newton, J. D. Slocum,


Cross referencing these two lists makes for two duplicates and therefore perhaps 3 unaccounted for.

possibles : sgt haxey, det benty (?? bentley, brantley??), res lt mccoy, payne, hughes,

Edited by John Dolva
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Does anyone know who the uniformed man on the far left of frame is?


I believe that is Captain Cecil Talbert. He was a Captain in the Patrol Division.

If I am reading this right, the man to his left is Captain O.A. Jones, and to Jones' left, and obscured by Will Fritz is Chief Batchelor.

Here is how Talbert described it in his WC testimony:

Mr. HUBERT. All right. Now, would you mark the circle where you were about the time of the event you have just described ?

Captain TALBERT. This auto is angled in here.

Mr. HUBERT. Maybe we had better angle it then.

Captain TALBERT. Would you like that black pen ?

Mr. HUBERT. You do it. We are changing the blue-pen marking because Captain Talbert indicates that the automobile was on an angle, and he is now marking it with the black pen. Would you put the word "auto," in that, please. Now, draw a circle and indicate where you were standing.

Captain TALBERT. I was standing by the left front fender of the car, as I previously said.

Mr. HUBERT. [Drawing a circle and indicating it number "7."]

Captain TALBERT. Compared with the other, yes. And Chief Batchelor was standing just to the left front of the vehicle, and--I can't draw it in there with this circle correctly, but we'll indicate that "18," Capt. O. A. Jones was standing to my left, or to the rear of the vehicle from me. Indicating that to be "19," and at the time that vehicle was attempting to back up, we had pushed them back far enough for it to maneuver. At the time it was attempting to back up, there was a muffled report, a muffled shot and bedlam broke out in the vicinity of the jail office entry into the ramp.

Talbert's Exhibit is 5070 You can see it here:


If you blow it up to 200%, I think you can see where he marked his position in relation to the car.

Steve Thomas

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