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The Neck Wound & CE399

Tim Gratz

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How many would agree with one or more of these propositions?

1. The neck wound was most likely the exit wound of a bone chip or a bullet fragment. It was not the exit wound of a full bullet nor was it an entrance wound of anything.

2. CE399 was most likely a bullet that hit JFK in the back and only went in a few inches or so. Clearly it was not the bullet that wounded John Connally.

3. It is possible that CE399 was indeed recovered from a stretcher that JFK had been on. I believe Pat Speer posits that a DPD or SS man may have taken it from the limousine, realized he goofed, and placed it on a stretcher. I think it may have even come from JFK's stretcher.

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How many would agree with one or more of these propositions?

1. The neck wound was most likely the exit wound of a bone chip or a bullet fragment. It was not the exit wound of a full bullet nor was it an entrance wound of anything.

2. CE399 was most likely a bullet that hit JFK in the back and only went in a few inches or so. Clearly it was not the bullet that wounded John Connally.

3. It is possible that CE399 was indeed recovered from a stretcher that JFK had been on. I believe Pat Speer posits that a DPD or SS man may have taken it from the limousine, realized he goofed, and placed it on a stretcher. I think it may have even come from JFK's stretcher.

In order to avoid any confusion, one should refer to the "anterior" neck wound.


Mr. FRAZIER - Exhibit 399, and its original normal weight would be 160 to 161 grains, and those three metal fragments had a total of 2.1 grains as I recall--2.3 grains. So it is possible but not likely since there is only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing.

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As you may recall!

Some of us have little difficulty in standing behind our evaluation of the factual evidence.

Of course, one just may want to have this evidence fully reviewed by others who possess the true qualifications in their specific fields, just prior to making a complete fool of oneself and challenging the Department of Justice/FBI.

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At risk of offending many (which I quite obviously could care less about), understanding the forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical facts of the back entry wound and the anterior neck wound of JFK is only marginally more complicated than a "Jethro Bodine" level of research and understanding of facts.

Of course, in that regards, one must expend the time and effort to find out exactly what the facts are.

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Of course, one just may want to have this evidence fully reviewed by others who possess the true qualifications in their specific fields, just prior to making a complete fool of oneself and challenging the Department of Justice/FBI.

(emphasis added)

Patriotism surely is blind.

One makes a fool of oneself only if one does NOT challenge the DOJ, FBI, and any other demonstrably corrupt organ of this demonstrably corrupt government.


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Of course, one just may want to have this evidence fully reviewed by others who possess the true qualifications in their specific fields, just prior to making a complete fool of oneself and challenging the Department of Justice/FBI.

(emphasis added)

Patriotism surely is blind.

One makes a fool of oneself only if one does NOT challenge the DOJ, FBI, and any other demonstrably corrupt organ of this demonstrably corrupt government.


this demonstrably corrupt government.

For all it's failures, this "corrupt government" has provided a standard of living for it's citizens (who are willing to expend the effort) which by far exceeds those standards of any other country in the world.

While at the same time preserving the rights and freedoms of those who wish to expouse sentiment against it.

Corrupt individuals within the Government DO NOT represent a corrupt government.

No more so than do corrupt individuals within State Governments, or even the American Red Cross, or any benevelot society.

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Of course, one just may want to have this evidence fully reviewed by others who possess the true qualifications in their specific fields, just prior to making a complete fool of oneself and challenging the Department of Justice/FBI.

(emphasis added)

Patriotism surely is blind.

One makes a fool of oneself only if one does NOT challenge the DOJ, FBI, and any other demonstrably corrupt organ of this demonstrably corrupt government.


this demonstrably corrupt government.

For all it's failures, this "corrupt government" has provided a standard of living for it's citizens (who are willing to expend the effort) which by far exceeds those standards of any other country in the world.

While at the same time preserving the rights and freedoms of those who wish to expouse sentiment against it.

Corrupt individuals within the Government DO NOT represent a corrupt government.

No more so than do corrupt individuals within State Governments, or even the American Red Cross, or any benevelot society.

A standard of living for the few, in exchange for a standard of dying for the many?

No thank you.

John Kennedy acted against the corrupt government. They didn't even "preserve" his ruined brain.

Corrupt individuals ARE the government.

You poor man.

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Of course, one just may want to have this evidence fully reviewed by others who possess the true qualifications in their specific fields, just prior to making a complete fool of oneself and challenging the Department of Justice/FBI.

(emphasis added)

Patriotism surely is blind.

One makes a fool of oneself only if one does NOT challenge the DOJ, FBI, and any other demonstrably corrupt organ of this demonstrably corrupt government.


this demonstrably corrupt government.

For all it's failures, this "corrupt government" has provided a standard of living for it's citizens (who are willing to expend the effort) which by far exceeds those standards of any other country in the world.

While at the same time preserving the rights and freedoms of those who wish to expouse sentiment against it.

Corrupt individuals within the Government DO NOT represent a corrupt government.

No more so than do corrupt individuals within State Governments, or even the American Red Cross, or any benevelot society.

A standard of living for the few, in exchange for a standard of dying for the many?

No thank you.

John Kennedy acted against the corrupt government. They didn't even "preserve" his ruined brain.

Corrupt individuals ARE the government.

You poor man.

You poor man.

Far better than representing a "poor excuse" for a man, who apparantly understands little if anything about government as well as why all known societies must have some form of same.

No doubt, you are a service to your country as well as completely refusing all of those "frills" which this free society has given to you, at the death of many.

Walk to work do we?

Only utilize solar or geothermal energy do we?

Make all of our own clothing from products which were grown by oneself?

Only eat those foodstuffs which are grown at home?

Ignore all recognized forms of medical care and only treat ourselves at home utilizing home remedies?

Why not find someone other than the big, bad old government on which to blame failures and/or lack of successes upon?

Generally, one has only to look into the mirror, even if "mama" did allow one to blame everything on someone else.


John Kennedy acted against the corrupt government.

John F. Kennedy was placed into the Presidency by the same "political machine" which has dominated American Politics for most of it's history.


Nevertheless, we continue to grow and prosper as a people and as a nation.

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  • 2 weeks later...


In the event that either you, or others, desire to see the "movie" one more/last time, then I will again drag out and run through all of the forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical facts related to CE399, the back wound, and the anterior neck wound.

If done, then all that I would ask is that one take the provided information to qualified experts in the appropriate field of knowledge and have it evaluated.

Which by the way was long ago done, and even then is not that necessary as it is as much common sense as it is application of scientific principal.

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