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Trafficante Testimony Released

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There are many interesting parts to this testimony. Two that struck me like a slap in the face were:

1 - ST answered that Roselli was CIA and had contacted him in that capacity.

2 - ST said he had no 'business relationship' with various Mafia figures he knew.

Peter, my recollection from reading it two days ago is that he was not surprised Rosselli would come to him representing the CIA, not that he thought Rosselli, whom he had admittedly known for 20 years, worked for the CIA. The more telling point, IMO, is that Maheu, who had supposedly been contracted by the CIA as a cut-out, and whose cover story was that he was working for a businessman (whom everyone would assume to be Howard Hughes) introduced himself as working for the CIA, deliberately BLOWING his cover and giving all those involved get-out-of-jail-free cards. I believe Maheu testified that Rosselli had told him he knew he was working for the CIA, and that Maheu did not deny it, because he didn't want to lose Johnny's trust. I believe he also testified that he never outed himself. Here, Santos says he did. I suspect Santos is telling the truth. I have found a number of other points where Maheu obviously perjured himself. His story about why he wiretapped Dan Rowan has changed numerous times.

I wonder if Maheu's kids will have any deathbed confession tapes to sell when he goes.

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Beyond the Trafficante statement on Maheu, confirming that Maheu was never a true cut-out, he made a number of other statements which I thought may be of interest. Trafficante is not my area of expertise so some of this may be common knowledge.

p51 Says one of his fellow prisoners in Cuba was named Civello. Could this be Joe Civello, the Dallas mob boss? If so, is it possible Ruby was there to visit Civello? I don't recall reading that Civello was arrested in Cuba.

p57 Says he's friends with one Evaristo Garcia Vidal. Later on p87 he admits Vidal was his business partner in Havana. Is this Vidal any relation to Hemming's buddy Felipe Vidal?

p59. Admits he knew Sturgis/ Fiorini in Cuba. Says they had dinner in late 60's as well. (After RFK hit?--just a thought.)

p61 Denies knowing Loran Hall

p62 Admits knowing John Martino from Cuba

p64 Is shown a series of photos anti-Castro groups. The only face he recognizes is Sturgis/Fiorini.

p66 Says he never met Joe Shimon

p68 Admits knowing Aleman. Says he tried to help Aleman get a loan with the Teamsters via his lawyer Frank Ragano. (Ragano would later join Aleman in claiming that Santos talked openly about killing the Kennedys.)

p70 Says he met Aleman with someone named Coco or Kiki.

p71 Says Aleman and mobster Angelo Bruno had a milk business in the Dominican Republic.

p72 Doesn't deny talking to Aleman about RFK but denies making the "Kennedy is going to be hit" statement

p74 Says he and Bruno shared a "Pest Control" business.

p76 When asked a series of questions about his attitude towards the Kennedys, and whether he made negative comments about them he repeats "I might have" a number of times. (This makes me suspect the Aleman story was true and that he did indicate there was gonna be a hit.)

p78 Says Marcello came back from Guatemala via a commercial airplane and denies he used a private plane. His certainty on this point is suspicious.

p82 Won't state how many casinos he owned in Cuba

p88 Admits knowing Lewis McWillie

p89 Admits knowing Norman Rothman

p57- Evaristos Garcia Sr. was a big time bolita bankers in Cuba. When him and his son Evaristos Jr. came to Miami, they formed the core of Trafficante's Cuban mob. Garcia Sr. Jr. later relocated to COsta Rica.

p59- Sturgis came to Miami right after Castro took over to ask for help from Dade COunty Criminal Intelligence Bureau. He wanted their file son a suspected hoodlum in Cuba. That man of course was Trafficante.

p70. Kaki Argomaniz? He was a Cuban mobster with Trafficante. He was also involved with the World FInance Corporation (WFC), a front back in Miami for the CIA and Trafficante-backed drug traffickers.

p74- Santo and Philly boss Angleo Bruno were involved with the Pan American Pest Control Business as well as possible two more. Ironically Kaki Argomaniz, referenced above, was an officer in the King Spray Pest Company, along with two other Trafficante associates. That company was part of the WFC controversy. Bruno had a winter home in North Bay Village. Angelo's wife, Sue, was a partner an interest in a vending machine company owned by Agostino and VIncent Amato, two Trafficante guys in Miami. Well actually they were made members of the Gambino family who were close Trafficante associates.

p76- made some afterwards- I talk about some post-assasination incidents in The Silent Don.

p82- Santo definitely owned the Sans SOuci- purchased from Pittsburgh mafiosi Gabriel and Kelly Mannarino. He was a definite investor in the Hotel Deauville. He likely had an interest in the Capri. There are a few others that he may have had hidden interests in as well.

p88- McWillie and his bodyguard Russell Matthews worked at the Capri - close to Trafficante. Matthews was an associate of Joe Civello in Dallas. McWillie was a CHicago guy. Both knew Jack Ruby. Both knew Trafficante.

p89- Trafficante likely knew Rothman through the Mannarinos. Rothman became a trusted associate of Santo's in Miami.

Thanks, Scott. You are the authority. As far as Civello/Cellini, it seems likely that Trafficante had a brain hiccup and forgot which one of his cronies was involved. Still, does anyone where Civello was during this period?

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Beyond the Trafficante statement on Maheu, confirming that Maheu was never a true cut-out, he made a number of other statements which I thought may be of interest. Trafficante is not my area of expertise so some of this may be common knowledge.

p51 Says one of his fellow prisoners in Cuba was named Civello. Could this be Joe Civello, the Dallas mob boss? If so, is it possible Ruby was there to visit Civello? I don't recall reading that Civello was arrested in Cuba.

p57 Says he's friends with one Evaristo Garcia Vidal. Later on p87 he admits Vidal was his business partner in Havana. Is this Vidal any relation to Hemming's buddy Felipe Vidal?

p59. Admits he knew Sturgis/ Fiorini in Cuba. Says they had dinner in late 60's as well. (After RFK hit?--just a thought.)

p61 Denies knowing Loran Hall

p62 Admits knowing John Martino from Cuba

p64 Is shown a series of photos anti-Castro groups. The only face he recognizes is Sturgis/Fiorini.

p66 Says he never met Joe Shimon

p68 Admits knowing Aleman. Says he tried to help Aleman get a loan with the Teamsters via his lawyer Frank Ragano. (Ragano would later join Aleman in claiming that Santos talked openly about killing the Kennedys.)

p70 Says he met Aleman with someone named Coco or Kiki.

p71 Says Aleman and mobster Angelo Bruno had a milk business in the Dominican Republic.

p72 Doesn't deny talking to Aleman about RFK but denies making the "Kennedy is going to be hit" statement

p74 Says he and Bruno shared a "Pest Control" business.

p76 When asked a series of questions about his attitude towards the Kennedys, and whether he made negative comments about them he repeats "I might have" a number of times. (This makes me suspect the Aleman story was true and that he did indicate there was gonna be a hit.)

p78 Says Marcello came back from Guatemala via a commercial airplane and denies he used a private plane. His certainty on this point is suspicious.

p82 Won't state how many casinos he owned in Cuba

p88 Admits knowing Lewis McWillie

p89 Admits knowing Norman Rothman

p57- Evaristos Garcia Sr. was a big time bolita bankers in Cuba. When him and his son Evaristos Jr. came to Miami, they formed the core of Trafficante's Cuban mob. Garcia Sr. Jr. later relocated to COsta Rica.

p59- Sturgis came to Miami right after Castro took over to ask for help from Dade COunty Criminal Intelligence Bureau. He wanted their file son a suspected hoodlum in Cuba. That man of course was Trafficante.

p70. Kaki Argomaniz? He was a Cuban mobster with Trafficante. He was also involved with the World FInance Corporation (WFC), a front back in Miami for the CIA and Trafficante-backed drug traffickers.

p74- Santo and Philly boss Angleo Bruno were involved with the Pan American Pest Control Business as well as possible two more. Ironically Kaki Argomaniz, referenced above, was an officer in the King Spray Pest Company, along with two other Trafficante associates. That company was part of the WFC controversy. Bruno had a winter home in North Bay Village. Angelo's wife, Sue, was a partner an interest in a vending machine company owned by Agostino and VIncent Amato, two Trafficante guys in Miami. Well actually they were made members of the Gambino family who were close Trafficante associates.

p76- made some afterwards- I talk about some post-assasination incidents in The Silent Don.

p82- Santo definitely owned the Sans SOuci- purchased from Pittsburgh mafiosi Gabriel and Kelly Mannarino. He was a definite investor in the Hotel Deauville. He likely had an interest in the Capri. There are a few others that he may have had hidden interests in as well.

p88- McWillie and his bodyguard Russell Matthews worked at the Capri - close to Trafficante. Matthews was an associate of Joe Civello in Dallas. McWillie was a CHicago guy. Both knew Jack Ruby. Both knew Trafficante.

p89- Trafficante likely knew Rothman through the Mannarinos. Rothman became a trusted associate of Santo's in Miami.

Thanks, Scott. You are the authority. As far as Civello/Cellini, it seems likely that Trafficante had a brain hiccup and forgot which one of his cronies was involved. Still, does anyone where Civello was during this period?

You might like to do a search on this forum for "Rawlston" and take a look at some of the old post of years ago:


Reference to previous post: Documentation and background.

http://toshplumlee.info/toshgallerySAFE.htm #7

(release date, 1963 flight plan; Cessna N 63XX Echo: also Plumlee/Rosellie FOIA 1981 FBI Lab. declassified) FBI file locator number for Flight Plan #24-8157 32 Q6 DQ referenced within FBI #26 file/Plumlee; also found at "toshplumlee.info" picture #7; also reference within the Roselli/Plumlee #62-2116 file and the Phoenix FBI #PHX-72, 73 file of 1978, declassified-- as well as the FBI-SS 302 Phoenix file that was destroyed in 1963)

" The Flight Plan states: two on board: destination Sky Harbor Phoenix; Alt Airport: Las Vegas; Home base of aircraft; Thompson Flight Service, Salt Lake City; Home address of pilot 'Apple Blosom Lane, Denver Colorado. Contact place while in Phoenix; CARAVAN INN. FBI 26 Files dated April 1963. Phoenix 302 files dated 1963, gun running to Florida. hand writen notes at bottom of flight plan: "J Ralston.... call J Rosellie Miami JMWAVE Col. Rawlston". On file at FBI office since April of 1963 as per FBI 26 file reference "Abd Aircraft, Mc Cord Ranch NM" James Mc Cord interview by FBI.

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There are many interesting parts to this testimony. Two that struck me like a slap in the face were:

1 - ST answered that Roselli was CIA and had contacted him in that capacity.

2 - ST said he had no 'business relationship' with various Mafia figures he knew.

From a post some years ago. Today some of this information has been declassified (reference 1976 classified date)

"... Hi Christy: Sorry I have taken so long in getting back to you. I have tried to answer the questions as they come, in order... but it does not seem to work that way..,

I'll try to make this short. In early 1954 Fidel Castro was in the southern mountains of Cuba with a "rag tag' bunch of rebels.. about 60 or 70 I think.. The CIA was active in Guatelmala and some of these operatives were soon working in behalf of Castro. That was the start of the gun running to the Cuban Rebels known as the Jul 26 rebel movement. In the United States arms and amo were taken from National Guard Armorys and transported by air and boat to the Castro rebels. It was a CIA OPS and the FBI had no knowledge of the arrangement. Soon the gun running reach epidemic perpotions in the lower southwest and Florida. The M-26-7 was a group of Students inside Cuba working for a free Democratic Cuba. Joe Westbrook operated as contact for CIA "cut-out" contract personal. I think but not real sure that "Wild Bill" Harvey later set in motion a team of contract CIA operatives to supply and work with the M-26-7 and this group were the go betweens for getting weponds from Florida to Cuba. In the early days Havana and safe houses around Havana were used to stage the weapons and explosive before getting them to Castro's rebels in the mountains. Soon this group was used as the main link for the CIA to get Castro the equipment he needed to defeat Batista. After Jan of 1959, all that changed and so did the CIA and its support for Castro... We became "anti-Castro and the whole arm of the U.S. Government was thron againest him.........

In the early part of 1963, or perhaps the late part of 62. I flew a lot of operatives and hit men into Cuba. John Rosellie and Jack Ruby went into Cuba many times. Ruby before the fall of Batista and Rosellie also before the Fall of Batista. Rosellie also went in after Castro came into power, twice that I know of.

I had contact with a Cuban pilot who was connected to our government. He introduced me to another Cuban who had made contact with President Kennedy that Castro would consider talks. This was the beginning of Lisa Howard and my flying her into Cuba three times I think.. the last time around April or June of 63, about the time of the Wm Pawley affair and the dealings concerning Eddie Bayo.. I flew her from NY to Miami on two other occausions and then covertly from Miami to Havana. I did not know Attwood, but he knew of me as the pilot because I had a long history of covert flights into Cuba. I also talked to her many times about Cuba and at one time she ask if I would like to work with the team who were working with her... I already knew who they were and declined. I was to close to secret assassination teams to eliminate Castro and I was associated with John Rosellie (aka Col Rawlston) from JMWAVE and its EX Action ZR/RIFLE programs.. I would have never got into President Kennedy's "Olive Branch" to Castro program. I would only be a liability and would have been in time 'Eliminated". I know this is spoty and short and perhaps raises more questions that it solves... But you know when I first mentioned this to you.. I think it was some years ago when we were talking about Havana and your Father... long befor the Lisa Howard story and documents were de-classified and released. Right? Take care... hope this helps.. ".


"... Thanks Tim: I'll try to insert in italics and bold where I think clarifications should be made, and why: I'll try to keep it brief.

The following is my synopsis of Tosh Plumlee's story about his involvement in the assassination in Dallas. If I have missed any particulars, please post them so that we can have a complete, but distilled version of the story.

Tosh Plumlee was a Military/CIA covert operative pilot who "knew John Roselli rather well." They first met in late 1960 (could have been in 1958) or early 1961 at Biscayne Park, after coming to the park from "a meeting place called Sloppy Joe's." They were introduced by Johnny Farantello. Plumlee later says "Farentino" (as opposed to "Farantello") "was maybe Frank Sturgis or whoever."( I was asked if it could have been Frank Struges.( I replied 'It could have been, (Sturges) but I did not think so') During 1963, Tosh flew Roselli "perhaps more than 6 or 7 different occasions, to such destinations as Marathon Key, Bimini, Havana, New Orleans, Houston, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas and Santa Barbara. ( I flew Rosellie many times before 1963. I am not sure how many or starting when but I thought it was around 1960) I had flown him to the Thunderbird Inn in Las Vegas and to Burbank CA, and Santa Barbra, Ca. around 1963.

Beginning November 21, 1963 Tosh has asserted that he was a co-pilot on a top secret flight aboard a D-18 twin Beach and a DC-3 supported by the CIA. ( The CIA acted as our support we were Military attached at the time The pilot was Emmanuel Rojas. Mr. Plumlee's flight left Florida on November 21, 1963, traveling from a "place called Lantana" in (outside West Palm Beach about five miles south) West Palm Beach to Tampa, where Roselli ("the Colonel") (Col. Rawlston) was picked up after staying at the Congress Inn. The plane then flew to New Orleans, where two people got off and three got on. After flying to Houston International and spending the night at the Hilton, the plane and its occupants continued on to Garland, (instead of Red Bird Airport in Oak Cliff because of weather) where they had to stop "because of weather."

Edited by William Plumlee
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There are many interesting parts to this testimony. Two that struck me like a slap in the face were:

1 - ST answered that Roselli was CIA and had contacted him in that capacity.

2 - ST said he had no 'business relationship' with various Mafia figures he knew.

Peter, my recollection from reading it two days ago is that he was not surprised Rosselli would come to him representing the CIA, not that he thought Rosselli, whom he had admittedly known for 20 years, worked for the CIA. The more telling point, IMO, is that Maheu, who had supposedly been contracted by the CIA as a cut-out, and whose cover story was that he was working for a businessman (whom everyone would assume to be Howard Hughes) introduced himself as working for the CIA, deliberately BLOWING his cover and giving all those involved get-out-of-jail-free cards. I believe Maheu testified that Rosselli had told him he knew he was working for the CIA, and that Maheu did not deny it, because he didn't want to lose Johnny's trust. I believe he also testified that he never outed himself. Here, Santos says he did. I suspect Santos is telling the truth. I have found a number of other points where Maheu obviously perjured himself. His story about why he wiretapped Dan Rowan has changed numerous times.

I wonder if Maheu's kids will have any deathbed confession tapes to sell when he goes.

Later on, Maheu and [by extention and independant information] Howard Hughes were both CIA 'assets' - one could wonder when Maheu 'was signed-up' but I'd put my money on by the time of Dallas, for sure.....I've heard that Maheu may have put some money up for 'things Dallas'....and that the money path crossed with those Roselli was making at the time. I'll bet they each knew the other was in the 'fold'.

What this shows [once again] is that all the investigations [sic] were sham and they DID get some important leads or potentially important leads and followed them NO WHERE - ON PURPOSE!.....


A Plumlee reply to a question asked a few years ago.

Posted a few yearsb ago:

".... T. Larry Hancock proved fairly convincingly that the FBI was tracking and wiretapping Roselli just before the assassination, but that Roselli gave them the slip and had a decoy they were tracking in LV when he was in FL and then TX. What do you make of C. Holt at this point...as he says he drove Roselli....yet most believe C. Holt lied about that, but DID make the fake ID and was NOT a tramp....Hunt may have been.

At 13:50 2/2/2008, you wrote:

And Too... Don't forget this post in reference to Roselli being Rawlston

QUOTE(William Kelly @ Sep 30 2006, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Sep 30 2006, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I hope this does not distratct from my main question to Bill, which was:

While some of Holt's info checks out, others don't, and disinfo is planted among the truth.

Which particular info did not check out in your experience?


Well, he mentioned that he saw about a dozen guys he worked with on previous operaitons at Dealey Plaza, when some of them have been acounted for elsewhere.

In addition, he said he drove John Rosselli to Dallas in the Olds station wagon from Grace Ranch.

Others claim he was flown in to Dallas in a private plane.

I believe FBI wiretaps of Rosselli place him in a Vegas hotel at the time.


Plumlee reply:

The wire tapes that put Roselli in Las Vegas where from April of 1963 when he was at the "Thunderbird Inn". The FBI knew this at the time (63) when they stated he was not in Dallas and used the old survailence tapes to prove same to committee investigators. After the assassination it was said by the FBI that he was in Las Vegas at the time of the shooting and produced said document and tape to committee. (classified) The same reports and the same SAC also put me in West Palm Beach in county jail, in November of 63 but no records were produced or fingerprint booking card was ever produced (classified). Sometime later the FBI said in an "inter-agency memo", (classified) that I was in a Denver Colorado jail in November (reference FBI SAC Scott Warner 62 file and 301/2 file... the 301/2 was destoryed". classified) Fuel receips from aircraft N-63XX Echo were signed by me at the Thunderbird Inn airport in April of 63 (as per FBI 26 file de-classified) In 1978 a flight plann dated from April of 1963 from N63XX Thompson flight service Utah was found in aircraft that had names written on same by pilot (Plumlee) "Col. Rawlston", and also "call Rosellie". ( release date: FOIA 1981 FBI Lab. declassified)

Whats the point? Why do some quote the FBI as fact and can do no wrong and then on the other hand say they lie? Can anyone believe anything they had said back then as to the events leading to the assassination? Yet today they say and others that Rosellie was in Las Vegas at the time of the shooting because the FBI said he was there.... and now that becomes a FACT?..... DAH. ...".

This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Oct 1 2006, 04:52 PM

Edited by William Plumlee
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Later on, Maheu and [by extention and independant information] Howard Hughes were both CIA 'assets' - one could wonder when Maheu 'was signed-up' but I'd put my money on by the time of Dallas, for sure.....I've heard that Maheu may have put some money up for 'things Dallas'....and that the money path crossed with those Roselli was making at the time. I'll bet they each knew the other was in the 'fold'.

What this shows [once again] is that all the investigations [sic] were sham and they DID get some important leads or potentially important leads and followed them NO WHERE - ON PURPOSE!.....

Maheu had been on CIA retainer since the fifties. He supposedly told Hughes about the hits on Castro so that Hughes--who was at that time Maheu's principle but not sole employer--would not take his business elsewhere. SOME CUT-OUT! I mean, think about it....the CIA hires a man to perform a top secret mission. This man sometimes works for one of the richest men in the world, who has been investigated by congress, the IRS, and the SEC for years. And the cut-out tells his sometime boss, giving him black-mail-ability, with NO repercussions! While anyone with a brain would have told Maheu to get lost after this "mistake", he continued to get CIA business even after this bonehead play! In fact, after going to work for Hughes full-time, he engineered one of the biggest scams of the day, whereby Hughes was paid millions of dollars just to pretend he was building a ship that was in fact a ship funded and designed by the CIA, as part of an attempt to retrieve a Russian submarine from the bottom of the ocean. Hughes took no risk. He deserved no profit. No investigation was made into how much money he pocketed while doing his "patriotic" duty.


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Later on, Maheu and [by extention and independant information] Howard Hughes were both CIA 'assets' - one could wonder when Maheu 'was signed-up' but I'd put my money on by the time of Dallas, for sure.....I've heard that Maheu may have put some money up for 'things Dallas'....and that the money path crossed with those Roselli was making at the time. I'll bet they each knew the other was in the 'fold'.

What this shows [once again] is that all the investigations [sic] were sham and they DID get some important leads or potentially important leads and followed them NO WHERE - ON PURPOSE!.....

Maheu had been on CIA retainer since the fifties. He supposedly told Hughes about the hits on Castro so that Hughes--who was at that time Maheu's principle but not sole employer--would not take his business elsewhere. SOME CUT-OUT! I mean, think about it....the CIA hires a man to perform a top secret mission. This man sometimes works for one of the richest men in the world, who has been investigated by congress, the IRS, and the SEC for years. And the cut-out tells his sometime boss, giving him black-mail-ability, with NO repercussions! While anyone with a brain would have told Maheu to get lost after this "mistake", he continued to get CIA business even after this bonehead play! In fact, after going to work for Hughes full-time, he engineered one of the biggest scams of the day, whereby Hughes was paid millions of dollars just to pretend he was building a ship that was in fact a ship funded and designed by the CIA, as part of an attempt to retrieve a Russian submarine from the bottom of the ocean. Hughes took no risk. He deserved no profit. No investigation was made into how much money he pocketed while doing his "patriotic" duty.


Pat, I did a little brushing-up on Maheu last night and you're correct...clearly was CIA connected at hips and ankles from way-back when, just after War. Hughes was used as both a cut-out and as source for financing and funneling money for CIA ops. It is interesting to note, as was mentioned elsewhere, he was increasingly surrounded by LDS folks - as his 'security'. Yes, the whole thing is amazing and I'm sure less than half a percent of Americans know about it....or much else that has been going on under their noses. The ship was the Glomar Explorer under Project Jennifer. There were many other such strange projects. R. Murdock is now another wealthy man doing CIA bidding under the slightest of fig-leaf cover, and yet few know it. Those of us who see and know these things are considered nuts or worse. Is

Maheu still alive? Where? Must be on in years and about to have a book written

about him by Posner or some

such.....I'd suggest a separate thread on Maheu and H. Hughes. It is my belief they were involved in funding and as conduits in things Dallas. [and many a thing after!]

Peter, Maheu is an area of my ongoing interest. I've created a number of threads on him over the years. My interest was spurred in part by the fact that in Maheu's autobio he mentions that one of his best friends was Texas oilman Johnny Mitchell. Johnny Mitchell was my dad's boss when I was a kid. My dad was his VP. My mother had told me for years that LBJ had had the Secret Service follow my father in 1967. When I put the pieces together I realized that within weeks of LBJ reading the CIA report on the assassination attempts on Castro, and Maheu's role in said attempts, LBJ had the SS run a report on Maheu's associates, and had discovered Mitchell. In this same period, Mitchell was quoted in the papers as saying that Texas oilmen would not support LBJ's war in Vietnam if he continued to use cheap foreign oil for the cause, or something to that effect. The moral: your mom's outlandish stories about your father and his boss...could very well be TRUE.

When I started reading about the Glomar Explorer deal I had another surprise. In reading about the theft of Hughes' papers, which led to the public exposure of the deal, I put two and two together and figured out the identities of the thieves, and realized I knew one of them. After that, I was hooked.

As for Maheu, yes, he's still kicking. I believe he lives in Vegas. A few years back, I was contacted by someone involved in an upcoming interview of Maheu. I prepared a number of questions for him. I don't believe the interview ever took place, however.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On a trip to NARA last year, I noticed that 5 documents in the HSCA Immunized Testimony boxes remained withheld in full. Most prominent were Santos Trafficante's immunized testimony of 14 Nov 1977, and a lengthy memo written later in preparation for his public testimony.

I made inquiries, and all 5 documents are now open in full, and last week I went to College Park and scanned them. See the page below for links to all of them, as well as other HSCA testimony I got while there (Priscilla Johnson McMillan and William Walter).


Trafficante's testimony contained no bombshells that I could see - he did name Tony Varona as being hired into the anti-Castro plots, which I don't believe came out as such in his public testimony. But mostly Trafficante played dumb, pretending that the only reason he was brought into the plots was as an interpreter. Presumably no one else in Florida could be found who spoke both English and Spanish. Trafficante did himself bring up the British reporter in jail (Hudson, though not by name), but denied that Ruby visited him there.

I don't know why this and other testimony was withheld in full - I was told they simply "fell through the cracks." Maybe someone else will find a tidbit that I missed.


Rex. Not sure if this helps, but there are seven pages withheld in an FBI report dated approx August of 1976 (reference (62-2116 for correct dates) found within the PHX-72 OO (Office of Origin) field report) referenced as a FBI 62-2116- (???pgs) file. These pages were sanitized in full in 1993, but made reference to the death of John Roselli and his previous associates. (referenced Phoenix Organized Crime, Sgt Ed Salem and Sgt Harry Hawkins, as well as the Tri-State Drug Task Force, chaired then by Arizona Governor, Bruce Babbit. Also Senator Berry Goldwater's name was also found within these pages, but not sure in what context)

Also this report was part of information obtained from "Dade County Homicide, Miami Florida" in 1978 (I think). Those none sanitized pages made reference to Trafficante, John Farrentello, John Martino, Tony Varona, John Mc Cord, and Charles Nicolette, ? Mc Willie? I think but not sure. There were also references to the 'Grace Ranch' of Tucson Arizona and the 'Mc Cord Ranch of New Mexico'. The FBI file was sanitized, however the Dade County information was not and that information was not included within the FBI data banks of 1993. This subject came up during the hearings of Senator John Kerry's investigations into Iran/Contra and Narco.., which was Classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive, and remains classified as of this date. This information also "Fell through the cracks" so to speak

I have just been informed that more classified pages on Roselli are to be released in the nex 30 days ( 30 days from Feb15,2008. I believe that the seven pages arer in thiese releases

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  • 5 years later...

On a trip to NARA last year, I noticed that 5 documents in the HSCA Immunized Testimony boxes remained withheld in full. Most prominent were Santos Trafficante's immunized testimony of 14 Nov 1977, and a lengthy memo written later in preparation for his public testimony.

I made inquiries, and all 5 documents are now open in full, and last week I went to College Park and scanned them. See the page below for links to all of them, as well as other HSCA testimony I got while there (Priscilla Johnson McMillan and William Walter).


Trafficante's testimony contained no bombshells that I could see - he did name Tony Varona as being hired into the anti-Castro plots, which I don't believe came out as such in his public testimony. But mostly Trafficante played dumb, pretending that the only reason he was brought into the plots was as an interpreter. Presumably no one else in Florida could be found who spoke both English and Spanish. Trafficante did himself bring up the British reporter in jail (Hudson, though not by name), but denied that Ruby visited him there.

I don't know why this and other testimony was withheld in full - I was told they simply "fell through the cracks." Maybe someone else will find a tidbit that I missed.


Rex. Not sure if this helps, but there are seven pages withheld in an FBI report dated approx August of 1976 (reference (62-2116 for correct dates) found within the PHX-72 OO (Office of Origin) field report) referenced as a FBI 62-2116- (???pgs) file. These pages were sanitized in full in 1993, but made reference to the death of John Roselli and his previous associates. (referenced Phoenix Organized Crime, Sgt Ed Salem and Sgt Harry Hawkins, as well as the Tri-State Drug Task Force, chaired then by Arizona Governor, Bruce Babbit. Also Senator Berry Goldwater's name was also found within these pages, but not sure in what context)

Also this report was part of information obtained from "Dade County Homicide, Miami Florida" in 1978 (I think). Those none sanitized pages made reference to Trafficante, John Farrentello, John Martino, Tony Varona, John Mc Cord, and Charles Nicolette, ? Mc Willie? I think but not sure. There were also references to the 'Grace Ranch' of Tucson Arizona and the 'Mc Cord Ranch of New Mexico'. The FBI file was sanitized, however the Dade County information was not and that information was not included within the FBI data banks of 1993. This subject came up during the hearings of Senator John Kerry's investigations into Iran/Contra and Narco.., which was Classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive, and remains classified as of this date. This information also "Fell through the cracks" so to speak

Tosh Plumlee wrote:

I have just been informed that more classified pages on Roselli are to be released in the next 30 days (Thirty days from Feb15, 2008.) I believe that the seven pages are in these releases.

[spelling corrected and emphasis added by T. Graves]


Edited by Thomas Graves
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