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Germans Check In on Chemtrails

Charles Drago

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Guest David Guyatt
Comparing Apollo Hoax CT's to Flat Earthers is an ad homium attack... but apparently it's okay for you to insult the people you disagree with .

Duane, please forgive me for intruding in subjects that I know very little about -- in other words everything... (as my wife always reminds me :lol: ) -- but the Earth really is flat.

Sorry guy -- seems the Vatican was right all along:


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this sounds more like one of those handy dandy kitchen gadgets that peels potatoes, dices onions, gets rid of those embarrassing stains, pays the bills, has sex with your wife and cleans the oven...

Greg, I urgently need one of those suckers ---- where can I buy one? :lol:

David, suggest you bypass the TV Infomercials and go DIY. A few simple modifications to the Ovabel and you're on your way - with the added bonus of separated eggs.

Of course, you may need to knock out a few walls... this baby's as big as a combine harvester. A small price to pay, all things considered

And that makes love to my wife while I'm cooking my special dish of punjabi porridge with nan to sup up the delicious Guyatt gravy?

Methinks you're a salesmen on a large commission... there's not even a mention in the ad blurb about dicing the bills or paying the onions...

I'll have one anyway. Can you gift wrap it?

If anyone needs help keeping their missus satisfied and sends me photos and/or videos of her I might be willing to 'pitch in' !

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this sounds more like one of those handy dandy kitchen gadgets that peels potatoes, dices onions, gets rid of those embarrassing stains, pays the bills, has sex with your wife and cleans the oven...

Greg, I urgently need one of those suckers ---- where can I buy one? :lol:

David, suggest you bypass the TV Infomercials and go DIY. A few simple modifications to the Ovabel and you're on your way - with the added bonus of separated eggs.

Of course, you may need to knock out a few walls... this baby's as big as a combine harvester. A small price to pay, all things considered

And that makes love to my wife while I'm cooking my special dish of punjabi porridge with nan to sup up the delicious Guyatt gravy?

Yes. And as our ad says, "If required, an egg washing machine can be added in-line, without need for an additional operator."* leaving you completely free to conjure up your culinary delights.

If you require verification of performance data, the bottom of the ad tells you how to obtain it ("We have video tapes available of the machine in operation or we can organize a demonstration in the plant of one of our customers.")

Methinks you're a salesmen on a large commission... there's not even a mention in the ad blurb about dicing the bills or paying the onions...


I'll have one anyway. Can you gift wrap it?

You don't want to come in to our plant for a demonstration first? Or perhaps you'd just like one of the videos for now? Unfortunately it does only come in plain brown wrapping...

*Requires sterilization after every use

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Guest David Guyatt
If anyone needs help keeping their missus satisfied and sends me photos and/or videos of her I might be willing to 'pitch in' !

Pitch away...

I've been married four times...

No 1 was "Tootsie" - and very able with the old footjob:


I went Oriental for No 2 - right up your street:


No 3 was a bit religious:


And the current huzzie is quite famous:


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Ah Jack. Always seeing professional "disinfo agents" when your ideas are challenged. Any proof that I or others are disinfo agents or should I just assume that is your usual ad hominem? Can't comment on the facts then? Incidentally, the idea that the world is flat is opposed rather greatly. Does that mean the flat Earthers are correct? Or does it mean your rule of thumb really doesn't hold well. I notice you never commented on the multitude of evidence I posted in the other thread showing that not only can contrails persist as shown by science and facts but there is evidence of persistent contrails dating back to before WWII. Of course you'd rather attack the messenger than debate on facts right Jack?

Like Jack said ... "THE GREATER THE OPPOSITION ... "

I'm sorry but can you please show in Jack's post where your name was mentioned ? .... I'm sure he doesn't even give you a thought much less bother to reply to your attacks on every word he ever posted here .

Try not to be such a hypocrite Matthew ... I have read your ad homium attacks on the Apollo Hoax forum , where you do mention names ... Like his and mine .

Comparing Apollo Hoax CT's to Flat Earthers is an ad homium attack... but apparently it's okay for you to insult the people you disagree with .

Jack and you have called me and others disinfo agents in the past. I am one of the opposition on this thread. It doesn't much to put the two together. Apparently that easy connection just went right over your head.

I have not attacked him, just stated facts. He has shown he doesn't like to deal with those.

What's an "ad homium" attack? If you have a problem with me on a different forum, then register on that forum and bring it up there.

When did I compare Apollo Hoax CT's to Flat Earthers? Oh, that's right, I didn't. You might want to check your facts too. The Flat Earther's was just an example to show that the rule of thumb of Jack's doesn't always apply. One can also find great oppostion against things that are just wrong. But apparently that went right over your head just like Jack's insinuation about disinfo agents.

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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Persistent contrails?


Impossible to say from that picture as you can't see more than a few hundred yards behind the airplane. But they are contrails and there is no reason to assume they can't be persistent given the right conditions.

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Jack and you have called me and others disinfo agents in the past. I am one of the opposition on this thread. It doesn't much to put the two together. Apparently that easy connection just went right over your head.

Nothing "went right over my head" ... I merely stated that Jack didn't mention your name as being a disinfo agent ... Nor was his post a personal "ad homium " attack against you.

Where as some of your posts on other forums do mention names and are personal ad homium attacks ... And that's precisely why you are a H Y P O C R I T E .

If you can't take it Matthew, then don't dish it out ..Regardless of the forum you dish it out on.

You and your pals enjoy character assassinating and ridiculing certain people on forums where they can't defend themselves ... and the people being attacked have absolutley no interest in joining those forums, because of the constant ridicule and personal insults.

Jack or I joining the clavius forum would be like joining a forum where all of the members conduct themselves like Craig Lamson does on this forum ....So thanks for the offer to join the Apollo Hoax board to post in my own defense ... but no thanks .

Edited by Duane Daman
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Where as some of your posts on other forums do mention names and are personal ad homium attacks ... And that's precisely why you are a H Y P O C R I T E .

If you can't take it Matthew, then don't dish it out ..Regardless of the forum you dish it out on.

You and your pals enjoy character assassinating and ridiculing certain people on forums where they can't defend themselves ... and the people being attacked have absolutley no interest in joining those forums, because of the constant ridicule and personal insults.

Any chance of taking your own advice sometime soon?

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Postings about CHEMTRAILS always flush out lots of disinfoagents.

Can you actually show that anyone (other than you) has posted “disinfo” on the subject?



An absurd proposition many issues, abortion, gun control, teaching evolution or creationism in schools, gay marriage, alteration of the Z-film (LOL) 9/11 stir up “great opposition” on both sides so by Jack’s “logic” both sides are zeroed in on the truth. Oh I forgot Jack’s rules of thumb are one way streets, personal attacks are bad when he or one of his allies is on the receiving end but OK when or his sidekicks make them etc.

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Getting back to less serious matters...

If anyone wants to complain about disinformation, they might want to start by taking a critical look at the blog entry originally posted here (this is by no means an attack on the person who reposted the blog here, as it was posted without additional commentary).

Let's start with this claim: "Keep in mind that chemtrails have been categorized as an “exotic weapons systems” by the 107th CONGRESS of the United States in House Bill H. R. 2977."

Is that a true representation of the facts? No.

HR 2977 was introduced by Rep Kucinich.

His list of terms which he included as being "exotic weapons" was as follows:

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

(ii) chemtrails;

(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

(v) laser weapons systems;

(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

Although including real dangers, the list itself looks like it was taken from google searches. But whatever it was, wherever it came from, it was not a list that was "categorized by Congress".

My albeit limited investigation reveals that when this Bill came to public attention, he was inundated with phone calls - mostly from "chemtrail researchers". It seems talking to some of those people, rather than bringing him completely on board, made him realize he was not dealing with science, nor people with any science to back up their claims (and that's putting it politely). He subsequently rewrote the bill, minus those terms.

Of course, that led to claims he was somehow muzzled... but that comes from the same lunatics who were really the ones who put him off...

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Any chance of taking your own advice sometime soon?

Even docile "straydogs" eventually bite when being repeatedly kicked. ;)

This thread has it all- humor, conspiracy, name calling, giant Asian beauty queens, and most importantly, a little fact checking.


Edited by Duane Daman
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