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Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Interview on Roswell Incident

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Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the Moon, reveals in this recent audio interview that the incident at Roswell did occur and that the presence of aliens visiting planet Earth will soon be acknowledged.

The interview is not to be missed as Dr. Mitchell imparts new information and knowledge on a wide variety of vital topics. There is no charge for listening to the interview.

Merely click on the link below and then go to the top of the masthead and click on “listen now.”

The interview is recorded on the March 8, 2008 Dreamland program of www.unknowncountry.com.


Edgar Mitchell: The Way of the Explorer

Here is Dr. Edgar Mitchell in one of his most moving and revealing interviews ever! Did you know that he grew up in Roswell, New Mexico? He speaks with total candor about his knowledge of the Roswell Incident, and about the issue of alien presence in general. His discussion of his new book, The Way of the Explorer is moving and highly informative, and his description of what happened to him on the way back from the moon is unforgettable.

Lynne McTaggart says of Edgar Mitchell, "His journey into outer space has been matched by a lifelong journey into inner space, where he investigated the final frontier, the nature of mind, and returned with nothing less than an extraordinary new science of life."

Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s website is EdMitchellApollo14.com.

His foundation, the Institute for Noetic Sciences is found at Noetic.org.

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His discussion of his new book, The Way of the Explorer is moving and highly informative, and his description of what happened to him on the way back from the moon is unforgettable.

Lynne McTaggart says of Edgar Mitchell, "His journey into outer space has been matched by a lifelong journey into inner space, where he investigated the final frontier, the nature of mind, and returned with nothing less than an extraordinary new science of life."

His book The Way of the Explorer was published in 1996 by Putnam.

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Scientific question: since the earth is approximately four times the diameter of the moon,

shouldn't the EARTH FROM THE MOON appear to be four times as big as the MOON FROM


Earth from the moon does appear about four times as big, doesn't it?


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Guest David Guyatt
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the Moon, reveals in this recent audio interview that the incident at Roswell did occur and that the presence of aliens visiting planet Earth will soon be acknowledged.

The interview is not to be missed as Dr. Mitchell imparts new information and knowledge on a wide variety of vital topics. There is no charge for listening to the interview.

Merely click on the link below and then go to the top of the masthead and click on “listen now.”

The interview is recorded on the March 8, 2008 Dreamland program of www.unknowncountry.com.


Edgar Mitchell: The Way of the Explorer

Here is Dr. Edgar Mitchell in one of his most moving and revealing interviews ever! Did you know that he grew up in Roswell, New Mexico? He speaks with total candor about his knowledge of the Roswell Incident, and about the issue of alien presence in general. His discussion of his new book, The Way of the Explorer is moving and highly informative, and his description of what happened to him on the way back from the moon is unforgettable.

Lynne McTaggart says of Edgar Mitchell, "His journey into outer space has been matched by a lifelong journey into inner space, where he investigated the final frontier, the nature of mind, and returned with nothing less than an extraordinary new science of life."

Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s website is EdMitchellApollo14.com.

His foundation, the Institute for Noetic Sciences is found at Noetic.org.

It is invariably the case that the most thoughtful UFO adherents, are knowledgeable about inner space -- the human psyche -- and are into nurturing the development of consciousness.

It's a pity that his interview play link requires a plugin for Mac's but the offered Microsoft plugin doesn't appear to work. I would've liked to listen to what he had to say about Roswell (although I don't anticipate our salvation from space any time soon).

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Scientific question: since the earth is approximately four times the diameter of the moon,

shouldn't the EARTH FROM THE MOON appear to be four times as big as the MOON FROM


Earth from the moon does appear about four times as big, doesn't it?


The example you use offers no clues as to the size of it.


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Scientific question: since the earth is approximately four times the diameter of the moon,

shouldn't the EARTH FROM THE MOON appear to be four times as big as the MOON FROM


Earth from the moon does appear about four times as big, doesn't it?


The example you use offers no clues as to the size of it.


The answer to your question is, the Earth does appear to be about four times as large from the moon as the moon does from the Earth. As you know, this is borne out from the Apollo photos taken from the surface. All you need to know is the film format of the camera, and the focal length of the lens used to take the photo. You can then calculate the field of view of the camera, and how large the Earth should appear in an image of a given size.

The Earth as seen in photos taken on the moon is the size it should be given the technical specs of the camera and lens used.

Or if you're bored of maths, look at some photos of the moon as taken from Earth that demonstrate quite clearly the size of the moon can vary dramatically from one image to tghe next: its apparent size is a function of the film format and focal length.



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It's a pity that his interview play link requires a plugin for Mac's but the offered Microsoft plugin doesn't appear to work. I would've liked to listen to what he had to say about Roswell (although I don't anticipate our salvation from space any time soon).

You may have some joy if you install Real Player. It works OK for me in IE7. Haven't had chance to listen to the entire interview yet.


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Guest David Guyatt
It's a pity that his interview play link requires a plugin for Mac's but the offered Microsoft plugin doesn't appear to work. I would've liked to listen to what he had to say about Roswell (although I don't anticipate our salvation from space any time soon).

You may have some joy if you install Real Player. It works OK for me in IE7. Haven't had chance to listen to the entire interview yet.


Thanks Dave. Seems the only available one for OS X is the Beta 11 version.

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Is Ed Mitchell the astronaut who needed to be hypnotised because he couldn't remember what it was like on the Moon?

I'm sure it was posted on a thread here recently.

Not quite - he underwent hypnosis so he could relive the experience. He remarked that when he was there he was so focused on the tasks, the timeline, that he didn't 'take in' the experience.

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Guest David Guyatt
Is Ed Mitchell the astronaut who needed to be hypnotised because he couldn't remember what it was like on the Moon?

I'm sure it was posted on a thread here recently.

Not quite - he underwent hypnosis so he could relive the experience. He remarked that when he was there he was so focused on the tasks, the timeline, that he didn't 'take in' the experience.

I wasn't aware of this re Michell.

I am probably overdoing things in saying this, but as I have pointed out several times before, there is evidence to show a cross connection between the UFO phenomena and mind control techniques. The latter have employed hypnosis and, especially, narco-hypnosis, to de-pattern (erase) memory and overlay that with fabricated memories. The victim remains unaware of what has happened and honestly believes what they think are reliable memories of certain events.

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Is Ed Mitchell the astronaut who needed to be hypnotised because he couldn't remember what it was like on the Moon?

I'm sure it was posted on a thread here recently.

Not quite - he underwent hypnosis so he could relive the experience. He remarked that when he was there he was so focused on the tasks, the timeline, that he didn't 'take in' the experience.

I wasn't aware of this re Michell.

I am probably overdoing things in saying this, but as I have pointed out several times before, there is evidence to show a cross connection between the UFO phenomena and mind control techniques. The latter have employed hypnosis and, especially, narco-hypnosis, to de-pattern (erase) memory and overlay that with fabricated memories. The victim remains unaware of what has happened and honestly believes what they think are reliable memories of certain events.

It was posted here David.


"Unlike most of his colleagues he decided that the problem was not with the questioners, but with himself and the anquish he felt at being unable to recall the feeling of being there. Eventually, he got two friends to regress him under hypnosis, after which he felt something significant had happened to him on the flight- that the epiphany provided no less than a window on the Universe: a clue as to its structure and our connection to it"

Moon Dust p.52

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Guest David Guyatt

Thanks James.

For those who doubt the ability of mind control technology, the following documents may be of interest.

The first report regarding the use of this technology by the FBI is correct. It was targeted against the David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. I hav a copy tape of a BBC World Service News report that shows this equipment in operation in Waco, Texas:


The second and third pages detail how a target can be remotely hynotized and programmed and discuss the inherent dangers involved. It may be worth mentioning the cautionary alarum about banning the use of this technology by the mass media.




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