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Latin American polititans, journalists and others arrested by Colombian Government

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Probably wont make it to the mainstream English language media but is huge in the Latin American media right now.

Below is a Google translation for the gringos here of an article from 'El Pais' a Colombian newspaper. Original Spanish article here: http://www.elpais.com.co/paisonline/notas/...32008/nal3.html

Watch out for those prepositions!

[in a nutshell the article is based on a press release from the Colombian government who today have charged several people with various crimes including treason, supporting terrorism and similar serious charges. Two are Ecuadorian, one Venezuelan and one from the US. Several are politicians and journalists, one a director of an NGO. One of the Ecuadorians is a close friend of President Correa of Ecuador and the Venezuelan is also a close friend of President Chavez of Venezuela. All of these people had been assisting with the humanitarian exchange of hostages held by both sides in the long running dispute between FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and the Colombian government. Their names were said to have been found on the computer of Raul Reynes, 2IC of FARC, who was assassinated by the Colombian military on 1st March 2008 when they illegally invaded Ecuador and attacked what they said was a FARC base. Apart from the amazing coincidence of the find of this 'magic' computer (for more on that read this: http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/...-colombia-3-3-8 ) there is no problem with these peoples names being on the computer as they were involved in the peaceful resolution of the hostage situation and it would be likely they would be referred to in this information on both FARC and Colombian government computers. This is an extremely belligerent act by the Government of Colombia against several of their neighbours. Presidents Correa and Chavez are not going to do nothing if their personal friends are imprisoned on trumped up charges. Watch this space ]

When the scandal of 'parapolitics' has reached its highest peak, with 66 congressmen under investigation for alleged links with paramilitary groups, the Attorney General's Office yesterday began what could be the first chapter of a new phenomenon: the' Farcpolítica ' .

The judicial body compulsive copies to the Supreme Court to investigate alleged links with the FARC of congressmen Piedad Cordoba, the Liberal Party, and Wilson Borja and Gloria Ines Ramirez, the Democratic Pole.

"Analysis of Judicial Police in computers indicates that the Prosecutors' Office, immediately, compulsive copies to the Supreme Court because congressmen constitutional rights are spelled out," said Attorney General Mario Iguarán, who returned yesterday from the United States.

Also, the agency researcher settled nine more inquiries assigned to the National Unity Antiterrorism against journalists William Parra and Carlos Lozano, director of the weekly Voz, as well as the former minister Alvaro Leyva, former adviser Peace Lazaro Vivero and Liliana Patricia Obando, director An NGO.

Among those involved also are four foreign citizens who are engaged in the archives of computers.

They are Amilkar Figueroa, Venezuelan and Latin member of Parliament; Mary Augusta Street, Ecuadorian and a member of the National Constituent Assembly of that country; Ivan Larrea, Ecuadorian citizen, and American James Jones, a university professor.

The operating in that muri 'Raul Reyes' happened last March 1 in Ecuadorian territory. There were four computers and memories USB.Liliana Patricia Obando is a Colombian, director of the NGO Agro pursed; socióloga.En is an article written by her in 2006, criticized the government's actions in front of the Colombian armed insurgency.

The Prosecutor stated that all persons involved were "based on reports from the criminal investigation related to computers, Raul Reyes, after deep analysis implies that the FARC"

The decision was taken by the prosecution seven days after the Interpol return to the Colombian authorities seized computer equipment forensic shot to the head of FARC, Luis Edgar Devia Silva, alias "Raul Reyes, 'and confirmed that none of the 600' gigabytes' data changed by the Colombian authorities.

Iguarán explained that "preliminary analysis indicates that deep and alleged links to the FARC with the persons mentioned, the Prosecution, for the moment, decided this procedure even though the analysis of information continues."

For his part, Foreign Minister Fernando Araujo held that "in case that the prosecution requires that foreigners come to Colombia to answer for their crimes, the Foreign Ministry will handle its extradition request to the countries concerned."

Similar reaction said Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos who said that if someone is an accomplice of terrorist groups that will fall full weight of the law, after adding that "we knew this information, including before."


The former adviser Peace Lazaro Vivero said he had information that what happened today could be submitted, but "the only thing that one has done is make a management peace for the release of the hostages. And as a journalist, interviews that were published in print media in the country. "

He added that going to cope with the process, saying that "we are ready in case of giving the necessary explanations."

For its part, the representative said that Wilson Borja was unaware of the contents of documents that the prosecution referred to the Supreme Court, which prevented him from ruling on the matter.

"I am available to the authorities to forward relevant research, which is known for transparency in my actions," he said.

Senator Piedad Cordoba, who received the news in Cali, said that respond to the call made by the Supreme Court.

"It is no secret that this is a smokescreen to cover the more 'Yidispolítica and arrests of politicians close to the government."

Cordova said that despite the request of the Prosecutor will continue working for a humanitarian agreement. "This does not reverse, is an ethical position and what we are looking for with these accusations is to divert attention".

Meanwhile, journalist Carlos Lozano said that what surprised that people who appeared on the list are those who have been working on a public exchange on the issue of humanitarian and peace for Colombia.

Piedad Cordoba. The Liberal senator was one of the key chips in the issue of humanitarian agreement and is a person close to President Hugo Chávez. Cordova served as a facilitator in humanitarian agreement between the FARC and the government. With its mediation were released six hostages. In computers' Reyes', according to authorities, there is allusion to it with the nickname of 'Teodora Bolivar'. The postal van October 2007 to January 2008 and in them, 'Theodora' expressed discomfort with the Uribe government and was finalizing details of the meeting that she hold in the U.S. with alias Simon Trinidad and Sonia. It also discusses the role of mediator president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez.

Wilson Borja Díaz. It's representative to the House in Bogota, belongs to the Democratic Pole. He has militated in the Colombian Communist Party and the Patriotic Union. It has been one of the main advocates of political and negotiated solution to the Colombian armed conflict. As a representative of trade unions, participated in the Commission of Peace Facilitator in the meetings said that the government of Andres Pastrana and the ELN in Havana, Cuba.

After the attack on the camp Reyes, where the guerrilla was killed, said that after the military operation the Colombian authorities have "lied" about the details of how they were carried out.

Gloria Ines Ramirez. It Polo Democratic senator and former union leader. He insisted, accompanied by the congressman also Piedad Cordoba, the need for a humanitarian agreement and is stiff criticism of the Democratic Security policy.

He questioned the military operation where he died 'Raul Reyes', arguing that "it is impossible to believe the Government argues that when the operation ended with the death of' Raul Reyes' on Ecuadorian territory was a product of a confrontation. It should be noted that was carefully designed, calculated and planned as it was the National Government told the world Saturday morning, "said March 7.

Alvaro Leyva. Former minister. It works the theme of redemption. It is considered one of the partners of the FARC. Although it is mentioned in computers, their role is undermined by 'Theodora'. In one of the post, Reyes said that the work of Leyva should be ignored because of the "extraordinary" efforts of "our beloved senator" and adds that no "is more than a friend who know more than 20 years ago."

Lazaro Vivero. Journalist and former peace negotiator with the FARC in the government of President Andres Pastrana, interviewed on several occasions to "disappeared" Raul Reyes' and has been a constant critic of 'not to dispel' because it sees as the best opportunity for an exchange humanitarian. In his opinion column, after the death of 'Kings' said that "the hostages held by FARC face the risk of retaliation."

William Parra. Journalist. He lives in Venezuela and works for Telesur. A video of Captain Guillermo Solorzano, abducted in Florida, would be evidence against him. According to authorities, evidence of survival would have been manipulated so that the FARC sent to Paris for a meeting with Nicolas Sarkozy Hugo Chávez. It was also allegedly found him with several postal FARC.

Carlos Lozano. Director of Voice newspaper and a member of the Communist Party. According to the Prosecution, appears in post as delegate by FARC americas America. "A tour of Carlos Lozano by the Southern Cone, including Brazil. The idea is to see how you arrive at the media, universities, unions, NGOs parties. (...) In these tours we should not appear, but be very close. "


James C. Jones.

American Professor, former consultant of the UN Latin American issues. He has been in Colombia on several occasions and met the FARC during the peace process in the government of Andres Pastrana, when it served as an advisor to the Andean region to the UN.

Jones is mentioned in the computers of Reyes as the liaison between the FARC and some congressional Democrats in the United States.

In an email on October 26, 2007, Jones warmly welcomed Reyes and tells about a meeting with Democratic Congressman McGovern to discuss exchange and humanitarian situation in Colombia.

Ivan Marcelo Larrea.

He is the brother of current Security minister of Ecuador, Gustavo Larrea. He was a candidate for the presidency by the Bolivarian Alliance Alfaro Third Republic. Journalist and writer.

Mary Augusta Street.

It is deputy of the Constituent Assembly in Ecuador for the party 'Alliance Country' president Rafael Correa. It is linked to the Bolivarian Continental Coordination, which is speculated is the political arm of the FARC on the continent.

According to information from computers, the deputy would have had ties with Lidia Carmenza Devia, also appears where there are photographs with 'Simon Trinidad' and the guerrilla nickname 'hope', whose sentimental companion, aka 'Lucho' died in the raid in Ecuador. The photographs dating from 2003. The Ecuadorian is regarded as a leftist journalist. Street could be the person who signs letters with the nickname of 'Alice', according to authorities.

Amilkar Figueroa.

The Venezuelan is a member of the Latin American Parliament by Venezuela. It has been pointed out by links with the Bolivarian Continental Coordination and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement. The government of Peru is also investigating. It is mentioned in one of the post September 2007, where she participated as an intermediary for the purchase of weapons by the FARC.

In his own words

"We're coming to take all the investigations on justice. In the Senate has been said that we must define and defend the competition which has the Court and Justice to investigate. In all cases (FARC or AUC) must be respected" . Nancy P. Gutierrez, president of the Congress.

"This type of research, like those of the 'parapolitics' have to get to where necessary to know the truth." Helí Hector Rojas, spokesman for the Liberal Party in Congress.

"Although the computer 'Reyes' may contain information valid, the Court and the Prosecutor should make a strict legal and political analysis to establish the type of linkages that old people mentioned by the FARC." Gustavo Petro, a senator from Polo.

Edited by Maggie Hansen
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Colombian FARC rebel leader Marulanda is dead: army

May 25, 2008 - 8:37AM

The head of Colombia's Marxist FARC rebels, Manuel Marulanda, alias Sureshot, is dead, the army announced Saturday in a major development in its fight against the insurgency.

The Defense Ministry confirmed the news in a statement.

The weekly Semana magazine reported Saturday that Marulanda had died, citing the country's defense minister.

"According to the (intelligence) information that we have, Marulanda is already dead," Juan Manuel Santos was quoted as saying on the magazine's website, adding that he died of an illness on March 26.

The elusive Marulanda, alias "Tiro Fijo," meaning "Sure Shot," founded the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) over 40 years ago. He was last seen in public in 1982 and has been rumoured to be dead at least 17 times.

© 2008 AFP

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Probably wont make it to the mainstream English language media but is huge in the Latin American media right now.

Maggie the people were put under investigation not arrested. The amount of coverage in the English and Spanish language press was reasonably comparable. I did Google News searches in English and Spanish for the name Amilkar Figueroa, the Chavez ally since May 23, apparently some people spell his first name with ‘c’ instead of a ‘k’.

Using both spellings I got a total of 142 hits in the former search and 240 in the latter. Considering that the story takes place in a Spanish speaking country and 2 of the 12 people being investigated are prominent politicians from bordering countries and only one of them, an obscure American ‘consultant’, is not from a Spanish speaking country the differences if in these coverage levels is understandable

Spanish news search http://news.google.com/news?as_q=&svnu...ct=any&aq=f

English news search


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Probably wont make it to the mainstream English language media but is huge in the Latin American media right now.

Maggie the people were put under investigation not arrested. The amount of coverage in the English and Spanish language press was reasonably comparable. I did Google News searches in English and Spanish for the name Amilkar Figueroa, the Chavez ally since May 23, apparently some people spell his first name with ‘c’ instead of a ‘k’.

Using both spellings I got a total of 142 hits in the former search and 240 in the latter. Considering that the story takes place in a Spanish speaking country and 2 of the 12 people being investigated are prominent politicians from bordering countries and only one of them, an obscure American ‘consultant’, is not from a Spanish speaking country the differences if in these coverage levels is understandable

Spanish news search http://news.google.com/news?as_q=&svnu...ct=any&aq=f

English news search


Len I agree with you with regard to the English/Spanish stuff. No problem there. I long ago gave up expecting to see too much stuff reported in the English press of events from South/Central America unless it has a very direct US or English aspect which this doesn't. It is a mundo gringo after all. I just wanted to get something interesting that was happening in that part of the world into a forum where the language is English. And, yes, I tried to edit arrested to charged but found I could only edit for the body of the text not the title. I have the same issue with my news from Eastern Europe, another area I am often involved with, and its lack of coverage in the western media. I'm just thankful that I gave up my studies in Romanian and Latvian for more fruitful fields as the prospects of making a living translating looked extremely grim even then. Then came the google translator. Which is good, bad, and ugly all in one piece of software.

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Len I agree with you with regard to the English/Spanish stuff. No problem there. I long ago gave up expecting to see too much stuff reported in the English press of events from South/Central America unless it has a very direct US or English aspect which this doesn't. It is a mundo gringo after all. I just wanted to get something interesting that was happening in that part of the world into a forum where the language is English. And, yes, I tried to edit arrested to charged but found I could only edit for the body of the text not the title. I have the same issue with my news from Eastern Europe, another area I am often involved with, and its lack of coverage in the western media. I'm just thankful that I gave up my studies in Romanian and Latvian for more fruitful fields as the prospects of making a living translating looked extremely grim even then. Then came the google translator. Which is good, bad, and ugly all in one piece of software.

They don't even seem to have been charged only placed under investigation.

To me it seems natural that media outlets are more likely to report stories with a local angle, events in Fiji are more likely to be reported in the Australian than British or American press. Linguistic ties also make stories more news worthy, Events in Portugal are more likely to be reported in Brazil than Argentina.

Google News is a good resource, I imagine it is unlikely that you will fail to get hits for any significant event. Considering that a translation from Spanish to English which I assume is one of the 2 or 3 translations most in demand came out gibberish I can't imagine an auto translation from Latvian would help you shed much light on events from that part of the world

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