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Why not?

A: Bobby Davro

B: Greyfriars Bobby

C: Robert Kennedy

D: Bobby Shaftoe

Can I phone a friend please?

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Dayton Allen became famous for saying "Why not?" on the old Steve Allen Show. Thanks for reminding me.

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Charles was, I'm sure, making reference to RFK's words in his eulogy to MLK, two months before his own assassination.

"Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not?" - RFK

"Why not?" Because 40 years after his assassination, and after all the recent work by O’Sullivan and others to demonstrate the obvious (it was a conspiracy), you still get this crap from the mainstream media on the anniversary of his slaying:

"Townsend, now 56, was 16 when Sirhan Sirhan shot her father June 5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles." (Associated Press)


"Kennedy was shot by Sirhan B. Sirhan with an unregistered handgun." (Baltimore Sun)


Still determined, after all these years, not to tell the truth, or even be curious, or even mention recent research. WHY NOT?

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