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The tramp who killed his parents?

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Harold Doyle appears to have lost his vertical wrinkle over the years.


Edit: Apparently "jpg" doesn't work either.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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I'm using the img brackets provided by the software, as always.

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Thomas and All...

Not only are both of their collars turned up, both are also wearing polo type shirts under their jackets.

For quite some time I had noticed this resemblance, but had not mntioned it until just recently, on another forum.

I believe the photo James has attached of Michael Paine, is at a younger age. So, I am wondering if in a few years he did look even more like the "frenchie" tramp.

However, there is another photo, which is the most usual one shown, where he is older and IMO looks nothing like the younger photo nor like the "frenchie" tramp either. Could he have actually changed his looks that much or is something wrong with the photo? Strange since the younger one looks so much like "frenchie" in many ways....even though at this time, I don't feel that "frenchie" actually was Michael Paine.

Photo link


Michael Paine testified that he was at work on the morning of the assn. He was on his lunch break, with a co-op student (Dave Noel) at a nearby cafeteria. They had just been discussing the topic of "the character of an assassin" when a waitress told them that JFK had just been shot. Several gathered around a radio, but then the two of them left the cafeteria and went back to the office and turned the rasio on in the lab, where several other co-workers were gathered and had not yet heard the news. There is another version of this lunch time event in the testimony of Frank Krystinck

Testimony Of Michael R. Paine


Testimony of Raymond Franklin Krystinik




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Hi Thomas,

I must admit the whole tramps thing has me completely confused. I don't buy the official Doyle, Gedney and Abrams identifications but do give serious consideration to Charles Harrelson being the Tall Tramp.

'Frenchy' bears a striking resemblance to a Cuban exile mixed up with Operation Tilt but then again, 'Frenchy' looks somewhat like Michael Paine.

I don't think the Old Tramp was Chauncey Holt and while we are all guessing at identities, let's not forget that Fletcher Prouty and Victor Krulak identified the man passing the three men under police escort as being Edward Lansdale.


"I don't buy the official Doyle, Gedney and Abrams identifications but do give serious consideration to Charles Harrelson being the Tall Tramp."

I don't buy the official story either.

Alibis, witnesses and cover story substantiation can be bought at a modest cost.

I feel confident that EHH is one of the tramps and that the tall one may be CVH.

As to Frenchy, I just don't know.

Kudos to everyone on their astute observations on this thread (e.g. vertical vs. horizontal brow wrinkle, collar turned up notwithstanding the heat), though.

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