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Felipe Vidal Santiago

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Felip Vidal Santiago has been credited with being the primary anti-Castro Cuban source of the information that President Kennedy was going to open backchannel communications with Castro.

This leak suposidly originated with an attorney for an anti-Castro Cuban organization who learned it from a Kennedy aide who heard it from Henry Cabot Lodge.

My problem with all of this is the date, December, 1962, long before any actual backchannel communcations were established (ie. Howard, Daniel).

Did JFK decide, in Decembrer, 1962, once a deal for the release of the Bay of Pigs prisoners (and John Martino) were finalized, to establish such a back channel before there actually was one?

Or was there another leak, at the time of the backchannels - April - June - Nov., 1963?


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Felip Vidal Santiago has been credited with being the primary anti-Castro Cuban source of the information that President Kennedy was going to open backchannel communications with Castro.

This leak suposidly originated with an attorney for an anti-Castro Cuban organization who learned it from a Kennedy aide who heard it from Henry Cabot Lodge.

My problem with all of this is the date, December, 1962, long before any actual backchannel communcations were established (ie. Howard, Daniel).

Did JFK decide, in Decembrer, 1962, once a deal for the release of the Bay of Pigs prisoners (and John Martino) were finalized, to establish such a back channel before there actually was one?

Or was there another leak, at the time of the backchannels - April - June - Nov., 1963?


The bay of pigs debacle, well anticipated by the Cubans, did result in a more positive Kruschev-Kennedy dialogue, initiated by Kennedy, from memory, Kruschev took some time to warming to it but appears to have done so. A faux Cuban invation of Haiti was staged to destabilise things. Wonder what if anything G. DeM. had to do with this? Another thing is Walker licking his wounds following his at and after the Oxford uprising. Kennedy even went so far as to withhold honors of ditinguished service to personnell on the scene in order to not inflame the situation. Katzenbach soon after had a relatively simple decicive result in Alabama, whenthe Gov made a symbolic protest and stepped aside. This, I suggest, is about the time that the fight agains desegregation went partly underground as the legal avenues were being exhausted. Besides, Hugo Black had ruled on constitutional law, making an organisation, even the white house, or presidency, an 'individual' and hence covered by the rights of association and privacy accorded to individuals in the constitutution. A flurry of private schools that for a time emptied public schools followed later. From memory Tulane held out the longest, though some barriers weren't down till Tiger Woods, for example. JE Day (PMG 'sacked' by Kennedy) tried to keep the status quo in the USPO by getting embroiled in an attack on a black postal worker. Perhaps the Cheney loophole has some genesis in Black's interpretations?

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