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Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American Eugenicist

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Here are some of the many postings which have the keyword "Kloepfer" embedded therein:

There is apparently more than meets the eye regarding this simple little entry in Oswald's notebook for

the address and phone number of the Kloepfers... Both Ferrie and Ruby had contacts with these or other

Kloepfers. And Ruby's issues with gonorrhea, prostate and seminal discharge combined with "facial bruising

and contusions" strongly support his identification as a homosexual, like Ferrie and Shaw and maybe Oswald.

And apparently at least one of the Kloepfers owned a residential property with Clay Shaw in joint name which

might have been the site of the infamous "Fag Balls" documented by various photos and documents. One

of my former neighbors was a homosexual and about once a year it was noticed that he suffered from

"facial bruising and contusions" as a result of getting a severe beating after making a pass at the wrong person.

So Ruby had the motive of silencing Oswald to hide Ruby's participation in the JFK plot as well as to hide his

participation with Ferrie and Oswald plus Shaw in various "Fag Balls" along with his co-operative Dr. Kloepfer

who treated Ruby for 6-7 years for various maladies. Kloepfer was involved with Dr. Joly at one time as well

in the MK/ULTRA conundrum according to Greg Parker as I recall. So truly Ruby and Oswald were victims

of programmed mind control operations, either the BK/ULTRA or MK/ULTRA varieties. Did MK stand for

"Manchurian Kandidate" or "Mind Kontrol' or both perhaps?

Did I mention that the polaroid photo of the person I thought was Jaroslaw Stetzko (Stetsko) taken at

the Vonsiatsky estate around the Fall of 1963 has been identifed as a highly probable match for that Nazi eugenicist

and euthanizer from the Ukrainian Nightengale Division, in Lvov, Ukraine in 1941? Well he just was in fact and now

I am sending photos of his wife to see if that matches up as well. This would be yet another major coup for me.

Goto first unread

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JFK Assassination Debate John Simkin 99 15306 Today, 02:44 PM

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Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American Eugenicist

Ruth Paine introduced Oswald to Kloepfer as part of MK/ULTRA JFK Assassination Debate John Bevilaqua 10 222 Today, 12:59 AM

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The Thresher Incident * 1234

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Clendenin J. Ryan - Baltimore millionaire and CIA funder * 12

Ulius S. Amoss, IIS, American Mercury, YAF and Doug Caddy JFK Assassination Debate John Bevilaqua 28 1782 3rd February 2009 - 07:57 PM

Last post by: John Bevilaqua

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by Jim DiEugenio JFK Assassination Debate Ronald R. Williams 20 2370 9th July 2008 - 03:32 AM

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Ferrie and Tulane

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? Mr. Oswald...do you own a rifle ? * 12

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Part of a very large plan?

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I am currently re-reading the same book. As for a direct Kloepfer/Draper connection, it is plausible enough although apparently John has not completely nailed it down as yet. Did Kloepfer leave papers? It seems that during his liftetime most of Draper's contributions did not go through the Pioneer Fund and unfortunately most of the actual records are unavailable. The Twins study is one of the few Pioneer-related studies that everyone agrees had actual scientific value.

Nailing down Draper and The Pioneer Fund activity over the decades is like trying to nail jello to a wall... And without

the confirmation of Roy Hargraves, Mary Ferrell's best reluctant informant, we would never have even gotten this far either...

Thanks, Roy. You convinced Mary, and that was a tough road to hoe...

Here is a good start though, relating to the Eugenics Archive on the Twin Studies from Mengele to Kloepfer...


And I dare you all to read these short chapters on The Mankind Quarterly (ManCruel Quarterly) and

its links to MK/ULTRA via Ray S. Cline, to WACL via Cline and Roger Pearson, plus its links to none

other than Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, Oswald's mind controller from The Pioneer Fund...

And wait till you realize that Robert Gayre linked up with H. L. Hunt, N. B. Hunt, Senator Jesse

Helms on a topic called The Racial Preservation Society... and that Gayre was at the University

of Saugor in India when Wickliffe Draper was there. Yes, we see...

And the only CIA type in all these chapters was Ray S. Cline... Don't let that close your mind.

That is exactly what they wanted to happen... Nazis come in all shapes, forms and sizes and for

a long time neither the United Nations nor the OSS was penetrated by them. But then it happened.









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Interesting documents from post Cuban Missiles Crisis 1962



You should also look into the original thread "Tobacco Companies 100 years of deceit" that was "locked" by moderator Evan Burton. The latter part of that thread covers the role of RJR , Draper, Bowman Medical Center in the practice of eugenics and sterilization against Afro Americans in Winston Salem. One of the forum members father was a high ranking executive at RJR and as a result of this fact, the thread was shut down to prevent any further inquiry/publicity.


Edited by Terry Mauro
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Interesting documents from post Cuban Missiles Crisis 1962



You should also look into the original thread "Tobacco Companies 100 years of deceit" that was "locked" by moderator Evan Burton. The latter part of that thread covers the role of RJR , Draper, Bowman Medical Center in the practice of eugenics and sterilization against Afro Americans in Winston Salem. One of the forum members father was a high ranking executive at RJR and as a result of this fact, the thread was shut down to prevent any further inquiry/publicity.


Here is the link to the Winston-Salem series of articles about Wickliffe Draper, RJR, Eugenics and the Bowman Gray Medical Center

at Wake Forest University. The Grays later became involved with US Intelligence agencies and they participated in various aspects

of MK/ULTRA Mind Control. See Gordon Gray, Bowman Gray and Boyden Gray. As it turns out the Grays were the mysterious

and unnamed "Baltimore based" Eugenics family deeply involved with the JFK Assassination. This reference was hidden in a story

about Clendenin J. Ryan and Ulius L. Amoss, both also from Baltimore who were apparently the first persons to utilize MK/ULTRA

based training as a weapon against elected or appointed leaders of foreign countries. And Ray S. Cline, through Robert Emmett

Johnson, and his contacts in the World Anti-Communist League used MK/ULTRA training in the MLK, RFK and JFK assassinations.

Johnson also machine-gunned Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador while he was saying Mass in a cathedral filled with parishoners.

What a bunch of swell guys!

There is still time to explore the role of Wickliffe Draper in major events of the 20th Century. You remember what Paul Weyrich

said about The Pioneer Fund, right? Because of them, the entire history of the 20th Century will someday have to be re-written

in order to account for their efforts at affecting, changing and distorting history. The Hidden History of the 20th Century is about

to be uncloaked. Stay tuned.


Here is more on the Grays, the Bushes, the Drapers and their roles in the use of Mind Control to convince people that smoking was harmless

for anyone and everyone. Sort of like the same tactics used against the victims of euthanasia programs by the Nazis at Auschwitz and elsewhere.

History will not look too kindly on any attempts to suppress the discussion of these articles and these topics on this forum just because

someone involved with this forum had a father who used to work for RJR Tobacco Company. It is no coincidence that MK/ULTRA related

"scientists" funded by Draper or otherwise like Dr. Hans J. Ensenck, Dr. William Kloepfer and Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer were involved in BOTH

mind control for assassination using bullets and mind control for murder using cigarettes. And it centered mostly around Wickliffe P. Draper

of The Pioneer Fund. He also used Mind Control to justify and expedite The Holocaust, McCarthyism, Racism, anti-Semitism, the Cold War,

Involuntary Sterilization, the persecution of Sacco and Vanzetti, The Hollywood Ten Blacklisting Campaigns and similar acts against all of

humanity. He and his cohorts must be exposed, disrupted, denigrated, degraded, deposed and disenfranchised before it is too late.


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Interesting documents from post Cuban Missiles Crisis 1962



You should also look into the original thread "Tobacco Companies 100 years of deceit" that was "locked" by moderator Evan Burton. The latter part of that thread covers the role of RJR , Draper, Bowman Medical Center in the practice of eugenics and sterilization against Afro Americans in Winston Salem. One of the forum members father was a high ranking executive at RJR and as a result of this fact, the thread was shut down to prevent any further inquiry/publicity.




John Bardeen

Felix Bloch

Edward A. Doisy

Joseph Erlanger

William F. Giauque

Donald A. Glaser

Edward C. Kendall

Polykarp Kusch

Joshua Lederberg

Hermann J. Muller - German Eugenicist and Population Control expert

John H. Northrop - perhaps of Northrup Grumman Aviation family (?)

Edward M. Purcell

Dickinson Richards

William Shockley - Pioneer Fund grantee and inventor of the transistor

Wendell M. Stanley

Harold C. Urey

Sehnan A. Walcsman

Thomas H. Weller

G. H. Whipple


Frank W. Abrams

Russell H. Bennett

Harry A. Bullis

Henry B. Cabot - United Fruit "banana slave plantation owner"

Cass Canfield, Sr.

Will Clayton

Randolph P. Compton

Lammot dup. Copeland - du Pont family member who opposed Nye Committee in limiting wartime profiteering

John Cowles, Sr.

William H. Draper, Jr. - on the United Nations Population Control Commission - attempted to impose involuntary birth control in Africa for decades

Marriner S. Eccles

Leland Hazard

F. Peavey Heffelfinger

Hans W. Huber

Walter Johnson

Thomas S. Lamont - Partner at Draper's J. P. Morgan who financed the Lamont Library at Harvard University and favored eugenics

David E. Lilienthal - part of syndicate owning The American Mercury at one time along with Alfred Lilienthal

Thomas McCabe (familiar name)

Fowler McCormick

Hugh Moore - Head of Margaret Sangers Population Control efforts

John Nuveen - of the Nuveen Bond Fund empire from Baltimore

Charles H. Percy - Senator from Illinois active in Captive Nations Committees

Elmo Roper

Sidney A. Swensrud

The Hon. William H. Vanderbilt - of the Vanderbilt Railroad empire, more sons of robber barons

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  • 2 months later...

to address some of your points:

1: Family denies any blood relationship to William.

2: Family says Warner was always applying to various foundations for funding - usually with little success. I did once find an indication of funding from a Brown Bros foundation, but that didn't ring any bells with them.

3. William K worked in the space industry for Areojet and Chrysler Corp; for the Navy as an engineer in testing undersea warfare ordnance and in cryogenics among an interesting career.

Ah yes, the Brown Bros. Foundation as in Brown Brothers, Harriman as I recall. I think Mrs. Averill Harriman organized the First Intl Eugenics Conference, and the Harriman family was one of the 3 biggest original funders of the American Eugenics Society (Warner Kloepfer was a member) along with the Drapers and the Rockefellers, too. One way or the other, I honestly believe that this Kloepfer link may be one of the few mistakes made by the nexus of characters surrounding Oswald regarding his links to the Osborn, Paine and Draper Eugenics entities. The others being the "textile company" reference overheard at the Giesbrecht Incident related to The American Mercury and Gerald B. Winrod from Wichita, Kansas and the Anastase Vonsiatsky references (Draper's neighbor and his employee for decades) and the links from Wickliffe Preston Draper through his first cousin Andrew Preston, from The Boston Fruit Company, one of the founders of United Fruit owned by the Forbes', the Prestons', the Lodges' and the Dulles Brothers as well as Robert E. Wood head of The America First Committee and the America First Party run by Gerald L K Smith.

Remeber all I am doing is "confirming" via a paper trail what has been disclosed to me, one way or the other, by Roy Hargraves, Richard Giesbrecht, Richard Condon and Dick Russell's unknown informant. I am not just creating, hypothecating or otherwise fabricating links and leads from paper trails and vague theories. I start with eyewitness or earwitness testimony and then correlate and integrate information into a usually logical whole.

The other important thing to remember is that Eugenics started out as a classic social do-gooder project among the rich and elite but moved very

quickly from Draper to Vonsiatsky to Hitler and became a total abomination with evil intentions. When Draper started his involuntary sterilization programs

at the Bowman Gray Medical School at Wake Forest even he did not think that it would result in over 75,000 involuntary sterilizations. There are times when

I would like to exonerate the Harrimans and the Rockefellers from guilt in their original Eugenics experiments because they never took things to the extreme

levels followed by Draper and Company. But without their original support and encouragement, Draper's efforts would have led to little or nothing. When Eben

Draper, Jr. travelled to Detroit to lay seige to Dr. Ossian Sweet's home in the 1920's or the 1930's you had to have the feeling that Eugenics and Racism was the Draper family business. In fact it was. I only got onto the Draper Trail after he was one of the topics of discussion at the Giesbrecht Incident, but when I

found out that he had persecuted and prosecuted Sacco and Vanzetti and Alger Hiss he became suspect number one. When I realized that Nagell had given up

the names of Vonsiatsky cohorts like Wrangel and Wheeler-Hill to Dick Russell, I knew that the Willoughby, Draper and Vonsiatsky trails were the right ones.

Then when Prof. William Tucker found the Draper correspondence to Lt. Gen. Pedro A. del Valle, the only Puerto Rican born Eugenicist in world history, I knew

that everything I had been working on was coming to fruition. Doug Blackmon's work on the Miss Sov Comm files relating to Draper and the work by the Winston-Salem Journal reportor, Bogos, on Involuntary Sterilization made it all the clearer. Have any of you had a dozen or more major newspaper chains do massive series of articles on YOUR investigative leads? Still waiting. Maybe the NY Times will do a series on "Nanothermite at the WTC" but don't hold your breath on that one. Or how about "Aliens and the JFK murder?". Hmmmm.... guess not. Or Images of Badgeman through the bushes. Fuhgettaboudit.

Or Alien Autopsies by Philip J. Corso and John Armstrong. Not possible. Any other topics?

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