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Ron Ecker

Ron Ecker

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I’m Ron Ecker in Florida. I received my BA in English at the University of Florida in 1964, and spent two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Peru. I earned a Masters in Library Science degree at Florida State University, and spent almost 20 years as a librarian with the state of Florida.

During those years I also wrote books, and took early retirement in 2000 to become a full-time writer. My books include the Dictionary of Science and Creationism, And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible, The Evolutionary Tales: Rhyme and Reason on Creation/Evolution, and the vampire novel (writing as William Pridgen) Night of the Dragon’s Blood. My complete modern-English translation of The Canterbury Tales has been a widely adopted text in college and university literature courses.

My website includes electronic editions of And Adam Knew Eve and The Evolutionary Tales, a collection of unproduced screenplays, and Ecker’s JFK Web Page.

I began researching the JFK assassination in the 1980s, after reading my library's copy of David Lifton’s Best Evidence.

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