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Dean Hagerman

Dean Hagerman

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I began researching the JFK assassination at the very young age of 9 back in 1988. My grandfather was a researcher from the day JFK was assassinated, he bought every book that came out on the case as well as mags/newspaper and other JFK related things.

He passed all of his JFK stuff down to me. The first book I read was JFK: The Case For Conspiracy by Robert Groden followed by Best Evidence by David Lifton. When I started to get into the assassination back in the late 80s three books were released that got me involved 100% they were High Treason, Crossfire and On The Trail of the Assassins. Ever since reading those books I have read just about every book written on JFK.

I am an Alterationist

Edited by Dean Hagerman
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Thank you John for allowing me to join

Alot of guys already know me and I know most of you

Just to start out here is a top 10 list of my favorite books so you guys who dont know me can get an idea of where I stand (I am an alterationist)

1. Bloody Treason (Twyman)

2. Best Evidence (Lifton)

3. Crossfire (Marrs)

4. High Treason (Groden)

5. Conspiracy (Summers)

6. The Umbrella Man (Cutler)

7. Post Mortem (Weisberg)

8. The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (Fetzer)

9. Six Seconds In Dallas (Thompson)

10. JFK: The Case For Conspiracy (Groden)

I own over 200 books on the assassination (most passed on from my grandpa) all of Penn Jones and Harold Weisbergs books (originals)

I feel very lucky to part of this forum that is full of great researchers

I cant wait to get involved

Thanks again John

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Thank you John for allowing me to join

Alot of guys already know me and I know most of you

Just to start out here is a top 10 list of my favorite books so you guys who dont know me can get an idea of where I stand (I am an alterationist)

1. Bloody Treason (Twyman)

2. Best Evidence (Lifton)

3. Crossfire (Marrs)

4. High Treason (Groden)

5. Conspiracy (Summers)

6. The Umbrella Man (Cutler)

7. Post Mortem (Weisberg)

8. The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (Fetzer)

9. Six Seconds In Dallas (Thompson)

10. JFK: The Case For Conspiracy (Groden)

I own over 200 books on the assassination (most passed on from my grandpa) all of Penn Jones and Harold Weisbergs books (originals)

I feel very lucky to part of this forum that is full of great researchers

I cant wait to get involved

Thanks again John

Dean, it is great to have you as a member.

Have you read Larry Hancock's "Someone Would Have Talked?" I consider it is the most important of all the books published on the case. Although it is not directly about the JFK case, Jeff Morley's "Our Man in Mexico" is a must read. Two other classics not on your list: The Last Investigation (Gaeton Fonzi) and The Man Who Knew Too Much (Dick Russell).

Other books that have been published over the last few years that are worth reading include Brothers: The Hidden History (David Talbot), JFK and the Unspeakable (James Douglas), Breach of Trust (Gerald McKnight), Blood, Money and Power (Barr McClellan), JFK Assassination Debates (Michael Kurtz), The Road to Dallas (David Kaiser), A Farewell to Justice (Joan Mellen), Praise from a Future Generation (John Kelin) and On the Trail of the JFK Assassins (Dick Russell).

You can get details of these books here:


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Thanks for listing those books

Of the books you listed I have read/own

The Last Investigation (Fonzi)

The Hidden History (Talbot)

JFK and the Unspeakable Douglas)

JFK Assassination Debates (Kurtz)

A Farewell to Justice (Joan Mellen)

I really want to read/buy Larry Hancock's book as well as Dick Russell's

I am always adding to my library and am willing to read any book on the JFK case, right now I am reading (for the second time, only very slowly this time) "A Deeper, Darker Truth" by Don Philips

I like this book, I have been waiting to see Tom Wilson's work be published for the last 15 years

If anyone was at all interested in Wilson's work pick this book up

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