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backyard photo

Jack White

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Among all the MANY anomalies in the BYPs [multiple!], I dare anyone to stand at the angle 'Oswald' is standing and not fall over....or cry in pain having your finger tips cut-off....or complain not having your own chin on.....or be carrying two papers that represented opposing viewpoints...or having body proportions that don't match to the paper's known size, problems with the rifle, or the shadows being all wrong or the impossibility of hand held identical photo positions et al.....most of these first pointed out by Jack White. 

Doubt creators for doubt's sake are only here to create confusion and doubt and discredit good researchers [iMO] - while only really discrediting themselves and gives aid and comfort those in our society who were behind [or later covering up] these conspiratorial [not coincidental] crimes, and the CLEAR evidence of them before us. Cui bono from all this 'doubt' and rancid smoke and mirrors for doubt, smoke, and mirror's sake?

Great post Peter I was :lol: at the pain of having your fingertips cut off

Hey deano, why not give us your expert analysis of why you know the fingers are too short. That should be good for some grins tonight.

Peter is a Hall of Famer

Your still in Little League Craig

Yea, Lumpkin is in the A-holes hall of fame to be sure. He loves calling folks Nazi's. Really nice guy that Lumpkin.

And he's just like you deano...along with your master Jack. None of you can fight your eway out of a paper bag when it comes to photography.

Now about those stubby fingers deano...

Little league, eh,? Heck you don't even understand the game...

Jack's study? ROFLMAO!

Do you need a link to Jacks study?

Jack's study? ROFLMAO!

Lordy Lordy, deano believes! lordy lordy, deano BELIEVES!

You are such a lemming.

Now about those stubby fingers...got ANYTHING besides your undying love for White?

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