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An inference from extant and

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. Having spent a cuple of years now ravaging the online Mississippi Sovereignty Files certain inferences can be drawn.

Just some examples (thats all) : Kennedy and any of his supporters, from Lane to Judge Warren, are tarred and feathered. Others like Dulles, Smoot, Walker, orgs like the Citizens Councils and Certain media outlets are lauded : There is complicity to be inferred with matters such as The Mississippi Three, schoolbook selection, co operation and non cooperation with an apparent schism within the FBI, Falsification smothering the US particularly the South with matters pertaining to the Civil Rights campaign, there, particularly again, The Mississippi Three (and the tangential inferences to be drawn from the coroner, doctor police/roadpatrol, arms dealings (here perhaps an indication of Banisters fate), extremist individuals and apparent non entities conspiring on matters from sanctioned murders (pre -post) to record, reasults, falsification...the righteous supremacist misrepresentation of reality and its incredibly brutal regimes....

and last, but not least, almost NOTHING (re doc dates) from the time around the assassination except a shuffling around of persons and aims, inferring the dramatic yet unreferred to (non-extant) (docs that one expects to be there), documents of a type that are following a vein before the assassination, >[]< and then continues, yet somehow morphs, weeks, months later (interestingly Simms photo/film services in Dallas may yield interesting facts).

... Anyway there is so much there, but it MUST have been culled, ( just as the as yet unreleased Alabama ones are possibly near uncullable :lol: ), an indication of an interesting oversight that makes Bush non existant, yet (not quite unintelligeble, overstamped partially on a poor qual doc), there he is, lurking in the corner of Thurmonds pro Walker committee. So, while Prescott is clearly there, a search (as of a coupla years ago) indicates no name indexing, while names of schoolkids are all over the place in the index ; ie an incredible amount of nothing (interestingly particularly pertaining to Texas)?


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Perhaps one can name the

Executive Branch as the Louisiana Sovereignty comission;

The Propaganda and Intelligence gathering and dissemination (led during a significant time bY Zack Van Landringham (ex Hoover aid) and his resources like the southern intelligence network and the k lan investigation Bureau, the KBI, and others, including prominent Gov personell) being the Mississippi Sovereignty Comission,

and (possibly) the more rabid and clandestine Alabama version: the Armed wing.

In the middle of that could be Texas (and the heart of Texas is Dallas, and the heart of Dallas is downtown, and the heart of downtown is Dealey Plaza.). where the Battle Flag of the Confederacy flew high.

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. Having spent a cuple of years now ravaging the online Mississippi Sovereignty Files certain inferences can be drawn.

Just some examples (thats all) : Kennedy and any of his supporters, from Lane to Judge Warren, are tarred and feathered. Others like Dulles, Smoot, Walker, orgs like the Citizens Councils and Certain media outlets are lauded : There is complicity to be inferred with matters such as The Mississippi Three, schoolbook selection, co operation and non cooperation with an apparent schism within the FBI, Falsification smothering the US particularly the South with matters pertaining to the Civil Rights campaign, there, particularly again, The Mississippi Three (and the tangential inferences to be drawn from the coroner, doctor police/roadpatrol, arms dealings (here perhaps an indication of Banisters fate), extremist individuals and apparent non entities conspiring on matters from sanctioned murders (pre -post) to record, reasults, falsification...the righteous supremacist misrepresentation of reality and its incredibly brutal regimes....

and last, but not least, almost NOTHING (re doc dates) from the time around the assassination except a shuffling around of persons and aims, inferring the dramatic yet unreferred to (non-extant) (docs that one expects to be there), documents of a type that are following a vein before the assassination, >[]< and then continues, yet somehow morphs, weeks, months later (interestingly Simms photo/film services in Dallas may yield interesting facts).

... Anyway there is so much there, but it MUST have been culled, ( just as the as yet unreleased Alabama ones are possibly near uncullable :rolleyes: ), an indication of an interesting oversight that makes Bush non existant, yet (not quite unintelligeble, overstamped partially on a poor qual doc), there he is, lurking in the corner of Thurmonds pro Walker committee. So, while Prescott is clearly there, a search (as of a coupla years ago) indicates no name indexing, while names of schoolkids are all over the place in the index ; ie an incredible amount of nothing (interestingly particularly pertaining to Texas)?


John, your work on the MissSovComm files and on the right wing extremists has been an inspiration to us all in the JFK case. You are one of the very few who sees through the smoke and the mirrors to get to the core of composition of the JFK haters and the JFK plotters. Thank you for your persistence and your insistence that this nexus of White Supremacists were the most logical ones to be motivated enough to execute the actual plot, plus the cover-up and the scapegoating of Oswald.

Tell me more about this Senator J. Strom Thurmond role with the Walker defenders groups. This was about "muzzling the military" and the pro-Blue campaign, right?

The Thurmond character in ManCand by Condon was "Senator Thomas Jordan" an almost PERFECT ANAGRAM for "J. Strom Thormond", the God of War, try it for yourself.

Thurmond also appeared in movie version of "The Strange Ordeal of Otto Otepka" with Robert J. Morris and James B. Utt US Rep from California. There are 7 more GIF image articles pulled from the Robert Morris files at the MissSovComm, mostly about Martin Luther King though. Morris was one of the big wigs pushing the thesis that MLK was a Communist and a chaser of "white women" which escaped my examination.

You know, Eastland, Thurmond, Goldwater, Dirksen, Tower and the other Senators did not even need the CIA to pull off this entire operation whatsoever. They had their own former FBI agents, their own Army Intel bastidges, their own Stasi with the MissSovComm, their own Gestapo, their Stormtroopers their Waffen SS, everything they needed. Most of all they had the KKK and the Shickshinny Knights of Malta. Morris and Willoughby on the American Security Council along with Cline, Angleton and Frawley, too, but for my money Cline and Angleton were never really in favor of a democracy, they were Nazis, Fascists and self-serving money grubbers using anti-Communism to raise funds to line their pockets.

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Perhaps one can name the

Executive Branch as the Louisiana Sovereignty comission;

The Propaganda and Intelligence gathering and dissemination (led during a significant time bY Zack Van Landringham (ex Hoover aid) and his resources like the southern intelligence network and the k lan investigation Bureau, the KBI, and others, including prominent Gov personell) being the Mississippi Sovereignty Comission,

and (possibly) the more rabid and clandestine Alabama version: the Armed wing.

In the middle of that could be Texas (and the heart of Texas is Dallas, and the heart of Dallas is downtown, and the heart of downtown is Dealey Plaza.). where the Battle Flag of the Confederacy flew high.

Have to find out who said this, but it is quite telling:

"...Kennedy was killed because he wanted to teach the Nigras how to read and how to vote and how to join the Unions and all that."

After all, Lincoln was killed because he would not keep his cotton pickin' hand off the 'cotton pickers' plight. And he was killed by Draper cronies. And Mary Todd

Lincoln actually married a Draper as her second husband. And Booth hid out at Garrett's Farm, the grandfather of The Pioneer Fund Garrett from Columbia. And when both United Fruit and Boston Fruit created Banana slave plantations in Latin America, and Draper created New England textile mill slave plantations, the pattern was firmly set. Keep your banana peelin' and 'cotton pickin' hands off our little robber baron slave empires. If you won't help us topple unfriendly Banana Dictators and Regimes like those run by Castro, Arbenz, Bosch and others we will damn well do it ourselves. And the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Grand Poohbahs started both the FBI (Bonaparte, OSJ) and the CIA (Wild Bill Donovan, OSJ). And when they decided that JFK was just not 'Catholic' enough, was just not 'Militant' enough and was just not 'anti-Communist enough' the Shickshinny Knights of Malta launched a "Christian Anti-Communist Crusade" AGAINST JFK as if he were the heathen and the infidel and the ComSymp traitor.

Saladin was no match for the Crusaders. Kennedy was no match for these Crusaders. Hussein and Khomeni were no match either. The Muslims and the Islamic infidels are now in the cross hairs of these Crusaders for Christ the King. It might take 100 more years, but the American Century of Henry Luce and Bill Clinton will be advanced and supported by the Rise of the Fourth Reich, so help me God.

And so it was written.

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Perhaps one can name the

Executive Branch as the Louisiana Sovereignty comission;

The Propaganda and Intelligence gathering and dissemination (led during a significant time bY Zack Van Landringham (ex Hoover aid) and his resources like the southern intelligence network and the k lan investigation Bureau, the KBI, and others, including prominent Gov personell) being the Mississippi Sovereignty Comission,

and (possibly) the more rabid and clandestine Alabama version: the Armed wing.

In the middle of that could be Texas (and the heart of Texas is Dallas, and the heart of Dallas is downtown, and the heart of downtown is Dealey Plaza.). where the Battle Flag of the Confederacy flew high.

What are you trying to say? No documents exist from Texas or Dallas re the Kennedy Assassination?


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Yes, ''almost NOTHING (re doc dates)'' about the actual assassination. A fair amount pre and post, but most of the docs I've so far read, that are dated from that timeframe, are concerning reshuffling of personell, people leaving and new ones appointed.

The Medgar Evers assassination some months previously ( described as a political assassination ) receives extensive attention. ( The similarities are striking and should Oswald have been judged in a similar way as Byron DelaBeckwith, with far more evidence of his guilt than Oswald, he would have been acquitted, as Byron was. However that's not what the MSC was about. )

So, the near complete absence of contemporary documentation re Kennedy in Dallas stands out. As Kennedy was THE enemy (Civil Rights act of 1963) and the sep/oct '62 Ole Miss insurrection by Walker and Co also is detailed plus the clear attempt to misrepresent the event with films such as ''Oxford ?'' (withdrawn after a viewer who was present sent the comission a damaging letter in '65) it strikes me that the contemporary documentation re 11/22/63 is a glaring omission.

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Sorry, I missed your posts John, thank you. Much of my inspiration has come from Tom Puvis as far as directions of research goes, and lately your detailled analysis of a number of events. Though we all vary on issues, I think the the tentative conclusions to be drawn are homogenous.

Yes, its the ''Muzzling of the Military'' in support of Walker.

A comittee formed by Thurmond following Walkers reassignment and resignation over the Pro-Blue contravention of Kennedys explicit orders that he, as president, is the spokesman of foreign policy, not any other Government employee.

I agree that they did not need the CIA (and the FBI) per se as they had within these agencies ample support from persons, ex and otherwise, plus related informers such as Harry Holmes and other Postal Inspectors (plus likely JE Day, PMG till mid 63) also involved in the illegal mail opening campaigns. (The CIA and FBI would certainly have vested interests in supporting and condoning a coverup, but afa the agencies as a whole they were redundant.)

The commonality of interests (quite apart from the coincidences) of Nazis in the German government like Ewald Peters and other far right militia persons seems to me to present a cohesive hypothesis which, since the assassination, all avenues of research have been strenuously ignored and diverted from, which is how I'd like it to be if I was part of this Fascist Conspiracy. In fact the earliest post assassination diversions were precicely of that nature and the earliest reactions by Kennedy supporters was to see it as a Civil Rights issue, even indicated by statements by Jackie, mirroring the words of Emmett Tills mothers response to having a closed coffin for her son 10 years previously, with regards to changing her blood stained clothes ''No, let them see what they have done''.

EDIT : typo(s)

Edited by John Dolva
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. Having spent a cuple of years now ravaging the online Mississippi Sovereignty Files certain inferences can be drawn.

Just some examples (thats all) : Kennedy and any of his supporters, from Lane to Judge Warren, are tarred and feathered. Others like Dulles, Smoot, Walker, orgs like the Citizens Councils and Certain media outlets are lauded : There is complicity to be inferred with matters such as The Mississippi Three, schoolbook selection, co operation and non cooperation with an apparent schism within the FBI, Falsification smothering the US particularly the South with matters pertaining to the Civil Rights campaign, there, particularly again, The Mississippi Three (and the tangential inferences to be drawn from the coroner, doctor police/roadpatrol, arms dealings (here perhaps an indication of Banisters fate), extremist individuals and apparent non entities conspiring on matters from sanctioned murders (pre -post) to record, reasults, falsification...the righteous supremacist misrepresentation of reality and its incredibly brutal regimes....

and last, but not least, almost NOTHING (re doc dates) from the time around the assassination except a shuffling around of persons and aims, inferring the dramatic yet unreferred to (non-extant) (docs that one expects to be there), documents of a type that are following a vein before the assassination, >[]< and then continues, yet somehow morphs, weeks, months later (interestingly Simms photo/film services in Dallas may yield interesting facts).

... Anyway there is so much there, but it MUST have been culled, ( just as the as yet unreleased Alabama ones are possibly near uncullable :ice ), an indication of an interesting oversight that makes Bush non existant, yet (not quite unintelligeble, overstamped partially on a poor qual doc), there he is, lurking in the corner of Thurmonds pro Walker committee. So, while Prescott is clearly there, a search (as of a coupla years ago) indicates no name indexing, while names of schoolkids are all over the place in the index ; ie an incredible amount of nothing (interestingly particularly pertaining to Texas)?


John, You are correct in your assumption regarding the MSC files. They have been cleansed, as have almost all the relevant collections we have been through in the South. Time after time we would see that the period between 1962-early 64' were either missing or very scant. When they first announced that the MSC files would be opened up, we called the State Archives in Jackson Miss. to arrange to see them. They told us there was a delay in the release of certain parts of the collection and that the full files would not be available until later that year. I think that they pulled some 'sensitive' material out then. In fact the archivist told us when we did go down there, that some things had been removed for "privacy reasons" Riiiiiight!


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Sorry, I missed your posts John, thank you. Much of my inspiration has come from Tom Puvis as far as directions of research goes, and lately your detailled analysis of a number of events. Though we all vary on issues, I think the the tentative conclusions to be drawn are homogenous.

Yes, its the ''Muzzling of the Military'' in support of Walker.

A comittee formed by Thurmond following Walkers reassignment and resignation over the Pro-Blue contravention of Kennedys explicit orders that he, as president, is the spokesman of foreign policy, not any other Government employee.

I agree that they did not need the CIA (and the FBI) per se as they had within these agencies ample support from persons, ex and otherwise, plus related informers such as Harry Holmes and other Postal Inspectors (plus likely JE Day, PMG till mid 63) also involved in the illegal mail opening campaigns. (The CIA and FBI would certainly have vested interests in supporting and condoning a coverup, but afa the agencies as a whole they were redundant.)

The commonality of interests (quite apart from the coincidences) of Nazis in the German government like Ewald Peters and other far right militia persons seems to me to present a cohesive hypothesis which, since the assassination, all avenues of research have been strenuously ignored and diverted from, which is how I'd like it to be if I was part of this Fascist Conspiracy. In fact the earliest post assassination diversions were precicely of that nature and the earliest reactions by Kennedy supporters was to see it as a Civil Rights issue, even indicated by statements by Jackie, mirroring the words of Emmett Tills mothers response to having a closed coffin for her son 10 years previously, with regards to changing her blood stained clothes ''No, let them see what they have done''.

EDIT : typo(s)

Check out the listing of FOIAs done by a person named Ernie Lazar posted elsewhere on this site. Lazar even has Robert Surrey who printed up the Wanted

for Treason posters, as working for Walker... for years. Or just Google Ernie Lazar Right Wing John Birch

He has done over 10,000 FOIAs on a list of violent Right Wing Extremists... many of whom are on my list of JFK, RFK and MLK suspects...

Ernie Lazar said,

ON JUNE 11TH, 2009 AT 5:34 PM


Having just spent a week debating this new political spectrum idea on other websites, I would suggest that Laurens consider the following factual data:

The problem with Laurens’ proposed political spectrum is that persons (or organizations) which Laurens claims advance “extreme leftist” ideas — such as Hitler admirers — are often people who associate themselves with RIGHT WING causes, organizations, and ideas.

For example, many so-called “conservatives” or “patriot” groups recommend the writings of Eustace Mullins — especially his publications on the Federal Reserve—which Mr. Von Brunn almost certainly read, believed and recommended on his website.

Eustace Mullins is cited by the “patriot movement” as an indisputable “conservative” or right-winger. But Mullins wrote an article entitled “Hitler: An Appreciation” which was published in a 1952 issue of the National Renaissance Party Bulletin (an avowed fascist group!) — but that doesn’t stop gazillions of right-wingers from recommending him as a reliable source of information!

To see Mullins’ article and further details about the neo-fascist groups in the U.S. he was connected to, see this 1954 report by the House Committee On Un-American Activities:


Three additional problems with Lauren’s ideas:

(1) when you research the political campaigns of neo-nazis who have run for political office, their themes, ideas and policy proposals are predominantly RIGHT-WING — and in fact, the support they subsequently get (money, endorsements, publicity, votes, etc.) comes NOT from the LEFT, but from the RIGHT side of the political spectrum.

(2) when you review the recommended reading lists of neo-nazi groups, they often recommend and sell many of the SAME publications as the Birch Society or other extreme right-wing/conservative/patriot groups


For example: the American Nazi Party used to recommend and sell John Stormer’s classic conspiracy book, “None Dare Call It Treason”—which the JBS effusively praised and sold in all its bookstores! [stormer, a Goldwater supporter, was a Republican Party official in Missouri!]

(3) Furthermore, the founder and leader of the American Nazi Party (George Lincoln Rockwell) admired prominent right-wing heroes such as Sen. Joseph McCarthy. In fact, in 1952, Rockwell publicly supported Gen. Douglas MacArthur for President and he organized a pro-MacArthur rally in San Diego.

Nevertheless, Laurens wants us to believe that Rockwell belongs on the extreme left side of a political spectrum!

In the 1960’s, Rockwell invited John Birch Society members to attend a meeting of his in Dallas — because he thought they offered fertile ground for recruitment.

If Rockwell was truly “extreme left” why would he solicit support from the extreme right?

Last, but not least, the political spectrum advocated by Laurens has no way to explain the following:

ROBERT SURREY (hereafter RS)

RS and his wife (Mary) of Dallas TX were both Birch Society members. They both were employed by fellow Bircher, Gen. Edwin A. Walker of Dallas. Mary was Walker’s personal secretary and from 1961-1964 RS was Walker’s chief aide. RS also worked on Walker’s campaign for Governor of Texas.

In 1963, RS and Walker entered into a partnership as co-owners of American Eagle Publishing Company. The company’s pamphlets were stored at Walker’s home. They published all the standard Birch Society arguments against the UN, against Council on Foreign Relations, against the Warren Court, and against the policies and programs of Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.

In November 1963, RS authored the “Wanted For Treason” handbill (re: JFK) which was circulated on the streets of Dallas a few days before Kennedy’s assassination.

RS also was President and Chairman of the Board of United White Christians Majority. The group was conceived by George Lincoln Rockwell to obtain funds for the American Nazi Party from persons who might otherwise not wish to be directly associated with the ANP (in short, it was an ANP front-group). In May 1968, RS became Southwest Regional Coordinator and National Business Manager for the American Nazi Party.

Many other Birch Society members or supporters involved themselves in neo-nazi activities and/or promoted neo-nazi themes including anti-zionism arguments.

For example, here are some “graduates” from the Birch Society:

George P. Dietz (Liberty Bell Publications—the largest U.S. distributor of neo-nazi literature in the U.S. during the 1960’s-1990’s), Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), William P. Gale (Ministry of Christ Church), Ben Klassen (Church of the Creator), Kevin Strom (National Vanguard), Willis Carto (Liberty Lobby and founder of holocaust denial group, Institute For Historical Review), Gordon Kahl (Posse Comitatus) Robert J. Mathews (who created The Order and commited bank and armored car robberies in order to finance Aryan Nations and other similar white supremacist and neo-nazi enterprises) and William Pierce (Pierce joined the American Nazi Party in 1966 and was Editor of National Socialist World, the quarterly journal of Rockwell’s World Union of National Socialists. In 1968, Pierce became second in command of the National Socialist White People’s Party (formerly known as American Nazi Party) but he left in July 1970 to work for Willis Carto’s National Youth Alliance which he wrested away from Carto in 1974 and re-named it National Alliance.)

As all of the above data should make obvious, EVEN IF your ideology CLAIMS to be “anti-communist” or “anti-Marxist”, or “anti-collectivist” [which Laurens thinks places you on the OPPOSITE side of the spectrum from nazism-fascism-communism] nevertheless that means nothing in terms of

* where you seek support,

* whom you admire,

* what authors and publications you recommend as reliable, or

* what political alliances you are prepared to make

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