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The Witnesses v The Fake Films

Paul Rigby

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The ladies vanish!

How did Zapruder's camera manage to miss three women, standing as a group, on the south curb of Elm, approximately fifty yards from the corner of Elm and Houston? Answers on postcards, please, for the attention of the Sixth Form Museum of Correction:

Gloria Jeanne Holt, statement to FBI’s SAs Eugene P. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer, 18 March 1964:

Left the TSBD “at approximately 12.10 p.m.”

“I left the Depository building and walked down toward the Stemmons expressway underpass west of the building approximately fifty yards and took up a position on the curb on the south side of Elm Street to await the presidential procession. I was accompanied by Sharon Simmons, now Mrs Nelson, and Stella Jacob…I was still standing on the curb at the time the president was shot.” 22H652

Stella Mae Jacob, statement to the FBI’s SAs Eugene P. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer, 18 March 1964:

Left the TSBD “at approximately 12.00 p.m.”

“I left the Depository building and walked down toward the Stemmons expressway underpass west of the building approximately fifty yards and took up a position on the curb on the south side of Elm Street...I was accompanied by Sharon Simmons, now Mrs Nelson, and Jeanne Holt…I was still standing on the curb at the time President John F. Kennedy was shot,” 22H655.

Sharon Nelson (nee Simmons), statement to the FBI’s SA E.J. Robertson, 18 March 1964:

Left the TSBD “at about” 12.20 p.m.

“At the time President Kennedy was shot I was standing on the sidewalk on Elm Street midway between the Texas School Book Depository Building and the underpass on Elm Street. I was with Jeannie Holt…and Stella Jacob…,” 22H665.

The presence of the three south Elmers, in a group, in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, was confirmed by Deputy Sheriff C.L. “Lummie” Lewis:

“I ran around the corner and came across Houston Street to Elm Street to the Park. I saw some people there. I began to talk to them getting names and information. I talked to the following named people: 1) Simmons, 2) Holt, 3) Jacobs. See statements taken from all three named people,” 19H526-7
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Thanks, Paul...this is a good find which deserves investigation!


The ladies vanish!

How did Zapruder's camera manage to miss three women, standing as a group, on the south curb of Elm, approximately fifty yards from the corner of Elm and Houston? Answers on postcards, please, for the attention of the Sixth Form Museum of Correction:

Gloria Jeanne Holt, statement to FBI’s SAs Eugene P. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer, 18 March 1964:

Left the TSBD “at approximately 12.10 p.m.”

“I left the Depository building and walked down toward the Stemmons expressway underpass west of the building approximately fifty yards and took up a position on the curb on the south side of Elm Street to await the presidential procession. I was accompanied by Sharon Simmons, now Mrs Nelson, and Stella Jacob…I was still standing on the curb at the time the president was shot.” 22H652

Stella Mae Jacob, statement to the FBI’s SAs Eugene P. Petrakis & A. Raymond Switzer, 18 March 1964:

Left the TSBD “at approximately 12.00 p.m.”

“I left the Depository building and walked down toward the Stemmons expressway underpass west of the building approximately fifty yards and took up a position on the curb on the south side of Elm Street...I was accompanied by Sharon Simmons, now Mrs Nelson, and Jeanne Holt…I was still standing on the curb at the time President John F. Kennedy was shot,” 22H655.

Sharon Nelson (nee Simmons), statement to the FBI’s SA E.J. Robertson, 18 March 1964:

Left the TSBD “at about” 12.20 p.m.

“At the time President Kennedy was shot I was standing on the sidewalk on Elm Street midway between the Texas School Book Depository Building and the underpass on Elm Street. I was with Jeannie Holt…and Stella Jacob…,” 22H665.

The presence of the three south Elmers, in a group, in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, was confirmed by Deputy Sheriff C.L. “Lummie” Lewis:

“I ran around the corner and came across Houston Street to Elm Street to the Park. I saw some people there. I began to talk to them getting names and information. I talked to the following named people: 1) Simmons, 2) Holt, 3) Jacobs. See statements taken from all three named people,” 19H526-7

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Forsooth, it’s an epidemic! A fourth lady, not to mention her husband,vanishes from the south curb of Elm! (Well, according to the Z fraud she does…)

Mrs CHARLES HESTER, 2619 Keyhold Street, Irving, Texas, advised that sometime around 12:30 p.m., on November 22, 1963, she and her husband were standing along the street at a place immediately preceding the underpass on Elm Street, where President Kennedy was shot. Mrs HESTER advised she heard two loud noises which sounded like gunshots, and she saw President KENNEDY slump in the seat of the car he was riding in. Her husband grabbed then grabbed her and shoved her to the ground. Shortly thereafter they went across to the north side of the street on an embankment in an attempt to gain shelter. She stated that she believes she and her husband actually had been in the direct line of fire. She did not see anyone with a gun when the shots were fired and stated she could not furnish any information as to exactly where the shots came from. After the President’s car had pulled away from the scene, she and her husband proceeded to their car and left the area as she was very upset,” 24H523

Surely they were all imagining they were on the south curb facing Zapruder's lens? Maybe it was problem with Z's lens? Or could it be - whisper it, it's an idea in embryo - there was a conspiracy to contradict the Z fraud and its supporting acts?

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Correct, but "incorrect"...OFFICIALLY Mr and Mrs Hester were on the knoll, NOT SOUTH OF ELM, where

they were allegedly photographed by several photographers, including Zapruder.


Forsooth, it’s an epidemic! A fourth lady, not to mention her husband,vanishes from the south curb of Elm! (Well, according to the Z fraud she does…)
Mrs CHARLES HESTER, 2619 Keyhold Street, Irving, Texas, advised that sometime around 12:30 p.m., on November 22, 1963, she and her husband were standing along the street at a place immediately preceding the underpass on Elm Street, where President Kennedy was shot. Mrs HESTER advised she heard two loud noises which sounded like gunshots, and she saw President KENNEDY slump in the seat of the car he was riding in. Her husband grabbed then grabbed her and shoved her to the ground. Shortly thereafter they went across to the north side of the street on an embankment in an attempt to gain shelter. She stated that she believes she and her husband actually had been in the direct line of fire. She did not see anyone with a gun when the shots were fired and stated she could not furnish any information as to exactly where the shots came from. After the President’s car had pulled away from the scene, she and her husband proceeded to their car and left the area as she was very upset,” 24H523

Surely they were all imagining they were on the south curb facing Zapruder's lens? Maybe it was problem with Z's lens? Or could it be - whisper it, it's an idea in embryo - there was a conspiracy to contradict the Z fraud and its supporting acts?

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As an ancient Russian proverb – that distilled essence of the accumulated peasant wisdom of the millennia, no less – has it: “Beware of White Russians bearing cinematic gifts.” How very true. Once we move beyond the fake film and its motley supporting acts, we are obliged to fall back on one of our deepest and most primitive instincts – the desire to read. Strange things happen when we revert to reading: we find patterns. Here’s another of them:

The vanishing left veer!

From in front:

1. Railway worker Roy Skelton, who viewed the assassination from the overpass:

“then the car [the presidential limousine – PR] got in the right hand lane…and I heard two more shots,” 19WCH496 (same statement in 24H227?)

2. Policeman J.W. Foster, again situated on the overpass:

“immediately after President Kennedy was struck…the car in which he was riding pulled to the curb,” Warren Commission Document 897, pp.20-21.

From side on, 3) to the right of the limousine, 4) to the left of it:

3. Policeman James Chaney and other unnamed Dallas officers, as related by fellow motorcycle outrider, Marrion L. Baker:

“I talked to Jim Chaney…during the time that the Secret Service men were trying to get into the car…from the time the first shot rang out, the car stopped completely, pulled to the left and stopped…I heard several of them say that, Mr. Truly he was standing out there, he said it stopped. Several officers said it stopped completely,” 3WCH265.

4. Jean Hill: “Murder Charge Lodged,” Dallas Times Herald, 23 November 1963, p.8:

“The President passed directly in front of us on our side of the street,” Mrs. Hill said.

From the rear:

5. TSBD employee Mrs. Donald Baker (Virgie Rachley at time of shooting):

Mrs. Baker told Warren Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler that the stray bullet struck the middle of the south-most lane on Elm Street just behind the presidential limousine, 7WCH509-510:

Mr. LIEBELER. How close to the curb on Elm Street was this thing you saw hit; do you remember? It would have been on the curb side near the side away from the Texas School Book Depository Building on the opposite side of the street; is that right?

Mrs. BAKER. Yes.

Mr. LIEBELER. How close to the opposite curb do you think it was?

Mrs. BAKER. It was approximately in the middle of the lane I couldn't be quite sure, but I thought it was in the middle or somewhere along in there could even be wrong about that but I could have sworn it that day.

Mr. LIEBELER. You thought it was sort of toward the middle of the lane?

Mrs. BAKER. Toward the middle of the lane.

Mr. LIEBELER. Of the left-hand lane going toward the underpass; is that correct?

Mrs. BAKER. Yes.

Mr. LIEBELER. Where was the thing that you saw hit the street in relation to the President's car? I mean, was it in front of the car, behind his car, by the side of his car or was it close to the car?

Mrs. BAKER. I thought it was--well--behind it.]

6. TSBD supervisor & board member Roy Truly, who watched the assassination from in front of the TSBD:

“I saw the President’s car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in this area…,” 3WCH220.

Alternatively, it could just be that we really are confronted by a conspiracy so immense…that merely thinking about it could cause pain.

Through laughter.

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Time to extend our list of conspirators away from Elm and into the rooms and studios where the first version of the Zapruder film was studied and described. Note how tightly knit and consistent these cunning coves were, describing a version of the Z film unknown to us today.

Features in Zapruder public version 1 (Zpv1) absent from or different to Zapruder public version 2 (Zpv2):

1) Presidential limousine turning left from Houston onto Elm

2) No street sign interposed between camera and President at moment of impact of first bullet

3) Shooting took place further up Elm St towards Overpass, either opposite (or “abreast” of) Zapruder, or beginning at the steps leading up to the grassy knoll

4) Connolly’s white shirt visibly covered in blood following impact of shot

5) JFK’s head went forward in response to impact of head shot

Elements of Zpv1 (1) to (5) described in following:

1) Presidential limousine filmed turning left from Houston onto Elm:

• Abraham Zapruder on WFAA-TV, at 2:10pm CST, November 22, 1963: transcript: http://www.jfk-info.com/wfaa-tv.htm

• Dan Rather, CBS radio & TV, 251163: http://www.i-accuse.com/Rudd_Hotelet.html

• UPI (New York), “Film Showing Assassination Is Released,” The Valley Independent, (Monessen, Pennsylvania), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 5 (description of film shown on WNEW-TV, NY, at 00:46hrs, November 26, 1963)

• Arthur J. Snider (Chicago Daily News Service), “Movies Reconstruct Tragedy,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (Evening edition), November 27, 1963, section 2, p.1

• Warren Report (U.S. Government Printing Office (1964), p.98

• Roy Kellerman, 090364 (2WCH91): http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/kellerma.htm

• Mark Lane. Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald (London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1966), p.66, footnote 2

2) No street sign interposed between camera and President at moment of impact of first bullet:

• Dallas Morning News, “Photographer Sells Pictures of Assassination for $25,000,” November 24, 1963

• Dan Rather, CBS radio & TV, 251163 (Richard Trask. Pictures of the Pain, p.87): http://www.i-accuse.com/Rudd_Hotelet.html

• Associated Press (Dallas), "Movie Film Depicts Shooting of Kennedy,” Milwaukee Journal, November 26, 1963, part 1, p.3

• UPI (New York), “Film Showing Assassination Is Released,” The Valley Independent, (Monessen, Pennsylvania), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 5 (description of film shown on WNEW-TV, NY, at 00:46hrs, November 26, 1963)

• UPI (Dallas), “Movie Film Shows Murder of President,” Philadelphia Daily News, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.3 (4 star edition)

• Express Staff Reporter (New York, Monday), “The Man Who Got the Historic Pictures,” Daily Express, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.10

• John Herbers, “Kennedy Struck by Two Bullets, Doctor Who Attended Him Says,” New York Times, November 27, 1963, p.20

• Arthur J. Snider (Chicago Daily News Service), “Movies Reconstruct Tragedy,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (Evening edition), November 27, 1963, section 2, p.1

• “The Man Who Killed Kennedy,” Time, December 6, 1963, p.29

• Abraham Zapruder (7WCH571): http://www.jfk-info.com/wc-zapr.htm

• William Manchester, Look magazine, 040467; Death of a President (London: Pan, paperback, 1968), p.234

3) Shooting took place further up Elm St towards Overpass, either opposite (or “abreast” of) Zapruder, or beginning at the steps leading up to the grassy knoll:

• Associated Press (Dallas), "Movie Film Depicts Shooting of Kennedy,” Milwaukee Journal, November 26, 1963, part 1, p.3

• John Herbers, “Kennedy Struck by Two Bullets, Doctor Who Attended Him Says,” New York Times, November 27, 1963, p.20

• Abraham Zapruder, 7WCH571: http://www.jfk-info.com/wc-zapr.htm

• Harold Feldman, “Fifty-one witnesses: The Grassy Knoll,” The Minority of One, March 1965, p.17

• John Herbers, “Kennedy Struck by Two Bullets, Doctor Who Attended Him Says,” New York Times, November 27, 1963, p.20

4) Connolly’s white shirt visibly covered in blood following impact of shot:

• Dan Rather, CBS, Radio & TV, 251163: http://www.etcfilmunit.com/iaccuse.html

5) JFK’s head went forward in response to impact of head shot:

• Dan Rather, CBS, Radio & TV, 251163 (Richard Trask, Pictures of the Pain (Danvers, Mass.: Yeoman Press, 1994, p.87): http://www.etcfilmunit.com/iaccuse.html

• Associated Press (Dallas), "Movie Film Depicts Shooting of Kennedy,” Milwaukee Journal, November 26, 1963, part 1, p.3

• UPI (Dallas), “Movie Film Shows Murder of President,” Philadelphia Daily News, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.3 (4 star edition)

• John Herbers, “Kennedy Struck by Two Bullets, Doctor Who Attended Him Says,” New York Times, November 27, 1963, p.20

• Cartha DeLoach, Hoover’s FBI: The Inside Story by Hoover’s Trusted Lieutenant (1995), p.139: http://www.kenrahn.com/jfk/the_critics/gri...Alteration.html

Most of the newspaper articles cited above can be found in the thread Eleven early print descriptions of the Zapruder film: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=8953

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The list of the “confused” witnesses grows apace. And every man, Jack and Jill among them part of an immense conspiracy to throw suspicion on the bald guy’s film, in most instances, over a decade before its quasi-official release. It really is outrageous.

The vanishing SS swarm upon the presidential limo, and up the grassy knoll:

1) Earl Cabell: “No; we couldn't tell. We could tell, of course, there was confusion in the presidential car--activity. The Secret Service men ran to that car,” 7WCH479.

2) James Chaney and other unnamed Dallas officers, as related by fellow motorcycle outrider, Marrion L. Baker: “I talked to Jim Chaney…during the time that the Secret Service men were trying to get into the car…from the time the first shot rang out, the car stopped completely, pulled to the left and stopped…I heard several of them say that, Mr. Truly he was standing out there, he said it stopped. Several officers said it stopped completely,” 3WCH265.

3) Norman Similas: “I swung back to look at the car. A Secret Service man ran up with his gun drawn…The Secret Service man opened the car door and I saw the President slumped down to the floor…,” Source: “‘I saw president fall’ – Willowdale man,” Toronto Daily Star, (All Star Night edition), Friday, 22 November 1963, pp.1&13

4) Robert Baskin: “The motorcade ground to a halt. There was a good deal of activity round the President’s car, with Secret Service men running about,” “Day Began As Auspiciously As Any in Kennedy’s Career,” The Dallas Morning News, 23 November 1963, p.2

5) DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Joe Dale (one of two rear mid-motorcade motorcycles): "After the shots were fired, the whole motorcade came to a stop. I stood and looked through the plaza, noticed there was commotion, and saw people running around his [JFK's] car. It started to move, then it slowed again; that's when I saw Mrs. Kennedy coming back on the trunk and another guy [Clint Hill] pushing her back into the car," Larry Sneed. No More Silence (1998), p. 134

B) The false trail to the knoll:

1) Ronald B. Fischer: “And, after that, we stood there for 10 or 15 seconds and then we ran up to the top of the hill there where all the Secret Service men had run, thinking that that's where the bullets had come from since they seemed to be searching that area over there. They jumped off-out of cars and ran up the side of the hill there and onto the tracks where these passenger--freight cars were,” 6WCH196

2) Jack Franzen: “Mr. FRANZEN advised he and his wife and small son were standing in the grass area west of Houston Street and south of Elm Street at the time the President's motorcade arrived at that location at approximately 12:30 PM on November 22, 1963. He said he heard the sound of an explosion which appeared to him to come from the President's car and noticed small fragments flying inside the President's car and immediately assumed that someone had tossed a firecracker inside the automobile…He noticed the men, who were presumed to be Secret Service Agents, riding in the car directly behind the President's car, unloading from the car, some with firearms in their hands, and noticed police officers and these plain clothesmen [sic] running up the grassy slope across Elm Street from his location and toward a wooded and bushy area located across Elm Street from him… Because of this activity he presumed the shots which were fired came from the shrubbery or bushes toward which these officers appeared to be running,” Statement to the FBI, November 24, 1963: http://www.jfk-online.com/franzen.html

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The conspiracy expands apace. It now extends to the Z fraud’s support acts, and, most unforgivably of all, to the company which, according to the anti-alterationists, snapped up the Muchmore film.

Here’s UPI describing what Mack, Thompson et al would have us believe is the Muchmore film. The latter has long been famous, of course, for the sequence which captured the motorcycle police turning from Houston onto Elm, followed by “the Kennedy motorcade.” Er, it has, hasn't it? Oh well, minor detail:

The Valley Independent, (Monessen, Pennsylvania), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 5

Film Showing Assassination Is Released

NEW YORK (UPI) — United Press International Newsfilm early today was first on the air with exclusive film showing the assassination of President Kennedy.

The film is 16mm enlarged from 8mm. It was shown on a New York City television station.

The sequence, shot by an amateur photographer in Dallas Friday, begins with motorcycle police coming around the corner followed by the Kennedy motorcade.

The President is then seen leaning over when the bullets strike. Mrs. Kennedy puts her right arm around the President and he slumps out of view. The film then shows a Secret Service agent running toward the car.

The film was shown in slow motion and also stopped at key points in the assassination. The scene was shown four times at different speeds and under different magnifications.

Copies have been rushed to United Press Newsfilm clients all over the world.

Same despatch:

1. “Exclusive Films Show Shooting of Kennedy in Dallas,” Logansport Pharos-Tribune, (Logansport, Indiana), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 2

2. “UPI Newsfilm First On Air With Exclusive,” Great Bend Daily Tribune, (Great Bend, Kansas), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 9

3. “UPI Newsfilm Has Shooting On Film,” Humboldt Standard, (Eureka, California), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, p.2

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The conspiracy expands apace. It now extends to the Z fraud’s support acts, and, most unforgivably of all, to the company which, according to the anti-alterationists, snapped up the Muchmore film.

Here’s UPI describing what Mack, Thompson et al would have us believe is the Muchmore film. The latter has long been famous, of course, for the sequence which captured the motorcycle police turning from Houston onto Elm, followed by “the Kennedy motorcade.” Er, it has, hasn't it? Oh well, minor detail:

The Valley Independent, (Monessen, Pennsylvania), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 5

Film Showing Assassination Is Released

NEW YORK (UPI) — United Press International Newsfilm early today was first on the air with exclusive film showing the assassination of President Kennedy.

The film is 16mm enlarged from 8mm. It was shown on a New York City television station.

The sequence, shot by an amateur photographer in Dallas Friday, begins with motorcycle police coming around the corner followed by the Kennedy motorcade.

The President is then seen leaning over when the bullets strike. Mrs. Kennedy puts her right arm around the President and he slumps out of view. The film then shows a Secret Service agent running toward the car.

The film was shown in slow motion and also stopped at key points in the assassination. The scene was shown four times at different speeds and under different magnifications.

Copies have been rushed to United Press Newsfilm clients all over the world.

Same despatch:

1. “Exclusive Films Show Shooting of Kennedy in Dallas,” Logansport Pharos-Tribune, (Logansport, Indiana), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 2

2. “UPI Newsfilm First On Air With Exclusive,” Great Bend Daily Tribune, (Great Bend, Kansas), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, Page 9

3. “UPI Newsfilm Has Shooting On Film,” Humboldt Standard, (Eureka, California), Tuesday, November 26, 1963, p.2

Rigby, where does that description say Houston and Elm? The Muchmore film shows the car coming round Houston and Main, and then picks up after Kennedy has been shot, EXACTLY as in the description. The Z-film, on the other hand, shows Kennedy smiling and waving BEFORE he is shot. Where is that in the description? The Z-film also shows the car race towards the overpass long after Clint Hill got in the car. Where is that in the description?

The film described is obviously the Muchmore film. Sorry.

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Herr Speer...

where does that description say Houston and Elm? The Muchmore film shows the car coming round Houston and Main, and then picks up after Kennedy has been shot, EXACTLY as in the description. The Z-film, on the other hand, shows Kennedy smiling and waving BEFORE he is shot. Where is that in the description? The Z-film also shows the car race towards the overpass long after Clint Hill got in the car. Where is that in the description?

The film described is obviously the Muchmore film. Sorry.

Not more than I am at having to point out a teeny-weeny omission here, Pat - want to tell the readers of this thread what Muchmore told the FBI in early December? Or shall I? I'll give you this further opportunity because I wouldn't anyone to conclude that you're the kind of researcher who would withhold evidence embarrassing to your case. You really wouldn't, would you?

But while we wait for you to admit that inconvenient fact, let's dismiss all together any suggestion that the Z film was shown on WNEW-TV in the first hour after midnight on the morning of Tuesday, 26 November:

“Lane’s Defense Brief for Oswald,” published by the National Guardian, 19 December 1963:

”A motion picture taken of the President just before, during, and after the shooting, and demonstrated on television showed that the President was looking directly ahead when the first shot, which entered his throat, was fired. A series of still pictures taken from the motion picture and published in Life magazine on Nov. 29 show show exactly the same situation.”


There, that's put that absurd rumour to bed once and for all.

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I fear this could prove rather a long wait, as Pat contemplates his explanation for his omission of this fascinating piece of irrelevance: Muchmore denied taking any film of the assassination scene. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with her statement to the FBI, dated December 4, 1963, follow this link:


“She said she had a movie camera with her...but she advised that she did not obtain any photographs of the assassination scene”

So, in order to swallow the anti-alterationist Kool-Aid on the question of which film was shown by WNEW-TV at 00:46hrs on the morning of Tuesday, November 26, 1963, you have to discount the testimony of the very woman to whom the anti-alterationists attribute it. It's laughable, but true; and anything but unusual when it comes to the alleged film-takers and their allegedly unadulterated films. Consider the case of the bald guy himself...which I will, in due course.

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Another of those disturbing minor details – in his very first television interview, given on the afternoon of the assassination, Zapruder flat out stated he had filmed the presidential limousine turning from Houston onto Elm. There’s a generous donation to the charity of his/her choice for any reader who can produce a copy of the Z-fake were are familiar with today which includes this sequence, one confirmed, as evidenced above, by a number of the earliest observers of the first version of the Z fake:


This transcript is from video tape of the live broadcast seen nationwide on the ABC network at about 2:10pm CST, November 22, 1963. The interviewer, seated on the left, is WFAA-TV program director Jay Watson. On the right, with his hat on the desk, is Abraham Zapruder.

WATSON: A gentleman just walked in our studio that I am meeting for the first time as well as you, this is WFAA-TV in Dallas, Texas. May I have your name please, sir?

ZAPRUDER: My name is Abraham Zapruder.

WATSON: Mr. Zapruda?

ZAPRUDER: Zapruder, yes sir.

WATSON: Zapruda. And would you tell us your story please, sir?

ZAPRUDER: I got out in, uh, about a half-hour earlier to get a good spot to shoot some pictures. And I found a spot, one of these concrete blocks they have down near that park, near the underpass. And I got on top there, there was another girl from my office, she was right behind me. And as I was shooting, as the President was coming down from Houston Street making his turn, it was about a half-way down there, I heard a shot, and he slumped to the side, like this. Then I heard another shot or two, I couldn't say it was one or two, and I saw his head practically open up, all blood and everything, and I kept on shooting. That's about all, I'm just sick, I can't…

Muchmore denies filming the execution scene, Zapruder initially states he filmed a sequence that no longer exists in his "unaltered" film - whatever next, Nix insisting his film had been tampered with? Unthinkable.

Or perhaps not.

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I fear this could prove rather a long wait, as Pat contemplates his explanation for his omission of this fascinating piece of irrelevance: Muchmore denied taking any film of the assassination scene. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with her statement to the FBI, dated December 4, 1963, follow this link:


“She said she had a movie camera with her...but she advised that she did not obtain any photographs of the assassination scene”

So, in order to swallow the anti-alterationist Kool-Aid on the question of which film was shown by WNEW-TV at 00:46hrs on the morning of Tuesday, November 26, 1963, you have to discount the testimony of the very woman to whom the anti-alterationists attribute it. It's laughable, but true; and anything but unusual when it comes to the alleged film-takers and their allegedly unadulterated films. Consider the case of the bald guy himself...which I will, in due course.

Utter hoo-ha, Rigby. Muchmore LIED, it's that simple. She sold her film to UPI on 11-25 and was afraid she'd get in trouble with the FBI, so lied. The FBI, in fact, did not know of her film for months after, when stills from it magically appeared in a book put out by UPI.

And yet Jack would have us believe her film was faked after being obtained by the FBI... Are you disagreeing with Jack on this point, or are you really claiming the FBI had a film all along, and somehow convinced Muchmore months later to pretend it was her film?

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Utter hoo-ha, Rigby. Muchmore LIED, it's that simple. She sold her film to UPI on 11-25 and was afraid she'd get in trouble with the FBI, so lied.

Thanks for confirming my point, which bears repetition: In order to be an alterationist, one has to dismiss the testimony of the very people they allege took key films and photos.

Bizarre, no?

Well, perhaps no more than the logic which has it that Muchmore was so afraid of the FBI that she lied to its agents, without even greater fear of the consequences of her alleged "lie." And this after her film had supposedly appeared on US TV, and, according to you, been noted by the FBI, so well, indeed, that Shaneyfelt knew nothing about it.

Goodness, your - the alterationist - line on this one is a mess.

The FBI, in fact, did not know of her film for months after, when stills from it magically appeared in a book put out by UPI.

You really ought to get together with Tink and hammer out an agreed line on this one. Tink's still wandering round the forum insisting that the FBI knew about the film as a consequence of its appearance on TV on, presumably, anyone of the three different dates in November he's offered for its debut.

It speaks volumes for your integrity on this, and other, questions, incidentally, that you've never once commented on Tink's meanderings on this question. I hereby afford you the opportunity...go on, seize it!

And yet Jack would have us believe her film was faked after being obtained by the FBI... Are you disagreeing with Jack on this point, or are you really claiming the FBI had a film all along, and somehow convinced Muchmore months later to pretend it was her film?

Yup, I disagree with Jack. The FBI spent the greater portion of the investigation playing catch-up, and very much out of the Secret Service-CIA loop.

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What were Kellerman and Greer doing during the shooting? Not very much, according to the Z fake. Some very well-placed eyewitnesses said differently:

George Davis: “[He] saw guns in the hands of the secret service agents with President Kennedy, saw President Kennedy slumped forward, and the police motorcycle escort manouever swiftly about the area,” 22WCH837.

Jean Hill: “There was scrambling around in the front seat…Secret service agents shooting back…I just thought, Oh, goodness, the secret service is shooting back,” 6WCH208-212.

Hugh Betzner, Jr.: “I also saw a man in either the President's car or the car behind his and someone down in one of those cars pulled out what looked like a rifle. I also remember seeing what looked like a nickel revolver in someone's hand in the President's car or somewhere immediately around his car,” 19WCH467.

S.M. Holland: “After the first shot the secret service man raised up in the seat with a machine gun and then dropped back down in the seat. And they immediately sped off,” 19WCH480.

Mrs. Marvin Faye Chism: “The two men in the front of the car stood up, and then when the second shot was fired, they all fell down and the car took off just like that,” 19WCH472.

Guns in the hands of Kellerman and Greer? One or both standing up? Shooting, er, "back"? Nah, never happened. It's not in the Z fake!

And because it never happened, no witnesses claimed the presidential limo stank of gunpowder after the shooting.

And if they did, they were wrong. Or mad, or bad, or merely confused.

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