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More questions than answers

Jack White

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These are SERIOUS QUESTIONS. Lamson answers with nonsensical answers. Will someone

please give me the correct answers?



1) There is no one without legs. Mr. Brehm's legs are obscured by blur and by the body and legs of his son.

2) There is no one is a red coat. The coat appears to be red just like the grass and pavement because the right side of Groden's print has been contaminated with a red color cast.

3) The line between the grass and the sidewalk and the curb are no more blurred than the shadow. That's because they are all relatively thin lines in the same plane as the camera's motion.

4) As the flag furls and unfurls it shows more or less of the Presidential Seal which photographs white as in this Hughes frame.


5)There is no motorcycle officer or motorcycle as anyone can see by looking at a better version of the Muchmore frames. In fact, all of your questions can be answered by examining better frames.




I have discovered my error in saying it was not Brehm.

I am also in error about the motorcycle cop. It is the Babushka lady. The top of her head

looked like a white cop helmet.

My apologies.

I will rephrase my questions.


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Looks like Brehm and son joey on the left.

Brehm is not farther west than the Newmans.


Robin...I apologize...you are correct about it being Brehm and son. I have just reviewed

my copies of Muchmore, and cannot locate the particular frame I used.


No Problem Jack.

I had posted the Muchmore Frame above before i saw your post.

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I was using the smaller frame which had been posted here.

So I went to the movie itself and made a screengrab of the same frame.

Here is a much larger study showing where I went wrong, but raising new questions.

I was using a much smaller scan posted on the forum, and the colors were

not as clear. This framegrab also has an anomaly not present in the frame

posted, which I find odd. And it makes clear why I thought Brehm had no legs.

I find the area above the shoulders of the Babushka Lady VERY STRANGE,

which partly led me to think at the smaller size there was a cop helmet.



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I was using the smaller frame which had been posted here.

So I went to the movie itself and made a screengrab of the same frame.

Here is a much larger study showing where I went wrong, but raising new questions.

I was using a much smaller scan posted on the forum, and the colors were

not as clear. This framegrab also has an anomaly not present in the frame

posted, which I find odd. And it makes clear why I thought Brehm had no legs.

I find the area above the shoulders of the Babushka Lady VERY STRANGE,

which partly led me to think at the smaller size there was a cop helmet.


Groden Muchmore:

Edited by Robin Unger
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Cutting directly to the chase without any more attempts to gain attention to the


Ten years ago I noticed a serious difference between a person in Muchmore and

a person in the same location in Bronson.

To the east of the Newmans in Bronson is a tall blond lady dressed in black. In

Muchmore in the same location is a clapping person (sex not obvious) wearing

a red shirt with short sleeves and dark brown pants or skirt. The two persons

pictured cannot be the same person.



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Here's the Bronson crop with values adjusted to make the grass color match more closely. As is obvious, the black has a lot of red in it. (No doubt the nix can be adjusted likewise to make her dress blacker.) So, basically Jack, you have proved nothing with regards to any photo anomaly.

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Here's the Bronson crop with values adjusted to make the grass color match more closely. As is obvious, the black has a lot of red in it. (No doubt the nix can be adjusted likewise to make her dress blacker.) So, basically Jack, you have proved nothing with regards to any photo anomaly.

As you said, going the other way, using a Muchmore where the pavement and chrome on the limousine aren't pink.


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