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Why do I have to do all of the photo analysis?

Jack White

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The ovals proliferate.



If you run through the entire film once you'll see that there is a police officer to Nix's left. The round shape to the left is the officer's shoulder and the alien (although consistent with a particle beam weapon) is the white head cover and visor of the officer.


But Jerry...what will you say when I tell you that Nix had to be over seven feet tall to take these images??????


Or will you still insist that what the film shows is what Nix photographed?

I think vanishing point analysis shows that Nix was not tall enough to take his film. I believe that film taken by

a remote control camera about SEVEN FEET TALL took a movie which was substituted for his original film.

To make it appear that the robotic camera WAS AT GROUND LEVEL, various anomalous shapes (previous

studies) were painted into the foreground, resembling someone's arm or cap.

If you can refute this vanishing point analysis, have at it:


You don't really mean this - you've missed an important point. Re-think it and I'll get back to you in the morning if you still want to go with it.

Think about perpendicular.



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That's it. (I sensed it like a morning mist, but couldn't articulate it.)

Thank you Jerry, you're a gem, but I bet you know that. I'll risk saying that because you have a grip on your ego and the staying power needed to bring an example of rationality to the forum. Others do come, but run.

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That's it. (I sensed it like a morning mist, but couldn't articulate it.)

Thank you Jerry, you're a gem, but I bet you know that. I'll risk saying that because you have a grip on your ego and the staying power needed to bring an example of rationality to the forum. Others do come, but run.


I thank you for those kind words but I'm working at something I love. Strangely, I enjoyed mechanical drawing in high school. I loved photography because of the magic transformation from three dimensions to two. My favorite artist is Vermeer! It's easy to look good when you're having a good time.


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That's great. Me too, drafting in civil engineering dreaming of being an archaeologist with computer generated 3D maps of digs, but ending up working in various metal shops all over Oz. I love Dali and Monet, one for his warping of reality the other for his progressive reproduction of it. Of course the early renaissance artists can't be ignored, I think particularly Leonardo because of his multiple ambidexrtrousness, physically and mentally and his devotion to study what is and use that to create his art, like the movement of birds and other animals, anatomy and so on. But even then, the lens,, in creating images, was used very widely. Theres a great british documentary where the presenter disects old art and explains it using how the lens was used by the artist and why certain mistakes were widely repeated. Prob the impressionist added a motion blur with a proper understanding of all 3D facets and were capable of capturing moments in greater detail by being less detailed...

edit add: can't stop there without mentioning Cabousier and Hundertwasser.

Edited by John Dolva
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add : as I touched on in needlepont, using the mona lisa as example, here is a charcterised, text, version of it




























font="Courier New", 2

and the basis with a snapshot of the text which us then gauss smoothed

I think it helps to understand perception in terms of amount of data, which is relevant to photo analysis, the result speaks for itself imo

Edited by John Dolva
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That's great. Me too, drafting in civil engineering dreaming of being an archaeologist with computer generated 3D maps of digs, but ending up working in various metal shops all over Oz. I love Dali and Monet, one for his warping of reality the other for his progressive reproduction of it. Of course the early renaissance artists can't be ignored, I think particularly Leonardo because of his multiple ambidexrtrousness, physically and mentally and his devotion to study what is and use that to create his art, like the movement of birds and other animals, anatomy and so on. But even then, the lens,, in creating images, was used very widely. Theres a great british documentary where the presenter disects old art and explains it using how the lens was used by the artist and why certain mistakes were widely repeated. Prob the impressionist added a motion blur with a proper understanding of all 3D facets and were capable of capturing moments in greater detail by being less detailed...

edit add: can't stop there without mentioning Cabousier and Hundertwasser.

Hundertwasser! You know Hundertwasser. Amazing. Beyond exploring formal space and into it's outright rejection - making fun of formal space, playing with it in real structures.

I live forty miles from the Quixote Winery. It's astounding.

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LOL, and he's a neighbour in Kiwiland now and, last I heard, still churning out interesting stuff (and my ex has three original miniatures of his)

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I'm not surprised, he seemed to drop off the radar at some point. Anyway, NO, I used to sit and look at them repeatedly, amazing color, form, brushstrokes, they're a family heirloom. You can get one of my brothers easily enough through the web though. To me they're a nuisance, continually having to find places to store them, I'd rather give them away, but no, they're not mine to dispose of.

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Anyway, what was the topic again? I've forgotten.

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Is it possible to post a full frame, showing edges, copy of that frame, Jack?

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add : as I touched on in needlepont, using the mona lisa as example, here is a charcterised, text, version of it




























font="Courier New", 2

and the basis with a snapshot of the text which us then gauss smoothed

I think it helps to understand perception in terms of amount of data, which is relevant to photo analysis, the result speaks for itself imo

I know this is off topic, but I didn't start it. The blurry picture of the Mona Lisa on the right looks like figures seen on the grassy knoll -- how to get them clearer?

Kathy C

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Exactly Kathy. How?

You can't, it's already far off from the original by the loss of data in the texting of it.

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