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Croft photo may have clues

Jack White

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As a neophyte in the area of JFK, I thought I might try to educate myself when i get some time.

What JFK images, according to you, are NOT faked / altered? These will give me a baseline.


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FWIW, the car directly behind the woman in the blue dress and red coat (or sweater) with her right arm raised in the air is a Rambler station wagon.


Edited by Thomas Graves
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Why won't you answer my request? I'd just like to know what you consider real and fake, so my studies don't take me down the wrong path.

OK. Most DP and autopsy photos and films and xrays are tampered with. If you can prove any genuine, more power to you.

Thank you for the reply. So does this mean ALL image from Dealy Plaza are suspect? If not, which are not suspect? The autopsy films and x-rays I will not try to talk about. I'd like to limit this to the Dealy Plaza images only.

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I just spent a half hour looking at the Croft photo while listening to the 10 pm tv news.

Found several oddities. You may want to take a look.


When enlarged, the woman looks as though someone blotted out the top of her face. Why? I don't know. She also is carrying something.

Kathy C

Thanks, Kathy...yes, her face is missing. Glad you noticed.

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