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John Judge: It was always so obvious, how could we have missed it ???

Khalid Rosenbaum wrote:


It's time to think the unthinkable: Did Jackie Kennedy pull the trigger?

Was Jackie Kennedy involved in the conspiracy to assassinate her husband, John F. Kennedy? It's a question I hope to explore in the spirit of inquiry, and not in that of accusation.

Whether you were alive on November 22, 1963 or hadn't yet arrived, the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is an event that evokes some response in almost everyone. It was a day of violence, betrayal, mystery, and grief. Did Oswald really act alone as the Warren Commission insisted? Was there a government cover-up at the highest levels; and if so, why? Books and articles about the assassination in Dallas have generally sold well, even if they told just part of the story. I myself have been an off-again, on-again amateur researcher of sorts into that day that stole my innocence forever. I was 10 years old when it happened. I was 56 the other day when I finally stumbled onto the conclusions of a researcher who was not afraid to consider the unthinkable: Jackie Kennedy pulled the trigger of the gun that instantly ended her husband, John's, life. I know, I know, she is the last person you'd expect to have been the monster that cut down her husband in his prime! We all watched her bravely grim face during the ordeal of the lying-in-state and funeral of our beloved President. Those of us who have seen the Zapruder film of the assassination were moved to tears at the sight of Jackie crawling onto the boot of the limousine to retrieve, or so it's said, a portion of her husband's brain.

Where's the EVIDENCE for what you're implying, you ask? Here's a slow-motion clip of the Zapruder film for your perusal. Please zero in on Jackie beginning at the point JFK grabs his throat and look for 4 CLUES:

1. She leans into him but does not put an arm around him as would be a more natural response. Instead, she keeps her hands out of camera range by contorting her arms rather awkwardly, perhaps conscious of the possibility that there are cameras on both sides of the street. Photos and film taken from the left side of the car also do not show exactly what she's doing with her hands.

2. She seems more focused on Gov. Connally's words to her than on her husband's condition. Could Connally possibly be telling her it's time to "do it"? Or perhaps he's uttering the trigger words that will elicit a previously induced hypnotic suggestion. Do they looked shocked at what's happened to you? Or do they look like they're simply discussing their next course of action?

3. At point of head impact, white smoke moves upward on LEFT SIDE of JFK's head. This white wisp of smoke or vapor is visible even in photos and film taken from the other side of the car. A bullet doesn't cause smoke; the barrel of a gun does. There are various reports (here's one) that indicate that the gunshot entry wound was on the left side of JFK's head; exit wound to the right front. One of the doctors at Parkland, Dr. Jenkins, testified to the Warren Commission that he had discovered what appeared to be a bullet wound to the "left temporal region" of the President's head. (Of course, the Warren Commission took care of that "misconception"!)

4. She quickly hides something (the gun?). In the still frames of the Zapruder film, it appears to me that there must be at least one frame missing between #326 and #327. Judging from the slow progression of the other still frames, there's no conceivable way that Jackie's arm could have skipped from an upright position to one pointing down in the space of one frame (1/18 of a second)! What do those responsible not want us to see? A gun? (See all frames.) Judging by the blood and brain spray exiting JFK's head, what kind of trajectory would the bullet have to travel? Isn't it more consistent with someone placing the muzzle near his left ear and firing upwards than it would be of a long-distance shooter firing from behind…or even from the front? A doctor who saw JFK at Parkland Hospital immediately after the murder indicates that his head wound was on the front right side. There is an assassination researcher who puts forth the theory that there was a shooter in the trunk of the car! He is actually closer to the truth than other theorists because the intensity and trajectory of the shot indicates that it came from within the tight little circle of the car and those in it and around it. His conclusions support rather than deny mine. There are experts who insist that the Zapruder film was altered and also that frames were removed; and these alterations seem aimed at obscuring the moment of the head shot. The final product still shows evidence of a shot from the front, so this alteration must, more importantly in the minds of the alterers, have been done to hide both the fact that the car was brought to a near standstill for the execution of the head shot(s), and to hide the fact that Jackie's hand held a gun.

The sequence of events that took our President's life was, in my opinion, and based on observation of the Zapruder film, as follows:

1. JFK was shot in the throat from the front, possibly by a bullet that went through the windshield of the car. Contrary to popular belief, Gov. Connally was not wounded until AFTER the fatal head shot (as evidenced by the fact that he is able to turn his body around and toward Jackie in order to speak to her). Note: If you click on the link to the article regarding Gov. Connally's wounds, notice how clearly the white smoke is visible in the Zapruder frames he posts.)

2. One or more bullets from the rear were fired at some point during the sequence, causing JFK's back entrance wound (which was shallow probably due to his heavy back corset-like brace), and the injuries to Gov. Connally.

3. Jackie maneuvers herself into position in order to deliver a head shot to enter from the left in JFK's hairline near his ear and upward, but she hesitates a few seconds too long, forcing the sniper hidden on the grassy knoll to respond with a head shot of his own. This sniper's shot nearly coincided perfectly with Jackie's shot, and the startling realization that rifle shots were coming in her direction, coupled with the horror of her mortally wounded husband falling toward her and not away from her, caused her to flee away from their source and towards the rear of the automobile seeking the protective arms of her personal Secret Service agent, Clint Hill. (Jackie almost roughly pushes JFK's body aside as she swiftly climbs out onto the trunk of the car to retrieve some mysterious object. The official story that she was trying to save brain matter or a piece of skull is suspect as the Zapruder film clearly shows that the trunk area is still in pristine condition. The reason she looks like she's trying to grab something on the boot of the car is that she's reaching for the protruding "buttons" about halfway to the Secret Service handles in order to hold on to something while she makes her escape.)

4. The nearly simultaneous head shots coming from two different directions – one close to the head from the left and the other traveling a distance from the right front – explain the conflicting bodily movements indicating JFK's physical reaction to the two head injuries. (Slightly forward at the first shot, but then quickly back and to the left after the incoming shot from the grassy knoll.)

Another good link to a larger, blown-up version of the Zapruder film can be found at Metacafe. The white smoke is clearly visible, as well as the gun-hiding motions of Jackie Kennedy after impact.

Here's a preliminary list of possible MOTIVES as to why Jackie Kennedy would have committed this crime in conjunction with the political conspiracy to assassinate him followed by a government cover-up:

1. JFK's indiscretions with other women from the very beginning of their marriage. Perhaps Jackie was fed up, and possibly planning to divorce him anyway, so when she learned of the conspiracy (through Onassis?) to assassinate him, she volunteered. It's reported in Peter Evan's book, "Nemesis: The True Story of Aristotle Onassis, Jackie O, and the Love Triangle That Brought Down the Kennedys…", that Jackie had begun an affair with Onassis just months before the assassination, and that the Kennedy marriage was in such shambles that divorce was almost inevitably going to happen after the next election. The Kennedys did not share the same hotel room in Texas the night before the murder.

2. She was threatened by the conspirators. Perhaps she was told that if she refused to cooperate and deal the fatal blow that would ensure her husband's death, there would be a bullet in it for her. Or maybe harm to her children. They would have told her they planned to shoot to kill JFK anyway, so what difference would it make if she participated. An extensive cover-up of her involvement, to the extent of doctoring and falsifying autopsy documents and eye witness reports, was promised.

3. She was in love with Aristotle Onassis and did it at his behest with promises of a future life with all of the benefits millions of dollars can buy. Jackie did vacation – without her husband - on Ari's private yacht to recuperate from her baby's death just months before the assassination.

4. Aristotle Onassis and other new world order advocates took advantage of her post-traumatic stress syndrome following the sudden death of her baby in order to utilize hypnosis and/or mind control techniques much like those reportedly used with Sirhan Sirhan. Evidence that links Onassis to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy has been brought forward (See Peter Evans' book, "Nemesis," for details.)

5. Jackie's mother was Jewish. Perhaps Jackie, although Roman Catholic herself, had a loyalty to the state of Israel and cooperated with the Zionist objective to protect its interests in maintaining Israel as the site of their proposed future world government under a world leader of their choosing.

6. Jacqueline Bouvier was a C.I.A. agent assigned to infiltrate the Kennedy clan as they moved up in political circles. Here's an excerpt from an online biography of Jackie (among others) that cites the fact that she did work for the C.I.A.! "Jackie attended boarding schools and then went off to Vassar. After two years, though, she got tired of it and spent her junior year studying at the Sorbonne in Paris. When she got back to the US she did not want to go back to Vassar, so she enrolled in George Washington University in Washington, DC, graduating in 1951. She took a job at the CIA and in January of 1952 went to work at a Washington newspaper, where she was a photographer. During an assignment she met U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy . They were married on September 12, 1953. Their first child, who lived, was Caroline Kennedy, born November 27, 1957." [Emphasis mine.] The entire biography can be read here. Jackie may have been merely following the orders of her superiors to hit their target.

Jackie's and her mother's long association with George DeMorenschildt, a known CIA asset, closest friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, acquaintance of George H.W. Bush, LBJ, Abraham Zapruder (!) and others leads me to wonder if he was, perhaps, Jackie's (and maybe her mother's) "handler," as well as Lee Harvey Oswald's! Here's an excerpt from a site dealing with a publication called, "Timeline Chart," discussed on this Education Forum: "I first started researching the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission for clues, when I came across George De Mohrenschildt. I thought it was strange that a man who visited Jacqueline Kennedy's mother on a regular basis would also befriend the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. In the first several years of my research, I even had a nightmare that Jackie Kennedy had been involved in the assassination. I began to look at this or the possibility that her mother Mrs. Hugh D. Auchincloss was involved. But I concluded, that no one in their right mind would have placed themselves or their daughter in an open convertible with a possibility of being shot, for Jackie sat three feet away from JFK on that fateful November 22, 1963.

De Mohrenschildt testified that before Oswald was even born he visited with Jackie and her mother in 1938 on a daily basis at Easthampton, New York. You may, like myself, find this hard to digest."

7. Jackie and Lyndon Johnson were in collusion. They had something in common: they had both been pushed out of the loop of John F. Kennedy's personal life. Perhaps their individual bitterness over the way JFK treated them caused them to come to an agreement to aid each other in punishing and removing the source. LBJ was aware that Republicans wanted to look into his possible bribe-taking, and Jackie was undoubtedly aware that her husband's tryst with a possible communist spy. Ellen Rometsch (as well as his secret marriage to Durie Malcolm) was about to become public knowledge. Tape recorded phone calls between LBJ and Jackie from shortly after the assassination reveal an over-familiarity on LBJ's part that could possibly stem from his knowledge of what she had done that fateful day in Dallas. It sounds like he was using it for all it was worth to coerce Jackie into a more intimate relationship with him. Jackie reportedly did not know she was being recorded but seems to take care in choosing her responses, perhaps due to CIA training and political savvy.

Thanks to John Judge for passing this along.

His comments: Post literate, post historical, post scientific, post logical. This oozing crap is supposed to serve as analysis or research? It has so many holes as to look like swiss cheese. And of course, it was the Jews, always the Jews. "We are allowed to believe anything, but to know nothing." - JJ

Edited by William Kelly
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John Judge: It was always so obvious, how could we have missed it ???

Khalid Rosenbaum wrote:


It's time to think the unthinkable: Did Jackie Kennedy pull the trigger?

Was Jackie Kennedy involved in the conspiracy to assassinate her husband, John F. Kennedy? It's a question I hope to explore in the spirit of inquiry, and not in that of accusation.

Whether you were alive on November 22, 1963 or hadn't yet arrived, the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is an event that evokes some response in almost everyone. It was a day of violence, betrayal, mystery, and grief. Did Oswald really act alone as the Warren Commission insisted? Was there a government cover-up at the highest levels; and if so, why? Books and articles about the assassination in Dallas have generally sold well, even if they told just part of the story. I myself have been an off-again, on-again amateur researcher of sorts into that day that stole my innocence forever. I was 10 years old when it happened. I was 56 the other day when I finally stumbled onto the conclusions of a researcher who was not afraid to consider the unthinkable: Jackie Kennedy pulled the trigger of the gun that instantly ended her husband, John's, life. I know, I know, she is the last person you'd expect to have been the monster that cut down her husband in his prime! We all watched her bravely grim face during the ordeal of the lying-in-state and funeral of our beloved President. Those of us who have seen the Zapruder film of the assassination were moved to tears at the sight of Jackie crawling onto the boot of the limousine to retrieve, or so it's said, a portion of her husband's brain.

Where's the EVIDENCE for what you're implying, you ask? Here's a slow-motion clip of the Zapruder film for your perusal. Please zero in on Jackie beginning at the point JFK grabs his throat and look for 4 CLUES:

1. She leans into him but does not put an arm around him as would be a more natural response. Instead, she keeps her hands out of camera range by contorting her arms rather awkwardly, perhaps conscious of the possibility that there are cameras on both sides of the street. Photos and film taken from the left side of the car also do not show exactly what she's doing with her hands.

2. She seems more focused on Gov. Connally's words to her than on her husband's condition. Could Connally possibly be telling her it's time to "do it"? Or perhaps he's uttering the trigger words that will elicit a previously induced hypnotic suggestion. Do they looked shocked at what's happened to you? Or do they look like they're simply discussing their next course of action?

3. At point of head impact, white smoke moves upward on LEFT SIDE of JFK's head. This white wisp of smoke or vapor is visible even in photos and film taken from the other side of the car. A bullet doesn't cause smoke; the barrel of a gun does. There are various reports (here's one) that indicate that the gunshot entry wound was on the left side of JFK's head; exit wound to the right front. One of the doctors at Parkland, Dr. Jenkins, testified to the Warren Commission that he had discovered what appeared to be a bullet wound to the "left temporal region" of the President's head. (Of course, the Warren Commission took care of that "misconception"!)

4. She quickly hides something (the gun?). In the still frames of the Zapruder film, it appears to me that there must be at least one frame missing between #326 and #327. Judging from the slow progression of the other still frames, there's no conceivable way that Jackie's arm could have skipped from an upright position to one pointing down in the space of one frame (1/18 of a second)! What do those responsible not want us to see? A gun? (See all frames.) Judging by the blood and brain spray exiting JFK's head, what kind of trajectory would the bullet have to travel? Isn't it more consistent with someone placing the muzzle near his left ear and firing upwards than it would be of a long-distance shooter firing from behind…or even from the front? A doctor who saw JFK at Parkland Hospital immediately after the murder indicates that his head wound was on the front right side. There is an assassination researcher who puts forth the theory that there was a shooter in the trunk of the car! He is actually closer to the truth than other theorists because the intensity and trajectory of the shot indicates that it came from within the tight little circle of the car and those in it and around it. His conclusions support rather than deny mine. There are experts who insist that the Zapruder film was altered and also that frames were removed; and these alterations seem aimed at obscuring the moment of the head shot. The final product still shows evidence of a shot from the front, so this alteration must, more importantly in the minds of the alterers, have been done to hide both the fact that the car was brought to a near standstill for the execution of the head shot(s), and to hide the fact that Jackie's hand held a gun.

The sequence of events that took our President's life was, in my opinion, and based on observation of the Zapruder film, as follows:

1. JFK was shot in the throat from the front, possibly by a bullet that went through the windshield of the car. Contrary to popular belief, Gov. Connally was not wounded until AFTER the fatal head shot (as evidenced by the fact that he is able to turn his body around and toward Jackie in order to speak to her). Note: If you click on the link to the article regarding Gov. Connally's wounds, notice how clearly the white smoke is visible in the Zapruder frames he posts.)

2. One or more bullets from the rear were fired at some point during the sequence, causing JFK's back entrance wound (which was shallow probably due to his heavy back corset-like brace), and the injuries to Gov. Connally.

3. Jackie maneuvers herself into position in order to deliver a head shot to enter from the left in JFK's hairline near his ear and upward, but she hesitates a few seconds too long, forcing the sniper hidden on the grassy knoll to respond with a head shot of his own. This sniper's shot nearly coincided perfectly with Jackie's shot, and the startling realization that rifle shots were coming in her direction, coupled with the horror of her mortally wounded husband falling toward her and not away from her, caused her to flee away from their source and towards the rear of the automobile seeking the protective arms of her personal Secret Service agent, Clint Hill. (Jackie almost roughly pushes JFK's body aside as she swiftly climbs out onto the trunk of the car to retrieve some mysterious object. The official story that she was trying to save brain matter or a piece of skull is suspect as the Zapruder film clearly shows that the trunk area is still in pristine condition. The reason she looks like she's trying to grab something on the boot of the car is that she's reaching for the protruding "buttons" about halfway to the Secret Service handles in order to hold on to something while she makes her escape.)

4. The nearly simultaneous head shots coming from two different directions – one close to the head from the left and the other traveling a distance from the right front – explain the conflicting bodily movements indicating JFK's physical reaction to the two head injuries. (Slightly forward at the first shot, but then quickly back and to the left after the incoming shot from the grassy knoll.)

Another good link to a larger, blown-up version of the Zapruder film can be found at Metacafe. The white smoke is clearly visible, as well as the gun-hiding motions of Jackie Kennedy after impact.

Here's a preliminary list of possible MOTIVES as to why Jackie Kennedy would have committed this crime in conjunction with the political conspiracy to assassinate him followed by a government cover-up:

1. JFK's indiscretions with other women from the very beginning of their marriage. Perhaps Jackie was fed up, and possibly planning to divorce him anyway, so when she learned of the conspiracy (through Onassis?) to assassinate him, she volunteered. It's reported in Peter Evan's book, "Nemesis: The True Story of Aristotle Onassis, Jackie O, and the Love Triangle That Brought Down the Kennedys…", that Jackie had begun an affair with Onassis just months before the assassination, and that the Kennedy marriage was in such shambles that divorce was almost inevitably going to happen after the next election. The Kennedys did not share the same hotel room in Texas the night before the murder.

2. She was threatened by the conspirators. Perhaps she was told that if she refused to cooperate and deal the fatal blow that would ensure her husband's death, there would be a bullet in it for her. Or maybe harm to her children. They would have told her they planned to shoot to kill JFK anyway, so what difference would it make if she participated. An extensive cover-up of her involvement, to the extent of doctoring and falsifying autopsy documents and eye witness reports, was promised.

3. She was in love with Aristotle Onassis and did it at his behest with promises of a future life with all of the benefits millions of dollars can buy. Jackie did vacation – without her husband - on Ari's private yacht to recuperate from her baby's death just months before the assassination.

4. Aristotle Onassis and other new world order advocates took advantage of her post-traumatic stress syndrome following the sudden death of her baby in order to utilize hypnosis and/or mind control techniques much like those reportedly used with Sirhan Sirhan. Evidence that links Onassis to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy has been brought forward (See Peter Evans' book, "Nemesis," for details.)

5. Jackie's mother was Jewish. Perhaps Jackie, although Roman Catholic herself, had a loyalty to the state of Israel and cooperated with the Zionist objective to protect its interests in maintaining Israel as the site of their proposed future world government under a world leader of their choosing.

6. Jacqueline Bouvier was a C.I.A. agent assigned to infiltrate the Kennedy clan as they moved up in political circles. Here's an excerpt from an online biography of Jackie (among others) that cites the fact that she did work for the C.I.A.! "Jackie attended boarding schools and then went off to Vassar. After two years, though, she got tired of it and spent her junior year studying at the Sorbonne in Paris. When she got back to the US she did not want to go back to Vassar, so she enrolled in George Washington University in Washington, DC, graduating in 1951. She took a job at the CIA and in January of 1952 went to work at a Washington newspaper, where she was a photographer. During an assignment she met U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy . They were married on September 12, 1953. Their first child, who lived, was Caroline Kennedy, born November 27, 1957." [Emphasis mine.] The entire biography can be read here. Jackie may have been merely following the orders of her superiors to hit their target.

Jackie's and her mother's long association with George DeMorenschildt, a known CIA asset, closest friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, acquaintance of George H.W. Bush, LBJ, Abraham Zapruder (!) and others leads me to wonder if he was, perhaps, Jackie's (and maybe her mother's) "handler," as well as Lee Harvey Oswald's! Here's an excerpt from a site dealing with a publication called, "Timeline Chart," discussed on this Education Forum: "I first started researching the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission for clues, when I came across George De Mohrenschildt. I thought it was strange that a man who visited Jacqueline Kennedy's mother on a regular basis would also befriend the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. In the first several years of my research, I even had a nightmare that Jackie Kennedy had been involved in the assassination. I began to look at this or the possibility that her mother Mrs. Hugh D. Auchincloss was involved. But I concluded, that no one in their right mind would have placed themselves or their daughter in an open convertible with a possibility of being shot, for Jackie sat three feet away from JFK on that fateful November 22, 1963.

De Mohrenschildt testified that before Oswald was even born he visited with Jackie and her mother in 1938 on a daily basis at Easthampton, New York. You may, like myself, find this hard to digest."

7. Jackie and Lyndon Johnson were in collusion. They had something in common: they had both been pushed out of the loop of John F. Kennedy's personal life. Perhaps their individual bitterness over the way JFK treated them caused them to come to an agreement to aid each other in punishing and removing the source. LBJ was aware that Republicans wanted to look into his possible bribe-taking, and Jackie was undoubtedly aware that her husband's tryst with a possible communist spy. Ellen Rometsch (as well as his secret marriage to Durie Malcolm) was about to become public knowledge. Tape recorded phone calls between LBJ and Jackie from shortly after the assassination reveal an over-familiarity on LBJ's part that could possibly stem from his knowledge of what she had done that fateful day in Dallas. It sounds like he was using it for all it was worth to coerce Jackie into a more intimate relationship with him. Jackie reportedly did not know she was being recorded but seems to take care in choosing her responses, perhaps due to CIA training and political savvy.

Thanks to John Judge for passing this along.

His comments: Post literate, post historical, post scientific, post logical. This oozing crap is supposed to serve as analysis or research? It has so many holes as to look like swiss cheese. And of course, it was the Jews, always the Jews. "We are allowed to believe anything, but to know nothing." - JJ

Let's hope no one believes the above, but actually probably thousands will: The same people who write to dead celebs or confuse the actor with the hated character.

Kathy C

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Jackie of course didn't shoot JFK, but this theory is closer to the truth than any previous one. I believe that I solved this case some time ago and was planning to write a book. But I will go ahead now and present my theory here in condensed form, before someone else arrives at the truth and publishes first.

JFK was upset about Jackie's affair with Onassis. He also knew he was going to die soon of Addison's disease, if not at the hands of assassin(s) hired by Lyndon Johnson and/or the CIA. So JFK shot himself, and made Jackie witness it up close and personal.

JFK fired the first shot behind the Stemmons sign, but only hit himself in the throat. He dropped the gun in his lap but Jackie didn't see it as she turned and looked at him. He managed to pick up the gun again after lowering his arms. But he squeezed the trigger too soon and shot John Connally. (What Connally actually said was, "My God, he's going to kill us all.") JFK fired again, this bullet going through the windshield, with Greer almost stopping the car to jump out. Before Jackie could grab the gun, JFK fired a fourth and fatal shot.

In climbing onto the back of the limo, Jackie was impulsively trying to flee the scene, lest everyone assume that she did the shooting. Clint Hill stopped her, and she realized anyway there were too many eyewitnesses to her being in the limo. Jackie then conceived the whole cover-up during the ride to Parkland, a cover-up that she proceeded to manage so well that it has endured for half a century.

Why the cover-up? If it became known that JFK had committed suicide, the question of motive would naturally lead to Jackie's affair with Onassis, which would become front-page news, at least in the National Enquirer. Jackie was determined not to let that happen.

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Jackie of course didn't shoot JFK, but this theory is closer to the truth than any previous one. I believe that I solved this case some time ago and was planning to write a book. But I will go ahead now and present my theory here in condensed form, before someone else arrives at the truth and publishes first.

JFK was upset about Jackie's affair with Onassis. He also knew he was going to die soon of Addison's disease, if not at the hands of assassin(s) hired by Lyndon Johnson and/or the CIA. So JFK shot himself, and made Jackie witness it up close and personal.

JFK fired the first shot behind the Stemmons sign, but only hit himself in the throat. He dropped the gun in his lap but Jackie didn't see it as she turned and looked at him. He managed to pick up the gun again after lowering his arms. But he squeezed the trigger too soon and shot John Connally. (What Connally actually said was, "My God, he's going to kill us all.") JFK fired again, this bullet going through the windshield, with Greer almost stopping the car to jump out. Before Jackie could grab the gun, JFK fired a fourth and fatal shot.

In climbing onto the back of the limo, Jackie was impulsively trying to flee the scene, lest everyone assume that she did the shooting. Clint Hill stopped her, and she realized anyway there were too many eyewitnesses to her being in the limo. Jackie then conceived the whole cover-up during the ride to Parkland, a cover-up that she proceeded to manage so well that it has endured for half a century.

Why the cover-up? If it became known that JFK had committed suicide, the question of motive would naturally lead to Jackie's affair with Onassis, which would become front-page news, at least in the National Enquirer. Jackie was determined not to let that happen.

Goddamn it Ron!

you could have sold that to the History Channel...

I can picture it now... Sandra Bullock playing Sarah... I mean Jackie... John Voight as JFK... some hack daytime soapie star as John Connally....

Eric Baba as Clint Hill, and in undoubtedly her most convincing performance yet, Sarah Palin as Will Greer.

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