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Posada Carrilles+Guillermo Novo pardoned

Wim Dankbaar

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The Novo Brothers would be in their late 60's early 70's now. The fact that they might be frail doesn't diminish them as dangers to society. They have extensive networks of contacts who are more than willing to do their dirty work.

Guys like Luis Posada Carriles, that idiot Felix Rodriguez, Jorge Mas Canosa, Jose Perdomo, Jose Basulto, and Jose 'Yayo' Varona went through the training at Fort Benning during 1963 and have been utilized over the years by the government as well as being active in their own personal causes.

Below is a collection of these government trained Cubans, some of which have been responsible for much death and mayhem.



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Herman Ricardo and Freddy Lugo were both sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. In 1987 Bosch was freed with the help of Otto Reich, the White House's leading adviser on Latin America. Bosch entered the United States, where he was granted asylum. He was eventually pardoned by President George Bush on 18th July, 1990.

That information only serves to re-affirm my feelings of disgust and hatred for

these fascist sympathizers, who'd rather pardon mass murdering zealots, such

as Bosch and Posada. And, this is who the American sheeple have voted into

office and entrusted to run this country? Mas que estupida, la gente de los Estados Unidos! :angry:

Edited by Terry Mauro
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  • 2 weeks later...

From the New York Daily News


Terrorists Welcome - If They're Anti-Castro.

by Albor Ruiz

Let's see if we can make sense out of this: On Tuesday, Washington denied visas to a number of Cuban scholars - I repeat, scholars -- who had been invited to participate in an academic conference in Las Vegas.

Yet, in what amounted to a suspension of the war on terror, a few weeks ago, Pedro Remn, Guillermo Novo Sampol and Gaspar Jimeniz - three Cuban-Americans with long and proven ties to terrorist activities in this country and abroad - were given a celebrity welcome to the U.S.

Terrorists yes, scholars no? It doesn't make any sense.

On Sept. 28, the U.S. Interests Section in Havana informed the Cuban authorities that they had turned down the requested visas of every single one of 61 Cuban scholars who were supposed to take part in the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) convention in Las Vegas Oct 7-10.

Such action was based on Section 212, an executive order issued during the Reagan administration that allows denial of visas on the grounds that it is not in the interests of the U.S. to grant visas to persons who are employees of the Cuban government and/or members of the Cuban Communist Party.

"In short," said Michael Erisman, a political science professor at Indiana State University and a member of LASA, "it is a blanket authorization to deny visas, since practically all Cubans, and certainly all Cuban academics, are government employees, just as those of us in the U.S. who work at public institutions are government employees."

Yet Remn, Novo and Jimeniz, who along with former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles had been in a Panamanian prison, accused of plotting to assassinate Fidel Castro at a summit of Latin American leaders in 2000, had no problems with federal authorities.

The fact that, according to the charges, they were planning to use 33 pounds of explosives to assassinate Castro at the University of Panama did not raise any red flags with immigration authorities. Those authorities happily looked the other way when the three men returned to the U.S. through the Opa-Locka airport in Florida.

Officials in Washington did not seem to mind that the explosives the men intended to use were enough to destroy an armored car, damage everything within 220 yards and kill not only Castro but dozens of Panamanian university students as well. Recently, the men had been sentenced to seven to eight years in prison for endangering public safety.

But on Aug. 28, they were pardoned by outgoing Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso, who many believe was pressured to do so by Washington. And, outrageously enough, the trio arrived in Florida to great fanfare just in time to commemorate the third anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil. It seems that for all its rhetoric about democracy, what really scares this administration the most is a free exchange of ideas.

"We expected some casualties, but never a blanket denial of visas," said Erisman. "This case is, at least to the best of my knowledge, the most extreme application - and abuse - of the Section 212 provisions in terms of the size of the group that has been denied visas."

Terrorists yes, scholars no. Whatever happened to the war on terror? Call it opportunism or call it hypocrisy -- it doesn't make much difference. The fact is that this is an election year and Florida must be won. And candidate Bush seems willing to go very far to woo the ultraconservative Cuban-American vote. Last time I looked, this was called hypocrisy.

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So they say that James Files is such a hoax. He is the one to warn me about Nova and sent me a picture of him some time ago. Files told me to keep an eye on him and watch him. At that time Nova was in prison. I never knew who he was took time to ID the picture of him.

Yet, Files knew for reasons to keep a close eye on this man. Seems odd, not really and I don't think this has anything to do with the election. Rather a keep on eye part for myself to know.

They must be getting down on a list when someone like Files in prison for sometime know a bit more into politics than one would think.

Makes it even stronger that James Files knows admits and tells more of the truth than what some would like to let us believe.

This isn't for the election I don't think so. It isn't for terrorist actions either but keep a close eye even more onto Bush and see what comes up in the near future?

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