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Chemtrails are back!

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You of course ignored that there were TWO investigations of Rhodes and neither turned up evidence “patients in the young pathologist's care had died under suspicious circumstances”

Perlingieri is crackpot because she made a claim which is contradicted by the available evidence. You can drop the use her title because use of "Dr." is only considered appropriate when PhD's are discussing subjects in their areas of expertise.

She doesn't seem to have been very prominent in her feild she taught at a mediocre university and seem to have only published one book.

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She doesn't seem to have been very prominent in her feild she taught at a mediocre university and seem to have only published one book.

Once again, your agenda of attacking the messenger instead of the message doesn't help your cause much.. The number of books written by her doesn't matter when she is one of the leading researchers on US government deceit and fraud.

Here is some of her other work, exposing the greedy criminals who are busy harming American citizens for a profit.

Dr Ilya Sandra Perlingieri warns on the dangerous of the H1N1 bioweapon vaccine


Our Lives at Risk: Drug Company Greed, Dangerous Vaccines, No

Precautionary Principle


Lies And Deceit In A Crumbling Economy


Heavy Metals Poisoning, Brain Injury, and Clandestine Weather Modification Programs Connecting the Dots – Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri


Deliberately Wrecked Weather From Coast To Coast – Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri


And my favorite Dr. Perlingieri article, which I have copied and pasted here in hopes that some people reading these threads will care enough to learn the truth about the toxins the US military continues to spray on the unsuspecting population.

Climate Change & Weather Modification Crimes

Naomi Klein has just written an online article, “Climate Rage,” posted on Global Research on Nov. 17.(1) Klein is the author of “The Shock Doctrine,” a book that cogently sets forth what we are living through every day: one assault after another:

1. Heavy (often unregulated) environmental pollution. This has wrecked vast swaths of land and destroyed millions of people’s lives and health. Canada’s Tar Sands and the dramatic cutting off tops of the Appalachian Mountains to extract coal are the latest in a centuries-long, taking-at-any-cost, modus operandi for corporations.(2) Raping the land is acceptable corporate business practice. The devastation that is left behind then harms the entire ecology of an area, with humans at the top of a then poisoned food chain.

2. A deliberately created financial debacle that has undermined economies worldwide and already has resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs (while real job figure losses are distorted). This is being done, while the rich and the well connected continue to hijack countries politically and economically. They are not accountable to the people whose taxes they have stolen.

3. United States “health” care, the worst of any industrialized country (where infant mortality ranks with Third-world countries), is abysmal. Millions of people are chronically ill with debilitating (often multiple) illnesses from asthma to neurological disorders that make daily living extremely hard. How many people link these illnesses with the heavily polluted air we are breathing? Asthma and other upper respiratory illnesses are now epidemic.

4. A non-existent, but media-hyped “global influenza pandemic” --created in laboratories to enrich the coffers of Big Pharma, while they are indemnified by the government against deaths and neurological injuries-- that are already happening. This is caused by the built-in ingredient dangers of their flu vaccines. On Oct. 1, 2009, Christian Smith, grandson of Oregonian Beth Wallace, was taken for his one-year-old “health” check-up. Without getting permission from the boy’s mother, the nurse gave him an H1N1 flu vaccine shot and then told her: “It’s no big deal.” Tragically, this child died from this vaccine shot on Oct. 4. He may have been the first to die in the US from the vaccine. Other vaccine-linked deaths and miscarriages have also been reported.

5. US education is trashed (something about which I have been writing and speaking for decades); and our children continue to go through the US public school system unable to speak the language properly (no grammar is taught) or write a coherent sentence. Critical and analytic thinking are also missing. University courses are then watered down to cope with high school “graduates” who were promoted from grade-to-grade, whether or not they knew the material in the curriculum. Millions of people are functionally illiterate. This situation has enormous ramifications: people who are not well educated and adequately informed are not able to make decisions that can critically impact their lives.

6. Elder “care” is in an appalling state. With millions of elders barely surviving on the pittance from “Social Security” funds. There is little-to-no financial or medical safety net in the US. It is common to hear that elders eat their dog and cat’s pet food. Yet, there are always billions of taxpayer dollars for the behemoth military budget. If enacted, the planned health care so-called “reforms” will be nationalized extortion. It will not fix a broken medical system that neither considers precaution nor prevention.

7. The devastation (environmental and either death or massive immune/neurological damage to millions of innocent civilians) wrought by the US military’s illegal and toxic wars. Now, with mass media compliant to Washington’s wishes, most Americans do not see the carnage and daily crises that this has created for millions (in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gaza, and other sites that the military has chosen to invade illegally). Nor do we see the physical and psychological damage wrought to returning US veterans. All this, for the corporate greed of stealing natural resources. We do not have the kind of independent journalism that put a stop to the debacle in Viet Nam. People who now speak out are harassed or labeled “terrorists.” What ever happened to our Constitutional right to free speech? Its erosion has been done by stealth. What ever happened to peaceful dissent? Who is linking this carnage with epidemic rates of cancers (from Depleted Uranium bombs, whose poisons are carried on the winds and then travel around the world)?

These are the proverbial tips of the iceberg. However, in most people’s minds, this does not address in any concrete way the kind of daily suffering that is going on (not just here, but worldwide). These are Shakespeare’s “shocks that flesh is heir to.” However, when one crisis is piled upon another, and we are hit with major troubles (economic, illness, wars, etc.), all simultaneously, we also live in the bigger picture of Klein’s “Shock Doctrine-Disaster Capitalism” times. By the very essence of these multiple crises, we do not have time to process or think these issues through more clearly and rationally. Just the routine of daily living and frequent and stressful time constraints preclude deeper reflections. Her article, however, covers the issues surrounding the up-coming Copenhagen Summit next month as vital to addressing our worldwide changing climate.(3)

Yes, the weather is changing. With more and more frequency, they are dramatic changes. There are more intense hurricanes (Andrew, Katrina, Rita) and typhoons. There are more severe tornadoes, torrential rains, and droughts. “We don’t have regular seasons anymore,” as Dr. Michael Castle told me recently. The weather is askew. The past two Winters in New England have seen the worst snowstorms in recorded history. The Winter of 2007-2008 saw 16-feet of snow in Maine –with one blizzard after another, almost on a daily basis.

Snow and rain now fall differently than before. Have you noticed that they both stop abruptly, rather than gently taper off? Cloud cover has changed, too. The synthetic clouds mask regular sunshine; and this too has diminished. It is called “global dimming.” Less sunshine causes depleted Vitamin D levels (known as the “sunshine” vitamin). Plants also need sunshine for photosynthesis. Less sunshine also means food crops also are growing at a deficit. This is due to Clandestine Weather Modification Programs (see below).

The Pacific Northwest has torrential rains (and, on the Eastern seaboard, so does Georgia), and rarely does the sun shine (and, there was scorching heat this past summer with many days over 103 degrees). In this part of the country, the air is also a toxic spew of VX Nerve Gas being burned by the Army at Umatilla; 60-years of poisons at Hanford Nuclear Reservation that have contaminated both the Columbia and Willamette rivers, and also left chronic radiation dangers to contaminate everyone; the Brown Clouds coming from Asia (and being monitored by NASA); and excessive dumping in the air of mercury. Additionally, since September, there are other illegal atmospheric military bombings being done.(4)

Droughts plague many other parts of the country. Pine Beetle and Sudden Oak death have killed millions of trees in California.

Throughout the US and Canada the air no longer smells fresh. It is now putrid, acrid. The blue sky we once viewed with joy is now an un-natural blanket of grayish-white.

What links chronic illnesses, dramatic changes in our weather, and enormous damage to our environment? Why are millions of people not “thinking clearly”? What is not being discussed in public is the REAL devastation wrought by Clandestine Weather Modification Programs. This is the toxic “elephant in our living rooms.”

For more than ten years, the US Department of Defense [DOD], with the collusion of corporations, has been spraying untold amounts of illegal toxins into the air we breathe. The US military is on record as stating that they “want to own the weather by 2025.”(5) Look up at the once blue sky! That gorgeous, deep blue is gone. Now, it is covered with a synthetic blanket. The clouds we once knew, part of Mother Nature’s magnificent gifts to our planet, are gone. In its place are chemically created clouds. Neither mainstream media nor weather news have reported on the daily Chemtrails aerosol blankets. California Meteorologist Kevin Martin was doing an outstanding daily and accurate aerosol weather reports; but his website was shut down.

A regular jet plane emits more than 80 highly corrosive poisons into the air we breathe.(6) These released jet plane chemicals include: Methyl Bromide, Toluene, Carbon Tetrachloride, Benzene, Octane, Sulfuric acid, Phosgene, and Dichlorobenzene. We all are breathing these carcinogens.

In addition, there are now more than 60 Clandestine Weather Modification projects going on. Thousands of other military, private, and commercial planes, are now specially fitted to release mile after mile of aerosolized highly dangerous Chemtrails [chemical trails, not jet contrails]. They continue to spray our air with another brew of damaging chemicals that include: barium (toxic to all mammalian life), fiber-coated nano-aluminum (causes damage to cognitive function –and dementia is on a steep rise), polymers, thorium and oxides, mold, fungi, and weaponized viruses.

Other chemicals in this deadly mix also include diBromides. These upset the natural potassium, magnesium, calcium mix we need. The diBromides are used to induce drought. This is geo-engineering our planet to modify our weather without any real scientific understanding of the ramifications of tampering with eons-long natural patterns, or any semblance of precaution. We all are experimental military lab animals. This has also contaminated growing all food as well as the entire food chain. It is done with testing now on a global scale --without any real understanding of the enormous consequences.

As humans, we were never meant to breathe, ingest, or bathe in water filled so many deadly chemicals on a regular and daily basis. The above list of jet plane and Chemtrails toxic aerosols does not include another array of poisons to which we are also exposed. For decades, we have also been exposed to more than 100,000 chemicals (including, hormone-disrupting pesticides, various toxic drugs, and nuclear radiation), most of which have never been tested adequately for human safety. Since about 2000, two US Administrations have dismantled many environmental laws that have been in place since the 1970s. They were there to protect us. Now, with these deliberately watered-down environmental regulations, the corporate polluters (who also manipulate Congress) get off with a mild fine or warning, while we continue to be experimental, multi-generational lab rats and suffer with epidemics of many illnesses that used to be rare.

The most heinous assaults are these daily spraying of Chemtrails aerosols, that continue to harm us in myriad of ways and wreck our immune systems.(7) It is impossible to spray so many thousands of tons of aerosol poisons, over many years, into our atmosphere and not damage it. The link between these toxic aerosols, heavy metal poisoning, changes in our blood chemistry, and the painful affliction known as Morgellons Syndrome, continues to be well documented by researchers Clifford Carnicom and Dr. Gwen Scott.(8)

What short and long-term effects do all these aerosols have on our Changing Climate? Is Climate Change really a ruse, a massive cover-up, for military and private corporations actually creating this change to our delicately balanced climate? What part does HAARP contribute to this? How do all the cell towers and Wi-Fi impact and change (over the long term) our electro-magnetic field? What is the cumulative effect on all life and the entire biosphere with this multi-level environmental assault? We have already had many billions of tons of aluminum sprayed on us (and therefore, absorbed into our brains). How has this already affected cognitive function? Scientists and doctors (most of whom have little-to-no training in environmental medicine) have very few answers to many of these major issues. However, there is ample day-to-day “anecdotal” evidence that people are not functioning properly. To tamper on a global level with the atmosphere; to seed clouds and turn them into tangled webs of toxins, polymers, and bioweapons; to harm billions of people with these chemicals without their knowledge or permission plan; and to execute these endeavors are all high crimes.

These are all invisible toxins that, nonetheless, endanger the very complex web-of-planetary life –what chemist Dr. Michael Castle calls “The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth.”(9) As I have often written: Invisible does not mean safe. The toxicity of these Clandestine Weather Modification Programs also includes extreme damaged done with chemical desiccants, such as potassium dibromide. Desiccants cause and exacerbate droughts. In unscientific media reports, Global Warming has been blamed for droughts worldwide. But these chemical desiccants are never discussed as a major contributing factor. The experimental Weather Modification Bill was Fast Tracked in 109th Congress and Bush signed it into law on Oct. 1, 2005.(10) Before this illegal bill was passed, there was no public forum or any discussion about the use of toxic chemical aerosols being sprayed on us daily, or what damage was already happening. We were never told that we were to be long-term experimental laboratory animals. There was no informed consent. This goes against all our own laws and international laws. Yet, there is a deafening silence from officials who are complicit in doing us grave harm.

Understanding the enormous and on-going threat to all of us through these continued aerosol operations, Dr. Castle has written a groundbreaking and readable piece of legislation, “The Unified Atmospheric Preservation Act 2008.” As yet, no Congressional legislator has sponsored this bill. This vital document must be passed and made into law: so that our atmosphere is not tampered with any further; so we are not sprayed with a dangerous assortment of chemicals that are already unraveling both the climate worldwide and our entire web of life; and so that our safety and well-being and that of our children and grandchildren are all assured. This is an URGENT, must read for every concerned human being. This document must be shared and passed on widely. This is what must be part of the real, worldwide Climate Change dialogue in Copenhagen. Whether one calls it geo-engineering the planet’s weather or Clandestine Aerosol Weather Modification, the issues and toxicity still remain the same: illegally tampering in unknown (but already disastrous) ways with repercussions with our own failing health and our planet’s weather. “Global Warming” it is not. Although millions of people are aware of what is happening daily over our heads, this all has been done without any public discussion. It is not the first time governments have deceived their citizens. This time, however, our lives and the very future of our planet’s safe survival all are at risk.

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Nov. 23. London’s Telegraph online reports that computers from the University of East Anglia’s internationally well-known Climate Research Unit have been hacked. The university has confirmed that a hacker has broken into the institution’s emails. Online correspondence has been published possibly documenting that so-called scientific evidence for Global Warming was falsified –the evidence for this was cooked and passed onto worldwide media as fact.(11) Early on, it is being called “Climate-Gate.” Perhaps it was not a hacker but a whistleblower. Damage control by media, corporations, and other politicians cannot go on indefinitely. The truth will come out. People will wake up and come together in peace.

Dire warnings about Climate Change [supposedly caused by human-created high levels of carbon dioxide] and the widely disseminated, supposedly scientific report from the UN’s IPCC [intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] was, at best, only part of the story. IPCC scientists’ reports were biased, gone over by each country’s government, and often watered down. It was never a scientific “consensus” report. Climate models were adjusted artificially. Much real scientific evidence was missing. In addition, many other aspects of our weather (such as a lack of activity of sunspots for almost a year --this also impacts weather changes), were never included or taken into consideration.(12)

Paul Joseph Watson reports that due to the disclosure of these emails, Sen. Jim Inhofe [ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee] is quoted as saying that:

“if nothing happens within the next seven days, he will lead the call for a rigorous investigation

into mounting evidence that top climate scientists conspired to manipulate data to hide evidence

of global cooling while engaging in academic witch hunts to eliminate scientists skeptical of man-made

climate change.(13)

More than 31,000 American scientists have signed a petition refuting the IPCC’s report. Of that, more than 9,000 have Ph.D. degrees.(14) The science on this is not a done deal. Lies and deceit have to be replaced with the truth that illegal Weather Modification has already damaged our health and our planet's naturally occurring weather.

This makes next month’s “Climate Change” gathering in Copenhagen, even more important. If these Clandestine Weather Modification Programs were actually addressed there, this could become a real conference about the critical damage these highly toxic aerosols have created. It is imperative to understand the extreme gravity of what these chemicals are invisibly doing to us. Invisible does not mean safe. Dr. Castle's research shows that we are breathing 20 percent less oxygen with each breath we inhale.

Globally, our human immune system –and that of all other living creatures— has been greatly compromised by breathing these aerosol chemicals on a daily basis for more than 10 years. To stop this, requires a massive, worldwide grassroots movement. Truth could win out over governmental lies and deception. Cap and Trade and other corporate scam ideas are meant to tax the average person forever, while leaving corporations to pollute unfettered. It does not ameliorate the crisis of Climate Change. Then, not one corporation or government is held responsible for the chronic and poisonous pollution that envelops all life. Media and government lies continue. It is the same theme and variations that we see currently with the deadly flu vaccine scam. It is to cause harm and death --to depopulate the planet. It is all for the greed profit of the elite and their corporate minions.


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She doesn't seem to have been very prominent in her feild she taught at a mediocre university and seem to have only published one book.

Once again, your agenda of attacking the messenger instead of the message doesn't help your cause much.. The number of books written by her doesn't matter when she is one of the leading researchers on US government deceit and fraud.

Here is some of her other work, exposing the greedy criminals who are busy harming American citizens for a profit.

Strangely you don’t object to all those sites which call her Dr. Perlingieri, falsely implying she has relevant expertise. They are all more of the same one non-expert (Perlingieri) making wild clams which she backs with wild claims from other non-experts. For example she cited Dr. A True Ott who peddles very expensive mineral curses regarding the safety of vaccines. He is not an MD but some sites claim he is an ND or Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, but he doesn’t claim this title on his websites. He does claim to have a PhD “in the field of Nutrition through the American College in Washington DC in 1994” except that there is no “American College” in or near DC. You could argue he meant American University in DC, but it seems odd someone would get the name of their doctoral alma matter wrong and AU doesn’t offer degrees in nutrition. Even in the unlikely case he holds a legitimate PhD in nutrition that wouldn’t qualify him regarding the safety of vaccines especially since their's no evidence of expertise in public health in his CV and his dissertation “asserted via independent research that each mineral on the periodic table of the elements, in its pure hexagonal crystalline form, pulses a specific hertz resonant frequency based on its atomic weight and unique electron configuration”.

So there is nothing to debunk because she rarely, if ever, cites valid evidence in support or her claims which are notable for their lack of backing by those with relevant expertise.

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After an absence of nearly a year, chemtrails were back over my house in full force this

afternoon. At one time I counted seven at once, all crisscrossing in all directions.


Chemtrails had been inactive over Fort Worth this week until today. Then there were numerous

ones today filling the sky with bizarre clouds all day. I shot this at about 5 p.m. as a jetliner was

taking off from DFW.


post-667-084144300 1299467096_thumb.jpg

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That was me, Jack, on American 2459 to LAX and then back home. I made a special request that the crew dump airborne toxins over your house, and to ensure it was visible so that you could photograph it. Hope you appreciate the trouble I went to.


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After an absence of nearly a year, chemtrails were back over my house in full force this

afternoon. At one time I counted seven at once, all crisscrossing in all directions.


Chemtrails had been inactive over Fort Worth this week until today. Then there were numerous

ones today filling the sky with bizarre clouds all day. I shot this at about 5 p.m. as a jetliner was

taking off from DFW.


Pretty cloud picture. Those "bizarre clouds" are cirrus by the way.

What's the point of mentioning the flight from DFW? Is it just intended as a "oh by the way"? You do realize that low traffic taking off from only 14 miles away will not be high enough to leave any contrails right? You do realize that other commercial traffic is allowed to fly over your area without stopping right?

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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I was quite serious that it could have been me, though. I was scheduled to fly out of DFW with a 1650 departure, but my inbound flight got delayed so I didn't get there until a little after 1700. As an aside, two people who attended the same conference as me - and who are both highly experienced aircrew members - remarked about just how busy the skies were around DFW.

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After an absence of nearly a year, chemtrails were back over my house in full force this

afternoon. At one time I counted seven at once, all crisscrossing in all directions.


Chemtrails had been inactive over Fort Worth this week until today. Then there were numerous

ones today filling the sky with bizarre clouds all day. I shot this at about 5 p.m. as a jetliner was

taking off from DFW.


Pretty cloud picture. Those "bizarre clouds" are cirrus by the way.

What's the point of mentioning the flight from DFW? Is it just intended as a "oh by the way"? You do realize that low traffic taking off from only 14 miles away will not be high enough to leave any contrails right? You do realize that other commercial traffic is allowed to fly over your area without stopping right?

Those are not CIRRUS clouds. The are all chemtrails spread out by winds aloft. The chemplanes

were busy all day in an otherwise blue sky. At sunset there were many more parallel ones in the

west as the sun set.


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Those are not CIRRUS clouds. The are all chemtrails spread out by winds aloft. The chemplanes

were busy all day in an otherwise blue sky. At sunset there were many more parallel ones in the

west as the sun set.


You have not presented any proof of that at all. As usual you make the claim, and fail to provide independent evidence. You have no qualifications in meteorology nor aviation. You haven't given any details regarding which flight it was, the altitude they were at (or passing), what the dew point was at various layers, no indication of an altitude versus temperature graph for the period you claim the image was taken, etc.

As always, you have nothing.

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Those are not CIRRUS clouds. The are all chemtrails spread out by winds aloft. The chemplanes

were busy all day in an otherwise blue sky. At sunset there were many more parallel ones in the

west as the sun set.


You have not presented any proof of that at all. As usual you make the claim, and fail to provide independent evidence. You have no qualifications in meteorology nor aviation. You haven't given any details regarding which flight it was, the altitude they were at (or passing), what the dew point was at various layers, no indication of an altitude versus temperature graph for the period you claim the image was taken, etc.

As always, you have nothing.

As always, you have nothing

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If I am wrong, produce evidence. Pretty simple. For instance, produce a met report for the date / time at DFW, including altitude data. Produce some METARs, PIREPs, TTF, etc. Pretty simple - why don't you give actual evidence to support your position?

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After an absence of nearly a year, chemtrails were back over my house in full force this

afternoon. At one time I counted seven at once, all crisscrossing in all directions.


Chemtrails had been inactive over Fort Worth this week until today. Then there were numerous

ones today filling the sky with bizarre clouds all day. I shot this at about 5 p.m. as a jetliner was

taking off from DFW.


Pretty cloud picture. Those "bizarre clouds" are cirrus by the way.

What's the point of mentioning the flight from DFW? Is it just intended as a "oh by the way"? You do realize that low traffic taking off from only 14 miles away will not be high enough to leave any contrails right? You do realize that other commercial traffic is allowed to fly over your area without stopping right?

Those are not CIRRUS clouds. The are all chemtrails spread out by winds aloft. The chemplanes

were busy all day in an otherwise blue sky. At sunset there were many more parallel ones in the

west as the sun set.


Sure Jack. And yet you provide no proof while these clouds look and act EXACTLY like cirrus clouds.

You still never mentioned the point of noting the flight from DFW.

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If I am wrong, produce evidence. Pretty simple. For instance, produce a met report for the date / time at DFW, including altitude data. Produce some METARs, PIREPs, TTF, etc. Pretty simple - why don't you give actual evidence to support your position?

Because he can't. I'm actually surprised he responded at all. His usual MO is to ignore anything he doesn't like and treat this board like a personal blog.

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If I am wrong, produce evidence. Pretty simple. For instance, produce a met report for the date / time at DFW, including altitude data. Produce some METARs, PIREPs, TTF, etc. Pretty simple - why don't you give actual evidence to support your position?

Well, I haven't a clue what any of those are, but luckily, my girlfriend works for the Canadian Weather Bureau, and can get the data for D/FW area for the 6th of March by asking the data collator there for it. I should be able to get screenies by tomorrow.

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