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Chemtrails are back!

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It's understandable that someone like Steve Knight would be ignorant of the fact that many cirrus clouds are artificial clouds made by jet contrails and also CHEMTRAILS, but there's no way that Evan Burton could be ignorant of this FACT, being a military pilot.

As always, it's more important that Burton PRETEND to prove Jack White wrong, than to be honest.

Click on this link to to see the pictures that prove Jack White right and Evan Burton wrong.


Edited by Duane Daman
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It's understandable that someone like Steve Knight would be ignorant of the fact that many cirrus clouds are artificial clouds made by jet contrails and also CHEMTRAILS, but there's no way that Evan Burton could be ignorant of this FACT, being a military pilot.

As always, it's more important that Burton PRETEND to prove Jack White wrong, than to be honest.

Click on this link to to see the pictures that prove Jack White right and Evan Burton wrong.


So which pages of the 96 page document supposedly "prove Jack White right and Evan Burton wrong"? I looked at the 1st few and saw none that support your claim.

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I doubt anyone but me opened it you have a long track record of posting links that don't prove your claims. The document is 96 pages long, I'm not going to look through it based on your sayso and I doubt anyone else will. Which pages are the supposed photos on?

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Nobody denies that CONTRAILS can turn into cirrus clouds. That's been known about for more than 70 years. You know, that pesky science that Jack won't bother to look at.

Nobody has yet to prove that any of the trails are "chemtrails". They likely won't prove they are "chemtrails" until they bother to actually test the trails themselves (which they've promised for years but never actually get around to, maybe because there are plenty of gullible people that are fine with faulty tests on the ground that prove nothing?)

I found it interesting that one of the first things Duane's little pdf says is that CONTRAILS can persist for days and grow into clouds, something which most "chemtrailers" including Jack say can't happen.

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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Burton not only denies the existance of chemtrails, but also denies the fact that chemtrails can can morph into clouds.. The pictures prove him wrong.

You're the one who is wrong, Duane (gee - what a surprise). Perhaps you missed where I said:

I have no idea whether or not these "clouds" contain chemicals.

They do, in fact. There is residue from fuel / combustion so they do contain chemicals... but they are not, in general, the "chemtrails" as people claim. So in fact we have a couple of points:

- Ordinary contrails do contain chemicals when formed by the combustion process from a jet engine.

- Chemical spray is a known process, so it is possible to have chemical trails laid by aircraft (I'll mention this later).

Of course there can be such things as chemtrails; it's just that everything Jack and yourself provide as "proof"TM can more simply be explained as natural weather phenomena, and you both always fail to back up your claims with any rigorous scientific examination.

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The difference between contrails and chemtrails is that contrails EVAPORATE and chemtrails turn into clouds.


Perfectly highlighting your ignorance; the environmental conditions of the atmosphere have everything to do with contrails and their persistence, not a simple black & white situation you laughingly proclaim above. You are uninformed on this subject and should learn more about it before trying to voice opinions. There are a multitude of online resources regarding basic meteorology; I suggest you utilise them.

Edited to add: you need to re-read this post I made, which contains an article written by a TRAINED METEOROLOGIST.


Edited by Evan Burton
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(or anyone else who believes in chemtrails)

Can you name any scientists with RELEVANT expertise who believe in chemtrails?

A TV news report from Germany available at: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVc9...) confirmed that the German Military is manipulating the climate in Germany. As a result scientists have filed a lawsuit against the government for climate manipulation.

The video concludes, "We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals."

The purpose of chemtrails, which are well documented over the United State and other parts of the world, according to researchers, is to manipulate the weather. Karsten Brandt, German meteorologist states, "The Federal Army is Manipulating the Meteorological maps."

The disruption of radar signals is the main purpose theorizes Mr. Brandt in the interview. "I was surprised that this artificial cloud was so wide-spread. The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements - although, the federal army claims that only small amounts of material were propagated. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful."

Johannes Remmel, German Green party representative states, "The government must provide explanations to the unsuspecting population." While radar is tracking suspicious aircraft, the Germany Military then uses counterfeit satellite imagery to hide their operations.

Edited by Jack White
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"The URL contained a malformed video ID."

What don't you want us to see, Jack? More inane blatherings that contain unsupported musings of untrained nuts?

Probably a simple mistake in his copy and pasting. What the video is though is the one that "chemtrailers" say is the Germans admitting to "chemtrailing" when the video is in fact deliberately mistranslated. What they THINK is "chemtrails" is actually chaff. That video has been mentioned on this forum more than once before. It only proves that Jack doesn't read anything posted against his views.

More info here


Edited by Matthew Lewis
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