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Enable "DELETE" Button

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There is a feature available in the software that will allow a member to DELETE their own post. It works much like the EDIT button that allows a member to edit their own post. Sometimes multiple duplicate messages can inadvertantly be posted as the result of several factors. The result is unnecessarily "written in stone" when the delete feature could be enabled, IMO. There is very little risk of abuse. We always enabled the "delete" button at JFKresearch Forum and encountered no problems from doing so. FWIW.

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There is a feature available in the software that will allow a member to DELETE their own post. It works much like the EDIT button that allows a member to edit their own post. Sometimes multiple duplicate messages can inadvertantly be posted as the result of several factors. The result is unnecessarily "written in stone" when the delete feature could be enabled, IMO. There is very little risk of abuse. We always enabled the "delete" button at JFKresearch Forum and encountered no problems from doing so. FWIW.

Thank you Greg.

If that idea is rejected, could a mod please delete the multiple dups I somehow managed to create! I hope those posts don't distract from the question. If Hank is lurking, or if anyone else knows the answer...?

Edited by Greg Parker
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