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If Oswald didn't do it

Guest Duncan MacRae

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I have speculated about Oswald being where he was on 11/22 like the rest of you. I have concluded that it wasn't enough for "the Conspirators" to know where he was on 11/22-they had to know he wouldn't be outside with others at the time of the shooting-otherwise he has an ironclad alibi and the "patsy" plan doesn't work. How they managed this is,for me, the real question.

Hello Steve.

Oswald WAS outside on the steps at the time of the shots. They didn't have to worry about controlling where he was. Dallas police and DA were old hands at making a case, no matter what. His alibi was not ironclad but not because it didn't work. It was not ironclad because it wasn't recorded, and therefore could be manipulated. His interrogators simply changed his alibi with a few little tweaks, which was enough to "disprove" it.

When the altgens 6 frame was circulated at the time, there were no shortage of people noticing the resemblance of one of the men on the steps to Oswald. As was argued on this board, in the longest living thread in history, there was no need for the FBI to panic and rush off to confirm with Billy Lovelady that the he was the person in question. No need that is, if, as claimed by his interrogators, Oswald was admitting having a tet-a-tet with a cop up on the 2nd floor lunch room.

How do we know what Oswald really said? Many early newspaper reports carried the real story of him being questioned at the first floor entry and cited cops as the source. Jesse Curry was among those sources... and the only non-cop, non-FBI non Secret Service agent at his last interrogation, Harry Holmes, correctly reported what Oswald said - that he was stopped at the front entrance...

On top of all that, there is now visual verification.


That's Oswald and Frazier up the back.

It has always bothered me that Wesley Buell Frazier is standing there, with his arms crossed, just kinda taking it all in. Which seems strange to me. A mad man with a gun could rush out the front door at any second, Buell !!!!!

Like I said, it just seems strange to me. The arms crossed bit. He's way too relaxed given the situation.

His body language.fairly shouts out, "I didn't do it, Officer Baker -- I'm just keeping an eye on Oswald."

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I have not been in contact with Sean for awhile.

Have you?

I was trying to talk him into writing an essay for CTKA. But I really don't care where it appears.

I jus think it should db rout there someplace.

I suspect I've been one of many trying to contact him without success since his last post on Nov 22, 2013.

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I have speculated about Oswald being where he was on 11/22 like the rest of you. I have concluded that it wasn't enough for "the Conspirators" to know where he was on 11/22-they had to know he wouldn't be outside with others at the time of the shooting-otherwise he has an ironclad alibi and the "patsy" plan doesn't work. How they managed this is,for me, the real question.

Hello Steve.

Oswald WAS outside on the steps at the time of the shots. They didn't have to worry about controlling where he was. Dallas police and DA were old hands at making a case, no matter what. His alibi was not ironclad but not because it didn't work. It was not ironclad because it wasn't recorded, and therefore could be manipulated. His interrogators simply changed his alibi with a few little tweaks, which was enough to "disprove" it.

When the altgens 6 frame was circulated at the time, there were no shortage of people noticing the resemblance of one of the men on the steps to Oswald. As was argued on this board, in the longest living thread in history, there was no need for the FBI to panic and rush off to confirm with Billy Lovelady that the he was the person in question. No need that is, if, as claimed by his interrogators, Oswald was admitting having a tet-a-tet with a cop up on the 2nd floor lunch room.

How do we know what Oswald really said? Many early newspaper reports carried the real story of him being questioned at the first floor entry and cited cops as the source. Jesse Curry was among those sources... and the only non-cop, non-FBI non Secret Service agent at his last interrogation, Harry Holmes, correctly reported what Oswald said - that he was stopped at the front entrance...

On top of all that, there is now visual verification.


That's Oswald and Frazier up the back.

It has always bothered me that Wesley Buell Frazier is standing there, with his arms crossed, just kinda taking it all in. Which seems strange to me. A mad man with a gun could rush out the front door at any second, Buell !!!!!

Like I said, it just seems strange to me. The arms crossed bit. He's way too relaxed given the situation.

His body language.fairly shouts out, "I didn't do it, Officer Baker -- I'm just keeping an eye on Oswald."

--Tommy :sun

Tommy, he testified that he'd been taught to stand still in such situations so that you don't appear guilty.

Mr. FRAZIER - I figured it was somebody shooting at President Kennedy because people were running and hollering so I just stood still. I have always been taught when something like that happened or anywhere as far as that it is always best to stand still because if you run that makes you look guilty sure enough.

It makes me wonder what sort of environment Wes grew up in that such advice might come in handy some day.

Or was he merely trying to cover up that he knew exactly what was going on and that he was perfectly safe? I don't know, but I think it's a reasonable question to ponder - especially when you add all his other odd behavior.

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I have speculated about Oswald being where he was on 11/22 like the rest of you. I have concluded that it wasn't enough for "the Conspirators" to know where he was on 11/22-they had to know he wouldn't be outside with others at the time of the shooting-otherwise he has an ironclad alibi and the "patsy" plan doesn't work. How they managed this is,for me, the real question.

Hello Steve.

Oswald WAS outside on the steps at the time of the shots. They didn't have to worry about controlling where he was. Dallas police and DA were old hands at making a case, no matter what. His alibi was not ironclad but not because it didn't work. It was not ironclad because it wasn't recorded, and therefore could be manipulated. His interrogators simply changed his alibi with a few little tweaks, which was enough to "disprove" it.

When the altgens 6 frame was circulated at the time, there were no shortage of people noticing the resemblance of one of the men on the steps to Oswald. As was argued on this board, in the longest living thread in history, there was no need for the FBI to panic and rush off to confirm with Billy Lovelady that the he was the person in question. No need that is, if, as claimed by his interrogators, Oswald was admitting having a tet-a-tet with a cop up on the 2nd floor lunch room.

How do we know what Oswald really said? Many early newspaper reports carried the real story of him being questioned at the first floor entry and cited cops as the source. Jesse Curry was among those sources... and the only non-cop, non-FBI non Secret Service agent at his last interrogation, Harry Holmes, correctly reported what Oswald said - that he was stopped at the front entrance...

On top of all that, there is now visual verification.


That's Oswald and Frazier up the back.

It has always bothered me that Wesley Buell Frazier is standing there, with his arms crossed, just kinda taking it all in. Which seems strange to me. A mad man with a gun could rush out the front door at any second, Buell !!!!!

Like I said, it just seems strange to me. The arms crossed bit. He's way too relaxed given the situation.

His body language.fairly shouts out, "I didn't do it, Officer Baker -- I'm just keeping an eye on Oswald."

--Tommy :sun

Tommy, he testified that he'd been taught to stand still in such situations so that you don't appear guilty.

Mr. FRAZIER - I figured it was somebody shooting at President Kennedy because people were running and hollering so I just stood still. I have always been taught when something like that happened or anywhere as far as that it is always best to stand still because if you run that makes you look guilty sure enough.

It makes me wonder what sort of environment Wes grew up in that such advice might come in handy some day.

Or was he merely trying to cover up that he knew exactly what was going on and that he was perfectly safe? I don't know, but I think it's a reasonable question to ponder - especially when you add all his other odd behavior.

Sounds like he had a criminal mind or a criminal upbringing.

Why the polar extremes of "run" versus "stand still" in his testimony? Did he really feel like running?

Why didn't he do something in-between, like uncross his arms and move around a little bit like everyone else?

It's interesting that he felt compelled to voluntarily explain why he had just stood there with his arms crossed.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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