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RedOwl PacBot

William Kelly

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In its final report in the late 1970s, the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded the acoustical evidence was significant and deserved further study, but the government, after a white paper report, declined to fund further research.

The miltiary however, recognized the need to determine the exact location of snipers, and after considerable research developed the RedOwl project/PacBot robot that can hear the sounds of gunfire and determine the location of the origin of the gunfire with some precision.

My question is whether this system can be applied to the Dealey Plaza tapes to confirm whether or not the sound of the gunfire emants from the Grassy Knoll and TSBD or another location?

Is anyone familar with this technology?

Has Don Thomas examined it, or does he mention it in his book?

The Need: Identifying the point of hostile gunfire in urban and rural environments is crucial for successful troop deployment, movement, clearance and support. This superior situational awareness gives troops a tactical advantage, resulting in safer, less costly and more successful missions.

The Project: RedOwl is a project to develop a multi-sensor robotic detection platform to illuminate and designate snipers and other potential threats. The RedOwl platform will include Acoustic Direction Finding (ADF) thermal imaging, laser range finding, day and low-light cameras and an array of lasers.

The Goals:

Edited by William Kelly
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