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Dirty tricks carried out on Doug Horne on Facebook

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Can you explain precisely what you mean here?


Some Hackers are spamming Doug Hornes Facebook account with garbage...

Quote. D Horne:

HACKER OUTRAGE: Facebook appears unable to prevent hackers from sending malicious garbage to me using others' addresses, or to prevent hackers from sending malicious e-mail "from me" to others...so it's "Adios Amigos" from me to all of my real friends. Close quote


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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kARL; under what subjects are they having a go at Doug, i could not find them, thanks take care b..

Someone else hacked Hornes FB account, posting cryptic video links to his FB friends, say "Doug Horne to R.Messner" (which is a german CTer). When I klicked on the link, my anti-virus software warned me not to do it, because it would be an "attacking site", trying to steal personnel data...

It was not only an attack on Horne, it was (or is) an attack on all of his ( CTer )friends.

Things like that...maybe FB handled that in the meantime...


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kARL; under what subjects are they having a go at Doug, i could not find them, thanks take care b..

Someone else hacked Hornes FB account, posting cryptic video links to his FB friends, say "Doug Horne to R.Messner" (which is a german CTer). When I klicked on the link, my anti-virus software warned me not to do it, because it would be an "attacking site", trying to steal personnel data...

It was not only an attack on Horne, it was (or is) an attack on all of his ( CTer )friends.

Things like that...maybe FB handled that in the meantime...


Karl, Doug is not being specifically targeted. Nor is anyone NORMALLY targeted because of their beliefs. This is about greed -- pure and simple and they don't give a pink patootie about the JFK assassination or which side of the picket fence you sit on. I got one one of those video links sent to me from another member here, so it's happening to others, as well.

Here's one story on the subject: facebook and myspace hackers

This relating anything bad happening on the web to one's work on this case is usually wrong and mostly nauseating. Doug should have more sense than this.

Besides -- everyone knows I"m the only person the authorities want to close down! sweatingbullets.gif

Edited by Greg Parker
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