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LHO Coffin Coming Up At Auction

Mark Knight

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Apparently the coffin Lee Harvey Oswald was originally buried in, prior to his 1981 exhumation, will be going on the auction block.

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Apparently the coffin Lee Harvey Oswald was originally buried in, prior to his 1981 exhumation, will be going on the auction block.

i realize Mark, that in today's world anyone can sell about anything ,But imo this is disgusting..it shall be very interesting to find out when sold, whom buys it and what the plans are for it's use other than perhaps in some small museum somewhre on the planet, i notice dirt within, will that be packaged and sold as well, stay tuned it just may be... :ph34r::blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: b

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Let the buyer beware. The alleged coffin is described as pine box. Numerous photos

show the metal casket LHO was interred in. It even had his name and dates on a metal

plaque. There are numerous photos of the "pallbearers" carrying the metal casket.

In today's newspaper it was shown as a pine box. Buy at your own risk.


post-667-053097300 1291342742_thumb.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

The pine casket was sold to an unnamed buyer (who "might speak to the public today," Friday) on Thursday evening in Los Angeles for US$87,469. It was sold by Allen Baumgardner of Baumgardner Funeral Home of Fort Worth, who is cited as the mortician who "supervised the exhumation of Oswald's body from his grave in Rose Hill Cemetery [now Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park] in 1981."

Baumgardner was apparently present during the exhumation (see Tracy Parnell's "The Exhumation of Lee Harvey Oswald and the Norton Report: Part II - Paul Groody") in what might be described as a "supervisory role" inasmuch as the original mortician, if available, is required to legally "supervise" an exhumation in Texas, which only really means that he was there as an observer, especially inasmuch as Groody was the mortician "of record" and Baumgardner apparently his assistant. (In 1963, the two were employees of Miller Funeral Home, the owner of which may actually have been the legally-defined mortician of record, rather than technicians employed under his license.)

Neither Baumgardner nor Groody are mentioned by name in the exhumation-autopsy pathology report; the only reference to either of them in the report is that "the mortician who closed Mr. Oswald's casket remained in the room until the casket was reopened," that is, "mortician," singular (Groody?).

Parnell's piece is pretty straightforward, and includes a link to the first article I'd written on the entire assassination mess ... which also includes my first big brain fart as well: in something of a hurry to meet print deadlines, I couldn't think of Groody's name (as I said, it wasn't mentioned in the Norton report) and decided on the spur of the moment to leave him nameless "to protect the innocent," so to speak. (I've always felt pretty dumb about that, but nobody's ever commented on in in nearly 20 years!)

Let's see what, if any, the buyer has to say, whoever s/he is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Didn't want to start a new thread for a trivial note. So tacking on here.


SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Bidders at an Arizona car auction will have a chance to buy the ambulance that carried the body of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, after it arrived in the Washington area from Dallas.

The Barrett-Jackson Auction Co. in Scottsdale says the 1963 Pontiac Bonneville Naval Ambulance transported Kennedy's casket from Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.

The same ambulance was used to move Kennedy's casket, along with the late president's wife and brother Robert, to the U.S. Capitol Building.

Many watching grainy black and white images that November day saw Jackie Kennedy, with her blood stained clothing, enter the ambulance.

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View Documentation on this historic vehicle.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – Dec. , 2010 – The Barrett-Jackson Auction Company, “The World’s Greatest Collector Car AuctionsTM”, will sell one of the most historically significant vehicles in U.S. history at its 40th Annual Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale Auction, Jan. 17-23, at WestWorld of Scottsdale. The 1963 Pontiac Bonneville ambulance (Lot #1277), which will sell at No Reserve, carried John F. Kennedy’s casket from Air Force One, after his assassination in Dallas.

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