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Deep Politics Forum Kaput?

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I know from personal experience that Drago is dishonest. He once insisted that I edit a post where I had quoted him in the Political Conspiracies forum and then when I did he claimed in a post here (the JFK forum) that I had done so to “cover [my] tracks” omitting that I had done so pursuant to his demand. So I don’t believe a word he says. My guess based on Bill telling us a member told him something else is going on, Dawn’s cryptic post and the fact that the same message is still up is that the forum was dissolved due to a disagreement among the administrators and Drago simply lied rather than admit that. Given the immaturity and paranoia of the founders it is not hard to imagine some minor dispute leading to such an ignoble end.

Even if it was the victims of hackers I see no reason to assume it was due to the `forces of darkness’ hackers attack sites including mainstream ones all the time. Even if they were targeted I find it hard to feel any sympathy it was formed specifically to exclude people with differing views and Drago especially made no secret of his contempt of the speech rights of those who begged to differ with his world view. Other than humor value I never saw anything of value posted there.

DiEugenio was is the basis for your belief that they were mirroring Wikileaks? I doubt they had the bandwidth.


The Deep Politics Forum is wholly dedicated to free speech. Contrary to recent vitriolic speculation, it hosts a full Wikileaks mirror and is proud to do so. The costs involved in running the DPF and its Wikileaks mirror, are entirely borne by the forum's founders - although donations are always welcome - but membership is and will always remain free. As a point of principal we are an advertising-free forum and will always remain so.

We will not be making any further statements on the EF about the hacking we have suffered.


Thanks to those interested in truth.

DPF never solicited, welcomed, or accepted donations Dawn. Didn't you get the memo?

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I can't help but think how the events at the DPF mirror the 9-11 movement, like many of the various "XXXX for 9-11 Truth" groups. They cannot tolerate dissent - even amongst their own. They seem incapable of co-operating despite having differing views, and so split off into splinter groups.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Legal constraints prevent me from detailing exactly what occurred

but there are NO "splinter groups". One person attempted a coup.


It is that simple.

When our lawyers tell us it is ok we will make a joint statement.

The rest of us are co-operating just fine, which I am sure you are delighted to hear.

Happy Holidays,


No splinter groups? Terry Mauro was booted early on. Charles Drago was booted February of this year and just managed to connive his way back in thanks to a lack of quality control. There was and is massive dissension. Your huffing and puffing and bluffing are comical.

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Look, I'm not involved here...but since the DPF'ers are filling up the EF with their complaints against one another, it has become a matter that has an effect on me.

Looks to me like the kids in the sandbox couldn't get along, so Myra took her bucket and shovel and left. Then Myra came back and took the sandbox. After which the other kids started up another sandbox. The kids in the other sandbox can't stop flinging sand at Myra, and Myra can't stop flinging sand back.

Who's right? Who's wrong? Why should I care...other than, by flinging sand at one another, the entire sandbox crew is beginning to get sand in MY eyes. I suggest that, since you each have your own sandbox now, you trash each other THERE and leave the EF out of it.

Just my opinion...your mileage may vary, objects in mirror may be closer than they appear, void where prohibited, and alcohol may intensify any side effects.

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