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Argentina false flag

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Gee, its hard to figure out who would benefit from an Iran/Argentina breakup ?

I wonder who did this sophisticated false flag ?? WHO ??


Bush's Iran/Argentina Terror Frame-Up

Gareth Porter

January 18, 2008 | This article appeared in the February 4, 2008 edition of The Nation.

Breaking Away From Pol Pot (Global Organizations, Regions and Countries)

Comments on key controversies surrounding U.S. government foreign policy and diplomatic support for a Cambodian seat at the United Nations (UN) resulting from diplomatic pressures from China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian nations. Brief history of U.S. foreign policy and relations in South East Asia; Implications for world politics and international relations; Political reasons for the pro-Pol Pot vote at the UN; Political conditions in Cambodia under the dictator, Pol Pot.

Gareth Porter

U.S. and Vietnam The Missed Chance (Regions and Countries)

Focuses on factors that have derailed diplomatic efforts of policy makers in the U.S. and Vietnam to normalize relationship between the two countries. Reasons why State Department officials in the U.S. were ready to normalize relationships with Vietnam; Way in which rising tensions between Vietnam and China had prevented normalization of relationship between the two countries.

Gareth Porter

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Argentina Argentine Arrest Buenos Aires Company Labor Issues Disaster Entertainment Federal Bureau of Investigation Hizballah Indictment Islamic Republic of Iran Nicolasa Romero Person Career Person Communication Person Relation Political Relationship Technology Tehran War forward +++


Although nukes and Iraq have been the main focus of the Bush Administration's pressure campaign against Iran, US officials also seek to tar Iran as the world's leading sponsor of terrorism. And Team Bush's latest tactic is to play up a thirteen-year-old accusation that Iran was responsible for the notorious Buenos Aires bombing that destroyed the city's Jewish Community Center, known as AMIA, killing eighty-six and injuring 300, in 1994. Unnamed senior Administration officials told the Wall Street Journal January 15 that the bombing in Argentina "serves as a model for how Tehran has used its overseas embassies and relationship with foreign militant groups, in particular Hezbollah, to strike at its enemies."

This propaganda campaign depends heavily on a decision last November by the General Assembly of Interpol, which voted to put five former Iranian officials and a Hezbollah leader on the international police organization's "red list" for allegedly having planned the July 1994 bombing. But the Wall Street Journal reports that it was pressure from the Bush Administration, along with Israeli and Argentine diplomats, that secured the Interpol vote. In fact, the Bush Administration's manipulation of the Argentine bombing case is perfectly in line with its long practice of using distorting and manufactured evidence to build a case against its geopolitical enemies.

After spending several months interviewing officials at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires familiar with the Argentine investigation, the head of the FBI team that assisted it and the most knowledgeable independent Argentine investigator of the case, I found that no real evidence has ever been found to implicate Iran in the bombing. Based on these interviews and the documentary record of the investigation, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the case against Iran over the AMIA bombing has been driven from the beginning by US enmity toward Iran, not by a desire to find the real perpetrators.

A 'Wall of Assumptions'

US policy toward the bombing was skewed from the beginning by a Clinton Administration strategy of isolating Iran, adopted in 1993 as part of an understanding with Israel on peace negotiations with the Palestinians. On the very day of the crime, before anything could have been known about who was responsible, Secretary of State Warren Christopher blamed "those who want to stop the peace process in the Middle East"--an obvious reference to Iran.

William Brencick, then chief of the political section at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires and the primary Embassy contact for the investigation, recalled in an interview with me last June that a "wall of assumptions" guided the US approach to the case. The primary assumptions, Brencick said, were that the explosion was a suicide bombing and that use of a suicide bomb was prima facie evidence of involvement by Hezbollah--and therefore Iran.

But the suicide-bomber thesis quickly encountered serious problems. In the wake of the explosion, the Menem government asked the United States to send a team to assist in the investigation, and two days after the bombing, experts from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms arrived in Buenos Aires along with three FBI agents. According to an interview the head of the team, ATF explosives expert Charles Hunter, gave to a team of independent investigators headed by US journalist Joe Goldman and Argentine investigative journalist Jorge Lanata, as soon as the team arrived the federal police put forward a thesis that a white Renault Trafic van had carried the bomb that destroyed the AMIA.

Hunter quickly identified major discrepancies between the car-bomb thesis and the blast pattern recorded in photos. He wrote a report two weeks later noting that in the wake of the bombing, merchandise in a store immediately to the right of the AMIA was tightly packed against its front windows and merchandise in another shop had been blown out onto the street--suggesting that the blast came from inside rather than outside. Hunter also said he did not understand how the building across the street could still be standing if the bomb had exploded in front of the AMIA, as suggested by the car-bomb thesis.

The lack of eyewitness evidence supporting the thesis was just as striking. Of some 200 witnesses on the scene, only one claimed to have seen a white Renault Trafic. Several testified they were looking at the spot where the Trafic should have been when the explosion occurred and saw nothing. Nicolasa Romero, the wife of a Buenos Aires policeman, was that lone witness. She said she saw a white Renault Trafic approach the corner where she was standing with her sister and her 4-year-old son. But Romero's sister testified that the vehicle that passed them was not a white Trafic but rather a black-and-yellow taxi. Other witnesses reported seeing a black-and-yellow taxi seconds before the explosion.

Argentine prosecutors argued that pieces of a white Trafic imbedded in the flesh of many of the victims of the explosion proved their case for a suicide bomb. But that evidence was discredited by Gabriel Levinas, a researcher for AMIA's own legal team. Levinas is a member of a leading Jewish family in Buenos Aires who had published a human rights magazine during the dictatorship (his uncle's car was used to kidnap war criminal Adolf Eichmann and spirit him off to Israel for trial in 1961.)

He discovered that the manufacturer of the white Trafic had been sent fragments of the vehicle recovered by the police for analysis and had found that none of the pieces had ever been put under high temperature. That meant that these car fragments could not have come from the particular white Trafic that police had identified as the suicide bomb car--since that vehicle was known to have once caught fire before having been recycled and repaired.

Yet despite the lack of eyewitness testimony and the weakness of the forensic evidence, the State Department publicly embraced the suicide-bomb story in 1994 and 1995.


The Problem of Motive

Independent investigators have also long puzzled over why Iran would have carried out an action against Argentine Jews while its Hezbollah allies were embroiled in armed struggle with the Israeli military in Lebanon. In their 2006 indictment of several Iranian nationals in the bombing, Argentine prosecutors argued that Iran planned the AMIA attack because Carlos Menem's administration had abruptly canceled two contracts for the transfer of nuclear technology to Iran.

But the indictment actually provides excerpts from key documents that undermine that conclusion. According to a February 10, 1992, cable from Argentina's ambassador in Iran, the director of the American Department of Iran's foreign ministry had "emphasized the need to reach a solution to the problem [of nuclear technology transfer] that would avoid damage to other contracts." Iran thus clearly signaled its hope of finding a negotiated solution that could reactivate the suspended contracts and maintain other deals with Argentina as well.

On March 17, 1992, a bomb blast destroyed the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires--an incident for which the Argentine prosecutors also held Iran responsible. The indictment, however, quotes a top official of INVAP, an Argentine nuclear firm that dominated the National Commission on Atomic Energy, as saying that during 1992 there were "contacts" between INVAP and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran "in the expectation that the decision of the national government would be revised, allowing the tasks in the contracts to be resumed." The same official confirmed that negotiations surrounding the two canceled projects continued from 1993 to 1995--before and after the AMIA explosion. Those revelations suggest that the Iranian attitude toward Argentina at the time of the bombing was exactly the opposite of the one claimed in the indictment.

The Hezbollah motive for involvement in the AMIA bombing, according to the indictment, was revenge against the Israeli bombing of a Hezbollah training camp in the Bekaa Valley in early 1994 and the Israeli kidnapping of Shiite leader Mustapha Dirani in May. That theory fails to explain, however, why Hezbollah would choose to retaliate against Jews in Argentina. It was already at war with the Israeli forces in Lebanon, where the group was employing suicide bomb attacks in an effort to pressure Israel to end its occupation. Hezbollah had a second easy retaliatory option available, which was to launch Katyusha rockets across the border into Israeli territory.

That is exactly what Hezbollah did to retaliate for the Israeli killing of some 100 Lebanese civilians in the town of Qana in 1996. That episode inspired greater anger toward Israel among Hezbollah militants than any other event in the 1990s, according to Boston University Hezbollah specialist Augustus Richard Norton. If Hezbollah responded to this Israeli provocation with Katyusha rockets on Israeli territory, it hardly makes sense that it would have responded to a lesser Israeli offense by designing an ambitious international attack on Argentine Jews with no connection to the Israeli occupation.

The Frame-up

The keystone of the Argentine case was Carlos Alberto Telleldin, a used-car salesman with a record of shady dealings with both criminals and the police--and a Shiite last name. On July 10, 1994, Telleldin sold the white Trafic the police claimed was the suicide car to a man he described as having a Central American accent. Nine days after the bombing Telleldin was arrested on suspicion of being an accomplice to the crime.

The police claimed they were led to Telleldin by the serial number on the van's engine block, which was found in the rubble. But it would have been a remarkable lapse for the organizers of what was otherwise a very professional bombing to have left intact such a visible identification mark, one that any car thief knows how to erase. That should have been a clue that the attack was likely not orchestrated by Hezbollah, whose bomb experts were well-known by US intelligence analysts to have been clever enough, in blowing up the American Embassy in Beirut in 1983, to avoid leaving behind any forensic evidence that would lead back to them. It should also have raised questions about whether that evidence was planted by the police themselves.

It is now clear that the Menem government's real purpose in arresting Telleldin was to get him to finger those they wanted to blame for the bombing. In January 1995, Telleldin was visited by retired army Capt. Hector Pedro Vergez, a part-time agent for SIDE, the Argentine intelligence agency, who offered him $1 million and his freedom if he would identify one of five Lebanese nationals detained in Paraguay in September 2004--men the CIA said might be Hezbollah militants--as the person to whom he had sold the van. After Telleldin refused to go along with the scheme, an Argentine judge found that there was no evidence on which to detain the alleged militants.

The Buenos Aires court, which threw out the case against Telleldin in 2004, determined that a federal judge, Luisa Riva Aramayo, met with Telleldin in 1995 to discuss another possibility--paying him to testify that he had sold the van to several high-ranking figures in the Buenos Aires provincial police who were allies of Menem's political rival, Eduardo Duhalde. In July 1996, Judge Juan Jose Galeano, who was overseeing the investigation, offered Telleldin $400,000 to implicate those police officers as accomplices in the bombing. (A videotape made secretly by SIDE agents and aired on television in April 1997 showed Galeano negotiating the bribe.) A month after making the offer to Telleldin, Galeano charged three senior Buenos Aires police officials with having involvement in the bombing, based on Telleldin's testimony.


"The Whole Iran Thing Seemed Kind of Flimsy"

In an interview last May James Cheek, Clinton's Ambassador to Argentina at the time of the bombing, told me, "To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence [of Iranian responsibility]. They never came up with anything." The hottest lead in the case, he recalled, was an Iranian defector named Manoucher Moatamer, who "supposedly had all this information." But Moatamer turned out to be only a dissatisfied low-ranking official without the knowledge of government decision-making that he had claimed. "We finally decided that he wasn't credible," Cheek recalled. Ron Goddard, then deputy chief of the US Mission in Buenos Aires, confirmed Cheek's account. He recalled that investigators found nothing linking Iran to the bombing. "The whole Iran thing seemed kind of flimsy," Goddard said.

James Bernazzani, then the head of the FBI's Hezbollah office, was directed in October 1997 to assemble a team of specialists to go to Buenos Aires and put the AMIA case to rest. Bernazzani, now head of the agency's New Orleans office, recalled in a November 2006 interview how he arrived to find that the Argentine investigation of the AMIA bombing had found no real evidence of Iranian or Hezbollah involvement. The only clues suggesting an Iranian link to the bombing at that time, according to Bernazzani, were a surveillance tape of Iranian cultural attache Mohsen Rabbani shopping for a white Trafic van and an analysis of telephone calls made in the weeks before the bombing.

Shortly after the bombing, the biggest Buenos Aires daily newspaper, Clarin, published a story, leaked to it by Judge Galeano, that Argentine intelligence had taped Rabbani shopping for a white Trafic "months" before the bombing. A summary of the warrants for the arrest of Rabbani and six other Iranians in 2006 continued to refer to "indisputable documents" proving that Rabbani had visited car dealers to look for a van like the one allegedly used in the bombing. In fact, the intelligence report on the surveillance of Rabbani submitted to Galeano ten days after the bombing shows that the day Rabbani looked at a car dealer's white Trafic was May 1, 1993--fifteen months before the bombing and long before Argentine prosecutors have claimed Iran decided to target AMIA.

In the absence of any concrete evidence, SIDE turned to "link analysis" of telephone records to make a circumstantial case for Iranian guilt. The SIDE analysts argued that a series of telephone calls made between July 1 and July 18, 1994, to a mobile phone in the Brazilian border city of Foz de Iguazu must have been made by the "operational group" for the bombing--and that a call allegedly made on a cellphone belonging to Rabbani could be connected to this same group. The FBI's Bernazzani told me he was appalled by SIDE's use of link analysis to establish responsibility. "It can be very dangerous," he told me. "Using that analysis, you could link my telephone to bin Laden's." Bernazzani said the conclusions reached by the Argentine investigators were merely "speculation" and said that neither he nor officials in Washington had taken it seriously as evidence pointing to Iran.

Then, in 2000, one more defector surfaced with a new tale of Iranian responsibility. Abdolghassem Mesbahi, who claimed he was once the third-ranking man in Iran's intelligence services, told Galeano the decision to bomb the AMIA had been made at a meeting of senior Iranian officials, including President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, on August 14, 1993. But Mesbahi was soon discredited. Bernazzani told me American intelligence officials believed that by 2000, Mesbahi had long since lost his access to Iranian intelligence, that he was "poor, even broke" and ready to "provide testimony to any country on any case involving Iran."

A Questionable Informant

Bernazzani admitted to me that until 2003, the case against Iran was merely "circumstantial." But he claimed a breakthrough came that year, with the identification of the alleged suicide bomber as Ibrahim Hussein Berro, a Lebanese Hezbollah militant, who, according to a Lebanese radio broadcast, was killed in a military operation against Israeli forces in southern Lebanon in September 1984, two months after the AMIA bombing. "We are satisfied that we have identified the bomber based on the totality of the data streams," Bernazzani told me, citing "a combination of physical and witness evidence." But the Berro identification, too, was marked by evidence of fabrication and manipulation.

The official story is that Berro's name was passed on to SIDE and the CIA by a Lebanese informant in June 2001. The informant claimed he had befriended a former Hezbollah chauffeur and assistant to top Hezbollah leaders named Abu Mohamad Yassin, who told him that a Hezbollah militant named "Brru" was the suicide bomber. That story is suspicious on several counts, the most obvious being that intelligence agencies almost never reveal the name, or even the former position, of an actual informant.

The September 2003 court testimony of Patricio Pfinnen, the SIDE official in charge of the AMIA bombing investigation until he was fired in January 2002, casts serious doubt on the informant's credibility. Pfinnen testified that when he and his colleagues went back to the informant with more questions, "something went wrong with the information, or they were lying to us." Pfinnen said his team ultimately discarded the Berro theory because the sources in Lebanon had "failed and were not certain." He concluded, "I have my doubts about [berro] being the person who was immolated."

After Pfinnen was fired in a power struggle within the intelligence agency, SIDE named Berro as the suicide bomber in a secret report. In March 2003, just after that report was completed, Ha'aretz reported that the Mossad had not only identified the bomber as Berro but possessed a transcript of Berro's farewell telephone call to Lebanon before the bombing, during which he told his parents that he was going to "join" his brother, who had been killed in a suicide bombing in Lebanon. When the 2006 indictment was released, however, it became clear that no evidence of such a call existed.

In September 2004, a Buenos Aires court acquitted Telleldin and the police officials who had been jailed years earlier, and in August 2005 Judge Galeano was impeached and removed from office. But Galeano's successors, prosecutors Alberto Nisman and Marcelo Martinez Burgos, pressed on, hoping to convince the world that they could identify Berro as the bomber. They visited Detroit, Michigan, where they interviewed two brothers of Berro and obtained photos of Berro from them. They then turned to the only witness who claimed she had seen the white Trafic at the scene of the crime--Nicolasa Romero.

In November 2005, Nisman and Burgos announced that Romero had identified Berro from the Detroit photos as the same person she had seen just before the bombing. Romero, on the other hand, said she "could not be completely certain" that Berro was the man at the scene. In court testimony, in fact, she had said she had not recognized Berro from the first set of set of four photographs she had been shown or even from a second set. She finally saw some "similarity in the face" in one of the Berro photographs, but only after she was shown a police sketch based on her description after the bombing.

Bernazzani told me that the FBI team in Buenos Aires had discovered DNA evidence that was assumed to have come from the suicide bomber in an evidence locker, and Nisman took a DNA sample from one of Berro's brothers during his visit in September 2005. "I would assume, though I don't know, that once we got the brother's DNA, they compared them," he said. But Nisman claimed to a reporter in 2006 that samples had been contaminated. Significantly, the Argentine indictment of the Iranians makes no mention of the DNA evidence.

Despite a case against Iran that lacked credible forensic or eyewitness evidence and relied heavily on dubious intelligence and a discredited defector's testimony, Nisman and Burgos drafted their indictment against six former Iranian officials in 2006. However, the government of Néstor Kirchner displayed doubts about going forward with a legal case. According to the Forward newspaper, when American Jewish groups pressed Kirchner's wife, Christina, about the indictments at a UN General Assembly in New York in September 2006, she indicated that there was no firm date for any further judicial action against Iran. Yet the indictment was released the following month.

Both the main lawyer representing the AMIA, Miguel Bronfman, and Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral, who later issued the arrest warrants for the Iranians, told the BBC last May that pressure from Washington was instrumental in the sudden decision to issue the indictments the following month. Corral indicated that he had no doubt that the Argentine authorities had been urged to "join in international attempts to isolate the regime in Tehran."

A senior White House official just called the AMIA case a "very clear definition of what Iranian state sponsorship of terrorism means." In fact, the US insistence on pinning that crime on Iran in order to isolate the Tehran regime, even though it had no evidence to support that accusation, is a perfect definition of cynical creation of an accusation in the service of power interests.

Gareth Porter

January 18, 2008 | This article appeared in the February 4, 2008 edition of The Nation.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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And you object when I say you are obsessed with Jews. Also as previously noted you seem to purposely format your posts to be as incoherent as possible.

Porter provided no citations for his claims and it should be noted he once vehemently denied the Khmer Rouge was guilty of genocide.

Original article: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20081201183602/http://www.thenation.com./doc/20080204/porter

Denial of Cambodia genocide: http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/star/images/239/2391202002B.pdf


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And you object when I say you are obsessed with Jews. Also as previously noted you seem to purposely format your posts to be as incoherent as possible.

Porter provided no citations for his claims and it should be noted he once vehemently denied the Khmer Rouge was guilty of genocide.

Original article: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20081201183602/http://www.thenation.com./doc/20080204/porter

Denial of Cambodia genocide: http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/star/images/239/2391202002B.pdf




But in an appearance on The Today Show in August 1978, Porter agreed that the Khmer Rouge regime was guilty of mass killings and mass starvation. He reiterated that view in articles during the 1980s in The Guardian, The Nation, and Foreign Affairs among other publications. He also wrote articles and op-eds criticizing the Reagan administration and congressional supporters like Solarz for a U.S. policy of collaborating with Thailand and China to strengthen the military forces of Pol Pot in Cambodia.


Edited by Steven Gaal
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And you object when I say you are obsessed with Jews. Also as previously noted you seem to purposely format your posts to be as incoherent as possible.

Porter provided no citations for his claims and it should be noted he once vehemently denied the Khmer Rouge was guilty of genocide.

Original article: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20081201183602/http://www.thenation.com./doc/20080204/porter

Denial of Cambodia genocide: http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/star/images/239/2391202002B.pdf




But in an appearance on The Today Show in August 1978, Porter agreed that the Khmer Rouge regime was guilty of mass killings and mass starvation. He reiterated that view in articles during the 1980s in The Guardian, The Nation, and Foreign Affairs among other publications. He also wrote articles and op-eds criticizing the Reagan administration and congressional supporters like Solarz for a U.S. policy of collaborating with Thailand and China to strengthen the military forces of Pol Pot in Cambodia.


Yes after insisting for a couple of years that it wasn't true in late 1978 he finally acknowledged that it was. I suspect his change in tune was due to conflict between Cambodia and his beloved Vietnam. He also denied that large numbers of Vietnamese were killed during radical land reform programs in the 1940s and 50s while most historians put the death toll in the hundreds of thousands.

Back to the AMIA bombing, the Argentine police and two prosecutors concluded that Iran was behind the attack.

Edited by Len Colby
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And you object when I say you are obsessed with Jews. Also as previously noted you seem to purposely format your posts to be as incoherent as possible.

Porter provided no citations for his claims and it should be noted he once vehemently denied the Khmer Rouge was guilty of genocide.

Original article: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20081201183602/http://www.thenation.com./doc/20080204/porter

Denial of Cambodia genocide: http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/star/images/239/2391202002B.pdf




But in an appearance on The Today Show in August 1978, Porter agreed that the Khmer Rouge regime was guilty of mass killings and mass starvation. He reiterated that view in articles during the 1980s in The Guardian, The Nation, and Foreign Affairs among other publications. He also wrote articles and op-eds criticizing the Reagan administration and congressional supporters like Solarz for a U.S. policy of collaborating with Thailand and China to strengthen the military forces of Pol Pot in Cambodia.


Yes after insisting for a couple of years that it wasn't true in late 1978 he finally acknowledged that it was. I suspect his change in tune was due to conflict between Cambodia and his beloved Vietnam. He also denied that large numbers of Vietnamese were killed during radical land reform programs in the 1940s and 50s while most historians put the death toll in the hundreds of thousands.

Back to the AMIA bombing, the Argentine police and two prosecutors concluded that Iran was behind the attack.


First I never mentioned the J word at the start of this thread. For some reason as an EX-PAT of the USA you now defend the actions of Israel again and again --- Sir it is you ,not I, in your EX-Pat world, who is J obsessed. As for police/prosecutors: MOSSAD says the multiple ladies,$$$$,Cocaine are in your room.....winning !!


Yesterday BELOW article ( YOU CANT COME TO ISRAEL UNLESS YOU ARE ON KNEES TO CONFESS IRAN IS YOUR ENEMY TOO !!) (Oh BTW the ROTHSCHILD was at the Bottom of the article (from a J news service),I just left it in for you.)


JERUSALEM (EJP)---Argentinian Foreign Minister Hector Timmerman has denied that his government offered to stop investigating two deadly bombing attacks against a Jewish centers and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in the 1990s in return for improved trade ties with Iran.

Last month, the Argentinian magazine Perfil quoted an Iranian diplomatic memo detailing a proposal from Argentina to drop the investigations.

Iran is accused of being behind the attacks on the Israeli Embassy in Argentina in 1992, which killed 29 and injured 242, and the AMIA Jewish Center in Buenos Aires two years later in which 85 people were killed and more than 200 wounded.

Timmerman, who is on a visit to Israel, declared in Jerusalem: "Argentina already trades freely with Iran, so what am I going to get by forgetting the investigation? What kind of commercial benefit?".

"I stand here as a representative of the Argentine government, determined to do justice in this matter, he added.

Early today Timerman, who is Jewish, met with his Israeli counterpart, Avigdor Liberman at the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Both officials remarked the “historic and friendly relationship” between Argentina and Israel.

Timmerman, who met with his Israeli counterpart Avigdor Liberman, said that “there is nothing that could interfere between the profound and historic relationship Argentina has with Israel.”

Israel had threatened to cancel Timmerman's scheduled visit if he did not clarify that Argentina would continue to pursue the investigations on the attacks. The minister reportedly issued the clarification during a meeting last week with the head of the Jewish Agency, Natan Sharansky.

Timmerman is accompanied by Argentinian businessmen and relatives of victims of the bombing of the Jewish center.

He was also due to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition's leader Tzipi Livni.

During his meeting with the visiting minister, Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel is thinking of “resuming direct flights between Tel Aviv and Buenos Aires.”

Day in history

The body of Baron Edmond de Rothschild was reinterred in Zichron Yaakov, the wine-producing Israeli village which had been established with his help, 6 April 1954.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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First I never mentioned the J word at the start of this thread.

The "J word"? Are 'Jew' and 'Jewish' now considered obscenities? Though you never mentioned those words nor Israel or the Mossad it was obvious what you were driving at.

For some reason as an EX-PAT of the USA you now defend the actions of Israel again and again --- Sir it is you ,not I, in your EX-Pat world, who is J obsessed.

I only do so in response to you and you have made many posts with non-Israeli Jewish villains. Israel does enough bad for there to be need for false accusations.

As for police/prosecutors: MOSSAD says the multiple ladies,$$$$,Cocaine are in your room.....winning !!


???? I don't speak Cukooglish.


???? I don't speak Cukooglish.

(Oh BTW the ROTHSCHILD was at the Bottom of the article (from a J news service),I just left it in for you.)


JERUSALEM (EJP)---Argentinian Foreign Minister Hector Timmerman has denied that his government offered to stop investigating two deadly bombing attacks against a Jewish centers and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in the 1990s in return for improved trade ties with Iran.

Is there a point lurking around in the background?

Edited by Len Colby
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Quote STEVE this thread (BORN JEWISH)

As for police/prosecutors: MOSSAD says the multiple ladies,$$$$,Cocaine are in your room.....winning !!


COLBY ???? I don't speak Cukooglish.



http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2011/03/16/police_smash_international_pedophile_ring/index.html Its considered worlds largest pedophile ring. As a Jew Im sure you are very proud of this + WORLDS LARGEST + accomplishment.



Police say international pedophile ring smashed

Police rescued 230 children and arrested nearly 200 suspects at conclusion of three-year investigation

Associated Press

Read The Article Post a letter about this article

If Jeff Epstein was a Christian Republican,

would Salon have covered him yet?


Link: http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/02/mossad-child-sex-ring.html

Does Mossad run pedophile rings? Virginia Roberts worked for Jeffrey Epstein. She has stated that when she was aged 15 She was given to men ranging in age from their 40s to their 60s.

Jeffrey Epstein was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift…

He brought over a 14-year-old from the Balkans whom he called his Yugoslavian sex slave. (Sex Trafficking The Daily Beast )

Mossad spy Robert Maxwell (Ján Ludvík Hoch) and his daughter Ghislaine.

Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Robert Maxwell, is a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein who was jailed for involvement with child prostitutes. Ghislaine Maxwell is just like her Daddy Mail Online.

Former Mossad officer Ari Ben-Menashe reported that in 1986 Robert Maxwell tipped off the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu had given information about Israels nuclear capability to the Sunday Times.

Jeffrey Epstein is a member of the the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

He supports the Friends of Israel Defense Forces.

He has donated money to the Palm Beach Police Department. (Jeffrey Epstein Wikipedia)

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Quote STEVE this thread (BORN JEWISH)

You previously claimed “Grandma was Jewish,Mom born Jew” which implies that you mother converted. Do you want to get your story straight? But in any case there are number of Jews who converted to Christianity or Islam and became anti-Semitic.

As for police/prosecutors: MOSSAD says the multiple ladies,$$$$,Cocaine are in your room.....winning !!


COLBY ???? I don't speak Cukooglish.


I assume they and just about every intelligence organization do so. Get back to us when you have evidence they do so more than others. And when something is written in your trademark incoherent style it is in Cukooglish whether it is factual or not. Or do you think Kooklish has more of a ring to it? Or Kookglish? Cukoolish?

And even if true what does it have to do with the fact “Argentine police and two prosecutors concluded that Iran was behind the [AMIA] attack”?

http://www.salon.com...ring/index.html Its considered worlds largest pedophile ring. As a Jew Im sure you are very proud of this + WORLDS LARGEST + accomplishment.



Police say international pedophile ring smashed

Police rescued 230 children and arrested nearly 200 suspects at conclusion of three-year investigation

Associated Press

You really do suffer from Jew on the brain; there was no mention of the Mossad, Israel or any Jews or Israelis in the article. Europol was cited 3 times, below are all the references to locations or nationalities

“The ring was centered on an Amsterdam-based online forum… The investigation was led by Britain's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center but also involved law enforcement agencies as far afield as Australia, the United States and Thailand… In Britain, police said, the children involved were ages 7 to 14… One Spaniard who worked at summer youth camps is suspected of abusing some 100 children over five years…After his arrest, the forum's Dutch administrator helped police…Australian Federal Police commander Grant Edwards said suspects arrested in Australia ranged in age from 19 to 84... the oldest suspect identified by Australian authorities was an 84-year-old man living in Thailand

Read The Article Post a letter about this article

If Jeff Epstein was a Christian Republican,

would Salon have covered him yet?


Link: http://aangirfan.blo...d-sex-ring.html

This is really a stretch, Virginia Roberts claimed Ghislaine Maxwell recruited her to work for Jeffrey Epstein and supposedly her father gave the Mossad a tip in 1986 therefor, the blogger concluded Epstein’s sex ring was a Mossad op. Sorry that would only convince a cognitively unbalanced person with an anti-Jewish/Israeli axe to grind, especially since Ms. Maxwell didn’t meet Epstein till after her father died.


Edited by Len Colby
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Your nonsense knows no end ++++ MC2 Israel pal.++++++ ISRAEL !!

http://engforum.pravda.ru/index.php?/topic/213597-jew-pedofiles-rampage-amongst-young-girls/ after this read below


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Cynthia Kunze

Hohenzollernstr. 7, 80801 Muenchen GERMANY

Muenchen Muenchen, 80801



{www.psyshrink.com} Modern communication technologies are allowing for expatriates living temporarily or permanently outside their home country to more easily connect with professionals so they can receive help with psychological problems, issues and concerns.

Online PR News – 25-June-2010 –{www.psyshrink.com} Modern communication technologies are allowing for expatriates living temporarily or permanently outside their home country to more easily connect with professionals so they can receive help with psychological problems, issues and concerns.

With more than 200 million people estimated to be living outside their home country, psychological services for expats are certainly needed but not always available. Recognizing the need for accessible psychological services for expats, Cynthia Kunze, Psychologist and owner of PsyShrink eTherapy and Private Practice, began offering therapy via phone, webcam or secure chat room to clients living anywhere in the world.

“When one moves to a new country, especially a country where you don’t speak the language, you feel incredibly isolated” explains Jill, expatriate from South Africa living in Germany. “Finding you on the Internet was an absolute lifeline. We are scattered across the world, but still in need of help.”

Some mental health professionals are skeptical of offering such services online and express concerns regarding ensuring confidentiality. They argue that communication technologies could be breached and therapists would not have complete control of the environment in which therapy takes place.

While concerns regarding ensuring confidentiality should be carefully considered and addressed by any therapist wishing to provide online services, Cynthia Kunze arugues that the many benefits of providing online therapy to clients need to also be considered by practitioners and consumers.

Reducing anxiety for persons uncomfortable about going to therapy, allowing persons who are sensitive or concerned about the stigma of receiving psychological services to be more inclined to seek help, creating an outlet for those how are physical or emotionally unable to get to therapy, or providing continuity in the therapeutic process are just a few examples of how online therapy can benefit those in need of help.

Further, it is clear that many expats are finding online therapy to be an invaluable resource to help with personal problems, relationship issues and the stress and loneliness they face when living abroad.

“The vast majority of my clients are living in countries where they do not speak the native language, who are struggling with culture shock, troubled marriages, and feelings of depression and anxiety,” explains Cynthia Kunze, herself an expat. “My clients are often very successful, mobile, technology savvy people, who feel comfortable and confident using modern communications technologies.”

For additional information regarding online therapy, contact Cynthia Kunze or visit www.psyshrink.com. The benefits and limitations of online therapy are explained in detail and bookings for services can be made conveniently through the online calendar.

About PsyShrink eTherapy and Private Practice:

PsyShrink is owned and operated by Cynthia Kunze, a psychologist and expat living in Munich, Germany. With over 13 years experiencing working in mental health services and over 8 years living abroad, she has abundant professional and personal experience, particularly in helping expats attend to their emotional and psychological needs.

For additional information regarding online therapy, contact Cynthia Kunze or visit http://www.psyshrink.com

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Your ‘throw $h!t at the wall and see what sticks’ approach is getting old, first you tried to implicate the Mossad in the AMIA bombing, when I pointed out the evidence was weak you posted a kooklish comment about women and cocaine, when asked for clarification you switched gears and claimed the Mossad is “considered worlds [sic] largest pedophile ring” but your links provided no substantiation for that charge. Now you present this crap. You still haven’t produced any evidence the Mossad or even any Israelis or Jews were involved in the big pedophile ring or that the Mossad was involved with the Jeff Epstein ring. Yes MC2 an Israeli modeling agency MIGHT have been involved with Epstein’s teen prostitution ring but even if true it does NOT follow that it was a Mossad operation just as the involvement of an American company in illegal activities does prove they “in bed with” the CIA. To make a long story short you post crap and when I point out it is BS rather than defend it you post more crap and the cycle starts a new. This is a variant of "Hit & Run" posting which is officially frowned upon here.

As for the “Online Therapy” thing I have no idea what you think that proves. You seem to be implying that I’m mentally ill, if so an obvious case of projection.

And you still have to clear up your contradictory claims about your heritage. Was it you or your mom who converted? Normally I’d say that was no one’s business but you brought it up.

You also have yet to explain your hostility to Jews, the anti-Zionist ruse won’t wash because you’ve made several posts vilifying Jews with no indication they were Zionists. It’s too bad Steve Turner has disappeared; he’d have a field day with you.

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Gee, so many ??s about MOM/GRANDMA/ME.

I got a email about your DAD. I dont think u want to go into the family issue/history.

Do you know for sure what DAD was doing during the War ????????????


PART one

LINK below ====== +++ MOSSAD SAID TO BE BEST AT honey trap. ====++++

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124821418236169943.html. "Mr. Amit "pioneered the use of female agents, the 'honey trap,'" says Dan Raviv, author of "Every Spy a Prince," a history of Israeli espionage.


PART two Just search MOSSAD AND HONEY TRAP in Google. SOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo much to see.


Kookglish? Cukoolish?

this is the real insanity, BS 101% Pure


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Gee, so many ??s about MOM/GRANDMA/ME.

Not many just one. You have given two contradictory versions 1) your mom converted (no mention you being born Jewish) 2) you were born Jewish and converted, so which (if either) is true?

I got a email about your DAD. I dont think u want to go into the family issue/history.

Do you know for sure what DAD was doing during the War ????????????

Jolly good for you about the e-mail, but I didn’t bring up my dad here, you however brought up your family’s religious history and have given contradictory versions, so asking you for clarification is fair game. And yes I “know for sure what DAD was doing during the War” Riddle me this what country was he in?

PART one

LINK below ====== +++ MOSSAD SAID TO BE BEST AT honey trap. ====++++

http://online.wsj.co...236169943.html. "Mr. Amit "pioneered the use of female agents, the 'honey trap,'" says Dan Raviv, author of "Every Spy a Prince," a history of Israeli espionage.

LOL, sorry Charlie but running honey traps and running pedophile rings are not at all the same thing and if you think the honey trap originated with the Mossad or Amir you are showing your ignorance. Got any evidence they use/used it more than other intel agencies?




PART two Just search MOSSAD AND HONEY TRAP in Google. SOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo much to see.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Samuel Johnson 1775

“’See Google’ is the first resort of a crackpot” Len Colby 2011

LOL If you Google CIA/KGB/MI6 AND HONEY TRAP in Google you get even more hits

Kookglish? Cukoolish?

I’m trying to decide between Kookish and Cukooglish.

this is the real insanity, BS 101% Pure


I agree why then did you post it? Are you going to claim that UFOs are a Jewish plot?

Edited by Len Colby
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CRY WOLF ++ FALSE FLAG ONE DAY +++ YOU DO AGAIN (in 1994) another day,IMHO.

March 17, 1992: Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires Is Bombed, Hezbollah and Iran Accused Despite Lack of Evidence

INSIDE JOB,INSIDE JOB,INSIDE JOB +++We are talking "INSIDE" the Israeli Embassy....not enough security in an Israeli embassy to prevent a sumggled in BOMB ?? +++++++++ THATS PURE EXCREMENT. Anyone who believes Israeli Embassy security poor is a J hater.INSIDE JOB,INSIDE JOB. Israel bombs itself.

According to most media accounts and the US State Department’s annual report on terrorism, the bombing was the work of a Hezbollah suicide bomber who drove a truck into the building. [Los Angeles Times, 5/8/1992; Patterns of Global Terrorism, 4/30/1993; Fox News, 10/5/2007]

However, a technical report ordered by Argentina’s Supreme Court will find that the bomb was placed inside the building: “Court official Guillermo Lopez said that the investigation had ascertained that the explosives had been located on the first floor of the diplomatic headquarters. ‘The engineers established, with 99 percent certainty, the exact location where the explosives were and the quantity that was used.’” That conclusion is angrily rejected by Israel. [NotiSur, 8/16/1996] BUT MR COLBY, IM SORRY, NO TRUCK,JUST MADE UP STORY !!!!!!!! ISRAEL BOMBS ITSELF. This gives weight to my argument that the later 1994 bombing was also a False Flag operation.


Your analysis of Honey/POT Mossad is a joke. POINT one) COLBY SAID If you Google CIA/KGB/MI6 AND HONEY TRAP in Google you get even more hits. END COLBY QUOTE

Golly on a PER CAPITA rate the KGB has a lot less honey/POT than MOSSAD. Russia 18 plus times size of Israel. Point two) Spy sex is Kosher. see video below

VIDEO http://wn.com/Rabbi_authorises_female_Mossad_agents_to_have_sex

(from the Info Underground) Sexpionage Parlance of international espionage, the use of "sex" by foreign spies to obtain information or concessions from government officials is called "sexpionage". The sexual seduction of high level government officials by foreign spies is usually of the illicit category which provides foreign operatives the added advantage of being able to better bribe the targeted victims which may be married with children. The operation may involve compromising the government officials through the use of professional prostitutes, underage girls (or boys) or by providing homosexual lovers to not yet "out-of-the-closet" targets, as was the case with Governor James McGreevey of New Jersey.

Golly, Mossad has nickname/code words for their SEX agents.

1. Swallows Parlance of the Israeli intelligence services, female sexpionage agents

2. Mossad ,Ravens, Males who are trained to compromise women or other men


++++ Israel not that good to FEMALES brought there by force ++++++++XXXXXXXXXX JERUSALEM POST – Israel has failed to take adequate measures against human rights abuses of women who have been brought here and forced to provide sexual services, Amnesty International charged.

“This is so,” a special Amnesty report on the trafficking of women from the former Soviet Union said, “even though many of them have been subjected to human rights abuses such as enslavement or torture, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse, by traffickers, pimps, or others involved in Israel’s sex industry.”

Amnesty International also criticized Israel for not providing a procedure to grant asylum to women who have been smuggled into the country often on the basis of false promises of work having nothing to do with sex.

According to Amnesty International, hundreds of women are brought to Israel from the former Soviet Union every year.


No Israel asylum for SEX trade ladies .....probably need them for Swallows........


As to your question of me where your DAD was. I was told he was "kapos" Cuba. THANKS sg

Edited by Steven Gaal
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However, a technical report ordered by Argentina’s Supreme Court will find that the bomb was placed inside the building: “Court official Guillermo Lopez said that the investigation had ascertained that the explosives had been located on the first floor of the diplomatic headquarters. ‘The engineers established, with 99 percent certainty, the exact location where the explosives were and the quantity that was used.’” That conclusion is angrily rejected by Israel. [NotiSur, 8/16/1996] BUT MR COLBY, IM SORRY, NO TRUCK,JUST MADE UP STORY !!!!!!!! ISRAEL BOMBS ITSELF. This gives weight to my argument that the later 1994 bombing was also a False Flag operation.

Here’s what you omitted

" The announcement only gave the results of the investigation and did not explain how the engineers arrived at the conclusion…This is not a report of the court nor a definitive hypothesis," said [supreme Court president Julio] Nazareno. "It is only the preliminary conclusion of the Argentine experts who worked on the case."


Your analysis of Honey/POT Mossad is a joke. POINT one) COLBY SAID If you Google CIA/KGB/MI6 AND HONEY TRAP in Google you get even more hits. END COLBY QUOTE

Golly on a PER CAPITA rate the KGB has a lot less honey/POT than MOSSAD. Russia 18 plus times size of Israel.

LOL speaking of jokes, the number of Google hits is more indicative of how interested people are in a subject than how prevalent it is. In any case your insinuations that the use of honey traps is something particular to if not invented by the Mossad is contradicted by the available evidence.

Point two) Spy sex is Kosher. see video below

VIDEO http://wn.com/Rabbi_...nts_to_have_sex

LOL that was humorous but proves nothing.

Golly, Mossad has nickname/code words for their SEX agents.

1. Swallows Parlance of the Israeli intelligence services, female sexpionage agents

2. Mossad ,Ravens, Males who are trained to compromise women or other men

I’d imagine other intel services do as well get back to us when actually have a reliable source

++++ Israel not that good to FEMALES brought there by force ++++++++XXXXXXXXXX JERUSALEM POST – Israel has failed to take adequate measures against human rights abuses of women who have been brought here and forced to provide sexual services, Amnesty International charged.

“This is so,” a special Amnesty report on the trafficking of women from the former Soviet Union said, “even though many of them have been subjected to human rights abuses such as enslavement or torture, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse, by traffickers, pimps, or others involved in Israel’s sex industry.”

LOL since this supposedly appeared in the Jerusalem Post you should have no problem post a link to reliable source for the supposed article. But even if true several European countries have similar problem and this has nothing to do with your previous claims

As to your question of me where your DAD was. I was told he was "kapos" Cuba. THANKS sg

Hate to break it to you but there weren’t any concentration or death camps in Cuba hence no kapos nor were there in the other country he lived in during the war. Did the moron who sent you the e-mail tell which one it was or provide any sort of evidence for his/her claims?

And you have yet to tell us which of your contradictory claims was correct, was you or your mom who converted?

Edited by Len Colby
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