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A pro-Nazi U.S. Army unit in WWII

Len Colby

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Not only was there a U.S. Army unit replete with Nazi sympathizers, apparently half of MacArthur's subordinates shared this same predilection.

From Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby to Gen. Bonner Fellers and including both Edwin A. Walker and even Lt. Col. Wm. Potter Gale who all

been identified as either JFK murder participants or as the equivalent of strong Nazi sympathizers. From the California Rangers of Gale to the American

Vigilante Group of Walker to Fellers citation by Hitler as "..our best source of information". Willoughby of course was cited by Dick Russell, Bill Turner

and Mae Brussell as the leader of The Shickshinny Knights of Malta and the main plotmaster in the entire JFK murder. Why do you think that the pro-Nazis

and anti-Soviets in the MacArthur camp would only fight the Japanese? And why did Willoughby who was in charge of the Army Air Corps in the Phillipines

not take flight to intercept the Japanese Aircraft Carriers in the Pacific? He chose instead to allow them to refuel on these carriers and then to strafe

the entire Army Air Corps on the ground right after Pearl Harbor. One of these days these facts will be self evident. JFK's staunchest opposition were

allied around the Pentagon forces influenced by Willoughby and MacArthur and the other Park Avenue Patriots. Oh, and they hated the CIA so much that they

heaped ALL of the blame for the JFK hit squarely on their shoulders. Nice piece of work there. Army Intel had 10 times the influence on the JFK hit as

the CIA did, and The American Security Council of Morris, Cline, Angleton and Willoughby formed a bi-partisan inter-Agency leadership coterie who decided

the fate of JFK. So obvious it is not even funny.

Worst military memoir ever?

Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Friday, September 10, 2010 - 10:22 AM Share

I finally forced myself to read Douglas MacArthur's Reminiscences. What a weird book -- and man. Big Mac appears to have kept every complimentary note ever sent him, and reprinted most of them in this memoir.

The book, which is far worse than Mark Clark's memoir, also confirms my feeling that MacArthur believed that reality was whatever he said it was, such as his claim in 1951 to have been as subordinate as any soldier in American history -- this after bucking three presidents in a row. Or, as he delicately phrases his situational approach, "The comments are my own and show how I saw the matters treated of, whether others saw them in the same light or not."

The sentence in the book that begs the most questions is this: "In February 1922 I entered into matrimony, but it was not successful, and ended in divorce years later for mutual incompatibility." Nothing more. All I can think is that he put this in so that people couldn't say he failed to mention his failed marriage.

There is one interesting passage in the book, about his confrontation with FDR early in that man's presidency over the Army budget:

I spoke recklessly and said something to the general effect that when we lost the next war, and an American boy, lying in the mud with an enemy bayonet through his belly and an enemy foot on his dying throat, spat out his last curse, I wanted the name not to be MacArthur, but Roosevelt.

He goes on to write that FDR upbraided him for talking that way to the president, and that MacArthur apologized, and then went outside and vomited on the steps of the White House.

All this makes me glad MacArthur took no. 1 in my informal poll of the worst American generals.

Worse may lay ahead. I've just started the memoir of MacArthur sycophant Courtney Whitney. So far lots of talk about "Roosevelt apologists."


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“Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby”

While it is well known he was a fan of Il Duche what evidence is there he was a “Nazi sympathizer”?

‘Gen. Bonner Fellers…Fellers citation by Hitler as "..our best source of information" ’

Became a Bircher well after the war, what evidence is there he was a “Nazi sympathizer” during it?

Cite evidence he knew the code had been broken/stolen. If anyone as much as suspected that at the he would have been transferred to a do nothing desk job pending investigation if not immediately arrested. Can you provide a source for the quote?

“Edwin A. Walker”

Didn’t serve under MacArthur till Korea

“Lt. Col. Wm. Potter Gale”

Retired as a Lt. Col in the early-mid 50’s thus he was probably a captain or major during WWII, I doubt he had much contact with MacArthur. He joined the Christian Identity movement in the mid 50’s. What evidence is there he was a “Nazi sympathizer” during WWII? Apparently he was half-Jewish.

http://www.amazon.com/Terrorist-Next-Door-Militia-Movement/dp/0312291051#reader_0312291051 pg 11

“Why do you think that the pro-Nazis and anti-Soviets in the MacArthur camp would only fight the Japanese?”

That was silly neither enlisted men nor officers choose where to fight, they go where their superiors order them. Do think being anti-Soviet was a bad thing?

“And why did Willoughby who was in charge of the Army Air Corps in the Phillipines not take flight to intercept the Japanese Aircraft Carriers in the Pacific?”

Do you have any evidence in support of this? Was he ordered to do so? Was he aware American targets where being/had been attacked? Could he on his own authority have order such interceptions?

“MacArthur believed that reality was whatever he said it was, such as his claim in 1951 to have been as subordinate as any soldier in American history -- this after bucking three presidents in a row.”

How did he “buck” Hoover? And FDR seems not to have been offended by the supposed “bucking” over the budget because he extended the general’s term as Chief of Staff and made him Allied commander in the Pacific.

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Maple was not the only soldier from the unit arrested for helping the German POWs. According to the articles linked below “…five WAC’s were charged with writing romantic notes to enemy detaniees…eight additional American soldiers were disclosed to have been involved in the recent escape of two Nazi war prisoners”




And an Austrian born US Army Sgt. was charged with “trafficking commercially” with the POWs before they escaped.


PS – John B., still waiting for you to document your bizarre claims.

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