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The JFK Act Oversight Hearing Campaign has now become part of COA (Committee for Open Archives) started by John Judge and Bill Kelly.

We have an official website http://committeeforopenarchives.webs.com/apps/donations/ and a place for donations. We are hoping to take a full page ad in the Washington Post using Gene Case's '50 years of denial is enough' poster.


Massive thank you to all who have sent emails and letters so far, and those who have or will donate!

Onwards and upwards!

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The JFK Act Oversight Hearing Campaign has now become part of COA (Committee for Open Archives) started by John Judge and Bill Kelly.

We have an official website http://committeeforo...apps/donations/ and a place for donations. We are hoping to take a full page ad in the Washington Post using Gene Case's '50 years of denial is enough' poster.


Massive thank you to all who have sent emails and letters so far, and those who have or will donate!

Onwards and upwards!


What we need is to find a Congressman on the Information Policy Subcommittee of the House Oversight Committee who will take up our cause and request the Chairman to schedule a JFKAct Oversight Hearing, even if it is a hearing of just the subcommittee.

Of the members of the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform, there are three leading Republicans, the Chairman Rep.James Lankford (OK-5), who seems like a nice guy who likes to workwith kids, and two Congressmen from Pennsylvania, Mike Kelly and Pat Meehan.

Aspossible candidates on the subcommittee to make a pitch for JFK Act oversighthearings Republican Vice Chair: Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-3), along with Pat Meehan,are representatives of districts in Pennsylvania that include a number of JFKAssassination researchers who could get easy access to them to try persuadethem to seek oversight hearings.

Thenthere are a few others, who could be sympathetic and I urge anyone who isresident of their district to write and fax them a letter requesting the JFKAct oversight hearings, including Jason Chaffetz (UT-3), Tim Walberg (MI-7), RaulLabrador (ID) and Blake Farenthold (TX-27).

Amongthe Democrts, there's Ranking Member Gerald Connolly of Virginia, ChristopherMurphy of Connecticut and Stephen Lynch, Massachusetts, with one Vacancy that may already be filled.

Here's the relevant partof the rules that concern us:

House Committee on Oversight andGovernment Reform Rules and Jurisdiction

Rule 2 Meetings

"The regularmeetings of the full committee shall be held on the second Thursday of eachmonth at 10 a.m., when the house is insession. The chairman is authorized to dispense with a regular meeting or tochange the date of and to call and convene additional meetings, when circumstanceswarrant. A special meeting of the committee may be requested by members of thecommittee pursuant to the provisions of House Rule XI, clause 2 C (2).Subcommittees shall meet at the call of the subcommittee chairs…"

The Chairman of theSubcommittee is Rep. James Lankford of Okalahoma.

Washington, D.C. – Congressman James Lankford (R-OK) has been named Chairman of theHouse Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Technology,Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform today.The subcommittee has legislative jurisdiction over federal informationtechnology and data standards, public information, and procurement reform. Thesubcommittee will also oversee the federal Freedom of Information Act and AdvisoryCommittees and the relationship between the federal government, the states andmunicipalities including oversight of unfunded mandates.

"Congressman Lankford will be an excellent leader in our fight toprotect the taxpayers and the job-creating private sector from the waste,fraud, and abuse of their money. We cannot succeed without fundamental changesin how the government buys goods and services and unless we have complete,accurate, and timely data," said full Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, (R-CA)."Updating the technology and standards that the government uses to manage itsmoney and track program performance, along with procurement reform, is a keypart of our legislative agenda."

"It is an honor to be asked by Chairman Issa to take on this criticalsubcommittee and I am ready to address the challenges ahead," said CongressmanLankford. "All too often, the federal government has been wasteful with itsresources. We need increased scrutiny to make certain that taxpayer dollarsaren't flying out the window. The status quo that requires states, cities andbusinesses to bear the financial weight of unfunded federal mandates must alsocome to an end. It's time to get our fiscal house in order and I look forwardto working with Chairman Issa and other members of the subcommittee as we takethese vital first steps forward."



Rep. James Lankford

Washington, D.C. Office

509 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

ph: (202) 225-2132

Oklahoma City Office

1015 N. Broadway Suite 310

Oklahoma, OK 73102

ph: (405) 234-9900

Shawnee Office

20 East 9th, Suite 100 Shawnee, OK 74801

ph: (405) 273-1733

James Lankford was first elected to the United States Congress on November 2nd, 2010. Before being elected, he directedthe Falls Creek Youth Camp from 1996 to 2009, the largest Christian camp in thenation with more than 51,000 guests every summer. While James directed FallsCreek, the camp experienced the greatest growth in its nearly 100 year history.In this capacity, James earned real-world leadership and business experience.James has also coordinated mission and community service projects in Belize, Malawi, England, Wales, and Germany as well as many areas of Oklahoma.

He serves on the Oversight& Government Reform Committee, where he is the Chairman of the Subcommitteeon Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and ProcurementReform. James enjoys spending time withhis family, sport shooting, and reading.

BK NOTES: If you want to email him, you will only get a responseif you are a resident of his district, but you can still send him an email andtell him and his staff what's on your mind – you want him to do his job andhold the required oversight hearings of the JFK Act.

Lankford-Coburn Joint Statement on Grant Oversight and Accountability Hearing

June 23, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Congressman James Lankford (R-OK), Chairman of the Subcommitteeon Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and ProcurementReform, issued the following statement after holding a hearing Thursday morningthat initiated a series of examinations on discretionary grants allocated bythe Executive Branch to determine weaknesses in the grant process to improveoversight and accountability, ensuring taxpayer dollars are not wasted.

"The federal government has more than tripledgrant payments in the past twenty years but with little accountability andoversight," said Congressman Lankford. "There are twenty-three federaldepartments and agencies that offered 1,670 grants last fiscal year but withlittle uniformity or transparency. These agencies have few requirements,resulting in tens of billions of dollars that are left untracked to guaranteethese taxpayers dollars are spent wisely. This is the moment to bring light tothe grant process to enforce accountability and bring competition into theprocess.

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), who testified atthe hearing and recently released a report listing numerous problems with thegrant process, issued the following statement.

"Today'shearing helped provide some long-overdue oversight of federal grant programs,"said Senator Coburn. "I applaud my colleagues in the House for forcing thisdiscussion. One recent report I authored identified nearly $3 billion that hasbeen lost to waste, duplication and fraud through grants programs managed bythe National Science Foundation. Recklessly wasting taxpayer money underminesthe public's trust. At a time when our economic future is in question, it is upto Congress to restore the public's confidence with effective oversight andcommon sense cuts."


MikeKelly was born in Pittsburgh and raised in Butler, PA,where he has lived for the past 53 years. After graduating from Butler High School in 1966, Mike attended the University of Notre Dame on afootball and academic scholarship. After college, Mike moved back to Butler to work at Kelly Chevrolet-Cadillac, Inc., a companyfounded by his father in the early 1950s. Mike took ownership of the dealershipin 1995, expanding its operations to include Hyundai and KIA franchises.


Send anemail to Mike Kelly and let him know how you feel:


Write andfax a letter to Mike Kelly:

Washington, DC

515Cannon HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone:(202) 225-5406

Fax:(202) 225-3103


108 E. Diamond St., 1st Floor

Butler, PA 16001




208 E. Bayfront Parkway, Suite 102

Erie, PA 16507

Phone:(814) 454-8190

Fax:(814) 454-8197


182 Main St.

Greenville, PA 16125



Meadville Office

908Diamond Park

Meadville, PA 16335


Patrick Meehan represents Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional Districtin the United States Congress. http://meehan.house....ectiontree=2,63<br style="mso-special-character:line-break">

Elected in 2010, Congressman Meehan serves on the Oversightand Government Reform, Homeland Security and Transportation and InfrastructureCommittees. As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, CongressmanMeehan was appointed Chairman of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism andIntelligence, becoming one of only a few freshmen to chair a subcommittee.

Prior to his election to the United StatesCongress, Meehan earned an impressive record as one of the Philadelphia area's most respectedprosecutors. Appointed by the President, Meehan served as the United StatesAttorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, a position that made him thetop federal prosecutor in a district that spanned nine counties with apopulation of over five million residents.

Sworn in just six days after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Meehan immediatelywent to work combating the threat of terrorism. He set up an Anti-TerrorismAdvisory Council to coordinate the region's response to the attacks. The ATAC quickly became a nationalmodel for coordination among law enforcement agencies and ensured that criticalinformation and intelligence on terrorist threats was disseminated to theappropriate federal, state and local law enforcement personnel.

While U.S. Attorney, Meehan took on nursing homesneglecting seniors, drug companies defrauding customers and pioneeredinnovative new strategies to combat domestic violence. Meehan also prosecutedcases under Operation Stolen Valor, an initiative that took in individuals whofalsely claimed to have won military awards and decorations. He was appointedby the Attorney General to sit on the Corporate Fraud Task Force and prosecutedgovernment contractors overcharging taxpayers.

During his tenure, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Philadelphia became a national leader inprosecuting corrupt government officials. Meehan helped to put behind bars someof the biggest names in Philadelphia's corrupt pay-to-playpolitical culture, including former Philadelphia Treasurer Corey Kemp,Councilman Rick Mariano, and State Senator Vincent Fumo. Meehan earned praisefrom both sides of the aisle for his integrity and his commitment to rootingout political corruption.

Prior to his appointment as United StatesAttorney, Meehan served as the District Attorney of Delaware County. As D.A.,he successfully prosecuted several high-profile cases, including the murdertrial of millionaire John DuPont and the trial of the murderer of local collegestudent Aimee Willard. Meehan formed the Internet Crimes Against Children TaskForce, a working group dedicated to protecting children from online predators.A native of Cheltenham, Montgomery County, Meehan is a graduate of Bowdoin College and the Temple UniversitySchool of Law. Prior to entering public service, CongressmanMeehan spent two years as a referee in the National Hockey League. Meehan,his wife Carolyn, and their three sons live in Drexel Hill, Delaware County.


513 Cannon HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-2011

Fax: (202) 226-0280

SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 940 Sproul Road Springfield, PA 19064

Phone: (610) 690-7323

Fax: (610) 690-7329

BK NOTES: There are only three democrats on thesubcommittee so far, and gone are the black caucus members we had placed ourhope in, but in the place we do have some liberals who could take up the openrecords cause. The Senior Democrat is Gerald Connally of Virginia. Then there are two New England democrats, Chris Murphy of Conn. and Steve Lynch of Mass., both feasible targets whocould be persuaded to make open records an issue.

Congressman Gerald E. Connolly 11th District of Virginia

Congressman Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly is servinghis second term in the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia's 11th District, which encompasses Fairfax County, Prince William County, and the City of Fairfax in Northern Virginia. He was firstelected in 2008 and reelected in 2010.

Congressman Connolly serves on the House Committeeon Oversight and Government Reform and the House Committee on ForeignAffairs.

He is the Ranking Member of the Oversight andGovernment Reform Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy,Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform…Connolly is also a member ofthe New Democrat Coalition, chair of the Innovation Task Force, co-chair of theSmart Contracting Caucus, Connolly has earned a reputation in Congress as aresults-oriented legislator who does his homework and gets results for hisNorthern Virginia district.

After graduating from Harvard, Connolly spent 10years on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where he handlednumerous foreign policy issues including oversight of international economicissues and policies concerning the Middle East and the United Nations. CongressmanConnolly also worked in the non-profit and private sectors for organizationsand companies involved in international trade, regulatory matters, technology,and research.

Congressman Gerry Connolly has three offices to serve you: our office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.; our Fairfax District Office in Annandale; and our Prince William District Office in Woodbridge.



Washington DC Office

424 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-1492

Fax: (202) 225-3071

Fairfax District Office 4115 Annandale Road

Suite 103 Annandale, VA 22003

Phone: (703) 256-3071

Fax: (703) 354-1284

Prince William District Office 4308 Ridgewood Center Dr. Woodbridge, VA 22192

Phone: (703) 670-4989

Fax: (703) 670-6042

Click Here toWrite Congressman Connolly


It can be difficult to navigate the maze of thefederal government or to determine the correct person or agency to contact tohelp you with your issue. My offices can help you with this process.

I am committed to providing excellent services to the residents of the 11thDistrict of Virginia. My staff and I will do everything possible tohelp you with your problem or question.

Please click one of the below links for additional information on:LEGISLATION: If you'd like to contact me about a legislative issue, please e-mail me; phone me at (202) 225-1492;or mail me a note at 424 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC20515.

CongressmanChristopher S. Murphy U.S.Representative, Fifth District, Connecticut


Congressman Christopher S. Murphy is currentlyserving his third term representing Connecticut's Fifth District, which includes the towns of Danbury, Meriden, New Britain, and Waterbury. He serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee and its Middle Eastand South Asia Subcommittee. Healso serves on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and itsTechnology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and ProcurementReform and Health Care, District of Columbia,Census and the National Archives Subcommittees.

Murphy is also a member of the Oversight and GovernmentReform Committee, which is the main investigative committee in the U.S. Houseof Representatives, and has broad jurisdiction over federal governmentmanagement. The committee'shigh-profile hearings have covered subjects from reconstruction in Iraq, to the state of our economy, to pharmaceuticalmarketing practices. Through this committee, Murphy has pushed to makecommon sense reforms to strengthen our Buy America laws and protect Connecticut's manufacturing firms.

Washington D.C. Office

412 Cannon HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4476

New Britain Office 114 West Main St.

Suite 206 New Britain, CT 06051

Phone: (860) 223-8412

Fax: (860) 827-9009

Danbury Office 198 Main St. Danbury, CT 06810<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break">


Congressman Stephen F. Lynch was first sworn in to theUnited States Congress in October 2001, following the sudden passing oflegendary Congressman John Joseph Moakley. The son of Francis Lynch, anironworker, and Anne Lynch, a postal clerk, Congressman Lynch was born andraised in the public housing projects of South Boston.

Upon graduation from South Boston High School in 1973, Congressman Lynch entered the IronworkersApprenticeship Program and later joined his father as a member of Boston's Ironworkers Local 7. He worked as a structuralironworker for 18 years and was eventually elected to serve as president of TheIron Workers Union, the youngest president in the history of the 2000 memberunion.

In 1994, Congressman Lynch was elected to the MassachusettsHouse of Representatives. After just fourteen months in office, he was electedto the Massachusetts State Senate in a special election. In the Senate, heserved as the Chair of the Joint Committee on Commerce and Labor.

In 1999, he earned a Master's Degree in PublicAdministration from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

During his career as an ironworker, Congressman Lynchworked at the General Motors Plant in Framingham, Massachusetts, the General Dynamics Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts and the U.S. Steel Plant in Gary, Indiana, all of which were either shut down or severlycurtailed due to unfair foreign trade practices. Congressman Lynch's first-handexperience in seeing the effects of plant closings on American workers and onlocal communities has led him to focus on efforts to improve U.S. Trade Policyand protect American jobs.

In the 112th Congress, Congressman Lynch is a member of theFinancial Services Committee and the Committee on Oversight and GovernmentReform, where he serves as Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on FederalWorkforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy. Lynch is also a member of theSubcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations andthe Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relationsand Procurement Reform.

Edited by William Kelly
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