William Kelly Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 It seems like both General Dynamics and Brown & Root, two major US defense contractors implicated in the assassination of President Kennedy also have their fingers in the Libyan pie. General Dynamics apparently upgraded the mechanized Khamis brigade, while Brown & Root designed the Great Man-made River Project, a series of giant underground pipes the feed fresh water from underground aquifers deep under the Sahara desert that some speculate Gadhafi could have used to escape without being spied by NATO's eagle eyes. "Papersfound by Reuters in Tripoli showeda British arm of U.S. - based General Dynamics was modernising tanks and troopcarriers for a feared brigade led by Gaddafi's son Khamis, as recently as lateJanuary.Thefirm said the military vehicles might have been part of a $135 million 2008contract, part of what it termed at the time 'the United Kingdom's initiatives to improveeconomic, educational and defence links with Libya.'". http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/07/libya-idUSL5E7K74ST20110907 GMR (Great Man-made River) Water Supply Project. In 1953, the search for new oilfields in the deserts ofsouthern Libya led to the discovery not only of thesignificant oil reserves, but also vast quantities of fresh water trapped inthe underlying strata. The majority of this water was collected between 38,000and 14,000 years ago, though some pockets are only 7,000 years old. There arefour major underground basins. The Kufra basin, lying in the south east, nearthe Egyptian border, covers an area of 350,000km², forming an aquifer layerover 2,000m deep, with an estimated capacity of 20,000km³ in the Libyan sector.The 600m-deep aquifer in the Sirt basin is estimated to hold over 10,000km³ ofwater, while the 450,000km² Murzuk basin, south of Jabal Fezzan, is estimatedto hold 4,800km³. Further water lies in the Hamadah and Jufrah basins, whichextend from the Qargaf Arch and Jabal Sawda to the coast. The GMR project - the world's largest engineering venture -is intended to transport water from these aquifers to the northern coastalbelt, to provide for the country's 5.6 million inhabitants and for irrigation.Intended to be the showpiece of the Libyan revolution, Colonel Moammar Gaddaficalled it the "eighth The project is owned by the Great Man-made River Authorityand funded by the Libyan Government. Brown & Root and Price Brothersproduced the original project design and the main contractor for the initialphases was Dong Ah, with Enka Construction and Al Nah acting assub-contractors. The preliminary engineering and design contractor for Phase III is NipponKoei / Halcrow consortium. The Frankenthal KSB consortium won the pumpingstation construction and technical support contract and SNC-Lavalin areresponsible for the pipe production plant O&M. Libyan Cement supplied theconcrete. Thane-Coat and Harkmel provided pipeline coating services andCorrintec supplied the cathodic protection system. Thyssen Krupp Fördertechnikprovided technical services for the excavation planning and a number of local companiescarried out …. http://www.water-technology.net/projects/gmr/ MUAMMARGaddafi and his sons may have avoided capture by fleeing through water pipeslarge enough to hide military vehicles, Libyan rebel commanders believe. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/gaddafis-great-escape-via-water-pipes-beneath-desert/story-e6frg6so-1226129277724 The pipes ofthe Great Manmade River project, supplying coastal cities withwater from a huge natural reservoir beneath the desert, are up to four metreswide. They would provide excellent cover from NATO spy planes hunting for theousted dictator, said two senior advisers on the rebel military council in Tripoli. Gaddafi'sgreatest engineering feat runs for 530km south from the town of Bani Walid, southeast of Tripoli, to just north of the oasis town of Sabha. Rebelsbelieve Gaddafi, who they say was last seen making a telephone call from BaniWalid's small airport, has fled through the pipes towards Sabha while thousandsof Libyan army soldiers block the rebels' advance south. The $US33billion ($30bn) pipeline project was begun in 1984 and three of its five phasesare complete, supplying water to much of the country. But supplies to western Libya, including Tripoli, were shut down on August 21, fuellingspeculation the fleeing dictator had a military purpose for the network.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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