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Rear Admiral Rufus Taylor

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The Rufus Taylor Records Are Missing. Or are they?

JFKcountercoup: Rear Admiral Rufus Taylor ONI Records Missing?

"In its Final Declaration of Compliance, ONI stated that it conducted an extensive review of ONI records held at Federal Records Centers throughout the country. ONI did not identify any additional assassination records.ONI was unable to find any relevant files for the Director of ONI from 1959 to1964." - Final Report ARRB

The Office of Naval Intelligence maintains that the records of its former director Rufus Taylor are missing. They just don't know where they are or even if they still exist.

From another agency, the ARRB obtained an unsigned affidavit Taylor wrote professing that the ONI did not utilize Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of the President, as an agent or asset,and there is record of Taylor himself ordering a record "to be prepared" as requested.

For some reason it is hard for me to fathom the idea that the Office of Naval Intelligence – the oldest, smallest and most powerful of all US government intelligence agencies, somehow lost the entire office files of their director from June 1963 to May 1966.

If this were a poker game and I could call them on it I would, but in further developing Peter Dale Scott's "negative template" approach, so I though it appropriate to take a closer look at Admiral Rufus Taylor, what role he played in the proceedings.

It turns out that rear Admiral Rufus Taylor USN was the first intelligence specialist to hold the position of Director of Naval Intelligence. June 1963. - 1)

In his honor the Rufus Taylor Awards are presented annually at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Dam Neck, Virginia and at the Fleet Intelligence Training Center (FITC) San Diego, California 2

Then Taylor turns up, even after retirement, trying to suppress Victor Marchetti's book "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This is from Victor Marchetti concerning Taylor's efforts to stop publication.

MARCHETTI: What I learned in my dealings with Congressmen, in the CIA and after leaving, was that the men who wanted to change the situation didn't have the power, while those who had the power didn't want any change. With Congress a hopeless case, and the White House already in the know and well satisfied to let the CIA continue to operate in secrecy, I decided to talk to the press. I gave my first interview to U.S.News and World Report, and that started the ball rolling. Soon I was in touch with publishers in New York, talking about doing a book.

I soon got a telephone call from Admiral Rufus Taylor, who had been my boss in the agency, but by that time had retired. He told me to meet him at a motel in the Virginia suburbs, across the Potomac from Washington. My suspicions aroused by the remoteness of the room from the office, I was greetedby Admiral Taylor, who had thoughtfully brought along a large supply of liquor: a bottle of scotch, a bottle of bourbon, a bottle of vodka, a bottle of gin ..."I couldn't remember what you liked," he told me, "so I brought one of everything."

I began to make noise: flushing the toilet, washing my hands, turning on the television. Admiral Taylor was right behind me, turning everything off. I kept making noise, jingling the ice in my glass and so on, until the admiral sat down. There was a table with a lamp on it between the admiral's chair and the one which he now told me to sit down on. He looked at me with a little twinkle in his eye: the lamp was bugged, of course.

We talked, and Admiral Taylor told me the CIA was worried about what I might write in my book. He proposed a deal: I was to give no more interviews, write no more articles, and to stay away from Capitol Hill. I could write my book, and then let him and other retired senior officers look it over, and they would advise me and the agency. After that the CIA and I could resolve our differences. I told him, "Fair enough." We had a drink on it, and went out to dinner. That was our deal

What I didn't know was that a few nights later John Erlichman and Richard Nixon would be sitting in the White House discussing my book. There is a tape of their discussion, "President Nixon, John Ehrlichman, 45 minutes, subject Victor Marchetti," which is still sealed: I can't get it Ehrlichman told me through contacts that if I listened to the tape I would learn exactly what happened to me and why.

Whatever the details of their conversation were, the president of the United States had decided I should not publish my book. I was to be the first writerin American history to be served with an official censorship order served by acourt of the United States, because President Nixon did not want to be embarrassed, nor did he want the CIA to be investigated and reformed: that would have hampered his ability to use it for his ownpurposes. A few days later, on April 18, 1972, I received a federalinjunction restraining me from revealing any "intelligence information." After more than a year of court battles, CIA and the Cult ofIntelligence was published. The courts allowed the CIA to censor it inadvance, and as a result the book appeared with more than a hundred holes for CIA-ordered deletions. Later editions show previously deleted words and lines, which the court orderedthe CIA to restore in boldface or italics. The book is therefore difficult to read, indeed something of a curiosity piece. And of course all the informationwhich was ordered cut out ended up leaking to the public anyway.

All this was done to help the CIA suppress and distort history, and to enable presidents to do the same.Presidents like Harry Truman, who claimed falsely that "I never had anythought when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peace time cloak-and-dagger operations," but who willingly employed the agency to carry outclandestine espionage and covert intervention in the affairs of othercountries. Or Dwight Eisenhower, who denied that we were attempting tooverthrow Sukarno in Indonesia, when we were, and was embarrassed when he triedto deny the CIA's U-2 over flights and was shown up by Khruschev at Paris in 1960. JohnF. Kennedy, as everyone knows by now, employed the CIA in several attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. We used everyone from Mafia hoods to Castro's mistress, Marita Lorenz (who was supposed to poison the dictator with pills concealed in her cold cream -- the pills melted). I have no doubt that if wecould have killed Castro, the U.S. would havegone in.

There was a fairly widespread belief that one reason Kennedy was assassinatedwas because he was going to get us out of Vietnam. Don't youbelieve it He was the CIA's kind of president, rough, tough, and gung-ho. Under Kennedy we becameinvolved in Vietnam in a serious way, not so much militarily as through covert action. Itis a fact that the United States engineered the overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam's premier, and Ngo Dinh Nhu, his powerful brother. A cable was sent outto the ambassador which said, "If Lou Conein goofs up [Lucien Conein was akey CIA operative in Saigon], it's his responsibility." So when E. Howard Hunt faked thesememos and cables when he was working for the "plumbers" on behalf ofPresident Nixon (and against the Democrats), he knew what he was doing. That was his defense, that he wasn't really forging or inventing anything."Stuff like that really existed, but I couldn't find it," he said. Ofcourse Hunt couldn't find it by that time the original documents were gone. But Hunt knew what he was doing.

President Nixon's obsession with secrecy led to the end of his presidency, ofcourse. As indicated earlier, Nixon was determined to suppress my book. On several occasions after his resignation, Nixon has been asked what he meant when he said that the CIA would help him cover up the Watergate tapes, because "they owedhim one." He has responded, "I was talking about Marchetti," in other words the efforts (still secret) to prevent The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence from being published. END Marchetti on Taylor. 3)

TAYLOR also had strong feelings about the attack on the USS LIBERTY: Taylor"was one of many lifelong military professionals who maintained (and so documented when he wrote it to HELMS) that the 07 JUN 67, murderous 25-minute act-of-war attack by Israel on the U.S.S. Liberty ship was a deliberate attack (inflicting 34 dead and 172 wounded American servicemen from a crew of 294), and that the U.S. government covered-up, and continues to cover-up, that fact. (Due to continuing pressure bythe pro-Israel lobby within the United States, this attack remains the only seriousnaval incident that has never been thoroughly investigated by Congress; to thisday, no surviving crew member has been permitted to officially and publiclytestify about the attack)." 4)

TAYLOR & the FOUNDING of Navy TASK FORCE 157.According to Paul H. Nitze, "Instructions for the coordination and control of the Navy's clandestine intelligence collection program," (December 7, 1965. Top Secret, 5 pp.), Taylor established Task Force 157, which Ed Wilson exposed to Bobby Inman, who immediately shut down.

The U.S. Navy had conducted clandestine human intelligence operations during the 1930s and World War II. By the mid-1960s the Navy, however, was largely out of the clandestine HUMINT business. Then, in 1965, Admiral Rufus Taylor asked Thomas Duval and Thomas Saunders to set up a Navy HUMINT program. Despite some concern by senior Navy officers about the "flap potential," their proposal was approved - resulting in this memorandum from Secretary of the Navy Paul Nitze. The memorandum provides a rationale for the creation of a new HUMINT organzation, relevant definitions, and establishes the responsibilitiesof senior officials. With regard to security, the memo mandates that very existence of the program be classified Secret…..Nitze's memo would lead to the establishment, in 1966, of the Naval Field Operations Support Group (NFOSG) to conduct clandestine HUMINT operations. It would soon be given an alternative designation - Task Force 157 - by which it would become more commonly known. 5)

Ed Wilson said he was responsible for the physical security of U2 bases in Japan when Oswald was there, and brokered a deal to sell Gadhafi tons of plastic explosives, some of which were probably used in the Lockerbee and German disco attacks. Wilson lived in Libya for years and was snookered back to USA by the same Federal prosecutor who handled the Leiteler assassination case (Gene Proper). Wilson was released from federal prison when it was shown that Wilson was still working for the CIA.

Of Rufus TAYLOR researcher MAE BRUSSELL said, "When Richard Helms, former CIA chief, was questioned about Oswald's Navy Intelligencework, he said, 'Why ask me? Call Navy Intelligence.'"

Mae Brussell: "And he threw out the name Rufus Taylor. And he mentioned that Taylor just died last week. He was a very important witness who died a week before Helms was to testify. Rufus Taylor, Annapolis graduate, studied in Japan from 1938 to 1941, was a native of St. Louis, Missouri, and was with General Macarthur after the war in Japan. Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence for theentire Pacific fleet, he was in Japan from 1941 to 1959 and in Navy Intelligence at the time that Lee Oswald was over there in 1959 in the Philippines, at the Atsugi Air bases and was involved with the U2. Oswald served in the Marines with top secret security clearance at the time that Rufus was Pacific Intelligence Chief. Oswald went to the Soviet Union and Rufus went to Washington, D.C. Oswald said, "I'm going to give away radar secrets." Rufus then became the Director for Foreign Intelligence in the Soviet Union. Rufus was the Director of Navy Intelligence in 1963 up until the time Kennedy was killed - from 1963 to 1966. During 1967 through 1969, Rufus became the Deputy Director of the CIA--the number two post under Helms."6)

And just knowing the basic history of ONI, their mission, and how its very purpose is to make and preserve records – I just don't believe they lose anything by accident, especially when it comes to the records of their director.

1) History of ONI –Dorwart, Jeffery.

2) Navy Marine Intelligence Training Center – Fleet IntelligenceTC

3) Victor Marchetti – Re: CIA & Cult of Intelligence

4) Taylor & Liberty – Official Coverup

5) Taylor & Task Force157 – Separate and independent HUMIT intelligence network based at portsthroughout the world.

6) Mae Brussell on Taylor –World Watchers International (WWI)

Edited by William Kelly
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  • 2 weeks later...

Letter to Admiral McDonald from Adml. Rufus L. Taylor alsomentions Tracy Thurlo Pope, ex-Navy. P.24


Admiral McDonald 27 Nov. 1963

Rear Admiral Taylor

Oswald Killing

1. Information from our Dallas office provides names of several persons connected with Ruby and Oswald. Robert Kermit Patterson, admitted 6J (homosexual), contacted resident agent Dallas about 1330 CST yesterday and said he had information in regard assassination of President Kennedy. Patterson said he and one Donald C. Stuart operated Contract Electronics, 2533 Elm Street, Dallas. About two weeks ago, Jack Ruby/aka/Rubenstein and subject Oswald visited Contract Electronics and wanted work done on a microphones at Ruby Carousel Night Club, Dallas. On this occasion ruby told Oswald to write names of Patterson and Stuart in Carousel guest book. Contract Electronics did the requested mike work at the Carousel and were paid by Negro employee. The Senior Resident Agent at Dallas has taken Patterson to the FBI Dallas for further interrogation. Neither Stuart nor Patterson has discussed above information with anyone else, according to Patterson. The files at DIO 8ND are negative on Stuart.

2. In this office we have a file on Patterson and another person not mentioned in the above message by the name of Tracy Thurio Pope. Pope is the one that first pointed out Patterson. Patterson was in the Navy and is now out. Pope was in the Navy and is out, Service No. 599 29 44, AA, USN. There is no Navy record on Stuart. This morning we had a meeting here to make sure that everybody is informed and that the FBI is getting everything it needs.

3. The above information certainly raises questions as to Ruby's real motives in killing Oswald. We have all been interested in what seemed to us to be a look of recognition on Oswald's fact when he spotted Ruby.

4. BuPers is being kept currently informed of information of the sort contained in paragraph 1 and 2 above.

Very respectfully, Rufus L. Taylor


On 12-17-93

BK: That would be Admiral David L. McDonald, Chief of Naval Operations as of April 1, 1963

Thursday, December 18, 1997

Admiral McDonald dies at 91

Built air combat force in Vietnam

By John Fritz Times-Union staff writer

Retired Adm. David L. McDonald of Jacksonville, former head of the uniformed Navy credited with building the service's combat air force that flew in Vietnam, died on Tuesday. He was 91.

Adm. McDonald served as the nation's 17th chief of naval operations - the highest uniformed post in the Navy - from 1963 to 1967. After his retirement, Adm. McDonald and his late wife, Catherine, moved to Ponte Vedra Beach and, in 1995, to Fleet Landing in Mayport.

Adm. McDonald was honored in April when the chief of naval operations, Adm.Jay Johnson, dedicated the airfield at Mayport Naval Station in his name.

''Prior to today, I have received one or two honors, but nothing like this,'' Adm. McDonald said at the time. ''This is the greatest honor of my life, and I might say the greatest surprise.''

A native of Maysville, Ga., Adm. McDonald was appointed to the Naval Academy in 1924, became a naval aviator in 1931 and rose to the rank of four-star admiral on April 1, 1963.

He died of kidney failure at Baptist Medical Center-Beaches, said his daughter, Mary Lou Thornton of Atlantic Beach.

In a statement issued yesterday, Johnson, the Navy chief, said he was ''saddened to learn of the passing of one of my heroes.''

''For me, he embodied the finest qualities of a naval officer and naval aviator, operational excellence and unparalleled leadership. Our nation owes much to him, and we'll miss him greatly,'' Johnson said.

At the outbreak of World War II, Adm. McDonald was on the USS Ranger as flag secretary to the commander for Atlantic Fleet aircraft. He served from 1942 to 1944 in Jacksonville as flight training officer for the commander of the Naval Air Operational Training Command.

After that, he was the air officer and executive officer on the carrier USS Essex and operations officer with the Pacific Fleet air force.

After making admiral's rank in 1955, Adm. McDonald became director of the Navy's air warfare division.

In remarks earlier this year, Johnson credited him with building the combat air force the Navy flew in Vietnam and with guiding the service through the initial stages of Vietnam.

Other positions held by Adm. McDonald included commander of Sixth Fleet and of U.S. naval forces in Europe and commander-inchief of Navy forces in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean.

Adm. McDonald is also survived by a son, the Rev. Thomas McDonald of Orange, Calif., two grandsons and six great-grandchildren. His wife of 67 years died in November.

Adm. McDonald's daughter said her father was a man of integrity and a devoted family man. He didn't buy a house until he retired, she said, because he always wanted to be able to take his family wherever the Navy assigned him.

''We went with him everywhere, except, of course, during the war,'' Thornton said.

She said her father never aspired to become the head of the Navy. But he always strived to do his best at whatever he was assigned and that naturally bred success. ''His goal was always family, not position in your job,'' Thornton said.

At his request, Adm. McDonald will have a private funeral, followed by burial at the National Cemetery at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to The U.S. Naval Academy Foundation Inc., 25 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis, Md. 21401

Also check out what Dereliction of Duty has to say about McDonald and where he sat on the JCS.

Dereliction of duty: Lyndon Johnson ... - H. R. McMaster - Google Books

Edited by William Kelly
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From the first page of Armstrong's ONI file (quite small compared to other files he collected) we learn there were multiple copies made of the Oswald Case History ONI file in 1964. Three copies were made by ALFRED E. GABRIEL, YNC, USN, from the original on July 15, 1964. Two copies were placed in NAVCINTSUPPCEN-3 and one copy was sent to NCICS-5. The original Case History File was still charged out to Rear Admiral RUFUS TAYLOR


The Armstrong ONI file runs (27 pages).

Page (11) covers the Oswald photo question in the ONI file:

April 15, 1975

Rockerfeller Commission

712 Jackson Place

Washington, D. C. 20500


Enclosed please find a xerox of two pages from the Office of Naval Intelligence file that was included among the documents deposited at the National Archives by the Warren Commission.

Exhibit A is a Marine Corp identification photo of Lee Harvey Oswald made when he joined the Marines. The back of the photo (exhibit B.) contains the written legend "Lee H. Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald, photograph taken 28 December 1956" plus a date and code "NISG-F5 Nov 14 1963" apparently printed by a stamp or machine.

I would like to know why this photo was of interest to anyone in Naval Intelligence one week before the assassination in Dallas. If they were keeping tabs on Oswald and had his name in some criminal file -- I understand the code NISG-F5 refers to a criminal file -- why were they doing this and why the activity on November 14th?

I can find no reference to this in the Warren Report nor can I find any references to a check being made on Oswald in the week preceeding the assassination.

The enclosed exhibit C, a page from the State Department's security file raises the same question I asked about the Naval Intelligence document.

Also, please note the Warren Commission's document number 75 (exhibit D), especially the third paragraph. Is there an innocent explanation for Mr. Stafford's report?



This is the only ONI file in the Baylor collection.


Thanks for that Lee,

It seems like the guy who requested that photo on Nov. 14 was named Crowley - possibly J. Crowley - as the next doc indicates, and was possibly from the CIA, and possibly the same Crowley who fed J. Trento the info for his book and the source of Gregory Douglas' bogus book on the assassination.

It doesn't seem like the ONI kept very many or very good records.


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