John Simkin Posted November 23, 2011 Share Posted November 23, 2011 Thomas John Cardell Martyn was one of the important figures in Operation Mockingbird. However, you will find very little about him on the web. Even Wikipedia does not have an entry for him. That is very strange as he founded Newsweek on 17th February, 1933. Martyn explained that his new magazine "marshals facts against their background, throws revealing light into obscure situations - helps you understand the news." Investors in the venture included John Hay Whitney and Paul Mellon, the son of Andrew W. Mellon. In 1937 Newsweek merged with the weekly journal Today, which was owned by W. Averell Harriman and Vincent Astor. As a result of the deal, Harriman and Astor provided the magazine with $600,000 in venture capital funds. Astor became chairman and the principal stockholder of the company. Malcolm Muir was brought in as editor-in-chief of the magazine. Phil Graham, the owner of the Washington Post, had close links with the Central Intelligence Agency. It has been claimed that Graham played an important role in Operation Mockingbird, the CIA program to infiltrate domestic American media. In 1961 Graham purchased Newsweek. Thomas John Cardell Martyn now retired to Brazil, where he died on 5th February, 1979. There is an interesting video on YouTube about the discovery of his grave in Agrolândia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Simkin Posted November 24, 2011 Author Share Posted November 24, 2011 One of the interesting things in this story is how even with the internet important figures can go missing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed LeDoux Posted November 24, 2011 Share Posted November 24, 2011 I would like more info on Mr Whitney. During the 1970s, Jock Whitney was listed as one of the ten wealthiest men in the world. He had a spouse who was married to Roosevelt's son , Betsey Maria Cushing. After a honeymoon at Greenwood Plantation in Thomasville, Ga., one of Mr. Whitney's many residences, the newlyweds moved to Washington, where he ran the motion picture division of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, headed by Nelson A. Rockefeller. Mr. Whitney later joined the Air Force, rose to colonel, was a German prisoner for 18 days in 1944 before escaping and got several decorations. In 1949, Mr. Whitney adopted his wife's two daughters. The Whitneys moved to London in 1957, when President Eisenhower named Mr. Whitney Ambassador to the Court of St. James's. Mrs. Whitney renewed her friendship with the Queen Mother, whom she had met on the 1939 visit to America. Both Ambassador and Mrs. Whitney became close to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Mrs. Whitney spent a good deal of her time making the Whitney residences comfortable and welcoming. In his book, Mr. Grafton quoted a friend of hers as saying, ''The Jock Whitneys are just about as 'down-to-earth' as any people can be with a quarter of a billion dollars.'' Could we do a search on him. Is he a relative to Ira B. Whitney? Ira was chemical engineer at Oak Ridge and did the fluoride tests. Ed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Parker Posted November 25, 2011 Share Posted November 25, 2011 I would like more info on Mr Whitney. During the 1970s, Jock Whitney was listed as one of the ten wealthiest men in the world. He had a spouse who was married to Roosevelt's son , Betsey Maria Cushing. http://www.findagrav...r&GRid=43410893 After a honeymoon at Greenwood Plantation in Thomasville, Ga., one of Mr. Whitney's many residences, the newlyweds moved to Washington, where he ran the motion picture division of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, headed by Nelson A. Rockefeller. Mr. Whitney later joined the Air Force, rose to colonel, was a German prisoner for 18 days in 1944 before escaping and got several decorations. In 1949, Mr. Whitney adopted his wife's two daughters. The Whitneys moved to London in 1957, when President Eisenhower named Mr. Whitney Ambassador to the Court of St. James's. Mrs. Whitney renewed her friendship with the Queen Mother, whom she had met on the 1939 visit to America. Both Ambassador and Mrs. Whitney became close to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Mrs. Whitney spent a good deal of her time making the Whitney residences comfortable and welcoming. In his book, Mr. Grafton quoted a friend of hers as saying, ''The Jock Whitneys are just about as 'down-to-earth' as any people can be with a quarter of a billion dollars.'' http://www.nytimes.c...wanted=4&src=pm Could we do a search on him. Is he a relative to Ira B. Whitney? Ira was chemical engineer at Oak Ridge and did the fluoride tests. Ed Ed, fwiw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed LeDoux Posted November 25, 2011 Share Posted November 25, 2011 Thanks Greg! That was worth the read. Ira Whitney could very well be a relative. The connections are exactly what I expected. Ed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Simkin Posted November 25, 2011 Author Share Posted November 25, 2011 Thomas John Cardell Martyn was one of the important figures in Operation Mockingbird. However, you will find very little about him on the web. Even Wikipedia does not have an entry for him. I have just purchased access to all the New York Times archives that go back to 1851. His name does not appear on any of the documents in the archive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed LeDoux Posted November 25, 2011 Share Posted November 25, 2011 John, Would you say its been Filtered or Sanitized? Ed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tom Scully Posted November 25, 2011 Share Posted November 25, 2011 (edited),or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cc38dd5dfa83c8f0&biw=840&bih=417NEW NEWS WEEKLY COMES OUT TODAY; Magazine Aims to Satisfy... - New York Times - Feb 17, 1933 With a miniature rotogravure page for a cover, News-Week, a news magazine ... and The Literary Digest and find a public, is issued for the first time today. ..,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cc38dd5dfa83c8f0 Marriage Announcement 2 -- No Title - New York Times - Mar 30, 1930 The bridegroom had as his best man his brother, Franklin Trapnell of Baltimore. , Martyn-Cheney. Special to The New York Times. HARTFORD, Conn., March 29. ... Society Events --- Personal News Hartford Courant (Pay-Per-View) Society Events---Personal News Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - Feb 10, 1932 A son, Howell Cheney Martyn, was born February 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas JC Martyn of New York at the Harkness Pavilion Medical Center. MISS GRANT TO WED CAPT. GC THORNE; Daughter of Mrs.... - New York Times - Dec 8, 1929 Helen ChenelT, to Thomas JC Martyn of this city. Cheney attended Milton Acaclemp and was graduated from ~'assar CoDege with the class of '24. ... Six in Hartford Area Given Yale Scholarships Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - Jun 10, 1949 They are: Michael K. Grossmann, son of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Grossmnnn of 413 Mnin Street, Kast Hartford; Ilowell Cheney Martyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas JC"Nigel+M.+Vavasour+*"&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&tbs=ar:1&tbm=nws&source=hp&q=+Vavasour+Vancouver%2C+BC++&psj=1&oq=+Vavasour+Vancouver%2C+BC++&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=23431l31024l1l31807l2l2l0l1l0l0l0l0ll0l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2facffac0e408c2c&biw=840&bih=417 SOCIETY - Hartford Courant - Mar 30, 1930 Miss Helen Cheney, daughter of - Mr. 2nd Mrs. Howell Cheney of South Manchester, and Captain Thomas J. Ci Martyn of New York. Jon of Mrs. Nigel M. Vavasour of Vancouver, BC"Nigel+M.+Vavasour+*"&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&tbs=ar:1&tbm=nws&source=hp&q=+Vavasour+Vancouver%2C+BC++&psj=1&oq=+Vavasour+Vancouver%2C+BC++&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=23431l31024l1l31807l2l2l0l1l0l0l0l0ll0l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2facffac0e408c2c&biw=840&bih=417 Martyn to Edit Magazine Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - Jan 10, 1933 Captain Mnrtyn, who married Mies Helen Cheney four years ago, Is a World War veteran and has considerable experience in i the magazine publishing field. ... Obituary 7 -- No Title Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - May 6, 1958 Obituary 7 -- No Title Mrs. Martyn Dies, Art School Registrar ; Mrs. Helen Cheney Martyn. 53.! of 207 N. Beacon St., registrar at1 the Hartford Art School ... Daughter to Mrs. TJC Martyn. $3.95 - New York Times - Dec 1, 1935 Mrs Martyn is the former Miss Helen Cheney, daughter of Howell Cheney of Manchester, Conn., and the late Mrs. Cheney. The child will be called Laura. 2009 Obituary of Thomas Martyn's son, Howell Cheney Martin : Ed, Before you read the linked images of the obituary and funeral articles of Jock Whitney's father in the NY Times I've posted in the three links below, this came to mind as I read those pieces, so I am posting it.: Brass Check Chapter XXII: A Millionaire And An Author by Upton Sinclair I introduce the two persons. First, the man of humanity: At the time the test was made, in December, 1913, he was thirty-five years of age; he was known everywhere throughout the United States, and was, with the possible exception of Jack London, the most widely known of living American writers throughout the world. At the time of the test he did not own more than a couple of hundred dollars. Second, the man of property. He was at this time twenty-two years of age, and had done four things which had been widely heralded: First, he was born. Second, he decided to conduct some experiments in farming. Third, he decided to marry a young lady of his acquaintance. Fourth, he inherited sixty-five million dollars. Three of these things are not at all unusual; many a farmer's boy has done them, and has not had the distinction of seeing the newspapers devote columns of space to them. But the other thing is quite unique; since the beginning of American history, no other person has ever inherited sixty-five million dollars. So it may be asserted beyond dispute that this young man's reputation depended upon property, and nothing but property; he was the perfect specimen which the sociological scientist would require for his test--the man of property pur sang. ....Early in December of each year the "Times" publishes a list which it calls "One Hundred Neediest Cases," and collects money for these hundred families in distress. The "Times" never goes into the question of the social system which produces these harrowing cases, nor does it allow anyone else to go into this question; what it does is to present the hundred victims of the system with enough money to preserve them until the following December, so that they may again enter into competition for mention in the list, and have their miseries exploited by the "Times." In addition to this, the "Times" publishes every Sunday an illustrated supplement of pictures to entertain its variety of readers; and it happened that on the Sunday when it published the "Hundred Neediest Cases" it published also a photograph of a "recreation building" which young Mr. Vincent Astor was erecting on his country estate at a cost of one million dollars. This building was for the use of Astor and his friends; it had no place for the public. It was devoted to tennis and swimming and gymnastics; it had no place for literature, music, art, science, or religion--it was a typical product of the private property regime. So the man who represented humanity sat himself down and wrote a "Christmas letter" to the millionaire, in substance asking him how he could enjoy his Christmas, how he could be content to play in a million-dollar "recreation-building," when he had before him such positive evidence that millions of his fellow-beings were starving.... ....The author's letter had been, of course, an attack upon capitalism. The millionaire's was a defense of it. And so came the second test. Every New York newspaper was offered an opportunity to publish the millionaire's letter to the author. And how many availed themselves of the opportunity? Every one, absolutely every one! Every one published the letter, and published it entire! Most of them put it on the front page, with the millionaire's picture; some of them added columns of interviews about it, and editorials discussing it. The New York newspapers' idea of the news-value of a man of property was precisely one hundred per cent! The above would have been sufficient for any sociological scientist; but, as it happened, the test was carried one stage farther yet. The author was not entirely overwhelmed by the evidence of his unimportance as compared with a millionaire; he was a Socialist, and Socialists are notoriously hard to squelch. He wrote a second letter to the millionaire, answering the millionaire's arguments; and again he offered it to every paper and to every news agency in New York--the same ones that had spread out the millionaire's arguments in full. And how many printed it? How many printed the whole of it? Just one--the "Call," the Socialist paper. How many printed parts of it? And how large were these parts? Let us see. The author's first letter measured in newspaper columns sixty-three inches; the millionaire's reply measured nineteen, and the author's reply to that measured sixty-one. If it be objected that the author was claiming more than his fair share, it should be pointed out that the author was attacking an established institution, something one cannot do in a few sentences..... PAYNE WHITNEY DIES SUDDENLY AT HOME; Financier, 51,... - New York Times - May 26, 1927 Payne Whitney, prominent sportsman, one of the richest of Americans, son of the late William C. Whitney and brother of Harry Payne Whitney, died suddenly . Page 1 - Page 2 - WHiTNE~i FIJNERAL TO BE HELD TODAY; Only Near Relatives to... - New York Times - May 27, 1927 Published on November 1, 2011 ...W Payne Whitney purchased the estate in 1904 for his bride, Helen Julia Hay. Five other family farms in the area were added at a later date. When he died in 1927, his son John Hay ‘Jock’ Whitney and his second wife, Betsey Cushing Roosevelt Whitney, occupied the main house. Betsey Whitney remained in residence there until her death in 1998, having set up the foundation in 1982, the year, Jock Whitney died, aged 78. The Greentree Foundation now occupies the property. .... ......David, I think there is a strong chance that Hoover was sending a message (even it it was for posterity, since we have no idea who the audience the actual memo was accessible to, in the era when it was created) to a level much higher than then "foot soldier" George Bush. Is the Tarpley/Chaikan passage posted below, only mere coincidence, when combined with the info in my last post, with the points that Dean Acheson was the only other named reference, besides Tom Clark, named by Earl Warren to support the appointment of Henry Crown's and Dorfman/Teamster Pension Fund lawyer, Albert Jenner to the WC, and that Clark Clifford later promoted Jenner to LBJ for a Supreme Court nomination, or that C. Douglas Dillon made the curious appointment of William Macomber, Jr. as President of the Met. Museum of Art? Or, this list of names, at the 1948 wedding of Charles Shipman Payson's daughter, Sandra, to Cord Meyer, Jr's brother, William? D. Meyer was best man for his twin brother. The usher were Cord Meyer Jr., another brother; Willetts Meyer. cousin of the bridegroom; David F. Bartlett of Hobo Sound, Fla.; Robert Watts of Mount Kisco, N. Y., ...especially when considered in the context that Cord Meyer's first cousin, S. Willets Meyer was Edward Gordon Hooker's choice for his best man...and that early CIA personnel director was Robert Lovett's best friend, Trubee Davison, and the NY Times reported this, in 1930.: (John J. McCloy was of course, the groom...) BY AIRPLANE FOR ZINSSER WEDDING; F. Trabee Davison, Assistant Secretary of War, Alights onHudson River. Calkins--Celler. April 25, 1930, Friday HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON, N.Y., April 24.--Assistant Secretary of War F. Trubee Davison arrived here today by plane from Washington to attend tomorrow the marriage of Miss Ellen Zinsser, daughter of Colonel ... (quote) George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin Chapter - IV -`The Center of Power is in Washington' Residents on Jupiter Island # Jupiter Islander Robert A. Lovett,@s4, Prescott Bush's partner at Brown Brothers Harriman, had been Assistant Secretary of War for Air from 1941 to 1945. Lovett was the leading American advocate of the policy of terror-bombing of civilians. He organized the Strategic Bombing Survey, carried out for the American and British governments by the staff of the Prudential Insurance Company, guided by London's Tavistock Psychiatric Clinic. In the postwar period, Prescott Bush was associated with Prudential Insurance, one of Lovett's intelligence channels to the British secret services. Prescott was listed by Prudential as a director of the company for about two years in the early 1950s. Their Strategic Bombing Survey failed to demonstrate any real military advantage accruing from such outrages as the fire-bombing of Dresden, Germany. But the Harrimanites nevertheless persisted in the advocacy of terror from the air. They glorified this as `` psychological warfare, '' a part of the utopian military doctrine opposed to the views of military traditionalists such as Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Robert Lovett later advised President Lyndon Johnson to terror-bomb Vietnam. President George Bush revived the doctrine with the bombing of civilian areas in Panama, and the destruction of Baghdad. On Oct. 22, 1945, Secretary of War Robert Patterson created the Lovett Committee, chaired by Robert A. Lovett, to advise the government on the post-World War II organization of U.S. intelligence activities. The existence of this committee was unknown to the public until an official CIA history was released from secrecy in 1989. But the CIA's author (who was President Bush's prep school history teacher; see chapter 5) gives no real details of the Lovett Committee's functioning, claiming: `` The record of the testimony of the Lovett Committee, unfortunately, was not in the archives of the agency when this account was written. ''@s5 The CIA's self-history does inform us of the advice that Lovett provided to the Truman cabinet, as the official War Department intelligence proposal. Lovett decided that there should be a separate Central Intelligence Agency. The new agency would `` consult '' with the armed forces, but it must be the sole collecting agency in the field of foreign espionage and counterespionage. The new agency should have an independent budget, and its appropriations should be granted by Congress without public hearings. Lovett appeared before the Secretaries of State, War and Navy on November 14, 1945. He spoke highly of the FBI's work because it had `` the best personality file in the world. '' Lovett said the FBI was expert at producing false documents, an art `` which we developed so successfully during the war and at which we became outstandingly adept. '' Lovett pressed for a virtual resumption of the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in a new CIA. U.S. military traditionalists centered around Gen. Douglas MacArthur opposed Lovett's proposal. The continuation of the OSS had been attacked at the end of the war on the grounds that the OSS was entirely under British control, and that it would constitute an American Gestapo.@s6 But the CIA was established in 1947 according to the prescription of Robert Lovett, of Jupiter Island. # Charles Payson and his wife, Joan Whitney Payson, were extended family members of Harriman's and business associates of the Bush family. Joan's aunt, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, was a relative of the Harrimans. Gertrude's son, Cornelius Vanderbilt (`` Sonny '') Whitney, long-time chairman of Pan American Airways (Prescott was a Pan Am director), became Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Air Force in 1947. Sonny's wife Marie had divorced him and married Averell Harriman in 1930. Joan and Sonny's uncle, Air Marshall Sir Thomas Elmhirst, was director of intelligence for the British Air Force from 1945 to 1947. Joan's brother, John Hay (`` Jock '') Whitney, was to be ambassador to Great Britain from 1955 to 1961--when it would be vital for Prescott and George Bush to have such a friend. Joan's father, grandfather and uncle were members of the Skull and Bones secret society. Charles Payson organized a uranium refinery in 1948. Later he was chairman of Vitro Corp., makers of parts for submarine-launched ballistic missiles, equipment for frequency surveillance and torpedo guidance, and other subsurface weaponry. Naval warfare has long been a preoccupation of the British Empire. British penetration of the U.S. Naval Intelligence service has been particularly heavy since the tenure of Joan's Anglophile grandfather, William C. Whitney, as Secretary of the Navy for President Grover Cleveland. This traditional covert British orientation in the U.S. Navy, Naval Intelligence and the Navy's included service, the Marine Corps, forms a backdrop to the career of George Bush--and to the whole neighborhood on Jupiter Island. Naval Intelligence maintained direct relations with gangster boss Meyer Lansky for Anglo-American political operations in Cuba during World War II, well before the establishment of the CIA. Lansky officially moved to Florida in 1953.@s7 # George Herbert Walker, Jr. (Skull and Bones 1927), was extremely close to his nephew George Bush, helping to sponsor his entry into the oil business in the 1950s. `` Uncle Herbie '' was also a partner of Joan Whitney Payson when they co-founded the New York Mets baseball team in 1960. His son, G.H. Walker III, was a Yale classmate of Nicholas Brady and Moreau D. Brown (Thatcher Brown's grandson), forming what was called the `` Yale Mafia '' on Wall Street. ..... (/quote) Edited November 25, 2011 by Tom Scully Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Dolva Posted November 25, 2011 Share Posted November 25, 2011 Walker is the most common surname in the s&b member list. I understand the Bush fortunes came from the sale of vital resources to Nazi Germany. Prescott sat on Senate committee investigating the Walker Blue Book matter. An organiser for the Walker defense fund came from Midland and went on to run an anti cancer clinic in redbird (?). The contact for the fund raising was an office in Dallas CBD practically opening up into the world Dallas of ''highrollers'', incl G DeM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tom Scully Posted November 26, 2011 Share Posted November 26, 2011 W. Cheney was born in 1832. He served as Lieutenant Colonel of the 16th Connecticut Volunteers Infantry in the Civil War; he was wounded at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862 and lay for four days on the battlefield. He was honorably discharged December 24, 1862. He married Mary Bushnell, daughter of Horace Bushnell, on November 6, 1863 and ultimately had twelve children. He served as Secretary and Treasurer of Cheney Bros. of South Manchester, Connecticut, and he was a director of many other businesses including banks, railroads, and insurance companies. He died in 1909. Col. Frank W. Cheney's 1909 Obituary states he was survived by 8 sons and 3 daughters. Col. Cheney's son John Davenport Cheney's daughter, Cynthia married Starling Winthrop Childs, Jr. in 1929. Cynthia's sister married Dr. Benjamin M. Spock in 1927. Col. Cheney's son Howell Cheney was tapped as Skull and Bones in May, 1891, named in the N.Y. Times reporting of the event as H.O. Cheney of Hartford. Howell's daughter, Helen, a first cousin of Cynthia Cheney Childs, married Thomas JC Martyn. Another son of Col. Cheney was: Husted -- Spaulding. New York Times - Jun 13, 1895 ... f-Ielen Husted of Peekskill, the sister of the bridegroom, was the maid of honor, and Knight Dexter Cheney of South i%[, Conn., acted as best man. The ushers were Arilllam Lloyd Kitehell of New-Haven, and Oliver Day of Hartford. Mr. Husted is a member of the New-York State Legislature, and his best man and ushers are members of the class of '92, Yale College, and of the Skull and Skull and Bones Society. A reception at the residence of Mrs. John... Yet another son of Col. Frank W. Cheney, one Charles Cheney, was the father of Trubee Davison's brother-in-law, Ward Cheney.: Clieney -- Brainard. New York Times - Jun 6, 1894 uThe mar! of Miss Mary L. Brainard to Charles Cheney of Manchester, N. H., took place here to-night. The bride is the daughter of Mayor Leverett Brainard and.... G. Bulkeley, and the bridegroom is the son of Col. Frank "WV Cheney and grandson , of the late Dr. Horace Bushnell. He is a graduate of the Boston Institute,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2facffac0e408c2c&biw=1280&bih=783 FRANCES DAVISON 'WEDS WARD CHENEY; Late Financier's... - New York Times - Jan 2, 1926 They wer :Frederick Trubee Davtson Jr. and Endicott Peabody Davison, ... Davison and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheney. Later the entire bridal party had supper ... Cheney, Skull & Bones 1922 Frances Davison married Ward Cheney, Skull & Bones 1922. He was the son of Charles Cheney, a partner in J.P. Morgan & Co. (?) and the national head of the Red Cross during World War I. His ushers included Robert F. Solley, William Galey Lord, Robert J. Larner, James S. Bush, Stanley Woodward, and Frederic dePeyster Townsend, all S&B 1922; Artemus L. Gates S&B 1918, and Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, a director of the Guaranty Trust 1926-1940. (Frances Davison Weds Ward Cheney. New York Times, Jan. 2, 1926.) Ward Cheney was best man for Edward G. Janeway, Yale 1922, to Elinor White [sister of Ogden White]. (Janeway-White. New York Times, May 24, 1925.) In 1935, the Cheneys were in the First Division Cardiac Clinic of Bellevue Hospital benefit dinner party of Mr. and Mrs. William Galey Lord, along with Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Bates Lord (S&B 1926), Mr. and Mrs. Artemus L. Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Averell Harriman, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Douglas. Others who had guests at the benefit included Mrs. Howard Dean, an ancester of Presidential candidate Howard Dean. (Cabaret Benefit Assists Hospital. New York Times, May 16, 1935.) Lewis Douglas was the grandson of James Douglas, the benefactor of James Ewing of the American Society for the Control of Cancer. Charles Cheney was chairman of Cheney Brothers until retiring in 1932. He graduated from MIT. (Charles Cheney, of Silk Firm, Dead. New York Times, Apr. 12, 1942.) Ward Cheney was also chairman of Cheney Brothers Silk Corporation in Manchester, Conn. He died in 1967. (Mrs. Ward Cheney. New York Times, Jul. 25, 1969.) ....Los Angeles Independent Publishing Company Gates was a stockholder in a syndicate that purchased a chain of seven weekly suburban papers. Other stockholders included John Hay Whitney and S. Winston Childs [co-founder of the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research and a possible ancestor of Starling Winston Childs, S&B 1976] (probably 1876); and Henry R. Luce, S&B 1920, William V. Griffin, James A. Linen 3d, and Charles L. Stillman of Time, Inc. (Coast Weeklies Bought. New York Times, May 9, 1948.) The venture was suspended the next year. (Publishers Suspend Los Angeles Venture. New York Times, Aug. 4, 1949.) S. Winston Childs, Jr. was tapped for the Yale Secret Society, Elihu Club :*%22+childs&hl=en&ds=n&cp=52&gs_id=hn&xhr=t&q=%22*layer%3B%27Childs.+a+member+of+Zeta+lhi%3B+Albert+Wells%22&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aunofficial&tbs=cdr:1%2Ccd_min%3A5%2F9%2F1926%2Ccd_max%3A5%2F24%2F1926&tbm=nws&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=%22*layer%3B%27Childs.+a+member+of+Zeta+lhi%3B+Albert+Wells%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2facffac0e408c2c&biw=1280&bih=783 YALE SENIORS TAP 56 FOR SOCIETIES; Impressive Simplicity... - New York Times - May 21, 1926 ... Taliaffero is a member of the re.cord breaking swimming team; 6Glinn, a tennis !/layer;'Childs. a member of Zeta lhi; Albert Wells. crew manager;*%22&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aunofficial&tbs=cdr:1%2Ccd_min%3A1937%2Ccd_max%3A1937&tbm=nws&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=%22S.+Winston+Childs+Jr.,+director+of+News+Week,+which+began+publication+on*%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2facffac0e408c2c&biw=1280&bih=783 ASTOR HEADS NEWS WEEK; Publication Merged With Today Moley... - New York Times - Feb 10, 1937 S. Winston Childs Jr., director of News Week, which began publication on Feb. 17 , 1933, will become vice president of the merged magazines.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2facffac0e408c2c&biw=1280&bih=783 Muir to Build News-Week - New York Times - Jun 30, 1937 Malcolm Muir, who recently became president of News-Week, Inc., at the invitation of Vincent Astor and Averill Harriman, said yesterday he had no immediate .,cd_min:1961,cd_max:1961&tbm=nws&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=pH3QTtvoEcGctwf8vYmvDQ&ved=0CBEQpwUoBQ&fp=1&biw=1280&bih=783&cad=b&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb S. Winston Childs Jr. Dies at 57; Financier - Hartford Courant - Nov 27, 1961 S. Winston adds Jr., prominent financier and investor, of Norfolk and 480 Park Ave., New York City, died Saturday night in New York City. He was 57. ... S. Winston Childs Jr. Dies at 57; Led... New York Time The point is that Thomas JC Martyn and S. Winston Childs, Jr. married granddaughters of Col. Frank W. Cheney. Both of these men amounted in comparison to the Cheney brothers, Astor, Whitney, and Harriman, from the perspective of the Bonesmen behind NewsWeek magazine, to nearly irrelevant front men in the larger scheme of things. In 1961, the Vincent Astor Trust sold its 59 percent stake in Newseek to Phil Graham and Washington Post Publishing, along with the 12 percent of Newsweek stock owned by Averill Harriman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed LeDoux Posted November 26, 2011 Share Posted November 26, 2011 (edited) Thank you Tom, That was the connection I heard about through the family but was not clear on: Joan's aunt, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, was a relative of the Harrimans. Gertrude's son, Cornelius Vanderbilt (`` Sonny '') Whitney, long-time chairman of Pan American Airways (Prescott was a Pan Am director), became Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Air Force in 1947. Sonny's wife Marie had divorced him and married Averell Harriman in 1930. Joan and Sonny's uncle, Air Marshall Sir Thomas Elmhirst, was director of intelligence for the British Air Force from 1945 to 1947. Whitney, Vanderbilt, Harriman, Elmhirst. I also want to thank you for the article that preceded that info: "The Brass Check A Study of American Journalism By Upton Sinclair, Chapter XXII: A Millionaire And An Author". You want to know what $65 million would be in today's dollars!! A 'million heir' back then was really worth something, but to be valued at a worth sixty five times that, is an astounding amount, even now. "Who owns the press, and why? When you read your daily paper, are you reading facts, or propaganda? And whose propaganda? Who furnishes the raw material for your thoughts about life? Is it honest material? No man can ask more important questions than those; " Great questions. Ed Edited November 26, 2011 by Ed LeDoux Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tom Scully Posted November 26, 2011 Share Posted November 26, 2011 (edited) I appreciate your reaction, Ed. If you consider Upton Sinclair's exchanges with the then 22 years of Vincent Astor, and then you read Sinclair's, "The Brass Check", and then this,, Nov 24, 2011 Bob Schieffer, Ron Paul and journalistic “objectivity” ...In this 7-minute clip, Schieffer repeatedly mocks, scoffs at, and displays his obvious contempt for, two claims of Paul’s which virtually no prominent politician of either party would dare express: (1) American interference and aggression in the Muslim world fuels anti-American sentiment and was thus part of the motivation for the 9/11 attack; and... ....That’s why — except on the rare occasions when a Ron Paul worms his way in and causes a glitch in the matrix — one almost never hears in establishment media discourse anyone advocating the view that is commonplace in the Muslim world and many other places on the planet: that the real aggressor is the country that is continuously bombing, invading, drone-attacking, occupying, overthrowing, arming and covertly subverting countless other countries.... ...and finally, take a look at the personal pursuits of Astor's and Harriman's choice of the successor of News-Week's president, Thomas JC Martyn; a Mr. Malcolm Muir, it becomes clear nothing has changed in a century when it comes to the bias distributed by Rich Man's, Skull and Bones', U.S. "news" media, save for the development of the internet. The elite, right wing nuthouse in the English speaking world has had a great run, they even manipulated the public to pay to read Time, Life, Newsweek, and hundreds of other of their propaganda distribution enterprises "products".,cd_min:1979,cd_max:1979&sa=X&ei=WxjRTuS9B8ejtgfm58W3DQ&ved=0CBIQpwUoCQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2facffac0e408c2c&biw=1280&bih=781 MALCOLM MUIR DIES; LEADING EDITOR, 93; Rose to Top Posts at... - New York Times - Jan 31, 1979 He was 93 years old. Mr. Muir founded Business Week magazine, and as the head of Newsweek was responsible for initiating its interna- l tional editions and ... Ah, yes! The "Pilgrims and the Ditchley Foundation. It is not the ACLU, is it? 2002 and 2005 Miscik served as the CIA's Deputy Director for Intelligence, during which time she was responsible for all CIA analysis and for preparation of the President's Daily Brief, an exclusive intelligence compilation that goes only to the President and select senior members of his national security team.[3] In February 2005, she joined the exodus of senior CIA officials that followed the arrival of Porter Goss as Director of Central Intelligence.[4] After Intelligence Miscik joined Lehman Brothers in June 2005,[5] where she served as Global Head of Sovereign Risk and was the subject of a flattering profile in Fortune magazine.[6] Following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September, 2008, she remained briefly with Barclays,[7] which had bought what remained of Lehman. With the victory of Barack Obama in the November 2008 presidential election, Miscik returned to Washington for a short stint, working on the intelligence transition.[8] In January, 2009, she was named Vice-Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc.[9] ....Background and Public Service Miscik was born in Chicago and grew up in Redondo Beach, California. She received her B.A. with honors from Pepperdine University in Political Science and Economics in 1980 and an M.A. in International Studies from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1982.[10] She serves on the boards of In-Q-Tel [10], the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Ditchley Foundation, and the UNA-USA.[11] Repeat after me....a Pepperdine graduate is a perfect fit for CIA and Ditchley because Pepperdine is reknowned for its academic excellence and its most reasonable political orientation compared to "liberal" Harvard University. Hasn't the greatest accomplishment of the controlling elite been the political lockdown in which any orientation in the political right, no closer than within shouting distance to a centrist political orientation, is convincingly branded as "liberal"?'s Million-Dollar Club : University Releases List of Donors After Controversy Erupts on Contributions by Supporter of Whitewater Probe March 09, 1997|KENNETH REICH | TIMES STAFF WRITER Pepperdine University, seeking to refute reports that Richard Mellon Scaife, a controversial conservative publisher and financier, is the only major donor to its new School of Public Policy, has released a list of all contributors of over $25,000, including six who each gave more than $1 million.... ...The $12.7 million in Scaife donations compare with total giving by all donors to Pepperdine since 1962 of between $500 million and $525 million, said the university's executive vice chancellor, Larry Hornbacker. Wilburn said five parties besides Scaife have each given $1 million or more toward establishing the public policy school. While mostly conservative corporate leaders, the others have not been associated, as has Scaife, with pushing publicly for a more intensive Whitewater inquiry. The other $1-million donors identified by Pepperdine are four couples and a foundation: Robert and Katheryn Dockson, Edward and Thelma Gaylord, Charles and Rosemary Licata, Bill and Nancy Mortensen and the Flora L. Thornton Foundation. Dockson is chairman emeritus of California Federal Savings and Loan. Gaylord is an Oklahoman who is chairman of Gaylord Entertainment. Licata is a retired public accountant, and his wife has been president of the Thousand Oaks Republican Women. Mortensen is retired chief executive of the First Fed Financial Corp. And Thornton is the widow of Charles B. "Tex" Thornton, head of Litton Industries. In addition, Pepperdine released the names of 18 other parties, including couples, that it said gave between $25,000 and $100,000 to the new school. These donors included singer Pat Boone; former U.S. ambassador to Japan Jim Hodgson; Thomas P. Kemp, the brother of former GOP vice presidential candidate Jack Kemp; and Glenn Campbell, former director of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. There were no contributions between $100,000 and $1 million on the list. School officials said they had solicited the smaller contributions for a "Founder's Cabinet" for operational expenses, while the $1-million contributions were for endowment. Wilburn demurred slightly to published reports that Pepperdine's new public policy school would seek to provide a conservative counterpoint to a more liberal Harvard University public policy school, the John F. Kennedy School of Government. "I don't think of Harvard as having an ideological bent," he said. But, he went on, Harvard is geographically closer to Washington, D.C., and "more Washington centered" than Pepperdine. Edited November 26, 2011 by Tom Scully Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loli Menezes Posted September 28, 2017 Share Posted September 28, 2017 Hi, I'm a Brazilian documentary filmmaker and I'm doing a movie about Thomas J. Cardell Martyn, founder of Newsweek magazine. I read these questions that Professor John Simkin raised here in the forum and I was very interested in talking to him. I would like to make contact with Mr. Simkin and with whom else may have information, materials, stories about Thomas. I hope you can help me!! PS: I leave my contact: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Hume Posted September 28, 2017 Share Posted September 28, 2017 (edited) Hi Loli, Welcome. Once you are signed in, click on the envelope at the right top of the page. A window will open and click on "compose new". Type in John Simkin to send him a message. Since you typed in his name in your post above, he will be alerted to that as well. Tom Edited September 28, 2017 by Tom Hume Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loli Menezes Posted September 28, 2017 Share Posted September 28, 2017 (edited) Thank you Tom, I'll do that!! Edited October 4, 2017 by Loli Menezes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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