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Wikipedia and Operation Mockingbird

John Simkin

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The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has said that Tim Collins, a senior director at Bell Pottinger, has been recorded as saying how his agency manipulates Google and Wikipedia. They assert they could manipulate Google results to "drown" out negative coverage of human rights violations and child labour, and add that Bell Pottinger has a team which "sorts out" negative Wikipedia coverage of clients. I wonder if the CIA are clients of Bell Pottinger.


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This absolutely is NO surprise and should definitely not be considering the "wacky" discussions that go on on this forum, whic, oddly, still doesn't have a topic/thread dedicated to one of the largest PsyOps in modern times: 9/11. Secondly, as reported wonderfully by Fintan Dunne, 9/11 connects directly with why the internet may indeed be filled with so much disinfo, CIA "rats" etc. It was rather clear and obvious to me long ago after much study that Wiki is definitely "CIA". Tom has hit it RIGHT on the head that most MAJOR traffic sites havebeen basically "bought out". Consider disinfo sites as well (prison planet, etc). Here is the article from Dunne posted years ago regarding the "The Rats Nest of 9/11) and careful folks, you'll also learn how quite possibly, how good old Dan Ellsberg is indeed an intelligence asset as well (F. Prouty even lightly hinted at this I believe as well) and mind you, this IS indeed intelligent analysis:


It is indeed a lengthy read but well, well worth it. Some key points from the article (again, forgive me for the length):

The CIA's Internet Fakes

by Fintan Dunne, Editor, BreakForNews.com 4th August, 2005

URLs: BreakForNews.com/TheCIAInternetFakes.htm


The CIA Fakes is a catchphrase term to describe a group which includes:

-- Covert Operatives of the CIA, NSA and DIA; of the U.S. Corporate/Military Industrial Complex; of the intelligence services of U.K. Spain, France Holland, Germany, and Russia.

-- Political Agents working within the Democratic Party, Republican Party, Democratic Black Caucus, Green Party, and Patriot Movement.

-- Politicians in the U.S., U.K. Spain, France, Germany and Russia --who pose as 9/11 skeptics.

-- Media, including Mainstream, Alternative Media and Internet broadcasting media who either front for, cooperate with, or are directly employed by intelligence services mentioned above.

The primary objectives of the CIA FAKES are:

-- To leverage the Fakes into position as the leadership/spokespersons (which includes 'buying up' (literally, internet 'real estate', heavy traffic sites)

for the 9/11 skeptics movement.

-- To splinter and divide that movement.

-- To promote lame, tame and/or booby-trapped questions about 9/11.

-- To be sufficiently over-the-top as to prevent the 9/11 issue getting

any traction in the media or left-wing.

-- To ensure that the movement would not have a politically-active

leadership capable of turning it into an effective political lobby campaign.

The questions about 9/11 were bound to be asked, the important

aspect for the perpetrators was and is ...by whom?


We published our first investigative articles on the 9/11 attacks --just 7 and 14 days after the event. We knew, as did many others, that the real planners were not 'Al-Qaida'. That's the easy part. The challenge was to actually determine -rather than merely guess: who did carry out the attacks?

In uncovering those perpetrators, we felt that an investigation of the cover-up would be as much --if not more-- revealing than our examination of the attacks themselves.

Our analysis of the cover-up shows it requires, and has used, the official intelligence resources of more that one state. One of the ways of deflecting investigators from this grim reality has been to spin the facts to allege that a 'rogue group' within government carried out the attacks.

But we now state that the depth and multinational scope of the cover-up shows no mere rogue group was involved. The 9/11 attacks and cover-up have covert governmental support -deployed through an intelligence framework.

What will be the most startling aspect of our investigation for many people is the vast scale of governmental control of the 9/11 movement and alternative investigators and media. From websites to commentators; from analysts to political personages, this has given the cover-up team unprecedented control of alternative media perceptions.

In short, the government is running not only the 9/11 movement, but also controlling the 9/11 issue in the alternative media. It was relatively easy to do so, because they have controlled both mainstream and alternative media and politics increasingly over the last twenty years. This was just an extension of those operations.


Here's a quote from a recent article on the UK Guardian:

"The Chinese government, employs an estimated 30,000 internet police, as part of a long-standing policy to control the web so that it can be used by businesses but not by political opponents." [source]

Think the ideology and practice of the USA would be any different? Of course not. Just well cloaked under a veneer of free expression.

In the US, it's less a case of internet 'police' and more a question of Internet fake opposition, misdirection websites, front organizations, pseudo-activist groups and a host of professional blogging and web journalism liars, acting in concert to create an impenetrable fog.

These people are all over the Internet They are all over the 9/11 issue; all over the 'stolen' election of 2004; behind the psychological operations designed to inspire fear of earth changes, of global warming, of the Super-State and the so-called New World Order; all over the landscape of anti-corporate, antifascist expression on the Internet.

This army of information controllers is all over the 'free' information you are getting on the Internet. Time we opened our eyes to see them. It's not just the mainstream which is controlled. From the moment the Internet became prominent, a vast budget has been expended to control all the high-trafficked intersections on the information superhighway.


Many of these sites/assets were put in place long before 9/11. A key goal was to ensure that if some truth must come out, it will be a truth designed and controlled by intelligence agencies --with agency assets in a position to ensure misdirection and damage limitation.

To this end, an orgy of evidence [see Minority Report Part I] in the form of deliberately misleading 9/11 'clues', were designed into the 9/11 operation from the start --to give these assets prearranged talking points with which to fill their column inches and programming. This has served to confuse and confound.

All this activity rose to a crescendo around the time the Kerry presidential bid hit it's planned implosion in the 'stolen' election. [The stealing of which was carefully managed in the controlled alternative media as a psychological operation against the left.]

The hyping of the 9/11 issue up until the 'defeat' of Kerry was designed to max out activist interest in the issue, then bury it with the aid of general post-Kerry, left-wing political disillusion -against the backdrop of division in the 9/11 Movement itself.

Also part of a similar confounding exercise were the subsequent 9/11 Movement 'flame wars', as different assets attacked each other to undermine their collective credibility and disillusion ordinary grassroots 9/11 truth activists.


A persistent theme of the disinformation spread by these assets is to portray the machinations of this elite group acting through the CIA/NSA/ETC. as if they originate from somewhere other than the US security/intelligence apparatus.

Suspicion is directed instead onto the Israelis, the 'City of London', 'International Bankers', The Rockefellers, The Bildebergers, and most infamously, the ill-defined, so-called New World Order. Of course, some of these elements are complicit in certain events, but the aim is to downplay the U.S. establishment's guiding hand and the broad CFR/corporate support.

Some may be surprised by the range and scope of the misinformation sites we have detailed, and may even be disconsolate to see the sheer scale of the social and political control which their virtually unlimited budget can achieve.

All we can say is.... deal with it. We had to. It's better than us all flailing around in ignorance. And it explains why men and women of good heart have been getting nowhere.


This level of deception has been going on since the 1950's and 1960's at an accelerating rate. Following the psywar against civilians induced by the nuclear arms race 'crisis,' the subsequent JFK killing was indeed an assassination, but it was also at heart an extension of these 1950's nuke-scare psychological operations.

The killing of Kennedy was not necessary for political reasons -but it was a powerful tool for social control via psychological warfare. Kennedy was killed to deliberately drive the US population into a grief state which would hamper the development of political opposition.

This type of PsyOps directed at the civilian population was, and still is the modus operandi. By now, it has produced a range of operations as varied as AIDS, SARS, 9/11 and the G8/Live8 London bombing.


Given the number of assets deployed in support of the 9/11 operation, and the operational requirements of the 9/11 attacks themselves, their origin is now clear. 9/11 was not carried out by some 'rogue group,' nor was it a fully official US Government-sanctioned operation.

But it was orchestrated by the highest levels of the US Military and military-industrial complex; on behalf of the national and international politicians, corporates, and moneyed interests. It had, and still has the full support of the US Military/intelligence apparatus -who control much of the alternative media and the 9/11 movement.

In any event, this is a very important reality Mr SImkin and I think its great that you've brought it to the forum's attention. "It's the information age" is a very serious statement indeed. Our way of thinking has been a victim of PsyWar for decades now and obviously continues well into today.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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This absolutely is NO surprise and should definitely not be considering the "wacky" discussions that go on on this forum, whic, oddly, still doesn't have a topic/thread dedicated to one of the largest PsyOps in modern times: 9/11. Secondly, as reported wonderfully by Fintan Dunne, 9/11 connects directly with why the internet may indeed be filled with so much disinfo, CIA "rats" etc. It was rather clear and obvious to me long ago after much study that Wiki is definitely "CIA". Tom has hit it RIGHT on the head that most MAJOR traffic sites havebeen basically "bought out". Consider disinfo sites as well (prison planet, etc).

That may be the case but it does not have to be that way. One of the reasons why left-wing newspapers have never had a chance is that to get a cover-price that people are willing to pay, you have to carry advertising. The problem is that if you have an anti-capitalist message, large companies and multi-national corporations will not place advertising in your newspaper or magazine. This is the reason why Henry Luce changed the political slant of Time Magazine (he started off as a liberal).

The beauty of having a website is that the content is not influenced by advertisers. Companies are only interested in the number of page impressions you are getting. This is why the internet is undermining the power of media moguls like Rupert Murdoch.

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Which is why, I think, that control of the internet is crucial. In fact all means of communication. The shutting down of a communications network is ultimately essential to maintain control when people overwhelmingly want those in control to cease and desist. Once separated we are vulnerable. Imo it is essential to escalate an attempt to drive the agenda.

Take the Power Back.


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The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has said that Tim Collins, a senior director at Bell Pottinger, has been recorded as saying how his agency manipulates Google and Wikipedia. They assert they could manipulate Google results to "drown" out negative coverage of human rights violations and child labour, and add that Bell Pottinger has a team which "sorts out" negative Wikipedia coverage of clients. I wonder if the CIA are clients of Bell Pottinger.


Rebekah Brooks? 'We helped choose her police station' says Bell Pottinger

By Oliver Duff

The Independent

Wednesday, 07 December 2011


Bell Pottinger's senior executives described how they prepared the former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks for her evidence to Parliament and also helped her to choose which police station she would like to be arrested at and questioned.

David Wilson, chairman of Bell Pottinger Public Relations, and Tim Collins, managing director of Bell Pottinger Public Affairs, also talked in less-than-

complimentary terms about News International's public relations strategy after the hacking scandal broke. Ms Brooks – who retained Bell Pottinger after her resignation this July, and who has denied any knowledge of hacking – is unlikely to be impressed by the firm's apparent readiness to mention its role in her PR strategy whilst pitching to possible clients.

Mr Collins told undercover reporters posing as possible clients that Bell Pottinger helped prepare Ms Brooks for giving evidence to MPs on the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee shortly after her arrest on suspicion of making corrupt payments to police and conspiring to intercept voicemails. "She spent all yesterday morning in the room opposite this corridor while we were very rude to her to prepare her for the select committee," said Mr Collins.

"We were four hours in a waiting room adjacent to the committee room waiting to go in. She was really upset actually, in tears when Rupert got attacked because he is her mentor.

"He's almost like a father figure to her. I know there are stories about her in the past, I didn't know her too well in the past, so I won't comment on whether she was ruthless or whatever, I must say I see a very honorable, honest woman who's trying to fight to clear her name at the moment."

Mr Collins said Bell Pottinger's advice had stretched to helping choose which police station she should be questioned at. "Dave was on the phone... 'No, that nick's not quite right, no no, that one's got a car park, no that one's down a tunnel', and I thought he was on to some very dodgy part of the criminal underworld but in fact it was his brother-in-law who's a police officer."

Mr Wilson said he had waited outside for her while she was questioned. "She's been very open and honest and said, 'I didn't know a thing, didn't know any of it'. She said that yesterday and to be honest I believe her. "

Mr Collins bemoaned News International's initial handling of the phone-hacking crisis from a PR perspective.

"Dave's the PR expert but the problem from our perspective is News International were making a lot of mistakes in the two weeks or so prior to [her resignation] and they've just started making fewer."

Ms Brooks could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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