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Question for Douglas Caddy

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5) Estes has maintained that he has taped recordings of conversations of the conspirators that support his accusations. I have not heard the recordings and have no knowledge of their whereabouts,

Not trying to be antagonistic but if those recordings ever materialize I'll eat my own underwear.

I have kept an open mind on this but I find myself in agreement with this (above) statement, re the tapes. Do you believe Peoples was murdered and do you believe Wallace was involved?

Are you aware of another researcher named Stephen P. (withoulding last name for now) who was also writing about all of this, prior to his untimely death and the disappearance of his files. I spoke with Billie Sol about this after being told he had bought the rights to this man's story and work. Estes told me indeed he had and it was going to be made into a movie, he spoke of a woman in Dallas with whom he wss working. Can you shed any further light on this?

Thank you,


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5) Estes has maintained that he has taped recordings of conversations of the conspirators that support his accusations. I have not heard the recordings and have no knowledge of their whereabouts,

Not trying to be antagonistic but if those recordings ever materialize I'll eat my own underwear.

I have kept an open mind on this but I find myself in agreement with this (above) statement, re the tapes. Do you believe Peoples was murdered and do you believe Wallace was involved?

Are you aware of another researcher named Stephen P. (withoulding last name for now) who was also writing about all of this, prior to his untimely death and the disappearance of his files. I spoke with Billie Sol about this after being told he had bought the rights to this man's story and work. Estes told me indeed he had and it was going to be made into a movie, he spoke of a woman in Dallas with whom he wss working. Can you shed any further light on this?

Thank you,


Clint Peoples died in an automobile accident in 1992. I do not know whether this was a result of murder or not. Malcolm Wallace also died of an automobile accident but this occurred in 1971. So obviously Wallace could not have been involved in Peoples' death. What they shared in common was that both men knew too much about LBJ.



I am aware that there was a researcher on the relationship of LBJ and Billie Sol Estes who died the day he completed his work. I know nothing more about this except the barest of a few details. I know of no woman in Dallas with whom he might have been working on the project.

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5) Estes has maintained that he has taped recordings of conversations of the conspirators that support his accusations. I have not heard the recordings and have no knowledge of their whereabouts,

Not trying to be antagonistic but if those recordings ever materialize I'll eat my own underwear.

I have kept an open mind on this but I find myself in agreement with this (above) statement, re the tapes. Do you believe Peoples was murdered and do you believe Wallace was involved?

Are you aware of another researcher named Stephen P. (withoulding last name for now) who was also writing about all of this, prior to his untimely death and the disappearance of his files. I spoke with Billie Sol about this after being told he had bought the rights to this man's story and work. Estes told me indeed he had and it was going to be made into a movie, he spoke of a woman in Dallas with whom he wss working. Can you shed any further light on this?

Thank you,


Clint Peoples died in an automobile accident in 1992. I do not know whether this was a result of murder or not. Malcolm Wallace also died of an automobile accident but this occurred in 1971. So obviously Wallace could not have been involved in Peoples' death. What they shared in common was that both men knew too much about LBJ.



I am aware that there was a researcher on the relationship of LBJ and Billie Sol Estes who died the day he completed his work. I know nothing more about this except the barest of a few details. I know of no woman in Dallas with whom he might have been working on the project.

Thank you Doug. I had forgotten the date of Peoples' death. Then lots of important people die in car crashes. Jay (Harrison) (who really liked you, by the way) never believe Mac Wallace died in 1971. I no longer remember what basis he had for that. If only I could call him...So many days I think that of my dear departed friend.

I wish someone would write a really GOOD book pulling together all the diverse aspects of the TX part of the plot. Barr's was so error -filled that -save for the fingerprint work- it is ....not a great book. I have not read Nelson's but have been told by enough people that it suffers as much. I hope Ed Tatro gets his book out soon. Joan Mellen hs one coming, as well, that I look forward to.

There is a reason it all went down in TX.


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5) Estes has maintained that he has taped recordings of conversations of the conspirators that support his accusations. I have not heard the recordings and have no knowledge of their whereabouts,

Not trying to be antagonistic but if those recordings ever materialize I'll eat my own underwear.

I have kept an open mind on this but I find myself in agreement with this (above) statement, re the tapes. Do you believe Peoples was murdered and do you believe Wallace was involved?

Are you aware of another researcher named Stephen P. (withoulding last name for now) who was also writing about all of this, prior to his untimely death and the disappearance of his files. I spoke with Billie Sol about this after being told he had bought the rights to this man's story and work. Estes told me indeed he had and it was going to be made into a movie, he spoke of a woman in Dallas with whom he wss working. Can you shed any further light on this?

Thank you,


Clint Peoples died in an automobile accident in 1992. I do not know whether this was a result of murder or not. Malcolm Wallace also died of an automobile accident but this occurred in 1971. So obviously Wallace could not have been involved in Peoples' death. What they shared in common was that both men knew too much about LBJ.



I am aware that there was a researcher on the relationship of LBJ and Billie Sol Estes who died the day he completed his work. I know nothing more about this except the barest of a few details. I know of no woman in Dallas with whom he might have been working on the project.

Thank you Doug. I had forgotten the date of Peoples' death. Then lots of important people die in car crashes. Jay (Harrison) (who really liked you, by the way) never believe Mac Wallace died in 1971. I no longer remember what basis he had for that. If only I could call him...So many days I think that of my dear departed friend.

I wish someone would write a really GOOD book pulling together all the diverse aspects of the TX part of the plot. Barr's was so error -filled that -save for the fingerprint work- it is ....not a great book. I have not read Nelson's but have been told by enough people that it suffers as much. I hope Ed Tatro gets his book out soon. Joan Mellen hs one coming, as well, that I look forward to.

There is a reason it all went down in TX.


Jay Harrison was the best researcher on LBJ and his bulging files on this subject were invaluable.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Tom Scully

Mr. Caddy, do you have any knowledge of Jack T. Niland? How did he come to represent Estes, and any information on

Niland's wife's family's background. Two of her brothers, Eugene Leo Sullivan and Charles Gerald Sullivan lived close to Washington, DC.




$3.95 -

New York Times - Jan 21, 1965

Billie Sol Estes, the former Pecos, Tex., financier, ... Austin and Jack Niland of El :Paso, had nothing to say on what their next move in the appeals might ...

Estes Trial Attorney's, Judge Meet .

Victoria Advocate - Jul 31, 1965

(AP)-Aitorneys for bankrupt financier Billie Sol Estes and the govern ment ... John Dennison of Pecos and Jack Niland of ElPaso, was on hand as was US Atty.

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Guest Robert Morrow

I believe Billie Sol Estes when he says that he planned the murder of Henry Marshall with Lyndon Johnson, Cliff Carter and Malcolm Wallace in early, 1961. I also believe Billie Sol Estes when he says he had a conversation with Cliff Carter in the early 1970's about all the murders that LBJ committed.

Henry Marshall died in June, 1961 in an obvious murder that was ruled a suicide. Cliff Carter was from the same area that Henry Marshal was from. I have no doubt that Cliff Carter sabotaged the law enforcement process in the 1961 Marshall murder.

Perhaps folks can read Billie Sol Estes' books and decide for themselves:

1) "Billie Sol Estes a Texas Legend" http://www.amazon.co...35417108&sr=8-3

2) "JFK le dernier témoin : Assassinat de Kennedy, enfin la vérité !" http://www.amazon.co...35417108&sr=8-5

As for Barr McClellan, his main contribution is to tell us that the inner circle of Ed Clark's law firm believed that he and Lyndon Johnson were involved in the JFK assassination. Just that alone makes McClellan extremely valuable even if you set aside the rest of his power.

Ed Clark was one of Lyndon Johnson's top power brokers in Texas. He had the Texas oil/CIA/military connections to get JFK killed. Easily.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Mr. Caddy, do you have any knowledge of Jack T. Niland? How did he come to represent Estes, and any information on

Niland's wife's family's background. Two of her brothers, Eugene Leo Sullivan and Charles Gerald Sullivan lived close to Washington, DC.




$3.95 -

New York Times - Jan 21, 1965

Billie Sol Estes, the former Pecos, Tex., financier, ... Austin and Jack Niland of El :Paso, had nothing to say on what their next move in the appeals might ...

Estes Trial Attorney's, Judge Meet .

Victoria Advocate - Jul 31, 1965

(AP)-Aitorneys for bankrupt financier Billie Sol Estes and the govern ment ... John Dennison of Pecos and Jack Niland of ElPaso, was on hand as was US Atty.

No, tom, I have no knowledge concerning Mr. Niland.

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There is next to nothing to support the Estes charges.

And he made up the whole nutty "tapes" thing to try and distract from that.

For Morrow to say he did this out of fear is goofy. I mean how long was LBJ dead in 1984?

When Estes went before the Marshall grand jury in 1984, to my knowledge, he named no one who was alive. That makes it easy to accuse but not possible to indict. There used to be a rumor that the grand jury returned unindicted co-conspirator charges in that case, but I fail to see how that could be done if the person charged never talked to a grand jury. I know the term is "a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich". But a dead ham sandwich? With Estes as the witness? What is the proof for this rumor of the unindicted co-conspirator bill?

Estes was jailed not once but twice. The charge was fraud both times. He told the judge at his second trial, that he had a problem in that he lives in a dreamworld. Maybe that is how he helped give us the embarrassment of that idiot Nigel Turner's John LIgget segment in his THe Men Who Killed Kennedy 2003 version. You know the body alteration of a guy who was not actually Kennedy but a look alike? Yep, Billy Sol was part of that.

BTW, in his version of LBJ did it, its Carter who runs the dirty work for Johnson. In the bombastic Barr M version its Clark. In the Madeleine Brown version its the CIA.

Does Billy Sol include the night before party also? With Hoover and McCloy flying in late and leaving early. I mean what kind of idiot plotters wait until the night before to meet and discuss such a thing?

Its hard to make a case for Billy Sol.

I am not about to get into a long, dragged out discussion with Jim about this matter (who apparently has already made up his closed mind) other than to cite as an example to back up Billie Sol's statements there exists that famous photograph that has been displayed many times of U.S. Senator John McClellan of Arkansas holding the same type of rifle used to murder Henry Marshall. The photograph was taken at the U.S. Senate committee hearing into the Marshall death. It was the Senator's way of showing how impossible it was for Marshall to have used the rifle to commit suicide as was originally concluded in the local investigation orchestrated by mastermind LBJ.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Robert Morrow

Here is another critical link about the June, 1961, Henry Marshal murder: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKmarshallH.htm

Simkin: Tommy G. McWilliams of the FBI also appeared before the grand jury and put forward the theory that Henry Marshall had committed suicide. Dr. Joseph A. Jachimczyk also testified that "if in fact this is a suicide, it is the most unusual one I have seen during the examination of approximately 15,000 deceased persons."

Question why is the FBI in the wake of the Henry Marshall murder so hellbent on pushing the utterly ridiculous theory that Henry Marshall committed suicide?? Hmmmmm?

Because Hoover is protecting his good friend Lyndon Johnson who arranged the murder. There is no way Robert Kennedy is bending over backward to protect Lyndon Johnson in an Estes related scandal. In fact, Estes has said in this time period that RFK was urging him to plea bargain if he would testify agains Lyndon Johnson on corruption charges. Estes turned him down because he wanted to live.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Simkin: Tommy G. McWilliams of the FBI also appeared before the grand jury and put forward the theory that Henry Marshall had committed suicide. Dr. Joseph A. Jachimczyk also testified that "if in fact this is a suicide, it is the most unusual one I have seen during the examination of approximately 15,000 deceased persons."

Question why is the FBI in the wake of the Henry Marshall murder so hellbent on pushing the utterly ridiculous theory that Henry Marshall committed suicide?? Hmmmmm?

Because Hoover is protecting his good friend Lyndon Johnson who arranged the murder. There is no way Robert Kennedy is bending over backward to protect Lyndon Johnson in an Estes related scandal. In fact, Estes has said in this time period that RFK was urging him to plea bargain if he would testify agains Lyndon Johnson on corruption charges. Estes turned him down because he wanted to live.

As Pete Kendall reported in the Hood County News (21st November, 2003)

The book’s political intrigue begins with the 1940s. “I knew Lyndon then. I made a million dollars with government contracts in the’40s,” Estes said. He and Johnson were not close friends, he said. “I don’t think Lyndon had any close friends,” Estes said. “I think he had associates, people he could use. If he couldn’t use you, he didn’t have time for you.” There was never a time, Estes said, that he and Johnson stopped associating, even as Estes was headed to prison. “He promised he was going to get me out of my trouble,” Estes said. “He told me if I wouldn’t talk, I would not go to jail.” Estes has had no contact with LBJ’s other long-ago associates, he said, since the book’s publication. “About all of them are dead, really. I think I’m about the last one standing.” That’s partly why, he said, he wasn’t interested in doing a book sooner. “I’ve been accused of being dumb,” he said, “but I’m not stupid.”

Estes is aware of other assassination theories. He puts no stock in any. “I’ve got the facts, and I know the story, and I don’t care what anybody else says. My deal will stand up.” One particularly popular conspiracy premise involves the Mafia. “Vito Genovese told me they didn’t have anything to do with it,” Estes said. Genovese was among the most powerful Mafia chieftains of the 20th century. “He told me that in 1966 when we were in prison together,” Estes said. “I knew him real well.”

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